I did sit down to post a blog last night but after reading it through, I decided that there probably wasn't one single person out there who wanted to hear about me having diarrhea all day. So I had a conversation with myself about how living alone doesn't mean I need to share EVERYTHING online. Social networks like email, Facebook, and blogs are a way for people who don't really get out and about much to connect with the world--even if it is just through cyberspace. I've been a letter-writer all my life so communicating via a keyboard comes natural for me and I much prefer it over telephones a lot of the time.
Visiting in person would require I fill up the tank and travel 100 miles round trip to my PT pals. I haven't really made many Port Angeles friends but then I haven't put much effort into it either. Most of the time I'm contented with my own company. I suppose because I keep busy with hobbies, movies, writing, computer, etc. I don't go to parties anymore. In fact I seldom go out at night at all, if I can help it. I would if I had a boyfriend to drive me but that's probably not going to happen. So.....here I sit blogging away to anybody who might click on my words and have an interest in what that ole dingbat is up to now. Ha Ha
Well, back to my life...
I just took a loaf of bread out of the oven. I had to cut it in half as I altered the ingredients a bit and wasn't positive even cooking it longer was going to make the middle "not soggy." It seems to be okay but I suppose it could have used another ten minutes. It smells wonderful and tastes pretty darn good too. I had almost a full can of whole berry cranberry sauce left over and I knew it would make a good bread. My recipe also called for orange rind, orange juice, and walnuts. I just may bake some more for Xmas gifts.
I made an early morning trip down to Safeway to buy a can of enchillada sauce and once inside the store, I realized I need some fresh veggies too. I spent close to $30 (HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!) and then went across the street to Goodwill. Only spent $6 there. Got a really cute green frog that is very soft and looks brand new. Even had all the tags on it yet.
I also picked up a large roll of Xmas wrap. Better price than even Walmart. Tomorrow I'll start wrapping a few gifts. I was going to mail out my Xmas postcards Wed. or Thurs. but when I went out to talk to the mail lady this morning to ask her opinion on the best way to mail off 70 postcards, she asked me if I wanted her to take them now so I said OK. She handed me my mail and among the assortment of mostly catalogs was my first Xmas card of the season. Candi Lopemen Johnson is always the first. I have all the cards Mary's friends have sent out over the years. Interesting (like Xmas letters) to see the changes taking place.
Candi and Dean's card this year toasts family members who have recently died. Maybe I'll scan it in as it's particularly nice. Picture first---greeting second...
I saw an ad on Facebook for a Xmas ornament the PT school is selling. Looked pretty nice so I ordered one.
Also saw a picture of my cousin, Linda, on her daughter's Facebook page. Wish she lived closer than KY so we could get together now and then.
I finished a table runner yesterday and sewed a few more squares on my latest quilt project.
I also finished listening to a audio book called Family History. It was pretty good. UPS guy brought me a book this morning that I ordered online called 'The Hunger Games.' My granddaughter, Maddie, has been after me to please read it. So I'm going to. I'm halfway through Gail Davies' book and am finding it very interesting as well. Especially since she's hung out with all the people that I've loved for ages---Vince Gill, Emmylou Harris, Waylon Jennings, Dolly Parton....all of them!
Got my electric bill and my cable bill today. I've decided I really need to try and leave the heat off more. It wouldn't kill me to put on sweaters and wrap in blankets like I used to. Need to see that bill to remind me. I'm going to buy some lottery tickets tomorrow to rectify my financial situation that seems to worsen every December. Christmas is partly to blame, of course, but most things cost more as well. I looked up the most frequent numbers called on all the games and I'm going to buy one ticket for each game. And yes, I'm completely aware that this is one stupid remedy but it's the way my mind works.
Well, I think I'll go finish watching the movie that I couldn't stay up to finish last night. An oldie called 'The Next Voice you Hear.' It was a 1950 flick starring James Whitmore and Nancy Reagan. Although she was Nancy Davis then. Love seeing the cars and furniture and sets of the old black and whites. One of James Whitmore's pals is Tom D'Andrea, best known as Jim Gilles in the old tv series of Life of Riley. This movie has to do with God's voice coming over the radio. Wish they'd show more of these 'never heard of relics.'
Politics is getting interesting again. I never was that enthused about Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, or Mitt Romney. Ron Paul was a little interesting but I felt he'd get run over eventually. I am interested in what Newt Gingrich has to say. Sooner or later, somebody (probably Romney's group) will decide to dig up some dirt and see if they can't rub his nose in it. I'm hoping he can weather the storm and I'm betting he will. Let's face it. Most politicians these days all have some character flaws of some kind. They're only human. I wonder if Abe Lincoln was a secret bad boy. I'm betting no.
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The wrong side of the bed
I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Mainly because I got a horrible calf cramp (second day in a row) and was facing the window so I needed to exit the bed quickly on that side of the bed. I had gotten one a couple hours before and put a couple of the leg cramp pills I have under my tongue but I don't they work all that well as I got another round at 6:15. Way too early to be getting up on a rainy Sunday morning but oh well...this is my life.
As the pattern goes, I haven't been bothered with cramps for weeks and then wham boom, I'll have them for a day or two or three in a row. I was out of magnesium and potassium pills so that made up my mind to venture out and replenish my supply. Picked up some bananas too.
It was pouring quite hard when I left the house at 8:30 but I was counting on Walmart being empty--and it was. Still don't relish walking around that large of a store but then my foot pretty much dictates my walking distance these days. I think I'm gonna have to make that foot doctor appt sooner than next month afterall. Five months of limping around is long enough and I need to get it healed.
