26 years ago I was in Puyallup where I watched my first grandchild being born. I was 45 years old -- and that's younger than my two oldest kids today. How did that happen? I know. Life happens. Sigh... Happy Birthday grand daughter of mine!
Catie outside my house last year
Catie with her mom 19 years ago
It's early Sunday morning and I've set up my tape player on the kitchen table with a big box of tapes I pulled out of the back closet. I really miss my old tape music. Didn't realize exactly how much until I started playing them again. I have a gadget that will let me convert these tapes to CDs but I don't have a good enough tape player to make it work. Plus I can't quite understand the directions to fine tune the song once I get it to my computer hard drive. I'm thinking of buying a second converter I saw online that looks easier but I'm wavering 'cause it may be close to the same thing I have now. Guess I'm going to have to research it a bit more. Really don't want to ignore the whole thing forever 'cause I've got probably 200 tapes with some super good music.
Grandson Hunter came by to cut my grass yesterday. It was slow going for him because the dandelions were so high, you couldn't just plow along quickly. Lawn sure looks better, that's for sure. Sue came by earlier and offered to do some watering for me. I really need to take more time with my watering chores. Discovered some of the leaves on one of my trees were turning brown because I wasn't bothering to water it much. Not sure why. Somehow I just got it into my head that trees were sturdy and didn't need water. Silly me.
Sue also helped me move some pots onto the porch. I had them on the ground but it made weedeating harder.
Hunter couldn't come over until he finished painting his tractor. He was green from head to toe afterwards and had to take a shower.
The Duck Derby occurs not too far from my house today at 2 pm. I won't go over there to watch but will wait patiently for the phone call to come in telling me I've won a prize. A new truck would be nice but I'll settle for any of the cash prizes too.
I contacted this lady on ancestry.com who had Zadock Clark in her family tree and I'm hoping we can compare notes soon so I can find out more information on what connection he had with my g. grandmother, Jane Downs. I also started looking over my various folders on aunts and uncles to see what I could add or edit. I never could find the marriage license on Uncle Lyall and Aunt Elva. I also couldn't find a record anywhere of what Lyall's middle name was. Everything (including the birth record in Hadlock) said L. I finally emailed Elaine Arey and she said Lyall only had an initial, no name. Isn't that odd? Makes me wonder if that's the case with another g. aunt I never could find a middle name for. Only an initial on everything from her census records to her tombstone.
I do plan on making a trip up to the Port Angeles library this week to look over their microfilm on old Leaders they have filed away. I found several references on the Jefferson County Genealogical website of marriage dates and names with Leader pages listed of where they could be found. I'm hoping the listings aren't just marriage license applications but actual stories -- and maybe hope hope-- a picture now and then. Got my fingers crossed.
My subscription to newspapers.com runs out in a week or so but I managed to copy a few articles about people I knew. Some from the 1960's of family in PT and other stories about relatives in Oregon. Wish the website had more to offer but their collection was limited. Most of the time, the pictures didn't reproduce worth a darn. Here's a few I posted on Facebook......(click on to enlarge)
Went to the ENT doctor on Friday even though my earaches had finally ceased after two weeks. Figured if I had to wait two weeks to get in, I might as well ask about what might have caused this pain and what to do if it happens again. Wasted my time but then, I think I knew (from past visits) that I wasn't going to get much. He felt it wasn't allergy related (I think it probably was) but he said I was grinding my teeth most likely (at night). Which could very well be but..how come I had a two-week earache from it? I figure if I''m a night grinder, I would most likely have earaches often. He had other fish to fry so more or less blew me off. And this was after I waited in his office for 45 mintues. Makes me wonder why I rushed to get their on time. And this is yet another reason, why I hate going to the doctor's office!
Saw on the news that Secretary of State John Kerry broke his leg while bike riding. That doesn't make me anxious to get back on mine but I still intend to try it sooner or later. Maybe. Could be a fat lady of 71 has no business being on a bike. OR..... a fat lady NEEDS to be on a bike. ha ha ha ha
My only household chore today is to get the vacuuming done. I think I can handle that. I might just wander back to the sewing room too just to see if the creative juices want to flow. Gonna relax in front of the TV and watch golf this afternoon. My June calendar shows the alumni reunion on June 13th and a trip to Renton on June 18th. That's it. An exciting life I have --but I'm contented enough. Good thing I'm a homebody.
Came across these old photos again (from Dave Marriott's collection)
The Girl Scout float I was on as a kid. Still remember that day well.
I especially enjoy the background scenes on old kids parade photos.
And the latest from the other side of the water.....
Jacob enjoying the hose in his front yard
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
I get so sick of hearing about cyber crime. I guess it's just another scene from the times we live in. Got a letter the other day from Blue Cross saying their records had been compromised. Hard to know exactly what that means as the letter was vague saying they didn't really know what all was stolen and if I was even affected. One thing that especially gets my goat is how often I have to say my birthdate every time I call in or go in. Overkill --and then they can't even keep their computer records safe anyhow. I'm so irritated with our medical system. And I dread the day I ever have to go to the ER or get checked in to the hospital for any reason. Just thinking about the possibility gives me a gut ache!
