It's only 9 a.m. but I knew when I got up at 6 that today was going to be a hot one. I've got a thermometer in my window out front (the suction kind) and while it isn't accurate because the sun is shining on it right now, it does register 115.
I filled up the bird bath in the back yard (had emptied it to discourage the crows) but decided birds need water too. I filled up one in the front and grabbed a garbage can lid to make a third drinking spot.
That blue-flowered bush on the left is sure popular with the bees. There are two more on the curb, and I think a neighbor in the alley has one that is a full-blown tall tree. While on the deck watering my flowers, I noticed a hummingbird fly in for this flower.
It hadn't even blossomed as of yesterday and I was THRILLED because I wasn't real sure what the plants were. Now I know I've got a whole bunch of them growing in other pots on my porch along with the one my friend, Vivian in Sequim, gave me last week. I can't wait till they're all red and hummingbirds discover them.
I got up early and showered and curled my hair and got on my "going-to-the-wedding" clothes but then the phone rang and it was Mary, my drive-along companion saying she was going to have to decline as she had a headache and was worried about dealing with the heat. I must admit, I was worried too.
I'm back in my shorts now, minus the earrings and bra and I'm sitting here with the fan hitting me as I
sigh contentedly that I'm not going to be on the highway for four hours today. I do intend to drive to Tacoma another day, though, as I want to visit my cousin, Ann. I think her place is near the Narrows Bridge and I can handle that.
Plans for today are to work on genealogy a bit, edit my book a bit, surf the net a bit, and retire to my recliner to watch Netflix and movies. I've started watching The Sopranos again and am almost through season 1.
Well, that's it for this last day of June. My next trip will be to Port Townsend on July 13th for Les Walden's 70th birthday party at the Legion. Everyone welcome, by the way. They're hoping to raise money for a new pool table for the Legion. You should come (1 to 4).
Off to the kitchen now. I think I'm going to make some iced coffee AND iced tea. Stay cool.
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
testing out a picture
Mary was trying to get a picture of this castle in the background while she held her company flag. I'm testing to see how it shows up here.
I've accomplished very little today and I don't really care. I know it's gonna be hot as the day progresses and probably worse as the week goes along.
Been working on ancestry a bit, writing emails, and such. Tomorrow I'm off to a wedding.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Last weekend of June is here
I've been a busy little bee this morning and it's not even 10 a.m. yet. Ran down to the local grocery store to fill up on gas (for my Sunday trip to Tacoma);mailed a "just because" present to granddaughter Catie in Renton; cleaned out a closet and made a new junk box; brought the fans in from the garage in anticipation of the heat wave supposedly on its way; worked a bit on editing my book; and started my day with a hot breakfast. Blah...blah...blah...
I noticed on my short trip to the gas station that it felt muggy already. I took my folding cardboard cutting board for sewing and stuck it in my bedroom window as an extra screen against the heat and light coming in. I've got four fans plus two hand-held fans, and if things get ugly -- a stand-up air conditioner that you attach to the window while thumbing your nose at mama nature. I'm wise to her tricks.
Today, my sister-in-law, Lill Greenwood, is 62 years young. Here's some photos from my collection:
Dana & Lill in front of the pink house posing after their cross-country bike ride from N.H.
Me,Dana, Dad, Lill, and Mary after completing the Rhody Run
Lill trying out a bike I had at the time in Green Acres Mobile Home Park in Sequim
Lill in downtown Port Townsend at the end of town where all the action is now. At least compared to the old days when the main activity was when Salmon Derby fish were weighed in at this spot.
Called Hunter to see about hiring him to cut my lawn but the grandparents in this town also depend on his young body & strength so I have to share him with Grandpa Ed. Hunter plans to weed eat his grass (at his old house) which is probably four feet high. Saturday or Sunday he'll mosey over my direction and cut down the clover. I just may go out there today and do the front, though. It might be too warm later on for Hunter to do the front and back both.
Jenni's already told the twins that they will be expected to drive their grandparents wherever they need to go, if and when the time comes that we need help getting around. I'll have to wait another three years, though. The twins will be 13 next month.