Before heading across town, I checked out my pantry for what else I might need in the way of groceries. I planned on making turkey enchilladas this afternoon and I was pleased to find a can of sauce on the shelf. A few minutes ago, I pulled out all the ingredients I need and wouldn't you know--I can't find that can of enchillada sauce. I was so positive I had seen it earlier that I started searching the house thinking I must have set it down elsewhere. After going through the pantry twice and even checking the fridge, freezer, and bathrooms, I finally gave up in disgust. I must have only thought I saw a can of sauce. Hate it when that happens. I think what I hate the most is that I can't just let it go and continue on to something else. I have to search and search and search some more convinced it's right under my nose and I'm not seeing it. When I finally give up, I'm mad at myself for wasting all that time.
Either my eyes were playing tricks on me or I'm just losing it altogether. Maybe I dreamed it. I did take a 40-minute nap in my recliner this afternoon but I guess I didn't go under far enough as I'm still yawning and wondering how I'm going to stay awake tonight.
Last night I started reading a book instead of watching tv. Much to my surprise, I was able to get through half of it. Would have liked to have continued on but my eyes got tired and I started nodding off. Just another side effect of the aging process, I suppose. Damn nuisance!
I spent a couple hours or so listening to another audio book and it's a pretty good one. Called Family History. I seem to get more sewing done if the book is interesting. I made pretty good progress on several quilt squares. And that was about the extent of my activity today. Yesterday I posted on my Leader blog and tomorrow I may wrap a few Christmas presents and continue sewing.
You can read my other blog at http://www.ptleader.com/
click on blogs at the top, scroll to Town Kid, and click on "Hey Kids! What time is it?"
Sure is looking like a dark winter night. I think I'll close the blinds as it can get a tad depressing sometimes. Now I have to search the kitchen and try to find something that appeals to me for dinner. Nothing comes to mind except maybe my boyfriend coming over and taking me out to a nice restaurant. I can't see that happening, though, since I can't remember my boyfriend's name. Ha Ha Maybe I'll go visit Marie Callendar out in the garage freezer. At least she's easy.
Condolences to my cousins in Gig Harbor who lost their mother to cancer shortly before midnight on Friday night.
As the pattern goes, I haven't been bothered with cramps for weeks and then wham boom, I'll have them for a day or two or three in a row. I was out of magnesium and potassium pills so that made up my mind to venture out and replenish my supply. Picked up some bananas too.
It was pouring quite hard when I left the house at 8:30 but I was counting on Walmart being empty--and it was. Still don't relish walking around that large of a store but then my foot pretty much dictates my walking distance these days. I think I'm gonna have to make that foot doctor appt sooner than next month afterall. Five months of limping around is long enough and I need to get it healed.
Before heading across town, I checked out my pantry for what else I might need in the way of groceries. I planned on making turkey enchilladas this afternoon and I was pleased to find a can of sauce on the shelf. A few minutes ago, I pulled out all the ingredients I need and wouldn't you know--I can't find that can of enchillada sauce. I was so positive I had seen it earlier that I started searching the house thinking I must have set it down elsewhere. After going through the pantry twice and even checking the fridge, freezer, and bathrooms, I finally gave up in disgust. I must have only thought I saw a can of sauce. Hate it when that happens. I think what I hate the most is that I can't just let it go and continue on to something else. I have to search and search and search some more convinced it's right under my nose and I'm not seeing it. When I finally give up, I'm mad at myself for wasting all that time.
Either my eyes were playing tricks on me or I'm just losing it altogether. Maybe I dreamed it. I did take a 40-minute nap in my recliner this afternoon but I guess I didn't go under far enough as I'm still yawning and wondering how I'm going to stay awake tonight.
Last night I started reading a book instead of watching tv. Much to my surprise, I was able to get through half of it. Would have liked to have continued on but my eyes got tired and I started nodding off. Just another side effect of the aging process, I suppose. Damn nuisance!
I spent a couple hours or so listening to another audio book and it's a pretty good one. Called Family History. I seem to get more sewing done if the book is interesting. I made pretty good progress on several quilt squares. And that was about the extent of my activity today. Yesterday I posted on my Leader blog and tomorrow I may wrap a few Christmas presents and continue sewing.
You can read my other blog at http://www.ptleader.com/
click on blogs at the top, scroll to Town Kid, and click on "Hey Kids! What time is it?"
Sure is looking like a dark winter night. I think I'll close the blinds as it can get a tad depressing sometimes. Now I have to search the kitchen and try to find something that appeals to me for dinner. Nothing comes to mind except maybe my boyfriend coming over and taking me out to a nice restaurant. I can't see that happening, though, since I can't remember my boyfriend's name. Ha Ha Maybe I'll go visit Marie Callendar out in the garage freezer. At least she's easy.
Condolences to my cousins in Gig Harbor who lost their mother to cancer shortly before midnight on Friday night.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday morning in P.A.
7:45 a.m. and here I sit in my favorite spot with coffee cup in hand. Washing machine is churning away and when I finish here, I intend to get the one chore off my list that I hate the most--cleaning the oven. I thought my range was a self-cleaning so I got out the instruction book to read up on how the settings work. I've been cleaning it by myself because I don't usually like to use the self-clean button. Not sure why. Anyhow, that's beside the point because I just figured out my booklet is for the "other" stove. The one I gave Jenni. It was like brand new and a really nice one (Joe had bought it for me for Christmas I think) and I didn't want to leave it in the mobile home in Sequim so we took Jenni's older range and traded it with my gift range.
While basting the turkey on Thursday, I kept losing control of the baster and was squirting juice on the back of the oven wall before I could get it on the bird. You'd think after all these years I could master a baster, for crying out loud! Not sure what my problem was. Anyhow, Hunter baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday and the oven smell was not the pleasant one of cookies but burnt turkey basting so I put it on my "to-do list" today.
Hunter was such a huge help yesterday. He hung Christmas lights on the front porch and the trees in the backyard. Also discovered I hadn't put on the styrofoam faucet covers correctly and fixed my handiwork for me.