I spent too long on the computer again today but who cares. I can do whatever I want! I've still got more data to accumulate on family so I'll just plow along at a steady pace. One of the mysteries I've been trying to solve is how my g. grandmother, Jane Downs, got from Delaware to Illinois after her dad died. Once I found her son, Zadock's obit and found out he was named Zadock Clark, that got me to thinking about a Zadock Clark family I found in Illinois around that time. They were all from Delaware and I knew there had to be a connection.
In an 1896 letter I have that Jane Downs received from her sister in Delaware, a lot of names are mentioned that I found in the Delaware census records around that time. Zadock is one of them. I found another family tree on ancestry that led me to Zadock Clark's family as I had been researching them extensively trying to establish if they were relatives or neighbors. I know I'm boring you to tears but I'm finding it interesting.
Watched a show on Netflix last night that was really good. It might be British; I'm not positive. Anyhow there are six episodes and it's called Black Mirror. Kind of a modern Twilight Zone. Good writing. In the first one, a princess was kidnapped and to get her back, the kidnapper wanted the prime minister to go on TV and "do it to a pig." He had all the technical know how of what he wanted and how he wanted it. It showed the event going world wide on YouTube and CNN, etc. Very dark. Especially the part showing people laughing in a bar and as the "event" went on for an hour and the PM was crying, the audience became ashamed and embarrassed and nauseated. Sounds gross, I know but it was done tastefully. If such a thing can be done with taste. It's a wonder I didn't have nightmares.
Bought a $5 ticket on the new pick up truck they're giving away on May 31st. Sure wish I could win even one of the prizes. There are several I'd like.
Studied the booklet about my camera this morning and I did manage to learn a few more things. Now I have to hope I can remember what I read.
Tomorrow morning is the appt to see the ENT guy about my ear. Probably a waste of time but since it's still acting up, I might as well let him say the words -- it's allergies or it's TMJ. Or whatever....
Think I'll fast and then run over to get my blood drawn afterwards. I keep forgetting I have to do that.
Practiced with my camera this morning and took this shot of the fox gloves out front.
And while the close-up didn't come out as clear as I hoped, I'll figure it out sooner or later.....
Well, time to go fix din-din. Salmon and broccoli.
I spent too long on the computer again today but who cares. I can do whatever I want! I've still got more data to accumulate on family so I'll just plow along at a steady pace. One of the mysteries I've been trying to solve is how my g. grandmother, Jane Downs, got from Delaware to Illinois after her dad died. Once I found her son, Zadock's obit and found out he was named Zadock Clark, that got me to thinking about a Zadock Clark family I found in Illinois around that time. They were all from Delaware and I knew there had to be a connection.
In an 1896 letter I have that Jane Downs received from her sister in Delaware, a lot of names are mentioned that I found in the Delaware census records around that time. Zadock is one of them. I found another family tree on ancestry that led me to Zadock Clark's family as I had been researching them extensively trying to establish if they were relatives or neighbors. I know I'm boring you to tears but I'm finding it interesting.
Watched a show on Netflix last night that was really good. It might be British; I'm not positive. Anyhow there are six episodes and it's called Black Mirror. Kind of a modern Twilight Zone. Good writing. In the first one, a princess was kidnapped and to get her back, the kidnapper wanted the prime minister to go on TV and "do it to a pig." He had all the technical know how of what he wanted and how he wanted it. It showed the event going world wide on YouTube and CNN, etc. Very dark. Especially the part showing people laughing in a bar and as the "event" went on for an hour and the PM was crying, the audience became ashamed and embarrassed and nauseated. Sounds gross, I know but it was done tastefully. If such a thing can be done with taste. It's a wonder I didn't have nightmares.
Bought a $5 ticket on the new pick up truck they're giving away on May 31st. Sure wish I could win even one of the prizes. There are several I'd like.
Studied the booklet about my camera this morning and I did manage to learn a few more things. Now I have to hope I can remember what I read.
Tomorrow morning is the appt to see the ENT guy about my ear. Probably a waste of time but since it's still acting up, I might as well let him say the words -- it's allergies or it's TMJ. Or whatever....
Think I'll fast and then run over to get my blood drawn afterwards. I keep forgetting I have to do that.
Practiced with my camera this morning and took this shot of the fox gloves out front.
And while the close-up didn't come out as clear as I hoped, I'll figure it out sooner or later.....
Well, time to go fix din-din. Salmon and broccoli.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Early Morning
Sitting here with a cup of tea and thinking about what I hope to get accomplished today. My "routine" was altered a bit when I went to Yahoo to work my morning crossword puzzle and discovered they hadn't put up a new one. Irritating when I can't do things in my schedule of events. But I'll get over it. For one thing, I can get my blog written. Some days I just can't seem to get in the mood to write anything. Perhaps because nothing much happens out of the ordinary. I know. I've never let that stop me before. Ha!