Well, I guess if I'm going to get any yard work done at all, I'd best put on my garden shoes and trot myself out there.
Took me close to half an hour but I did get the front lawn cut. As I was dumping the wheelbarrow full of grass in the lot across the street, I disturbed two HUGE snakes. Yes, I screamed. And I'm not going in that field again any too soon.
Time to tackle the ironing. It's only t-shirts but I take pride in what I wear. (That's a joke)
I noticed on my short trip to the gas station that it felt muggy already. I took my folding cardboard cutting board for sewing and stuck it in my bedroom window as an extra screen against the heat and light coming in. I've got four fans plus two hand-held fans, and if things get ugly -- a stand-up air conditioner that you attach to the window while thumbing your nose at mama nature. I'm wise to her tricks.
Today, my sister-in-law, Lill Greenwood, is 62 years young. Here's some photos from my collection:
Dana & Lill on their wedding day in 1975
Dana & Lill in front of the pink house posing after their cross-country bike ride from N.H.
Me,Dana, Dad, Lill, and Mary after completing the Rhody Run
Lill trying out a bike I had at the time in Green Acres Mobile Home Park in Sequim
Lill in downtown Port Townsend at the end of town where all the action is now. At least compared to the old days when the main activity was when Salmon Derby fish were weighed in at this spot.
Called Hunter to see about hiring him to cut my lawn but the grandparents in this town also depend on his young body & strength so I have to share him with Grandpa Ed. Hunter plans to weed eat his grass (at his old house) which is probably four feet high. Saturday or Sunday he'll mosey over my direction and cut down the clover. I just may go out there today and do the front, though. It might be too warm later on for Hunter to do the front and back both.
Jenni's already told the twins that they will be expected to drive their grandparents wherever they need to go, if and when the time comes that we need help getting around. I'll have to wait another three years, though. The twins will be 13 next month.
Well, I guess if I'm going to get any yard work done at all, I'd best put on my garden shoes and trot myself out there.
The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself.
If you get into
the bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up, you can see stars, even in
the middle of the day. (I wonder if this is true; maybe I'll test it out)
When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go. The first sense lost is
sight. (I don't think I'll test this one out, though)
And for my son-in-law, Andy Krogermeier, who returns to the states today.....
Took me close to half an hour but I did get the front lawn cut. As I was dumping the wheelbarrow full of grass in the lot across the street, I disturbed two HUGE snakes. Yes, I screamed. And I'm not going in that field again any too soon.
Time to tackle the ironing. It's only t-shirts but I take pride in what I wear. (That's a joke)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Rolling in the clover
Well, I'm not actually rolling in the stuff. Too wet. And besides, why would I want to get down on the ground and roll in clover? I probably should think about spraying the stuff, though. I've sat here all week watching it grow as the rains continue. My flowers like it, though.
A few months ago I bought this dial phone in an antique store. Wanted a black one but when I went back the next day to buy it, it was gone. So I took this yellow one--- just because.
Anyhow, Maddie was in here yesterday and asked me how the phone worked. I thought that was funny but then she's never known dial phones. Once I explained the process, she says: "Oh, that's kind of cool. I wish they'd bring those back again. It's fun." (yeah, but it would get old quick!)
Finished scanning John's old family pictures. Here are two I liked......
John's mom standing by their pick up with all her kids.
John home on leave in Colton, CA. I don't think we had met yet (or we had JUST met)
Mary and Andy head home tomorrow. Saw Germany, Austria, Switzerland I think. Took lots of photos, of course. Here's two she sent me as she knew I would get a kick out of them. (McDonalds in Germany)
Would you believe....they told her no pictures please. She must have been in E. Germany.
Well, I guess we're about done with the rain for a while and hot temperatures are on the way. Can't say that I'm thrilled either. Sunny weather--fine. Hot temps making life miserable--not so fine. I know. There's just no pleasing me sometimes.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Played with the scanner today
Been scanning in pictures of my ex-husband's family trying to get some genealogy facts in order for the kids. Not that they're all that interested now but someday, that could change. Figured this was the easiest format to talk back and forth with John regarding the questions I have on certain photos. So just bear with may find this all boring. Then again, that's kind of the theme for my blog anyhow. Ha ha
Loved seeing the old cars and decorations in the background. Having done some research on John's family, I was semi aware of most of these names and who belonged to who. Anyhow, John.......
