Well, it's 2:20 pm and FINALLY I'm starting to feel a little better today. I've had a cough all week which can wear me out quickly but I've been prepared for that 'cause it seems every time I get a cough cold, I can pretty much rely on hacking my head off for two weeks or more. What aggravates me more than the cough is having the tummy/bowel problem return. I'm thankful I can be home and deal with it in private but I don't take kindly to being housebound to the toilet when the weather is so great and I could just as easily be out and about doing "stuff."
I did have some yogurt this week and I wonder if that's what caused the problem. I'm giving the rest of the cartons to Maddie. Seems so odd that yogurt could be doing a number on me when it's supposed to be a healthy food. 'Course I also had butter. I knew it was dairy but I didn't think "a little butter" would be a problem. Maybe it was. I only had some on my baked potato and a few days earlier on an ear of corn. I guess I'm going to have to avoid every single thing that is dairy related so I can tell if it actually is the culprit. I have my doubts. Or maybe I have doubts because I don't want it to be that. Ha! I guess if I want to get an answer one way or the other, I'm going to have to buckle down and try harder. I'm not good at trying harder.
Today, for example, I made a half batch of oatmeal/raisin cookies. I wanted to use up the butter so I didn't have any in the house. Yeah, I know. I'm full of excuses. I guess I deserve what I get. Anyhow, I used my old standby Betty Crocker cookbook from the 50's. Good recipe and very tasty but for some reason, the cookies all came out flatter than a pancake! I had to scrape them off the sheet. The recipe called for margarine so I wonder if that was the problem. Whatever. I'll eat the suckers!
The weather report a few days ago said we were in for high temperatures all week. I had Hunter and Wayne come by yesterday to put my floor model a/c up on this table so the water pan will be easier to drain. The plug is near the bottom and by the time you get the light that the pan is full, you can't get a pan under it high enough to hold the water draining off. And you certainly can't lift the pan without spilling. Once it's on a table, I can hook up a little hose and have it drain automatically into a nearby bucket. Saves me a world of heartache. I decided to cover up the tv and printer because the a/c can give off a lot of damp moisture. Moved my laptop out here to the kitchen table.
Discovered a delightful radio station in Sequim this week. KSQM, 91.5 fm The DJs are volunteers so there's no advertising outside of a few local people and their business. The music is geared for adults and the variety is something else. I'm hearing stuff I haven't heard in years or that I've never heard. Barbra Streisand, Glen Campbell, Vince Gill, big bands from the 40's, the Weavers, Doris Day, and sometimes things like Home on the Range.
I have it on in my bedroom at night to help me go to sleep. I used to listen to music in bed but it got so irritating with ads and music that made me puke, that I had to give it up. Now I have it tuned in on my TV set via the Roku. You can pick it up online too. It broadcasts all over the world.
I've got four fans going in this large kitchen/living room area and it's been comfortable all day. Now that the sun is over on this side of the house, though, it's starting to get a little too warm. I'll have to position myself in the recliner with the fans facing me.
One of my newer projects right now is to transcribe onto my computer all the letters I've received from my mother since 1967. Interesting the stuff you forget after almost 50 years. Haven't quite decided yet how I'm going to use it in my writing but I'll figure it out. I got a short manuscript from an old high school classmate (year behind me) named Molly Logan the other day asking me to read some of her short stories. She lives in S. Korea now and man, what a talent for writing she has. She said the stories were about her cats and they were to a degree but were actually more about her high school days in Port Townsend. I absolutely loved it. Especially since I knew the people and places she talked about. Gave me an idea of how I might want to proceed with my next book.
Pictures I saw on Facebook this week:
My cousin, Denny in 1965 with his firstborn, Sheldon.
Sheldon today with his daughter who had just graduated from Gig Harbor High School.
My cousin, Cindy (also in Gig Harbor) shares the 7-mo picture of her new grandbabies--a boy and a girl.