If you look close at the window on this shot, you can see Sammy's eyes staring out at us. I would have liked to have brought him outside but he can't be trusted to stay out of the street. We did let him in the backyard when we worked there and he was very interested in the new holes exposed when I rearranged my rock garden rocks when I discovered they weren't going to hold my bird feeders the way I wanted them to.
Catie came over for a while in the afternoon as she needed to retrieve some wrapped Xmas gifts for me to take back to Renton. We'll probably go to Mary and Andy's next month although I've already announced I'm staying home if the roads are icy or snowy. I don't need the added stress of that! All three kids helped me plant a couple of small trees in the front, and I was thrilled.
The only thing I see when I look out my one front window is this little tree I put there in the summer. I kept watching it and it kept turning brown. I was pretty sure it was one of those trees that stayed green, or was at least supposed to stay green! I didn't see how it could have died as I babied it along.
Anyhow, we ran over to the Airport Nursery and I picked up a couple of small trees that the guy said would transplant nicely this time of year.
I wonder if this one is planted too close to the curb. Wanted to use the hole that was already there but I may have to move it a tad come spring time. Catie went to so much trouble to enlarge the hole for me and pulled out that huge rock on the left.
I took this picture of them when we were all done.
Well, I'd best get busy around here. Once I finish the oven and put clean sheets on the bed, all the other chores are computer or paper related. (My favorite kind of toil)
While basting the turkey on Thursday, I kept losing control of the baster and was squirting juice on the back of the oven wall before I could get it on the bird. You'd think after all these years I could master a baster, for crying out loud! Not sure what my problem was. Anyhow, Hunter baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday and the oven smell was not the pleasant one of cookies but burnt turkey basting so I put it on my "to-do list" today.
Hunter was such a huge help yesterday. He hung Christmas lights on the front porch and the trees in the backyard. Also discovered I hadn't put on the styrofoam faucet covers correctly and fixed my handiwork for me.
If you look close at the window on this shot, you can see Sammy's eyes staring out at us. I would have liked to have brought him outside but he can't be trusted to stay out of the street. We did let him in the backyard when we worked there and he was very interested in the new holes exposed when I rearranged my rock garden rocks when I discovered they weren't going to hold my bird feeders the way I wanted them to.
Catie came over for a while in the afternoon as she needed to retrieve some wrapped Xmas gifts for me to take back to Renton. We'll probably go to Mary and Andy's next month although I've already announced I'm staying home if the roads are icy or snowy. I don't need the added stress of that! All three kids helped me plant a couple of small trees in the front, and I was thrilled.
The only thing I see when I look out my one front window is this little tree I put there in the summer. I kept watching it and it kept turning brown. I was pretty sure it was one of those trees that stayed green, or was at least supposed to stay green! I didn't see how it could have died as I babied it along.
Anyhow, we ran over to the Airport Nursery and I picked up a couple of small trees that the guy said would transplant nicely this time of year.
I wonder if this one is planted too close to the curb. Wanted to use the hole that was already there but I may have to move it a tad come spring time. Catie went to so much trouble to enlarge the hole for me and pulled out that huge rock on the left.
I took this picture of them when we were all done.
Well, I'd best get busy around here. Once I finish the oven and put clean sheets on the bed, all the other chores are computer or paper related. (My favorite kind of toil)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Our shopping trip
The kids and I decided to stop at Swains and get some Christmas lights. Found this really neat multicolored cord-like string that bends easily so Hunter installed it on my front railing. I think he feels we need more, however, as he's out there messing with another string of little lights he found. So glad he likes to tinker like that. Saves a lot of wear and tear on me.
His dad came by with a package for the neighbors so he took a break from hanging lights to hop in the back of the truck. Sammy is going nuts at the window as he wants to come outside and play too.
Wayne at the neighbor's house.
We stopped at McDonalds for lunch and then browsed The Odyssey Book Store downtown. I bought three used books and an early Christmas present for Maddie. (a gum making machine) She's busy in the kitchen making a mess with it right now.
Here's one of the more boring videos I've done. A walk-thru the back yard.
His dad came by with a package for the neighbors so he took a break from hanging lights to hop in the back of the truck. Sammy is going nuts at the window as he wants to come outside and play too.
Wayne at the neighbor's house.
We stopped at McDonalds for lunch and then browsed The Odyssey Book Store downtown. I bought three used books and an early Christmas present for Maddie. (a gum making machine) She's busy in the kitchen making a mess with it right now.
Here's one of the more boring videos I've done. A walk-thru the back yard.
Friday,the day after
It's 8 a.m. and the day ahead is mine to use as I choose. Sitting here watching a clip from a crowd storming the doors of some big department store and it just makes me shake my head. Why would anyone think that was fun?! But apparently many do. Including my youngest. Wayne dropped off Sammy and the twins this morning and said Jenni left the house early to head over to Walmart's Black Friday event before she continued on to work. Not the brightest of my kids. Ha Ha.. Just kidding Jen! Actually, I just talked to her on the phone and she had the store to herself this morning as Walmart's event was last night. She's attended them in the past, though. Enjoys watching the crowds and making fun of them.
Glad it's not raining or blowing this morning as Hunter is agreeable to helping me hang my outside Xmas lights on the back fence. I'm not as energetic, however, when it comes to pulling out the house decorations. I'll wait until next weekend. I might wrap a few gifts later today but we'll see.... depends on my energy level.
I went to bed at 9:30 last night exhausted to the bone. Even light entertaining these days seems to drain me. The toes on my left foot are throbbing away this morning. I may have to move up my second appt with the podiatrist. Had planned on doing it in January since this ailment has been ongoing since July and doesn't appear to be improving much.
Picture I saw on Facebook this morning.... my ex brother and sister-in-law in California...Don and Nancy Baldridge. Always had good times with those two.
Pictures I took yesterday....