Not sure who these folks are.
Know anything about this butterfly?
Did we decide that this boy is James Francis (who went on to marry Rhoda Ford) and that the adults are Francis Marion (1822-1848) & Mary Jane Baxley (1828-1880)?
I think it depends on who labeled the picture as "great grandpa Baldridge and his parents."
Not sure who the following people are:
I know that's Rose but wasn't sure if the guy was with her or someone she was passing on the street.
I'll be scanning more tomorrow and Friday, most likely. Not sure if some of those sheets with pictures (from a copy machine) will scan well but I'll try them out.
Okay, that's it for now.
The next day...... found 3 more
girl on left?
girl with Selma?
2 girls in middle? Linda and Brenda?
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tomorrow will be better....
Been feeling a little under the weather the last few days. Sure hope it corrects itself quickly. I worked on my book most of the day. Did run in to the doctor this morning so I could pee in a bottle. So annoying that clinic. I sign in and have to tell her my birthdate. The assistant comes to get me and before I step on the scale, she asks me my birthdate. She hands me a bottle to pee in and stands outside to wait. When I come out, she asks me my birthdate before she takes the bottle to the lab.
I call the clinic later to check on a medical record they couldn't locate and I'm put on hold for five minutes before a message comes on telling me to leave a message if I don't want to wait. When she calls me back, she asks me my birthdate. Overkill People. Get a grip! Somebody needs to protest this "following the rules racket" that often makes no sense. Who exactly got in on that meeting to decide we needed our privacy protected. Obviously some people don't have enough to do so they make jobs for themselves.
I had a friend who was going through chemo and every time she moved in that place, she had to repeat her birthdate. The reasoning being people could come in and claim they're you and fraud the clinic out of service by having your insurance billed. Or some such thing. My friend told them "if anyone wants to come to this place and get chemo in my name, they're more than welcome to it!
Saw a story on the news tonight about the thousands and thousands of dollars that us tax payers are forking over so the politicians can have all the coffee and snacks they want. Huge amounts of money involved. Why doesn't somebody get on that bandwagon and fix it instead of wasting our time on repeating our birthdate. I just may say an incorrect birthdate next time. Maybe change the year and see if anyone notices.
I'm not going to bother discussing the Redskins issue. It's been talked to death. Those do-gooders who are offended and feel they need to protect our children from racism can kiss my Butt-erfinger candy bar! I'm offended that they're offended but that's our world today. Look at poor ole Paula Deen. The media has jumped on their "let's get her!" bandwagon and they'll play this story for all its worth. There's a whole lot of meanness in our society today. I suspect a lot of people are getting on the "politically correct" platform and condemning her just because they want to be perceived as righteous or something? They can kiss my Butterfinger too!
I'm also disgusted with the crows and pigeons in my neighborhood. I emptied out the bird bath, took down some feeders, and will cease wasting my money on seed for the hogs of the air. I'll settle for thistle seed for now.
Twins came over for a few hours this afternoon. I took a picture of them when they weren't looking and then I had to hurry and hide the camera as they intended to delete it. I stuck it down my pants and that stopped 'em!
I was sorting through old pictures and came across this one of people walking down Sims Way. Don't know where I found it or when it is. Wish it didn't have that dark area on it. Still need, though.
And here's a 1967 map I found of Port Townsend. I may try to put it on Facebook, although I don't know if it will show up very well.
And here's a cute thing I got from Rose Johnson:
I call the clinic later to check on a medical record they couldn't locate and I'm put on hold for five minutes before a message comes on telling me to leave a message if I don't want to wait. When she calls me back, she asks me my birthdate. Overkill People. Get a grip! Somebody needs to protest this "following the rules racket" that often makes no sense. Who exactly got in on that meeting to decide we needed our privacy protected. Obviously some people don't have enough to do so they make jobs for themselves.