My latest Facebook friend with her grandson, Kyle -- Susie Bishop Bara
Jake experiences fingerpainting
At the park
Well, gonna have to sign off and get up to close curtains and rearrange fans. Here's a hummingbird shot I caught on my deck this afternoon.
A few days ago I set out my large roasting pan (with the lid) and filled them with water so the crows could have a drink once the bird baths dried up in the heat. I wasn't sure if they'd even go near the pans but I was laughing when I saw one climb in to take a bath. Would have liked to have gotten a picture of that but trying to catch them on film is hard. If they even see me in the window, they take off. Don't they know I'm their friend? Ha Ha
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Monday, June 29, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Time to catch up
Gees, it's been over ten days since I posted on my blog. Just been one thing or another keeping me from sitting down. Well, that's not exactly true....I'm usually sitting down. Ha!
It's early (7 a.m.) and looks like another hot day is in the works. I've got to make a Walmart run and intend to leave in two hours just so I can get it over with. I did go to Safeway yesterday so my list for WM this morning is shorter. Also need to stop at Walgreen's to pick up a few photo reprints from the alumni party on June 13th. Hard to believe it's been two weeks already.
Here's a few shots from that event...
Alice LaChance (sister of my friend, Doris)
Mary Gaboury, Linda Pedersen, and me
Mary, me, Jean Tyler, Karen Cuykendall
Dave Deits & Cathi White
Renee & Denny Blankenship, me, Elaine & Lee Arey, Arlie Blankenship (cousins)
members of the class of 1960
Ann Marie Fountain, Ann Morrison, Bud O'Meara
members of the band: Bob Blaurock & Gene Peterson
members of the class of 1955
Helen & Dave Marriott
Jan Higdon and Joyce Lee
Jim Simcoe, Lee & Elaine Arey
Mary, John O'Brien, Jean Tyler (hadn't seen Jean since 1981)
Patty Plattner & Joanne and Bert Bennett
me and Ruth Kvinsland
Sharon Sofie & Jean Tyler
There are a ton of other alumni pictures on Facebook too. Search for Jan Boutilier's page.
Three days after the alumni get together, Hunter and I took off for Renton so he could earn some money doing odd jobs for Mary and Andy. He stained their fence in the back yard, pressure washed the deck, did minor repairs here and there, and helped Andy build up the back fence with new lumber. On Saturday, the 20th, Mary treated me with a ticket to "Ride the Ducks" in downtown Seattle. What a blast it was. I recommend it highly. It's especially great if you get a really good and entertaining driver like we did. He was wonderful!
Jake playing in the backyard. Here he's in the sanbox holding a fist of sand and letting it drop into this face. He finally figured out it didn't feel good in the eyes. ha ha
He is most happy outside. His daycare teacher also mentioned to Mary that they discovered he was big on music. (which we knew) He loves to dance. No matter what he's doing in the house, his ear seems to be tuned in to background music and if a song comes on that he likes, he drops everything to dance. He's especially fond of 'Sugar' by Maroon 5.
More adventures to explore on the side of the house.
We went to Doofer's Bar and Grille for dinner one night.
A picture I took of another 'duck bus' going by on Lake Union.
Jake was interested in the train that went by when we were on land and he thought the driver was pretty interesting too. He walked up and stood there staring at him (and his crazy hats)
Got to hear a lot of interesting Seattle history and the music was good too!
Back to Mary's house. Here's the back deck. It was double this size but they had it remodeled so they could have a grassy lawn.
Andy and Hunter preparing the lumber for the fence.
Mary's little garden of veggies
Tony, the merlot which Andy is forced to display since I gave it to him. ha ha
Jake sure wanted to be out there with his dad but he had to watch from the deck. When he did get to go out for a minute, he headed straight for the very interesting electric saw.