I watched 'The Captive' on Amazon Prime last night. It was on the free list. So often I have to go to IMDB and look up the movie to see where I've seen the actors and actresses in other presentations. The actress last night was also in 'The Killing' which I enjoyed. Even though IMDB only gave it a 5.9 rating, I thought it was much better than several movies they've rated higher. Since I had sat down early to watch TV, I ended up renting ($5) a second flick called 'Nightcrawler.' It starred Jake Gyllenhaal and while I usually like his acting, he played a bad guy in this one and he must have done a super job of acting 'cause I didn't like him at all! Very tense movie and it did not end the way I wanted it to. Still, it held my interest all the way through.
One of my half-sisters in Penn. called yesterday and said 'Unsolved Mysteries' was going to run a piece on her daughter who went missing in 2003. Said the local paper also did a write-up. I marked my calendar for June 3rd so I can see how they present it. Here's the article from the paper:
Maddie came by to do some weeding out front for me yesterday. Sure looks a lot better.
While she was doing that, I decided to try and draw the Kuhn St. house. My first attempt was so bad (I have little artistic talent) that I opted to trace the blown-up photo I had printed out. Eventually, I hope to get a drawing good enough to frame.
Wayne and Hunter came by earlier to pick up the small freezer I've had in my garage but haven't used in several months. Decided it was silly to let it sit there getting rusty when somebody else could be putting it to use.
Jenni is thrilled to have a freezer right in her house so she doesn't have to go out to the garage. She had made a Costco run the day before and I asked her to pick me up a slab of salmon. Ended up with 11 meals.
While she was here, Maddie wanted to show me this "thing" she saw on YouTube called 'Charlie, Charlie are you here?' She balanced two pencils on each other and drew this cross showing yes and no. We couldn't make it work but I did look it up online. See video below.
Well, that's about all I got today. Mary and Andy come back from NY. Oh, and granddaughter, Catie has a new job. I've got to make a post office run later this morning. Mailing off a couple of books to my pal, Barb Shaw, who is working in Skagway, Alaska until the end of September. She has no TV, radio, or Internet so is getting by with books. Since I just cleaned out my shelves, I chose two I think she'd like. A Thousand Acres and The Elephant Whisperer.
I watched 'The Captive' on Amazon Prime last night. It was on the free list. So often I have to go to IMDB and look up the movie to see where I've seen the actors and actresses in other presentations. The actress last night was also in 'The Killing' which I enjoyed. Even though IMDB only gave it a 5.9 rating, I thought it was much better than several movies they've rated higher. Since I had sat down early to watch TV, I ended up renting ($5) a second flick called 'Nightcrawler.' It starred Jake Gyllenhaal and while I usually like his acting, he played a bad guy in this one and he must have done a super job of acting 'cause I didn't like him at all! Very tense movie and it did not end the way I wanted it to. Still, it held my interest all the way through.
One of my half-sisters in Penn. called yesterday and said 'Unsolved Mysteries' was going to run a piece on her daughter who went missing in 2003. Said the local paper also did a write-up. I marked my calendar for June 3rd so I can see how they present it. Here's the article from the paper:
The search for a young woman who disappeared over 12
years ago is getting increased media attention.
Family friend Judy Fisher and mother Pauline Bailey are
bringing the case of Phylicia Thomas, presumed dead and last seen at her Lake
Township home in February 2003, to Unsolved Mysteries, beginning with a
“short-story format” on the show’s website on June 3.
Fisher said after a search employing cadaver dogs in
April was unsuccessful in finding Thomas’ body, she felt she had a duty to
Bailey and to Thomas to continue searching for answers.
The dogs did not find any indication of human remains
after scouring a site along Golf Course Road. The area was the site of what was
formerly the home of Steve Martin, who had been named a person of interest in
the case and subsequently committed suicide in prison.
“Walking toward Pauline after the search, knowing we did
not find Phylicia’s body, was one of the hardest things I ever had to do,” said
Fisher. “I could see in her eyes that she just desperately wanted to find her
She hopes exposure on a show such as Unsolved Mysteries
will provide a chance to gather more information and encourage those who might
know something on the case to come forward.
The presentation on the show’s website will include
footage of both Fisher and Bailey sharing the facts of the case and personal
feelings, as well as a brief video of Thomas before she went missing.
“Although we have received numerous tips in regard to the
case, I believe someone out there knows something that will make a significant
impact on the case,” said Fisher. “Hopefully, Unsolved Mysteries will help them
overcome any fear or reluctance and courageously come forward.”
Fisher said she believes that Steve Martin had something
to do with Thomas’ disappearance, but that more than one person was involved.
She said she believes Thomas’ disappearance and supposed
death is related to her desire to find information regarding the case of
Jennifer Barziloski, who disappeared in 2001 and whose skull was discovered in
2010 in Hunlock Township.
“Phylicia said to her mother at one point that she
believed that Jen’s disappearance was suspicious and that she had been
murdered,” said Fisher. “Shortly after that, she herself turned up missing.”