I had a friend who was going through chemo and every time she moved in that place, she had to repeat her birthdate. The reasoning being people could come in and claim they're you and fraud the clinic out of service by having your insurance billed. Or some such thing. My friend told them "if anyone wants to come to this place and get chemo in my name, they're more than welcome to it!
Saw a story on the news tonight about the thousands and thousands of dollars that us tax payers are forking over so the politicians can have all the coffee and snacks they want. Huge amounts of money involved. Why doesn't somebody get on that bandwagon and fix it instead of wasting our time on repeating our birthdate. I just may say an incorrect birthdate next time. Maybe change the year and see if anyone notices.
I'm not going to bother discussing the Redskins issue. It's been talked to death. Those do-gooders who are offended and feel they need to protect our children from racism can kiss my Butt-erfinger candy bar! I'm offended that they're offended but that's our world today. Look at poor ole Paula Deen. The media has jumped on their "let's get her!" bandwagon and they'll play this story for all its worth. There's a whole lot of meanness in our society today. I suspect a lot of people are getting on the "politically correct" platform and condemning her just because they want to be perceived as righteous or something? They can kiss my Butterfinger too!
I'm also disgusted with the crows and pigeons in my neighborhood. I emptied out the bird bath, took down some feeders, and will cease wasting my money on seed for the hogs of the air. I'll settle for thistle seed for now.
Twins came over for a few hours this afternoon. I took a picture of them when they weren't looking and then I had to hurry and hide the camera as they intended to delete it. I stuck it down my pants and that stopped 'em!
I was sorting through old pictures and came across this one of people walking down Sims Way. Don't know where I found it or when it is. Wish it didn't have that dark area on it. Still need, though.
And here's a 1967 map I found of Port Townsend. I may try to put it on Facebook, although I don't know if it will show up very well.
And here's a cute thing I got from Rose Johnson:
As I was lying
around, pondering the problems of the world I realized that at my age I don't
really give a rat's ass anymore.
If walking is good for your health, the postman would be
A whale swims all day, mainly eats fish, drinks water, but
is still fat.
A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while
A tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it
lives for 150 years.
And you tell me to exercise?? I don't think so.
Just grant me the senility to forget the people I never
the good fortune to remember the ones I do, and the
eyesight to tell the difference.
Now that I'm older here's what I've discovered:
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran.
I finally got my head together, and now my body is
falling apart.
Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
If all is not lost, then where the heck is it?
It was a whole lot easier to get older, than to get
Some days, you're the top dog; some days you're the
I wish the buck really did stop here; I sure could use a
few of them.
Kids in the back seat cause accidents.
Accidents in the back seat cause kids.
It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been
The world only beats a path to your door when you're in
the bathroom.
If God wanted me to touch my toes, he'd have put them on
my knees.
When I'm finally holding all the right cards, everyone
wants to play
It's not hard to meet expenses . . . they're everywhere.
The only difference between a rut and a grave is the
These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the
hereafter . .
I go somewhere to
get something, and then wonder what I'm "here after".
Funny, I don't
remember being absent-minded.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sunday Afternoon
Just got back from the movie house. Jen, Maddie and I went to see World War Z. Had to stand in line for a while, and of course, I thought they were all there to make Brad Pitt richer but our room was only half full when I got in there. Monsters University was the other movie starting at the same time so I guess a lot of them went into that one. I hadn't even heard of it.
Brad's movie was okay. I'm harder to please these days. Actually, I had a headache coming on because the sound was too loud. I was also tense through the whole thing waiting for the zombies to jump up and scare us. I'd give it a C overall. I'm trying to think of the last time I went to a walk-in movie and came out really satisfied.
I'll have to go look at the recent Oscar and golden globe nominees for the last couple of years and see what pops out at me. Be right back...