Jake and Mary were getting over a cold he managed to pick up at daycare earlier in the week so I made it was my turn to get it while there. It was a doozy too! Seems like getting bugs when you're older are harder on the old bod. At least that's my feeling. I was so sick on the ride home on Sunday. Today is the first day I feel like I might live a little longer.
The dandelions were skyhigh so I had to take my new camera outside to see what kind of a photo I would get. Thankfully, Hunter came over later in the week to mow them all down.
My hummingbirds didn't take any time at all finding my pretty red flowers that bloomed on the deck. I never can remember how to spell them...crocosmia..thanks to a friend telling me on Facebook.
For some reason (I never understand why these things pop into my head) I decided I wanted to see what an old American Girl Magazine looked like. I had a subscription for years in the 1950's so I bought one on Ebay. (Nov 1952) It's well.....dorky...to say the least although I wish I could have found one from 1956 or 1957. That's when I took the mag and I remember it was much more entertaining. Oh well, it's a great collector's item, I suppose. I like old magazines and I have a few-- Hit Parader, Life, TV Guide, Look, Reader's Digest, and several teen mags.
Gotta get outside and do some watering before the heat gets going. And then it's off to Walmart. Don't have much on my agenda today. Still too busy coughing to think about working on a sewing project so I'll probably settle for a jigsaw puzzle and watching Netflix. Got a couple letters to work on too. Stay cool!
It's early (7 a.m.) and looks like another hot day is in the works. I've got to make a Walmart run and intend to leave in two hours just so I can get it over with. I did go to Safeway yesterday so my list for WM this morning is shorter. Also need to stop at Walgreen's to pick up a few photo reprints from the alumni party on June 13th. Hard to believe it's been two weeks already.
Here's a few shots from that event...
Alice LaChance (sister of my friend, Doris)
Mary Gaboury, Linda Pedersen, and me
Mary, me, Jean Tyler, Karen Cuykendall
Dave Deits & Cathi White
Renee & Denny Blankenship, me, Elaine & Lee Arey, Arlie Blankenship (cousins)
members of the class of 1960
Ann Marie Fountain, Ann Morrison, Bud O'Meara
members of the band: Bob Blaurock & Gene Peterson
members of the class of 1955
Helen & Dave Marriott
Jan Higdon and Joyce Lee
Jim Simcoe, Lee & Elaine Arey
Mary, John O'Brien, Jean Tyler (hadn't seen Jean since 1981)
Patty Plattner & Joanne and Bert Bennett
me and Ruth Kvinsland
Sharon Sofie & Jean Tyler
There are a ton of other alumni pictures on Facebook too. Search for Jan Boutilier's page.
Three days after the alumni get together, Hunter and I took off for Renton so he could earn some money doing odd jobs for Mary and Andy. He stained their fence in the back yard, pressure washed the deck, did minor repairs here and there, and helped Andy build up the back fence with new lumber. On Saturday, the 20th, Mary treated me with a ticket to "Ride the Ducks" in downtown Seattle. What a blast it was. I recommend it highly. It's especially great if you get a really good and entertaining driver like we did. He was wonderful!
Jake playing in the backyard. Here he's in the sanbox holding a fist of sand and letting it drop into this face. He finally figured out it didn't feel good in the eyes. ha ha
He is most happy outside. His daycare teacher also mentioned to Mary that they discovered he was big on music. (which we knew) He loves to dance. No matter what he's doing in the house, his ear seems to be tuned in to background music and if a song comes on that he likes, he drops everything to dance. He's especially fond of 'Sugar' by Maroon 5.
More adventures to explore on the side of the house.
We went to Doofer's Bar and Grille for dinner one night.
A picture I took of another 'duck bus' going by on Lake Union.
Jake was interested in the train that went by when we were on land and he thought the driver was pretty interesting too. He walked up and stood there staring at him (and his crazy hats)
Got to hear a lot of interesting Seattle history and the music was good too!
Back to Mary's house. Here's the back deck. It was double this size but they had it remodeled so they could have a grassy lawn.