Fisher said she has been in touch with the Pennsylvania
State Police regarding her appearance on the show, and they have been
“Lt. Steven Polishan, of the crime investigation unit,
encouraged us to continue to share information about the case, making it more
likely the case will be re-opened,” said Fisher.
Some of those who came forward with information had been
involved in crime, said Fisher, and lacked credibility.
“For example, one person who claimed to know something
about where the bodies might be buried has a history of being a crack addict,”
said Fisher, “so we’re going to attempt to get more evidence from other
Still, she said, the nature of the crime which involved
young people in a party atmosphere, makes it likely that witnesses may be
involved to some extent in the drug scene.
The website presentation and possibly a future television
show will include information about both Thomas and Barziloski, which Fisher
thinks is the “absolutely the right thing.”
“The two cases are related,” she said. “If we can bring
closure, and perhaps justice, to both families, perhaps, we can all sleep at
Well, that's about all I got today. Mary and Andy come back from NY. Oh, and granddaughter, Catie has a new job. I've got to make a post office run later this morning. Mailing off a couple of books to my pal, Barb Shaw, who is working in Skagway, Alaska until the end of September. She has no TV, radio, or Internet so is getting by with books. Since I just cleaned out my shelves, I chose two I think she'd like. A Thousand Acres and The Elephant Whisperer.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Early Saturday
Woke up with a charlie horse cramp in my calf this a.m. Suppose I'll always wonder why those occur and then go away for months on end. I'll have to think on that. Anyhow, it was 5 a.m. and I was very tired so I immediately crawled back under the covers and decided whatever will be, will be. I'm not ready to get up yet. And I believe I was asleep in less than a minute! Probably because I'd had a little problem falling asleep when I hit the sack at 10 pm. Whatever. Who really cares? Ha ha
I woke up again at 6 a.m. and was so stuffed up and had such a dry mouth, I decided --Okay, my sweet dreams are over with for now. I had a long list of 'to-dos' anyhow and I was anxious to get to them. One chore (which I'm hoping Maddie or Hunter can help me with) is to move a couple of book cases. Now that I think about it, though, maybe I don't want to mess with that after all. I do need to thin down my books, however, and I want to utilize my spots for books better. I've got an idea in mind.
Looking a little gray and overcast out my window so I'll content myself with indoor activities. Which I do most of the time anyhow. I have to check out three or four of my outside solar lights that aren't working. Hunter came over and put batteries in some of them and I'm wondering if I need to do that again. We'll see...
Was browsing Amazon Prime movies last night and discovered that American Sniper was up for rental for $4. Been wanting to see that one so I settled in with my crochet hook to be entertained. And I was. I'd heard that audiences leaving theaters after seeing that movie were all very quiet and subdued. I can see why. Quite the tearjerker. Bradley Cooper was super.
I went to IMDB to check out the ratings on other movies and the list is growing of what I'd like to see-- Cake, Nightcrawler, Grand Budapest Hotel, Big Eyes, Hundred Foot Journey, The Lego Movie, A most violent year, Ida, Two days, one night, Fury, The Captive, and Inherent Vice.
I had taped Dave Letterman's last three shows and watched it yesterday. I had thought maybe I was too critical of ole Dave after all these years and wanted to see what I had missed. I ended up fast forwarding (of course) through a ton of commercials and what was left -- left me bored! Even Tom Hanks, who is usually very entertaining, came across as a guy who was trying too hard to be funny. I was disappointed. And Bill Murray. Good lord! Talk about a guy still in junior high. He wasn't a bit funny either. The flashbacks weren't that great and even my hero, Bob Dylan totally sucked! He only sang one (very boring song) at the very last minute and didn't even let himself be interviewed. What a waste of everybody's time!
Gonna hang my flag out on Monday but I've been noticing lately that it's looking pretty worn. I may look online today to see how much it costs for a new one. I intend to try again to get my genealogy notes in order. I keep struggling as I haven't quite figured out what I want to do with them but I'm close. Just have to hunker down and plow forward.
I baked a rhubarb pie yesterday. Am thinking I might whip up some salmon pattys for supper tonight. Got a call from Joyce Lee and we're going to drive into the alumni social hour together on June 13th. We went together last year, and she reminded me that I was having some kind of problem with my feet that night. I remember now but can't for the life of me recall what caused it. I do remember I could hardly walk back to my car. Think I'll pull out my diary and see if I recorded anything. Hmmmm....nothing there, darn it! Maybe I wrote about it on my blog.
Much to my surprise, I'm starting to come around to watching the Mariners on TV. I'm not as hooked on it as I am on golf but I can see I could get hooked pretty easy, and that surprises me. But then again, I am getting older and my tastes continue to change. Last night, for example, I just had to cook up some broccoli. I was craving it. Now, that's weird!
I spent an hour or two yesterday afternoon cleaning up my files on photos. They sure accumulate fast and I need to keep ahead of them before it gets to be too much work. I've got everything in folders and subfolders but I still need to move more pictures around. It's a job I like.