Well, I went back and looked over the movies from 2010 thru 2012 and although I can't recall which ones I rented and which ones I went to see in the theatre, there were 7 good ones.....The King's Speech, Toy Story 3, The Help, Bridesmaids, Argo, Life of Pi, and Silver Linings Playbook. Of the previews I saw today, only one attracted me enough to maybe go see it in a theatre. I might wait for a rental, though; I'm not real good at following through on going out to movies unless someone calls me up and says "Let's go!" And no one does. Anyhow, I bet the movie that looked good will do well at the box office. It was Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in The Heat.
Didn't see much of interest on the tv line-up for tonight so it looks like Netflix again. I put out fresh hummingbird nectar this morning and it really makes a difference when you clean their feeders. They're coming around real regular like again.
I got up at 5:45 and the first thing I noticed was that my backyard was full of crows and pigeons. A couple of the crows were chasing around one of the pigeons but he never did get up to fly off. Just let himself be chased. Noticed one of the crows decided to take a bath in the bird bath too. I'd never seen that before. I think I'm gonna stop filling the bird feeders for a while. All I'm getting is crows and pigeons and I don't feel like spending my money on them. They all look plenty fed as it is. I think the quail have found another place to roost too. I wonder if there's a way to attract just the smaller birds. I'll have to read up on it.
Jenni and Maddie had to go to Walmart and Costco after the movie so I drove myself across town to the show. I stopped at McDonalds to get a fishwich and came home to get into my pajamas. Something about getting into pajamas that is comforting.
I started scanning in my ex-husband's ancestry records and pictures and sure am enjoying the process. Takes a while, though. I transcribed a letter his great aunt wrote to his grandmother when their father died but the letter wasn't dated. I looked him up on and did find that he died in 1932 but I still couldn't find when in 1932. Today I noticed a telegram that was sent and it shows his great grandfather died on Dec. 29, 1932. I love hunting for clues.
Brad's movie was okay. I'm harder to please these days. Actually, I had a headache coming on because the sound was too loud. I was also tense through the whole thing waiting for the zombies to jump up and scare us. I'd give it a C overall. I'm trying to think of the last time I went to a walk-in movie and came out really satisfied.
I'll have to go look at the recent Oscar and golden globe nominees for the last couple of years and see what pops out at me. Be right back...
Well, I went back and looked over the movies from 2010 thru 2012 and although I can't recall which ones I rented and which ones I went to see in the theatre, there were 7 good ones.....The King's Speech, Toy Story 3, The Help, Bridesmaids, Argo, Life of Pi, and Silver Linings Playbook. Of the previews I saw today, only one attracted me enough to maybe go see it in a theatre. I might wait for a rental, though; I'm not real good at following through on going out to movies unless someone calls me up and says "Let's go!" And no one does. Anyhow, I bet the movie that looked good will do well at the box office. It was Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in The Heat.
Didn't see much of interest on the tv line-up for tonight so it looks like Netflix again. I put out fresh hummingbird nectar this morning and it really makes a difference when you clean their feeders. They're coming around real regular like again.
I got up at 5:45 and the first thing I noticed was that my backyard was full of crows and pigeons. A couple of the crows were chasing around one of the pigeons but he never did get up to fly off. Just let himself be chased. Noticed one of the crows decided to take a bath in the bird bath too. I'd never seen that before. I think I'm gonna stop filling the bird feeders for a while. All I'm getting is crows and pigeons and I don't feel like spending my money on them. They all look plenty fed as it is. I think the quail have found another place to roost too. I wonder if there's a way to attract just the smaller birds. I'll have to read up on it.
Jenni and Maddie had to go to Walmart and Costco after the movie so I drove myself across town to the show. I stopped at McDonalds to get a fishwich and came home to get into my pajamas. Something about getting into pajamas that is comforting.
I started scanning in my ex-husband's ancestry records and pictures and sure am enjoying the process. Takes a while, though. I transcribed a letter his great aunt wrote to his grandmother when their father died but the letter wasn't dated. I looked him up on and did find that he died in 1932 but I still couldn't find when in 1932. Today I noticed a telegram that was sent and it shows his great grandfather died on Dec. 29, 1932. I love hunting for clues.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Up at 5:30 again!
I guess it doesn't matter what time I get up....just so I get up!