Deer across the street during a rainstorm
Catie playing Scrabble with her mom after supper
Waiting for my turn (I won) hee hee
Jenni was sick and Paul had to get up early to go to work so our Thursday dinner was just the six of us. Had a ton of leftovers, of course, so I'll just reheat things tonight.
Well, Maddie wants the computer so guess I'll rummage around in the garage and find those lights.
Glad it's not raining or blowing this morning as Hunter is agreeable to helping me hang my outside Xmas lights on the back fence. I'm not as energetic, however, when it comes to pulling out the house decorations. I'll wait until next weekend. I might wrap a few gifts later today but we'll see.... depends on my energy level.
I went to bed at 9:30 last night exhausted to the bone. Even light entertaining these days seems to drain me. The toes on my left foot are throbbing away this morning. I may have to move up my second appt with the podiatrist. Had planned on doing it in January since this ailment has been ongoing since July and doesn't appear to be improving much.
Picture I saw on Facebook this morning.... my ex brother and sister-in-law in California...Don and Nancy Baldridge. Always had good times with those two.
Pictures I took yesterday....
Deer across the street during a rainstorm
Catie playing Scrabble with her mom after supper
Waiting for my turn (I won) hee hee
Jenni was sick and Paul had to get up early to go to work so our Thursday dinner was just the six of us. Had a ton of leftovers, of course, so I'll just reheat things tonight.
Well, Maddie wants the computer so guess I'll rummage around in the garage and find those lights.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Just finished eating breakfast (English muffin, yogurt, half a banana and coffee) while surfing my favorite websites. Gonna stick the bird in around 11 or so as we're not eating until 6 pm, when Sue gets off work.
I still have to throw together a quick giblet dressing to stuff inside the turkey but that's about all except for the regular chores of peeling potatoes, making gravy, setting the table, etc. Think I'm gonna turn the parade on tv and kick back and relax for a while. I boiled up the giblets yesterday afternoon and thought I'd treat Sammy to the turkey heart. Found it later on the carpet so I guess he didn't think it tasted all that swell. Ha Ha
Found some interesting Thanksgiving facts online so guess I'll share them and get off the computer for a while.
The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924 drew a quarter of a million people and featured costumed Macy's employees, professional bands, and animals from Central Park Zoo. Today, over 3 million people attend the parade, and another 44 million tune in on the tube.Giant helium balloons were added to Macy's parade in 1927. While Macy's planned to release them into the sky following the parade, the balloons popped on their ascent. The following year, the release was successful, and the balloons floated above the region for several days. Any kid lucky enough to find one of the deflated balloons thereafter received a free gift from the department store.
In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to the third Thursday of the month in an effort to spur shopping during The Great Depression. Met with vast public opposition, Roosevelt was forced to change the holiday back to the last Thursday in November just two years later.
Though Thomas Jefferson selected the bald eagle as our national bird, Benjamin Franklin thought the turkey was a better candidate. A "bird of courage," a turkey, Franklin believed, "would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his farm yard." In comparison, he said the eagle had "bad moral character" and played a lesser role in early American life.
I still have to throw together a quick giblet dressing to stuff inside the turkey but that's about all except for the regular chores of peeling potatoes, making gravy, setting the table, etc. Think I'm gonna turn the parade on tv and kick back and relax for a while. I boiled up the giblets yesterday afternoon and thought I'd treat Sammy to the turkey heart. Found it later on the carpet so I guess he didn't think it tasted all that swell. Ha Ha
Found some interesting Thanksgiving facts online so guess I'll share them and get off the computer for a while.
The first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924 drew a quarter of a million people and featured costumed Macy's employees, professional bands, and animals from Central Park Zoo. Today, over 3 million people attend the parade, and another 44 million tune in on the tube.Giant helium balloons were added to Macy's parade in 1927. While Macy's planned to release them into the sky following the parade, the balloons popped on their ascent. The following year, the release was successful, and the balloons floated above the region for several days. Any kid lucky enough to find one of the deflated balloons thereafter received a free gift from the department store.
In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to the third Thursday of the month in an effort to spur shopping during The Great Depression. Met with vast public opposition, Roosevelt was forced to change the holiday back to the last Thursday in November just two years later.
Though Thomas Jefferson selected the bald eagle as our national bird, Benjamin Franklin thought the turkey was a better candidate. A "bird of courage," a turkey, Franklin believed, "would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his farm yard." In comparison, he said the eagle had "bad moral character" and played a lesser role in early American life.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Best Ever!
I just finished reading The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. (Thanks Kris for recommending it)
I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book. One of the best I've ever read. And I'd never heard of this author or this book before. Come to find out (once I Googled her) that I'd recently read one of her other books and loved it too-- Half Broke Horses. I found this video on YouTube and was fascinated at getting to see her mom. Actually kind of reminded me of my Aunt Velna in a way. And sadly, my mother in other ways.
Years ago I read Carol Burnett's autobiography called 'One More Time'. I was impressed the way she wrote of her early life and told how it was having a mom that was less than perfect yet still writing in such a way so as not to belittle her mom too much. That can be hard to do and I wrote Carol a fan letter about the book. (and she wrote back) But then I've mentioned that fact more than once over time. Ha!
Anyhow, I intend to study a bit more on Jeannette Walls. Her book sold over 2 million copies and she wrote it in 2005. She kind of reminds me of Diane Westergaard in a way. Not in the life she led but the way she talks and looks. Great read!
The Day Before
Well, it's almost that time of the year. I typed "that time of the month" first but decided I'd change the wording. hee hee It's 8:30 a.m. and I've been hopping back and forth between the Today Show and Good Morning America. I pretty much can't stomach Justin Bieber so he gets no air time in this house. I get a little weary of Carson Kressley (who was also a contestant on Dancing) strutting around and showing off so I usually turn him off as well.