Two pictures I posted on Facebook recently include a table I made out of the garbage pail box I got for Mother's Day and a counted cross stitch design I made with beads.
Here's a couple of the pictures I came across while sorting....one from a Rhody parade in 2013, and another winter shot of Fort Worden beach.
me, Barb Shaw, Mary Norton, Lill Greenwood
I woke up again at 6 a.m. and was so stuffed up and had such a dry mouth, I decided --Okay, my sweet dreams are over with for now. I had a long list of 'to-dos' anyhow and I was anxious to get to them. One chore (which I'm hoping Maddie or Hunter can help me with) is to move a couple of book cases. Now that I think about it, though, maybe I don't want to mess with that after all. I do need to thin down my books, however, and I want to utilize my spots for books better. I've got an idea in mind.
Looking a little gray and overcast out my window so I'll content myself with indoor activities. Which I do most of the time anyhow. I have to check out three or four of my outside solar lights that aren't working. Hunter came over and put batteries in some of them and I'm wondering if I need to do that again. We'll see...
Was browsing Amazon Prime movies last night and discovered that American Sniper was up for rental for $4. Been wanting to see that one so I settled in with my crochet hook to be entertained. And I was. I'd heard that audiences leaving theaters after seeing that movie were all very quiet and subdued. I can see why. Quite the tearjerker. Bradley Cooper was super.
I went to IMDB to check out the ratings on other movies and the list is growing of what I'd like to see-- Cake, Nightcrawler, Grand Budapest Hotel, Big Eyes, Hundred Foot Journey, The Lego Movie, A most violent year, Ida, Two days, one night, Fury, The Captive, and Inherent Vice.
I had taped Dave Letterman's last three shows and watched it yesterday. I had thought maybe I was too critical of ole Dave after all these years and wanted to see what I had missed. I ended up fast forwarding (of course) through a ton of commercials and what was left -- left me bored! Even Tom Hanks, who is usually very entertaining, came across as a guy who was trying too hard to be funny. I was disappointed. And Bill Murray. Good lord! Talk about a guy still in junior high. He wasn't a bit funny either. The flashbacks weren't that great and even my hero, Bob Dylan totally sucked! He only sang one (very boring song) at the very last minute and didn't even let himself be interviewed. What a waste of everybody's time!
Gonna hang my flag out on Monday but I've been noticing lately that it's looking pretty worn. I may look online today to see how much it costs for a new one. I intend to try again to get my genealogy notes in order. I keep struggling as I haven't quite figured out what I want to do with them but I'm close. Just have to hunker down and plow forward.
I baked a rhubarb pie yesterday. Am thinking I might whip up some salmon pattys for supper tonight. Got a call from Joyce Lee and we're going to drive into the alumni social hour together on June 13th. We went together last year, and she reminded me that I was having some kind of problem with my feet that night. I remember now but can't for the life of me recall what caused it. I do remember I could hardly walk back to my car. Think I'll pull out my diary and see if I recorded anything. Hmmmm....nothing there, darn it! Maybe I wrote about it on my blog.
Much to my surprise, I'm starting to come around to watching the Mariners on TV. I'm not as hooked on it as I am on golf but I can see I could get hooked pretty easy, and that surprises me. But then again, I am getting older and my tastes continue to change. Last night, for example, I just had to cook up some broccoli. I was craving it. Now, that's weird!
I spent an hour or two yesterday afternoon cleaning up my files on photos. They sure accumulate fast and I need to keep ahead of them before it gets to be too much work. I've got everything in folders and subfolders but I still need to move more pictures around. It's a job I like.
Two pictures I posted on Facebook recently include a table I made out of the garbage pail box I got for Mother's Day and a counted cross stitch design I made with beads.
Here's a couple of the pictures I came across while sorting....one from a Rhody parade in 2013, and another winter shot of Fort Worden beach.
me, Barb Shaw, Mary Norton, Lill Greenwood
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Just got back from the doctor's office (gastroenteroligist) or however you spell it. I don't feel like looking it up. I won't bother you with the details. It's boring. I think he thought so too. At least that's what I came out with. Wants me to come back in 3 months (for my 4th appt). Says if I'm still having problems, we'll have to start from scratch and order more poop tests. That's a stinky idea in my opinion. I already did those tests and they were negative! Going to have to try and cure myself, I guess. Will start with documenting what is going in my mouth. That ought to take a great deal of paper. Ha! He also said it could be stress. Well, hells bells! Who doesn't have stress in their life? Everyone! I guess it comes down to the fact that I'm just full of sh....!
Picked up a virus on my computer a few nights ago. Must be my lucky week. I had clicked on this picture on Facebook and a sign came up telling me to call this 800 number and not to turn off my computer or it would crash. Thankfully, my granddaughter talked me through that nonsense and told me how to get out of there. Stupid good-for-nothing virus spreaders. I hope they rot in hell! I did a scan on my computer later that night (took two hours) but it said I was clean. Then I changed my password on Facebook. Never really sure if that's what you need to do but I did it anyhow. Wish I knew when to NOT click on something. I do enjoy browsing on FB.