I cleaned up the kitchen a little and decided to sit down early and get to work on my book. Deciding on what pictures to use is starting to entertain me. My sister just told me on the phone that nobody wants to see your 3 quarts of rhubarb ready for the freezer and that the scotch broom pictures were getting boring, as well. I told her "Too bad!" It's my blog and I'll put whatever boring pictures are going on in my life at the time. Like this one.....
I cleaned up the kitchen a little and decided to sit down early and get to work on my book. Deciding on what pictures to use is starting to entertain me. My sister just told me on the phone that nobody wants to see your 3 quarts of rhubarb ready for the freezer and that the scotch broom pictures were getting boring, as well. I told her "Too bad!" It's my blog and I'll put whatever boring pictures are going on in my life at the time. Like this one.....
I noticed an awful lot of traffic going by my house so I figured that had to be a yard sale in progress nearby. I bought four items and spent $2. This Christmas ornament was my favorite. I also bought a coffee cup that said: Joyce -- A true delight, Good natured and fun, So appreciated, the joyful one.
I figured that about rounded it up in a nutshell. ha ha
I picked Maddie up to take her over for a haircut and she noticed a loofah in the front seat. She couldn't believe I would buy such a thing at a yard sale. She said:
"Ewewww... how can you use that? You don't know where it's been?"
Soap will wash away any germs.
You mean you're going to use that in your private area? What if some old man has used it?
I only use them on my legs and arms -- and besides, if an old man used it...ALL THE BETTER!
That shut her up!
She was all nervous about going to her boyfriend's house for dinner tonight. I asked her what the worry was, and laughed at her answer....
What if she serves broccoli? I hate broccoli!
It was a bit cool this morning but I think the sun is finally breaking through. I just may sit out on the deck to read. And later on, I'm gonna start watching all my seasons of The Sopranos again.
Trivia and joke for the day....
Gold is the only
metal that doesn't rust, even if it's buried in the ground for thousands of
years .
A little boy went up to his father and asked: 'Dad, where
did my intelligence come from?'
The father replied. 'Well, son, you must have got it from
your mother, cause I still have mine.'
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Windy Thursday
What I did today:
Visited Virginia Tomlinson
Visited Joyce Lee Adams
Planted more flower seeds
Baked cookies -- took to new neighbor (she's from Chicago) Name is Jeannette
Started sorting through pictures on disks (gonna take a while)
Worked on my book
Put up 3 quarts of rhubarb in the freezer
Did dishes
Wrote emails
Blogged (in process)
What I will do later today:
Fix supper (chicken, leftover potatoes, salad)
Work on Daisy Duck cross stitch
Work on crocheted afghan
Chastise myself for having a bowl of ice cream
Watch tv (although it's probably gonna be Netflix instead)
Go to bed to read
Turn out the light and have stupid dreams
Right now I'm sitting here half listening to Ellen' show. She's got some broad on there who really thinks she's hot. Strutting around in stupid clothes, has stupid hair, singing a stupid song, and she can't sing! Keeps moving around like she forgot to go pee first.
Twins came over to spend the afternoon. Guess it's boring at their house. They're outside playing basketball now. Here's before and after pictures of Hunter's tractor.....
Here's my rhubarb and what Mary sent me from Germany this morning....
Andy's mom with Andy and Mary in E. Germany
Next up: Trivia, a joke, a cartoon, and a goodbye.....
And last but not least.....R.I.P.
The Sopranos is right up there among my top favorites. Along with the Godfather movies, Lonesome Dove, and Midnight Cowboy.
Visited Virginia Tomlinson
Visited Joyce Lee Adams
Planted more flower seeds
Baked cookies -- took to new neighbor (she's from Chicago) Name is Jeannette
Started sorting through pictures on disks (gonna take a while)
Worked on my book
Put up 3 quarts of rhubarb in the freezer
Did dishes
Wrote emails
Blogged (in process)
What I will do later today:
Fix supper (chicken, leftover potatoes, salad)
Work on Daisy Duck cross stitch
Work on crocheted afghan
Chastise myself for having a bowl of ice cream
Watch tv (although it's probably gonna be Netflix instead)
Go to bed to read
Turn out the light and have stupid dreams
Right now I'm sitting here half listening to Ellen' show. She's got some broad on there who really thinks she's hot. Strutting around in stupid clothes, has stupid hair, singing a stupid song, and she can't sing! Keeps moving around like she forgot to go pee first.
