My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, October 3, 2011

Anniversary Week

Although I've been divorced for 29 years, I still remember certain anniversaries related to that period of my life when I was married.  My years as a child and teen in Port Townsend lasted about 18 years. My marriage also lasted 18 years.  While looking for something (I spend a whole lot of time these days lookin' for stuff), I came across this little token that my ex-husband and I made on this machine press in a Greyhound bus depot in Portland, OR. 

The date on the token is Oct. 4, 1963, and I think it cost about a dollar to make it. Maybe less. We had very little money during our courtship and no car either.  We used city transit busses to get around and spent a lot of time drinking cokes in downtown Portland cafes.  According to my wedding book, we met on Oct. 2, he proposed on Oct. 11, gave me a ring on Nov. 7, and we married on January 4.  Were we impulsive or what?!  Sometimes I'm a little surprised we made it as long as we did.

I'm not sure why I even kept this little token.  I think after a few years, I decided it was too old to throw away.  I have a real hard time throwing old stuff away.  And speaking of "throwing away"....I decided to delete old email messages this morning.  In my inbox, as well as 'sent' and 'deleted' areas.  Always scary when I do that because I know without a doubt, I'm going to want to look something up and when it's gone, it's gone.  But when you've got over 1200 sitting in the deleted files, it seems silly to not hit the delete button.

Right now I've got 'Dancing with the Stars' playing on the TV in here.  I've kind of lost interest in it.  Actually, I like parts of it but have to tape it because there's so much that annoys me about the show.Like the judges and their stupid comments and the commercials that appear too frequently. This year I'm really turned off by Chaz. 

I don't have a problem with her becoming him but it's downright painful to watch him perform. He's TOO FAT!  And believe me, I seldom ever criticize fat people.  Mainly because well....I'm fat.  But then we all know that.  Anyhow, I'm not actually against him being fat; I think I'm against him strutting around like a fat man trying to be light on his feet.  Or something.  It's hard to explain.  He just irritates the hell out of me!  It's all for ratings and I know that.  People are so transparent.

I've been working on "tagging" a lot of CZ & PTPC mill photos that I posted on Facebook a few days ago.  Man, what a job!  Mary Norton came by and helped me a little today but I already had a few ID'd from when Alyce Hansen helped me.  I'll work on it again tomorrow.  Mary and I went out for Mexican food, and we stopped by the library too.

I wanted to read Homer Tobin's book 'When the World was young and I was too" (or something like that).  They didn't have it but I found this other one called "Sturdy Folk" by Mavis Amundson. Short bios about local folks. Saw Freida Imislund's picture in it.

Mary gave me the coolest birthday gift. A dish she got in Africa.  I LOVE IT!
I love having girl friends stop in so I can make them look at all my projects. (whether they want to or not!)  hee hee   I'm working on counted cross stitch designs now and plan to sew them into little quilt wall hangings for Xmas gifts.  Here's one completed and 3 in process.
I bought a few dozen tulip bulbs at Walmart a couple days ago and hope to get them in the ground this month or next.  I also picked up a pot of purple pansies that caught my eye.

I wanted to put them on the front porch but was afraid the deer would eat them so I transferred them to this blue pot and set them near the sliding glass door in the back.

I was looking through a Bits & Pieces catalog the other night and saw this puzzle for sale by Cindy Mangutz.  I have two of her prints on my wall and am thinking of buying some of her note cards.  I may order the puzzle too, even though three different puzzles come in the box.  It's really a cool picture. Shows Manresa at Halloween.

News was interesting today.  So happy Amanda Knox is on the way home.  What a horrible four years she's had.  And I heard Chris Christie is playing with the idea of running for Prez.  I'll be watching that story as I don't particularly care for anybody that's running right now.

Well, I think I'll hit the sack.  I seem to be in a real slump lately where I can't hardly stay up at night if I don't get a nap.  Seems to go in cycles. I'm blaming it on the change of seasons.  I'm trying to diet this week too.  Mainly willing myself to avoid all desserts.  My sweet tooth went wild all summer and I'm none too happy with my lack of will power. 

I need to  up my exercise routine too.  I'm betting if I did, I'd see a huge improvement in my fatigue problem.   Going to be limited to bike riding, though, as my foot continues to cause me grief.

Got some interesting trivia facts from Les Walden.  If I can remember, I'll add one to each days' blog post.  Here's the first....  (these are REALLY INTERESTING!)

If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on the left side of your mouth.

Mary Norton told me about this video she saw about a mother lion rescuing her cub who had fallen off a cliff and how the other mother lions watched her go get her. I knew I'd find it on YouTube.


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