Got an earache on May 13 and while I think it's easing, it's not gone completely. I do have the tinnitis ringing but I can deal with that. Earaches are another matter. I see an ENT guy but not until May 29. That's another story and it is also boring.
I was suppose to entertain Joanne & Patty Plattner yesterday and was really looking forward to it. The bout of diarrhea, however, made me cancel. I ended up staying in bed all day long. Bummer day!
I did manage to get a few odd jobs done around the house today. Was moving kind of slow but at least I was moving. Nothing all that interesting --- just yard chores mostly.
I taped David Letterman the last three nights and will watch that tonight. After all the hoopla over him leaving, I'm half wondering now if I missed out on a good show. For whatever reason (I forget now) he never amused me all that much. To hear people talk, though, he's apparently a really cool guy. If I misjudged, then shame on me. My loss. Wouldn't be the first time I've been too critical of someone on tv.
Seemed to be a lot of traffic out and about as I went to the doctor today. One intersection that I usually use was full of police lights so I turned off. Got to another main intersection and saw glass all over the street. I think people are running into each other. I made a quick run over to McDonalds 'cause I wanted a fish sandwich. Drove downtown by the beach and people watched while I ate it. Kind of sad to see the homeless guys walking around.
Took some pictures around the house with my new camera. They're boring but I'll post them anyhow.
My green beans are coming up
Dead bird must have hit my window
Got 2 of these blue flowered bushes near the front curb
Gonna have to get out there and trim the weeds I guess
My alley looking west. The scotch broom has taken over the entire end of the block
Looking in the other direction, I see the neighbors have scotch broom growing. I'll have to make sure it doesn't invade over onto my area
This is the block across the street. I do hate that weed!
Saw this on Facebook and it was one of my favorites of the Raker Car Club
Saw this on Facebook too. Love this bed!
What a dorky picture of me. Shows Doris, me and Jean at Mary Pearce's house in prob. 1959 or 1960
Here's on old one from 1961 showing me, Chuck Hodgdon, and Ruth at our porch at All View Motel. Ruth was always so pretty.
Mary and Andy left for New York today. Catie is having a booth at the Renton Arts & Craft Fair in July to try and sell her jewelry and stuff. My brother-in-law, Clarence, (well, ex bro-in-law) was handed a diagnosis of lung cancer this week. Poor guy is down to 140 lbs. Cancer sucks!
Finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha yesterday. Ordered the movie on Ebay. Rented Wild and Still Alice from Red Box. They were okay but not as good as I thought they were going to be. Some of the movies that were nominated this year I thought were terrible. Like Birdman and Whiplash. I liked Boyhood, Gone Girl, and Foxcatcher. Want to see American Sniper and Grand Budapest Hotel.
Now, for your listening entertainment....some library singing...
Picked up a virus on my computer a few nights ago. Must be my lucky week. I had clicked on this picture on Facebook and a sign came up telling me to call this 800 number and not to turn off my computer or it would crash. Thankfully, my granddaughter talked me through that nonsense and told me how to get out of there. Stupid good-for-nothing virus spreaders. I hope they rot in hell! I did a scan on my computer later that night (took two hours) but it said I was clean. Then I changed my password on Facebook. Never really sure if that's what you need to do but I did it anyhow. Wish I knew when to NOT click on something. I do enjoy browsing on FB.
Got an earache on May 13 and while I think it's easing, it's not gone completely. I do have the tinnitis ringing but I can deal with that. Earaches are another matter. I see an ENT guy but not until May 29. That's another story and it is also boring.
I was suppose to entertain Joanne & Patty Plattner yesterday and was really looking forward to it. The bout of diarrhea, however, made me cancel. I ended up staying in bed all day long. Bummer day!
I did manage to get a few odd jobs done around the house today. Was moving kind of slow but at least I was moving. Nothing all that interesting --- just yard chores mostly.
I taped David Letterman the last three nights and will watch that tonight. After all the hoopla over him leaving, I'm half wondering now if I missed out on a good show. For whatever reason (I forget now) he never amused me all that much. To hear people talk, though, he's apparently a really cool guy. If I misjudged, then shame on me. My loss. Wouldn't be the first time I've been too critical of someone on tv.
Seemed to be a lot of traffic out and about as I went to the doctor today. One intersection that I usually use was full of police lights so I turned off. Got to another main intersection and saw glass all over the street. I think people are running into each other. I made a quick run over to McDonalds 'cause I wanted a fish sandwich. Drove downtown by the beach and people watched while I ate it. Kind of sad to see the homeless guys walking around.
Took some pictures around the house with my new camera. They're boring but I'll post them anyhow.