Twins came over to spend the afternoon. Guess it's boring at their house. They're outside playing basketball now. Here's before and after pictures of Hunter's tractor.....
Here's my rhubarb and what Mary sent me from Germany this morning....
Andy's mom with Andy and Mary in E. Germany
Next up: Trivia, a joke, a cartoon, and a goodbye.....
The banana cannot reproduce itself. It can be propagated only by the hand
of man.
Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of
Juan Gonzalez.
'How was he killed?' asked one detective.
'With a golf gun,' the other detective replied.
'A golf gun! What is a golf gun?'
'I don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan.'
The Sopranos is right up there among my top favorites. Along with the Godfather movies, Lonesome Dove, and Midnight Cowboy.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Into Sequim and a Stop at the Casino
I left the house at 9:30, stopped at Walmart for a few items, and made my way over to the casino in
Blyn. We were celebrating Joanne retiring from her job at the hospital. (it was eliminated) A common occurrence these days so I'm mighty glad I'm not out there struggling in the working world.
We had a nice visit with lots of laughs. Joanne said she made a list the first day she was retired of things she wanted to do. One was to use up stuff in the freezer. She made her husband some zucchini bread and he was thrilled. Linda asked her if she was going to do more baking now, and Joanne said she doubted it as she hadn't been into baking for years. She even had to go buy flour, sugar, and vanilla just to make the bread. Linda said she didn't bake either and Ruth said she makes one certain cookie recipe and keeps those in the freezer to nibble on now and then. And then there was me. I used to bake a lot more than I do these days. Now, it's easier to just go buy something already finished.
Then we opened up our Chinese fortune cookies and we laughed when I read mine: You will eat three desserts a week (or was it per day?) I've already lost it but it was something along those lines. We got to talking about the latest "news?" regarding Melissa Etheridge saying that Angelina Jolie's decision to have a double mastectomy was done out of fear more than her doing a "brave thing." We all decided we were tired of hearing about this procedure of hers over and over again. Like everything, the media talks a thing to death.
Joanne says: Doesn't it just make you wanna' go out and get one? Maybe they can advertise a two-for-one sale. (and the jokes continued from there.) And yes, we all know it's not a joking situation but had to be there. I'm sick to death of hearing about how horrible it's gonna be if I get shingles. They're gonna play those ads forever. And I won't get a shot either. They're over the top expensive, and not covered by medicare.
Another topic was how life has changed so much from when we were young. Just about everything.
Ruth remembers how she always wanted a hope chest and she worked hard at filling it up. Now she wonders why she bothered. And we all remembered Betty Crocker coupons and saving them for pieces of silverware. Ruth says her mom gave a supply of coupons to several people (with money) so they could send away for the pattern Ruth wanted. Betty Crocker would only let you order one set per family per coupon order.
Joanne's job as medical transcriptionist was eliminated and that made us remember all the classes we took in high school (and college) to learn Dictaphones, office machines, typing, and shorthand. All obsolete now.
Here's a picture we had the casino valet take near the pretty plants along the sidewalk.
You can't see the plants that well so I took more photos.
Linda was up over $130 when I left so that was a productive afternoon. I stopped at my old neighborhood to pick up a pot of flowers my neighbor was giving me. Took a picture of the rose bush I left next to my house when I moved. Wish I had it now.
I stopped at Sunny Farms and bought about $8 worth of veggies and then continued on down the highway. There's a lot of construction going on at one section of my route and a neon sign saying "expect 20 minute delays." I debated about taking Old Olympic Hwy to avoid the mess but decided to take my chances. Worked out okay and I only had to stop for maybe 15 seconds or so. Lots of activity.