Andy and Hunter preparing the lumber for the fence.
Mary's little garden of veggies
Tony, the merlot which Andy is forced to display since I gave it to him. ha ha
Jake sure wanted to be out there with his dad but he had to watch from the deck. When he did get to go out for a minute, he headed straight for the very interesting electric saw.
Jake and Mary were getting over a cold he managed to pick up at daycare earlier in the week so I made it was my turn to get it while there. It was a doozy too! Seems like getting bugs when you're older are harder on the old bod. At least that's my feeling. I was so sick on the ride home on Sunday. Today is the first day I feel like I might live a little longer.
The dandelions were skyhigh so I had to take my new camera outside to see what kind of a photo I would get. Thankfully, Hunter came over later in the week to mow them all down.
My hummingbirds didn't take any time at all finding my pretty red flowers that bloomed on the deck. I never can remember how to spell them...crocosmia..thanks to a friend telling me on Facebook.
For some reason (I never understand why these things pop into my head) I decided I wanted to see what an old American Girl Magazine looked like. I had a subscription for years in the 1950's so I bought one on Ebay. (Nov 1952) It's well.....dorky...to say the least although I wish I could have found one from 1956 or 1957. That's when I took the mag and I remember it was much more entertaining. Oh well, it's a great collector's item, I suppose. I like old magazines and I have a few-- Hit Parader, Life, TV Guide, Look, Reader's Digest, and several teen mags.
Gotta get outside and do some watering before the heat gets going. And then it's off to Walmart. Don't have much on my agenda today. Still too busy coughing to think about working on a sewing project so I'll probably settle for a jigsaw puzzle and watching Netflix. Got a couple letters to work on too. Stay cool!
Monday, June 15, 2015
Change is good
I seem to be having a little harder time coping with change. Perhaps it's an age thing. I've always kind of liked things to go along smoothly and as predicted but these past years I've noticed, I'm probably liking it a little too much. Any time I have to prepare for a trip (and we're only talking short jaunts here 'cause I don't travel) I find my stress level goes up. Not a lot but enough to make me notice. Some times it's just a little nervousness (or excitement?) but it can develop into that ole topic we all deal with now and again -- diarrhea! Nothing like a little case of diarrhea to put a crimp in your attitude!
Since I've had stomach and bowel problems (I think ever since I fell) I never know for sure if my body is telling me to quit eating a certain food group, if I have a bug, or if my body just plain wants me to quit eating so much. Which is probably the case. I have cut down, however. Been forced to. I don't feel good if I eat a heavy meal. Lately I don't feel good if I eat a light meal.
I know a lot of people who have had to deal with stomach and bowel issues as their body aged. It's all a part of life and I can play that game. I'm trying real hard to alter my eating habits and I think I'm getting there. At least some of the time. Weight loss is preached at us constantly although I don't think most of us need to be reminded. We know we're fat so shut up already! ha ha
I know I could lose weight faster if I could exercise more. I intend to start with stretching and short walks to see if I can get my body to agree with the movement. My low back hurts so often anymore, even standing to do dishes or cut out a pattern causes discomfort and a search for a chair. Damn nuisance! I've got one walking stick and I'm thinking maybe I'm going to get a second one and see if I can maneuver on walks for longer periods of time. This isn't something that's just started because it's been bothering me for many years. Back surgery is not on my game plan. After having a knee and shoulder replaced, I'm not all that keen on having any surgery again but I'm not ruling out a hip replacement. Man, my hip hurts somedays! I have to really pick up my feet and pay attention when I walk outside (or inside as far as that goes). I find my balance isn't graceful and I feel like I'm a fall waiting to happen. sigh....