My green beans are coming up
Dead bird must have hit my window
Got 2 of these blue flowered bushes near the front curb
Gonna have to get out there and trim the weeds I guess
My alley looking west. The scotch broom has taken over the entire end of the block
Looking in the other direction, I see the neighbors have scotch broom growing. I'll have to make sure it doesn't invade over onto my area
This is the block across the street. I do hate that weed!
Saw this on Facebook and it was one of my favorites of the Raker Car Club
Saw this on Facebook too. Love this bed!
What a dorky picture of me. Shows Doris, me and Jean at Mary Pearce's house in prob. 1959 or 1960
Here's on old one from 1961 showing me, Chuck Hodgdon, and Ruth at our porch at All View Motel. Ruth was always so pretty.
Mary and Andy left for New York today. Catie is having a booth at the Renton Arts & Craft Fair in July to try and sell her jewelry and stuff. My brother-in-law, Clarence, (well, ex bro-in-law) was handed a diagnosis of lung cancer this week. Poor guy is down to 140 lbs. Cancer sucks!
Finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha yesterday. Ordered the movie on Ebay. Rented Wild and Still Alice from Red Box. They were okay but not as good as I thought they were going to be. Some of the movies that were nominated this year I thought were terrible. Like Birdman and Whiplash. I liked Boyhood, Gone Girl, and Foxcatcher. Want to see American Sniper and Grand Budapest Hotel.
Now, for your listening entertainment....some library singing...
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Sunday morning
Been kind of a rough week off and on. Earaches aren't something I'm usually bothered with but that wasn't the case these past few days. I went to bed last night and had to get up within the hour to see what I could take so Mr. Sandman would visit. Tylenol just wasn't cutting it so I switched back to Iboprofen. I'd been told to avoid it but I wanted the pain gone so I made a decision to go with it. I've been up two hours now and (dare I type this) no earaches yet. Still...I can feel the outside edges of something buzzing around. We'll see.
I do have a morning doctor appt tomorrow to discuss my last blood draw results so I've got my fingers crossed that she'll have a solution for the ear trouble, as well. My lab numbers haven't been anything to write home about. I got the results online this past weekend and after researching what they meant, I'm prepared to be told changes are going to have to be made. At least 4 or 5 of them weren't ideal numbers. Not surprising really as I haven't felt up to par for months because of one thing or another. Another sidebar of aging. Sigh....
Hunter came by on Friday afternoon and did a few little chores for me. Took the backs off of a few solar yard lights I had so we could replace the batteries. I especially loved this one that changes color. I've got the lights set in potted plants on my deck so I can sit in my recliner at night and observe them all. Ha! The things I find to amuse myself in my old age.
He also managed to get the backs off of two watches I had. I had asked several people at different times over the years to remove those backs so I could replace the batteries but no one was able to manage it. I took it to the jewelry counter at Penneys a few years ago as I figured it needed one of those fancy tools to get the back removed. The clerk wanted to charge me $10 just to remove it but I declined as the watch itself was only worth that much. So many times I've wished I had a watch on my wrist and I'm thrilled that I'm getting that back. Will buy a battery tomorrow after the doctor appt. I do have my cell phone, of course, but it's not always handy to pull that out of my purse, and click it on just to find out the time. Thank you Hunter!
I had mentioned to him that in order to use the flat screen tv in my bedroom, I had to unplug and plug in the tv from the wall. The remote will change channels but the on/off doesn't work. He went over to the TV and pushed a button. WaLAA! Now, how come, I didn't think of that? Because the button blended in and I never even seen the thing! Old eyes I guess.
Yesterday I pulled out a couple of picture albums and realized there were several old photos that I had overlooked scanning to my hard drive. I spent a couple hours working on that project and then retrieved three photo boxes that I figured probably also had some photos I wanted to scan. I've still got an idea floating around in my head about how I want to write my memoirs and include pictures along the way. I've got A TON to choose from.
I also want to write a family history of sorts and include photos in that project. I've been surfing through newspapers.com before my subscription runs out and while I wish they had more to choose from, I'm copying everything of interest. I think I'm going to write to the historical society in Ramsey, IL to try and get more info on my grandpa's family when they lived there. Was really hoping the newspaper website would have some info but it's pretty much hit and miss all across the US. Port Townsend, for example, has nothing but the Port Angeles paper does have some PT news and they're featured (at least some years). Except for a short note about my step-mom, Marcella, opening a daycare and my aunt Lorraine being in a choir, about the only things I could find in the PA papers were activities of my cousin, Jimmy, and my brothers, Les and Dana. Jimmy and Les were full of mischief (much like I was at that age) but Dana took another route and excelled in track. His efforts were rewarded with a number of articles.
I also found a short article on Jacob Stark who married my grandpa's oldest sister, Georgia. His obit said he was prominent in business and I know they owned several hotels. This was from a Sept 1888
story in the Chicago Tribune. (they lived in IL before moving to Oregon)
I also discovered that their daughter, Inez, who taught at several schools in Wash State, was also involved in music.
I've been especially interested in learning more about Inez because she had kind of a colorful past. Her relatives live in North Carolina but it's been difficult to get them to communicate. So often people are either "into genealogy" or "into it just now and then." I'm not giving up, though, as I want to read her obit and a cousin back there told me she'd hunt for it.