And that's about it for this Wednesday. Tomorrow I'll work on my book, browse through again (my subscription runs out next month), and I since I bought two more flower seed packets, I think I'll sprinkle them somewhere in the backyard. Ruth just called and said my flower list of yesterday (naming stuff deer won't eat) is incorrect. They'll eat just about anything except daffodils and foxglove. She came home to discover her hollyhocks were all gone.
Trivia and joke for today....
Blyn. We were celebrating Joanne retiring from her job at the hospital. (it was eliminated) A common occurrence these days so I'm mighty glad I'm not out there struggling in the working world.
We had a nice visit with lots of laughs. Joanne said she made a list the first day she was retired of things she wanted to do. One was to use up stuff in the freezer. She made her husband some zucchini bread and he was thrilled. Linda asked her if she was going to do more baking now, and Joanne said she doubted it as she hadn't been into baking for years. She even had to go buy flour, sugar, and vanilla just to make the bread. Linda said she didn't bake either and Ruth said she makes one certain cookie recipe and keeps those in the freezer to nibble on now and then. And then there was me. I used to bake a lot more than I do these days. Now, it's easier to just go buy something already finished.
Then we opened up our Chinese fortune cookies and we laughed when I read mine: You will eat three desserts a week (or was it per day?) I've already lost it but it was something along those lines. We got to talking about the latest "news?" regarding Melissa Etheridge saying that Angelina Jolie's decision to have a double mastectomy was done out of fear more than her doing a "brave thing." We all decided we were tired of hearing about this procedure of hers over and over again. Like everything, the media talks a thing to death.
Joanne says: Doesn't it just make you wanna' go out and get one? Maybe they can advertise a two-for-one sale. (and the jokes continued from there.) And yes, we all know it's not a joking situation but had to be there. I'm sick to death of hearing about how horrible it's gonna be if I get shingles. They're gonna play those ads forever. And I won't get a shot either. They're over the top expensive, and not covered by medicare.
Another topic was how life has changed so much from when we were young. Just about everything.
Ruth remembers how she always wanted a hope chest and she worked hard at filling it up. Now she wonders why she bothered. And we all remembered Betty Crocker coupons and saving them for pieces of silverware. Ruth says her mom gave a supply of coupons to several people (with money) so they could send away for the pattern Ruth wanted. Betty Crocker would only let you order one set per family per coupon order.
Joanne's job as medical transcriptionist was eliminated and that made us remember all the classes we took in high school (and college) to learn Dictaphones, office machines, typing, and shorthand. All obsolete now.
Here's a picture we had the casino valet take near the pretty plants along the sidewalk.
You can't see the plants that well so I took more photos.
Linda was up over $130 when I left so that was a productive afternoon. I stopped at my old neighborhood to pick up a pot of flowers my neighbor was giving me. Took a picture of the rose bush I left next to my house when I moved. Wish I had it now.
The old neighborhood continues to look run down. More and more mobiles are being sold and moved out of the park. That guy who bulldozed homes (was in the PA paper a while back)..he's bought a lot of the old mobiles to put on a mobile park he's building. At least that's what my neighbor told me.
When I got back to Port Angeles, I decided spur of the moment to stop at the shoe store and see about getting a new pair of sneakers. I wanted something a little lighter than the heavier shoe I wear now. They get kind of warm in summer.
Here's that red flower my neighbor in Sequim gave me. I can hardly wait until they bloom. The rain we had the last couple of days sure made my lily sprout out nice and full.
And that's about it for this Wednesday. Tomorrow I'll work on my book, browse through again (my subscription runs out next month), and I since I bought two more flower seed packets, I think I'll sprinkle them somewhere in the backyard. Ruth just called and said my flower list of yesterday (naming stuff deer won't eat) is incorrect. They'll eat just about anything except daffodils and foxglove. She came home to discover her hollyhocks were all gone.
Trivia and joke for today....
Soldiers do
not march in step when going across
bridges because they could set up a
vibration which could be sufficient to knock the bridge down.
The graveside service had barely finished, when there
was a massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning,
accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance.
The little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said,
'Well, she's there,'
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