And while I did watch the three winners on Dancing with the Stars, I wasn't pleased to see Derek and Ricki at 3rd place so I turned the show off last night. The Kardashian sisters are doing their best to get in the spotlight this morning giving sweet messages to brother Rob but ZAP! - Away they go.
Jenni just emailed me that the heavy rainfall last night caused their septic system to slow down and she had to mop up a floor of water in the bathroom this morning. What a horrible way to start the day. I've noticed that the toilets "act up" in this house during heavy rainfall as well.
Half hour later....
Had to make a quick run over to Jen's to pick up Sammy as she got a call to hurry up and get to work as they needed her to open the bank. Sammy was as pleased as punch to see me, as usual. He's running around the house with his toys right now. I'm gonna finish up this morning post and prepare the oyster dressing for tomorrow. I found a new recipe I want to try.
Certain dishes that I used to make on a regular basis for the holidays seemed to have gone by the wayside. I always loved Peach Delight, a jello dish with whipped evaporated milk, cream cheese, pineapple, nuts, and peach jello but not everyone shares my enthusiasm for it so I don't make it too often. It's a lot of work anyway.
We don't seem to fix sweet potatoes or yams all that often either although I really like them. I'd make them for Christmas but Jenni fixes twice-baked potatoes and they're the favorite of EVERYONE! My aunt Elva used to make a lime jello dish with cottage cheese and walnuts but I don't make that all the time anymore either. Maybe I will at Christmas this year.
If it wasn't so much trouble, I'd bake yeast dinner rolls but with everything else you have to do in preparation for the meal, stopping to make rolls is hard to work into the schedule. I used to put a lot more effort into having special dishes but these days, I get just plain weary of being on my feet for an extended period of time. Yeah, I know. If I got out of this computer chair I'd have all the time in the world. But that probably isn't going to happen any time too soon.
Three of the pictures I'm posting today are things I saw on Facebook that I liked. This first one, though, is granddaughter Maddie working on a jigsaw puzzle with Sammy at her feet. I told her I wanted to take her picture because I liked her hairdo. She did those braids up herself.
I was feeling a little "off" yesterday. Not depressed exactly but still kind of blue. As I thought about it more today, I decided it was probably a case of remembering holidays past. Three years ago this week we were preparing for the funeral of my stepmother, Marcella, who had died November 15, 2008. In April of the following year, dad passed away, and in February of 2010, my stepbrother Steve Smith died.
The twins posing with Great grandparents, Marcella & John, and their uncle Steve.
2011 has so far taken two more relatives--My Aunt Lorraine in April and my cousin Sue's husband, Don Johnson, in June. Right now, my cousins in Gig Harbor, are preparing for their mother's last days. Marlyn Butler was married to my cousin, Bob Walker.
I know that death is just another part of life but seems like the holidays stir up the memories a little more than usual.
Guess I'll get going on that dressing recipe now. Here's three pictures on Facebook that I liked...
This is Port Townsend's poster picture for the season. I'd sure like to get a copy as I have a lot of PT scenes on my walls.
Have a nice Thanksgiving and don't eat too much.
And while I did watch the three winners on Dancing with the Stars, I wasn't pleased to see Derek and Ricki at 3rd place so I turned the show off last night. The Kardashian sisters are doing their best to get in the spotlight this morning giving sweet messages to brother Rob but ZAP! - Away they go.
Jenni just emailed me that the heavy rainfall last night caused their septic system to slow down and she had to mop up a floor of water in the bathroom this morning. What a horrible way to start the day. I've noticed that the toilets "act up" in this house during heavy rainfall as well.
Half hour later....
Had to make a quick run over to Jen's to pick up Sammy as she got a call to hurry up and get to work as they needed her to open the bank. Sammy was as pleased as punch to see me, as usual. He's running around the house with his toys right now. I'm gonna finish up this morning post and prepare the oyster dressing for tomorrow. I found a new recipe I want to try.
Certain dishes that I used to make on a regular basis for the holidays seemed to have gone by the wayside. I always loved Peach Delight, a jello dish with whipped evaporated milk, cream cheese, pineapple, nuts, and peach jello but not everyone shares my enthusiasm for it so I don't make it too often. It's a lot of work anyway.
We don't seem to fix sweet potatoes or yams all that often either although I really like them. I'd make them for Christmas but Jenni fixes twice-baked potatoes and they're the favorite of EVERYONE! My aunt Elva used to make a lime jello dish with cottage cheese and walnuts but I don't make that all the time anymore either. Maybe I will at Christmas this year.
If it wasn't so much trouble, I'd bake yeast dinner rolls but with everything else you have to do in preparation for the meal, stopping to make rolls is hard to work into the schedule. I used to put a lot more effort into having special dishes but these days, I get just plain weary of being on my feet for an extended period of time. Yeah, I know. If I got out of this computer chair I'd have all the time in the world. But that probably isn't going to happen any time too soon.
Three of the pictures I'm posting today are things I saw on Facebook that I liked. This first one, though, is granddaughter Maddie working on a jigsaw puzzle with Sammy at her feet. I told her I wanted to take her picture because I liked her hairdo. She did those braids up herself.
I was feeling a little "off" yesterday. Not depressed exactly but still kind of blue. As I thought about it more today, I decided it was probably a case of remembering holidays past. Three years ago this week we were preparing for the funeral of my stepmother, Marcella, who had died November 15, 2008. In April of the following year, dad passed away, and in February of 2010, my stepbrother Steve Smith died.
The twins posing with Great grandparents, Marcella & John, and their uncle Steve.
2011 has so far taken two more relatives--My Aunt Lorraine in April and my cousin Sue's husband, Don Johnson, in June. Right now, my cousins in Gig Harbor, are preparing for their mother's last days. Marlyn Butler was married to my cousin, Bob Walker.
I know that death is just another part of life but seems like the holidays stir up the memories a little more than usual.
Guess I'll get going on that dressing recipe now. Here's three pictures on Facebook that I liked...