Well, enough on that subject. I just woke up from a nap. Sleep is another thing I cope with. I can go to bed (depending on how tired I am) anywhere from 7:30 to 11. Most of the time I drop off fairly quickly but those times I get up to pee can be a challenge to let me go back to sleep again. I work real hard at NOT THINKING ABOUT STUFF! Sometimes I'm successful; sometimes not. I have found that naps in the recliner are something I dearly love -- and seem to need. And I have to force myself up after an hour or I could put in two or three hours easy. I don't like to do that 'cause it screws up my nighttime sleep.
I'm going to be sleeping on a firm mattrress for five nights this week and I'll be watching to see if I feel any better back wise. I do love my memory foam mattress but sometimes I wonder if it's good for my back or not. We'll see. I'm always testing back and forth.
I've got my "very large" bag mostly packed as Hunter and I are taking off around 11 a.m. We'll park in Gig Harbor and Mary will pick us up at my cousin's house. A lot less stress on me if I don't have to cope with driving on I-5. Especially if Chambers Bay Golf Tournament might mean more traffic. I'm looking forward to watching it on Mary and Andy's big tv screen. Hunter will be doing chores for Andy like power washing, painting, and yard work. I guess I've already mentioned all that. I don't seem to get over to my blog page on a daily basis much anymore. Mostly because I just do the same things over and over most of the time.
Did go to the alumni reunion Saturday. Took 93 pictures but had to delete almost a dozen because they were too blurry. Still got more learning to do on my camera. I'll post a few on my other blog for those of you who don't go to Facebook. I did make an album there of everything I took. Visit www.alumniofpths.blogspot.com to see the photos. I also posted a short piece on my Town Kid blog at the Leader a few days ago called Port Townsend Memories. You can read it at www.ptleader.com and click on "blogs".
Been doing a little bit of sewing the last few days. Made one quilt and started a second. As usual, I didn't think it through and my latest one doesn't line up the way it should. Mainly because I didn't want to cut off the little ants at the bottom of the pattern of the material I went to buy. I remember now why I don't invest in material too often. Gees, but it's expensive! I only bought a yard or so of this cute baby flannel and a half yard of this cotton pattern on my 'little boy in a hat' quilt. Ended up costing me $23. I think that's too much. I probably should have looked at Walmart or Joanne Fabrics first but I wanted to shop at this nice quilt shop across from Walgreens.
It doesn't match up the way it should but I'll work with it anyhow. I didn't want to start ripping out seams to start over. I'll put a could borders around the outside to see if I can't make it presentable. At least it's colorful and I was able to keep the little bugs at the bottom.
Here's two cartoons I saw on Facebook that cracked me up....
Well, off to post alumni pictures on 'Alumni of PTHS' blog.
Since I've had stomach and bowel problems (I think ever since I fell) I never know for sure if my body is telling me to quit eating a certain food group, if I have a bug, or if my body just plain wants me to quit eating so much. Which is probably the case. I have cut down, however. Been forced to. I don't feel good if I eat a heavy meal. Lately I don't feel good if I eat a light meal.
I know a lot of people who have had to deal with stomach and bowel issues as their body aged. It's all a part of life and I can play that game. I'm trying real hard to alter my eating habits and I think I'm getting there. At least some of the time. Weight loss is preached at us constantly although I don't think most of us need to be reminded. We know we're fat so shut up already! ha ha
I know I could lose weight faster if I could exercise more. I intend to start with stretching and short walks to see if I can get my body to agree with the movement. My low back hurts so often anymore, even standing to do dishes or cut out a pattern causes discomfort and a search for a chair. Damn nuisance! I've got one walking stick and I'm thinking maybe I'm going to get a second one and see if I can maneuver on walks for longer periods of time. This isn't something that's just started because it's been bothering me for many years. Back surgery is not on my game plan. After having a knee and shoulder replaced, I'm not all that keen on having any surgery again but I'm not ruling out a hip replacement. Man, my hip hurts somedays! I have to really pick up my feet and pay attention when I walk outside (or inside as far as that goes). I find my balance isn't graceful and I feel like I'm a fall waiting to happen. sigh....