I guess I'll start sorting through those photo boxes now. I set up a new jigsaw puzzle yesterday -- 1000 piece of state national parks so I'll play around with that while I watch golf. Tonight is the finale of 'Call the Midwife' but that was about all I could find of interest. I watched a 1994 movie on Netflix last night called 'Nobody's Fool.' I'd seen it before but it was worth a second look. Paul Newman was nominated for an oscar but there were some really good movies out that year and he lost to Tom Hanks.
TOM HANKS in "Forrest Gump", Morgan Freeman in
"The Shawshank Redemption", Nigel Hawthorne in "The Madness of King George", Paul Newman in "Nobody's Fool", John Travolta in
"Pulp Fiction"
Some of the pictures I scanned were of quilts I'd made. Actually put me in the mood to get going in that back bedroom again on my sewing skills.
I do have a morning doctor appt tomorrow to discuss my last blood draw results so I've got my fingers crossed that she'll have a solution for the ear trouble, as well. My lab numbers haven't been anything to write home about. I got the results online this past weekend and after researching what they meant, I'm prepared to be told changes are going to have to be made. At least 4 or 5 of them weren't ideal numbers. Not surprising really as I haven't felt up to par for months because of one thing or another. Another sidebar of aging. Sigh....
Hunter came by on Friday afternoon and did a few little chores for me. Took the backs off of a few solar yard lights I had so we could replace the batteries. I especially loved this one that changes color. I've got the lights set in potted plants on my deck so I can sit in my recliner at night and observe them all. Ha! The things I find to amuse myself in my old age.
He also managed to get the backs off of two watches I had. I had asked several people at different times over the years to remove those backs so I could replace the batteries but no one was able to manage it. I took it to the jewelry counter at Penneys a few years ago as I figured it needed one of those fancy tools to get the back removed. The clerk wanted to charge me $10 just to remove it but I declined as the watch itself was only worth that much. So many times I've wished I had a watch on my wrist and I'm thrilled that I'm getting that back. Will buy a battery tomorrow after the doctor appt. I do have my cell phone, of course, but it's not always handy to pull that out of my purse, and click it on just to find out the time. Thank you Hunter!
I had mentioned to him that in order to use the flat screen tv in my bedroom, I had to unplug and plug in the tv from the wall. The remote will change channels but the on/off doesn't work. He went over to the TV and pushed a button. WaLAA! Now, how come, I didn't think of that? Because the button blended in and I never even seen the thing! Old eyes I guess.
Yesterday I pulled out a couple of picture albums and realized there were several old photos that I had overlooked scanning to my hard drive. I spent a couple hours working on that project and then retrieved three photo boxes that I figured probably also had some photos I wanted to scan. I've still got an idea floating around in my head about how I want to write my memoirs and include pictures along the way. I've got A TON to choose from.
I also want to write a family history of sorts and include photos in that project. I've been surfing through newspapers.com before my subscription runs out and while I wish they had more to choose from, I'm copying everything of interest. I think I'm going to write to the historical society in Ramsey, IL to try and get more info on my grandpa's family when they lived there. Was really hoping the newspaper website would have some info but it's pretty much hit and miss all across the US. Port Townsend, for example, has nothing but the Port Angeles paper does have some PT news and they're featured (at least some years). Except for a short note about my step-mom, Marcella, opening a daycare and my aunt Lorraine being in a choir, about the only things I could find in the PA papers were activities of my cousin, Jimmy, and my brothers, Les and Dana. Jimmy and Les were full of mischief (much like I was at that age) but Dana took another route and excelled in track. His efforts were rewarded with a number of articles.
I also found a short article on Jacob Stark who married my grandpa's oldest sister, Georgia. His obit said he was prominent in business and I know they owned several hotels. This was from a Sept 1888
story in the Chicago Tribune. (they lived in IL before moving to Oregon)
I also discovered that their daughter, Inez, who taught at several schools in Wash State, was also involved in music.
I've been especially interested in learning more about Inez because she had kind of a colorful past. Her relatives live in North Carolina but it's been difficult to get them to communicate. So often people are either "into genealogy" or "into it just now and then." I'm not giving up, though, as I want to read her obit and a cousin back there told me she'd hunt for it.
I guess I'll start sorting through those photo boxes now. I set up a new jigsaw puzzle yesterday -- 1000 piece of state national parks so I'll play around with that while I watch golf. Tonight is the finale of 'Call the Midwife' but that was about all I could find of interest. I watched a 1994 movie on Netflix last night called 'Nobody's Fool.' I'd seen it before but it was worth a second look. Paul Newman was nominated for an oscar but there were some really good movies out that year and he lost to Tom Hanks.
TOM HANKS in "Forrest Gump", Morgan Freeman in
Some of the pictures I scanned were of quilts I'd made. Actually put me in the mood to get going in that back bedroom again on my sewing skills.
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