This is Port Townsend's poster picture for the season. I'd sure like to get a copy as I have a lot of PT scenes on my walls.
Have a nice Thanksgiving and don't eat too much.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
As I sit here having my second cup of coffee, I know I need to get up and start movin' around here. And I will. Just have to think about it first. "Start movin'" was on my mind and since I live in the past a whole lot of the time, a song came to mind....Sure is hard to believe that it's been 54 years since I had a crush on Sal Mineo.
Looked over the TV lineup for today and tonight and I guess I'm gonna tape Sons of Anarchy and Storage Wars. Will probably watch Dancing with the Stars as I'm real curious who is gonna win. I want Derek and Ricki Lake but I'm guessing it might be JR this year. We'll see....
Here's Derek dancing with his sister
I noticed last night that the outspoken soccer player from Richland (Hope Solo)was absent from the audience in the background. Her partner, Maks, was with his previous partner, Kirstie Allie. I'd heard Hope didn't hold back at verbalizing her displeasure with the "Hollywood scene."
Well, I'd best get started. Gotta move all the sewing stuff from the kitchen, sweep the floor, make a couple of pies, and wrap some Xmas gifts. Tomorrow I'll whip up the oyster dressing and decide whether or not I want to bother with green bean casserole this year. Jenni's bringing a veggie plate and Sue is bringing a tomato/cucumber salad so I don't know that beans are needed on top of all that. Did anyone notice that it was hard to find a small can of French fried onions this year? Just the new packaging with a slightly larger box and much higher price!
Catie drove Mary and Andy to the airport this morning so they're up in the air now on their way to spend the holidays with his family in Pennsylvania. Jenni brought the dog over this morning on her way to work and informed me she's getting sick. Sore throat and general cold symptoms. I woke up with a slight sore throat myself but am hoping it was just morning post nasal drip. I can remember more than one Thanksgiving where I was down with the flu. Jenni remembers more Christmases when she's been sick. Mary, Andy, and Catie are on the outside edges of shaking their bugs too.
Oh great! I thought my shooting knee pains of yesterday was a passing thing but alas, it appears it's still hanging on. Guess I'll go take an Aleve and see if I can't nip it in the bud. Always puzzles me how these joint pains develop out of the blue and usually disappear just as quickly. I hope this is the case this week as I've got chores to do. Like most of America this 4th week of November.
Looked over the TV lineup for today and tonight and I guess I'm gonna tape Sons of Anarchy and Storage Wars. Will probably watch Dancing with the Stars as I'm real curious who is gonna win. I want Derek and Ricki Lake but I'm guessing it might be JR this year. We'll see....
Here's Derek dancing with his sister
I noticed last night that the outspoken soccer player from Richland (Hope Solo)was absent from the audience in the background. Her partner, Maks, was with his previous partner, Kirstie Allie. I'd heard Hope didn't hold back at verbalizing her displeasure with the "Hollywood scene."
Well, I'd best get started. Gotta move all the sewing stuff from the kitchen, sweep the floor, make a couple of pies, and wrap some Xmas gifts. Tomorrow I'll whip up the oyster dressing and decide whether or not I want to bother with green bean casserole this year. Jenni's bringing a veggie plate and Sue is bringing a tomato/cucumber salad so I don't know that beans are needed on top of all that. Did anyone notice that it was hard to find a small can of French fried onions this year? Just the new packaging with a slightly larger box and much higher price!
Catie drove Mary and Andy to the airport this morning so they're up in the air now on their way to spend the holidays with his family in Pennsylvania. Jenni brought the dog over this morning on her way to work and informed me she's getting sick. Sore throat and general cold symptoms. I woke up with a slight sore throat myself but am hoping it was just morning post nasal drip. I can remember more than one Thanksgiving where I was down with the flu. Jenni remembers more Christmases when she's been sick. Mary, Andy, and Catie are on the outside edges of shaking their bugs too.
Oh great! I thought my shooting knee pains of yesterday was a passing thing but alas, it appears it's still hanging on. Guess I'll go take an Aleve and see if I can't nip it in the bud. Always puzzles me how these joint pains develop out of the blue and usually disappear just as quickly. I hope this is the case this week as I've got chores to do. Like most of America this 4th week of November.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thrift shop buys
Made a quick Safeway and post office run early this morning and decided to go to Serenity House and see if I could find a little Thanksgiving decoration. Their Christmas room was open and music was playing so I wandered in. Bought three cute tins for putting cookies/candy in and the following items.
Dollar grab bag of little ornaments for the tree or packages.
Two pilgrims for 40 cents.
Cute Snowman wreath for $2
Snowmen window decals that stick really really well
This is a runner I made today but I don't really like the color scheme. My little projects are usually from pieces I've just pulled out of bins so there isn't a real color design in place. Still I suppose it's good enough for a dresser or table. Maybe. I probably should just keep going and make a quilt instead.
Got a Thanksgiving card and picture from Mary Gaboury in Yuma. I wanted to see her place but I'll have to write again and tell her I want a street scene.
Took my turkey out of the freezer this morning but it's still hard as a brick so I guess I'll let the ole bird sit out tomorrow in a sink of water. Always hard to tell when to start defrosting.
Having a terrible knee day for some reason. I wonder if it's because of the rain. Just sitting at the sewing machine or in my recliner and WHAMMO! Sharp pain shooting through the side of my knee. A few days ago it was the other knee. I guess? it's arthritis. At any rate, it's just another reminder that the body is aging and there isn't a blasted thing I can do about it. Whine whine whine.....
Well, gotta check out the tv lineup and see what I need to watch and what I need to tape. Maddie wants on the computer so I'd best tootle.....
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Papa was a rolling stone...