Well, enough on that subject. I just woke up from a nap. Sleep is another thing I cope with. I can go to bed (depending on how tired I am) anywhere from 7:30 to 11. Most of the time I drop off fairly quickly but those times I get up to pee can be a challenge to let me go back to sleep again. I work real hard at NOT THINKING ABOUT STUFF! Sometimes I'm successful; sometimes not. I have found that naps in the recliner are something I dearly love -- and seem to need. And I have to force myself up after an hour or I could put in two or three hours easy. I don't like to do that 'cause it screws up my nighttime sleep.
I'm going to be sleeping on a firm mattrress for five nights this week and I'll be watching to see if I feel any better back wise. I do love my memory foam mattress but sometimes I wonder if it's good for my back or not. We'll see. I'm always testing back and forth.
I've got my "very large" bag mostly packed as Hunter and I are taking off around 11 a.m. We'll park in Gig Harbor and Mary will pick us up at my cousin's house. A lot less stress on me if I don't have to cope with driving on I-5. Especially if Chambers Bay Golf Tournament might mean more traffic. I'm looking forward to watching it on Mary and Andy's big tv screen. Hunter will be doing chores for Andy like power washing, painting, and yard work. I guess I've already mentioned all that. I don't seem to get over to my blog page on a daily basis much anymore. Mostly because I just do the same things over and over most of the time.
Did go to the alumni reunion Saturday. Took 93 pictures but had to delete almost a dozen because they were too blurry. Still got more learning to do on my camera. I'll post a few on my other blog for those of you who don't go to Facebook. I did make an album there of everything I took. Visit www.alumniofpths.blogspot.com to see the photos. I also posted a short piece on my Town Kid blog at the Leader a few days ago called Port Townsend Memories. You can read it at www.ptleader.com and click on "blogs".
Been doing a little bit of sewing the last few days. Made one quilt and started a second. As usual, I didn't think it through and my latest one doesn't line up the way it should. Mainly because I didn't want to cut off the little ants at the bottom of the pattern of the material I went to buy. I remember now why I don't invest in material too often. Gees, but it's expensive! I only bought a yard or so of this cute baby flannel and a half yard of this cotton pattern on my 'little boy in a hat' quilt. Ended up costing me $23. I think that's too much. I probably should have looked at Walmart or Joanne Fabrics first but I wanted to shop at this nice quilt shop across from Walgreens.
It doesn't match up the way it should but I'll work with it anyhow. I didn't want to start ripping out seams to start over. I'll put a could borders around the outside to see if I can't make it presentable. At least it's colorful and I was able to keep the little bugs at the bottom.
Here's two cartoons I saw on Facebook that cracked me up....
Well, off to post alumni pictures on 'Alumni of PTHS' blog.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Getting ready for Alumni
Guess I'll scrounge around in my closet and see what I can find to wear tomorrow. Gotta be something comfortable, especially as far as the shoes go. I don't suppose sweat pants are in order, though. ha ha Looking forward to seeing those folks I never get to see, and hope I have mastered my camera enough to get few blurry shots. I'm still struggling with how to get clear photos after I crop and enlarge. I'll play around with it all summer. Also need to get myself over to Joy Bland's house as I know she can teach me the things I want to know.
Boy, the wind sure blew last night. Kind of surprising after the nice sunny days we've been having. I slept a lot better last night than the night before and I suspect that was part of the depression I was dealing with. Just can't function without sleep.
Finished up household chores early but they didn't amount to much. Couple loads of laundry, dishwasher loaded and running, fresh nectar made for the hummingbirds, and trash taken out. Once I come back from Renton, I'll probably throw myself into a little deeper cleaning. I always seem to notice more when I've been gone for a few days. Like the windows. I can tell now they're overdue.
Will finish up another counted cross stitch pattern tonight. Or not. I could stop with the trees but the pattern does call for a large green front lawn with a fence so we'll see how energetic I feel about that.