I've always enjoyed watching the Temptations. Also interesting to see how individuals or groups evolve over time. I wish the dancers in front were featured more in this video. There's another on YouTube where the Temptations are performing on TV and you can see the audience sitting in the background with their backs straight and not moving a lick. I know they were probably instructed to pose that way but I've always wondered how they could just sit there and not move with this group performing right in front of them.
I enjoy surfing around on YouTube looking for videos of music of the past. There's really a lot of good entertainment out there. Oldies like Ivory Joe Hunter, Mary Wells, Bo Diddley, etc.
I just looked over the TV Guide lineup online to see if I could find anything today or tonight to tape. I'll probably record the Music Awards so I can zip through everything I can't stand. There are a couple shows on PBS that interest me too. 'America in Primetime' showing at 8 pm and 'Women who Rock' showing at 12:30 a.m. I see 'Officer and a Gentleman' is showing up after midnight.
I started watching the Walking Dead and Hell on Wheels on AMC Sunday nights and they're both pretty entertaining--although Walking Dead is a tad goulish at times. Last night I put a movie in the DVD that I had picked up somewhere. Maybe the library gift shop or a yard sale. Anyhow, it had a high rating on IMDB so I thought I would give it a try. Called 'The Descent'. It was from 2005 and OMG! It scared me half to death.
It kind of started out like Deliverance. Six women decide to go deep into the mountains of North Carolina to explore a cave. I'm claustrophobic anyway so when they started getting stuck in these tiny crawl spaces, I was very uncomfortable. Things went from bad to worse and I jumped several times. Wanted to turn the damn thing off but I HAD TO SEE if they survived. Definitely not a show for young kids as it would surely give nightmares for years to come.
I was disappointed that underground monsters were part of the storyline but it did make for one good horror flick. I wanted something light and happy after that so I put in an Andy Griffith movie called 'Onionhead' that I had taped a while back. It only lasted 15 minutes, however; way too corny. Next came a movie I'd bought (at Serentiy House maybe?) called X-Files. It had a very high rating on IMDB. One of the highest I've ever seen them rate a show. I never watched X-Files on TV but now I'm thinking I probably should have. This was a great movie.
I'm going to try and stay off the computer today. I've got a book to finish listening to and quilt pieces to play around with. Am definitely not going outside. Looks way too cold. I checked my lotto tickets (I'm still a poor ole lady on social security) and I had to check the Leader website to see if my blog made the 'Most Viewed" box. Thankfully, it did so now I can quit checking.
I actually sat down in a chair to read yesterday. As I knew it would, it made me sleepy so I took a nap. I'm hoping reading during the day will develop into a habit for me so I can start getting through some of the books on my shelves. Amazes me how many books I have and how many I haven't read. Doesn't make sense but it is what it is.
I should try to do something with my hair as I look pretty darn dreadful this morning but it's doubtful anyone is going to show up at my door so I intend to stay ugly until bedtime. Tomorrow I guess I'll pull the frozen turkey out of the garage freezer and start defrosting the bird for Thursday supper. Thanksgiving will be a good excuse for picture taking so I'll post some later in the week.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
36 degrees
I've got an old vhs tape playing on the VCR and enjoying it immensely. I've got about a dozen tapes, half old country, half old rock and roll, that were taped years ago from the music channels on TV. I stick them in (especially weekend mornings) when I want uninterrupted music that soothes. Here's one that played earlier that I took from YouTube.
I slept until 7:50 a.m. today and awoke to a backyard of snow. Not a lot of snow, but enough to make me decide to stay inside.
It's raining lightly now but there's a little snow mixed in with it. I've already got my day planned.
Gonna sew quilt pieces, hem in some pantlegs on sweats I bought, fertilize the houseplants, bake a cake, wrap a few Christmas gifts, and read. I'm working on a counted cross stitch pattern at night when I watch tv. It's six houses in a row with a couple of trees--all done in blue. Haven't quite decided if I'll frame it or add material around the outside to make a wall hanging. I could also make it a bookmark, as far as that goes.
I need to make a run into Sequim before Thanksgiving so I'm hoping this white stuff disappears quickly. The roads are clear enough but I don't venture out if I see any white at all. Yesterday I slipped on the driveway just walking to the mailbox--and the pavement looked absolutely innocent! I'm too old to be taking the chance of falling on my butt! There's enough padding there, I suppose, to save me but I can't guarantee the hip bones could take a tumble. Especially the way they ache along with my knees when I'm just sitting up in bed minding my own business!
Here's a picture I just got in an email of new dining room lights Mary and Andy installed over their table. So pretty....
I'm thinking of giving books for Christmas this year. I've got some really terrific ones on my shelf that are like brand new. I always like getting books myself. I'm reading several right now..... The Glass Castle, The Fifties, The Last of the Outlaws, and Do dead people walk theirdogs. Waiting in the wings is Youngblood Hawke and Life of Pi.
And here's a song by Bob Dylan that I really love...dedicated to Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary (who I also love). She died in September two years ago.
I slept until 7:50 a.m. today and awoke to a backyard of snow. Not a lot of snow, but enough to make me decide to stay inside.
It's raining lightly now but there's a little snow mixed in with it. I've already got my day planned.
Gonna sew quilt pieces, hem in some pantlegs on sweats I bought, fertilize the houseplants, bake a cake, wrap a few Christmas gifts, and read. I'm working on a counted cross stitch pattern at night when I watch tv. It's six houses in a row with a couple of trees--all done in blue. Haven't quite decided if I'll frame it or add material around the outside to make a wall hanging. I could also make it a bookmark, as far as that goes.
I need to make a run into Sequim before Thanksgiving so I'm hoping this white stuff disappears quickly. The roads are clear enough but I don't venture out if I see any white at all. Yesterday I slipped on the driveway just walking to the mailbox--and the pavement looked absolutely innocent! I'm too old to be taking the chance of falling on my butt! There's enough padding there, I suppose, to save me but I can't guarantee the hip bones could take a tumble. Especially the way they ache along with my knees when I'm just sitting up in bed minding my own business!