This is one of those pictures that came out blurry. Think I'll take a break here and see if I can figure out how to take a better shot. Oh yeah, this one is better.....
June 12, 1973....I believe that was the day I started work at the PT Medical Clinic. Hadn't worked in ten years so I was mighty nervous. One of the few times I managed to lose weight without even trying. Oh, those glory days of stress.... my diary recorded on June 15th that I got a paycheck for $62 --and I was thrilled! ha ha
Jenni and Mary are starting new jobs this month too. Course Mary goes from job to job as a consultant but next week she'll be back at T-Mobile where Andy works. She likes that as they'll be able to ride to work and pick up Jake. He's also going to start a new daycare on Monday. Jenni is going back to a bank branch she used to work at so she's excited. And Maddie says she loves her job at Traylor's so that's a good thing!
I did manage to finish up a quilt yesterday and now I'm thinking about the next one I want to make. I'd embroidered these blanket squares and then put them away so perhaps it's time to figure out what to do with them.
I got to thinking about the American Girl Magazine I used to take when I was a kid. I saw some on ebay from my time frame so I made a bid on it. Well, I made an offer. It cost $4 just to ship (which is too high in my opinion) and everybody who was selling a copy, wanted $12 or more. Also too high. I offered $8 and am waiting to see if it's accepted.
Looking forward to the Chambers Bay Golf Tournament on television. I guess I'm repeating myself. I wouldn't particularly want to see it in person but I do enjoy watching from my recliner. Well, dryer just turned off so I'd better fold the laundry before I put it off all day long. Gotta pick up the kids at noon from their last day of high school as freshmen.
Boy, the wind sure blew last night. Kind of surprising after the nice sunny days we've been having. I slept a lot better last night than the night before and I suspect that was part of the depression I was dealing with. Just can't function without sleep.
Finished up household chores early but they didn't amount to much. Couple loads of laundry, dishwasher loaded and running, fresh nectar made for the hummingbirds, and trash taken out. Once I come back from Renton, I'll probably throw myself into a little deeper cleaning. I always seem to notice more when I've been gone for a few days. Like the windows. I can tell now they're overdue.
Will finish up another counted cross stitch pattern tonight. Or not. I could stop with the trees but the pattern does call for a large green front lawn with a fence so we'll see how energetic I feel about that.
This is one of those pictures that came out blurry. Think I'll take a break here and see if I can figure out how to take a better shot. Oh yeah, this one is better.....
June 12, 1973....I believe that was the day I started work at the PT Medical Clinic. Hadn't worked in ten years so I was mighty nervous. One of the few times I managed to lose weight without even trying. Oh, those glory days of stress.... my diary recorded on June 15th that I got a paycheck for $62 --and I was thrilled! ha ha
Jenni and Mary are starting new jobs this month too. Course Mary goes from job to job as a consultant but next week she'll be back at T-Mobile where Andy works. She likes that as they'll be able to ride to work and pick up Jake. He's also going to start a new daycare on Monday. Jenni is going back to a bank branch she used to work at so she's excited. And Maddie says she loves her job at Traylor's so that's a good thing!
I did manage to finish up a quilt yesterday and now I'm thinking about the next one I want to make. I'd embroidered these blanket squares and then put them away so perhaps it's time to figure out what to do with them.
I got to thinking about the American Girl Magazine I used to take when I was a kid. I saw some on ebay from my time frame so I made a bid on it. Well, I made an offer. It cost $4 just to ship (which is too high in my opinion) and everybody who was selling a copy, wanted $12 or more. Also too high. I offered $8 and am waiting to see if it's accepted.
Looking forward to the Chambers Bay Golf Tournament on television. I guess I'm repeating myself. I wouldn't particularly want to see it in person but I do enjoy watching from my recliner. Well, dryer just turned off so I'd better fold the laundry before I put it off all day long. Gotta pick up the kids at noon from their last day of high school as freshmen.
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