Here's a picture I just got in an email of new dining room lights Mary and Andy installed over their table. So pretty....
I'm thinking of giving books for Christmas this year. I've got some really terrific ones on my shelf that are like brand new. I always like getting books myself. I'm reading several right now..... The Glass Castle, The Fifties, The Last of the Outlaws, and Do dead people walk theirdogs. Waiting in the wings is Youngblood Hawke and Life of Pi.
And here's a song by Bob Dylan that I really love...dedicated to Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary (who I also love). She died in September two years ago.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday evening
Dinner is simmering on the range top (leftover stew and dumplings) so while I wait, I think I'lll write a few lines. Maddie is practicing her clarinet, Hunter is working a jigsaw puzzle, Sammy is moping around hoping he'll get some of that stew, and I'm wondering how long I'll be able to stay awake tonight.
Woke up at 5:30 and decided I'd get up even though I knew it meant I'd be ready for bed by 9 tonight. I did try to take a little nap before the kids got home but my mind was busy thinking about what jobs needed doing so I got up after a half hour.
Since it wasn't raining or blowing I went outside to cover up the two outside faucets with the strofoam cups. That meant unhooking the hoses and that's always a little hard for me. I managed, though, and then put away all the hoses on both sides of the house. Stuck them in garbage cans and pulled them to the garage. Also wheeled in the hose cart and put away the wheelbarrow and pieces of glass or decoration around the yard that I thought might not survive freezing weather.
Temperature gauge says 37 degrees. I'm comforted that I don't have to travel back and forth to work. Snow and ice predictions always had a way of stressing me out when I knew I had to commute even a short distance to the office.
I spent the morning working on my latest blog post for the Leader website. Wrote on Sunday school memories. Then I sat down and wrote a few lines on the 70 some postcards I had addressed for Christmas cards this year. I'll stick them in the mail Dec. 1st I suppose.
This weekend I'll probably lay low and do some sewing and reading. Sometimes retirement is just too much to take. Ha!
Timer is about to go off so I'll cut this short today.
Woke up at 5:30 and decided I'd get up even though I knew it meant I'd be ready for bed by 9 tonight. I did try to take a little nap before the kids got home but my mind was busy thinking about what jobs needed doing so I got up after a half hour.
Since it wasn't raining or blowing I went outside to cover up the two outside faucets with the strofoam cups. That meant unhooking the hoses and that's always a little hard for me. I managed, though, and then put away all the hoses on both sides of the house. Stuck them in garbage cans and pulled them to the garage. Also wheeled in the hose cart and put away the wheelbarrow and pieces of glass or decoration around the yard that I thought might not survive freezing weather.
Temperature gauge says 37 degrees. I'm comforted that I don't have to travel back and forth to work. Snow and ice predictions always had a way of stressing me out when I knew I had to commute even a short distance to the office.
I spent the morning working on my latest blog post for the Leader website. Wrote on Sunday school memories. Then I sat down and wrote a few lines on the 70 some postcards I had addressed for Christmas cards this year. I'll stick them in the mail Dec. 1st I suppose.
This weekend I'll probably lay low and do some sewing and reading. Sometimes retirement is just too much to take. Ha!
Timer is about to go off so I'll cut this short today.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday again
Well, it's later in the afternoon now and I'm waiting for the kids to arrive home from school. I made a quick library run and decided to check the local history section for a book I've been wanting to read but can't find. I finally asked them to look for it as I think it was misfiled. Or stolen perhaps. Did notice that my book was checked out so that made me feel good. I picked up the book I had on request --Youngblood Hawke. I'd seen parts of the movie a while back and it looked like the kind of story that would interest me.
I stopped and picked up Sammy and boy, was he happy to see me. I worked on quilt pattern called Road Home. Not sure why it's called that but it was much easier to sew than the spools one.
Gonna go throw a stew together now and start baking up the dough for the banana cookies I have in the fridge. Skies continue to look gray and threatening but it hasn't rained much. Am sure it's thinking on the subject, though.
I stopped and picked up Sammy and boy, was he happy to see me. I worked on quilt pattern called Road Home. Not sure why it's called that but it was much easier to sew than the spools one.
Gonna go throw a stew together now and start baking up the dough for the banana cookies I have in the fridge. Skies continue to look gray and threatening but it hasn't rained much. Am sure it's thinking on the subject, though.
Stormy Thursday
Last night as I laid in bed listening to the roar of the wind, I decided to get up and open the curtains and blinds so I could watch the swaying of the trees on the next block over. At 3 a.m. the wind woke me up and I noticed my clock was dark too. I think the electricity was out for 3 hours so that meant resetting the VCR and clocks this morning. It was blowing so hard I wondered if my pretty windmill wheel would hold up or be blown away to parts unknown. That wasn't a cheap little toy for my garden so I might just put it in the garage until winter's end.
The wind's died down now but the rains continue. An hour ago it looked like rain and snow mixed. Never a comforting scene for me as I know even a light dusting will sequester me to the house and Betsy to the garage. But I'll deal with it. My Thanksgiving dinner ingredients are bought and waiting for prep next week. I even splurged and bought two jars of oysters to make dressing.
Saw three photos on Facebook that I liked today. One from the Sequim Gazette showing the main street of Sequim last winter, and two from the Leader showing Port Townsend Bay and North Beach during wind storms.
I think all three are really great. Look like calendar pictures, don't you think?
I had a really nice day yesterday. I worked on cutting out a few more quilt pieces for another pattern I want to try, worked on addressing my Christmas postcards, and rearranged the living room so I could set up a new jigsaw puzzle. I got all the pieces onto paper plates ready for anyone who wants to to sit down and start working on it. I also placed a Christmas order from one of the catalogs I got (probably the only mail order I'll do this year) and I made a trip to Safeway and the bread shop.
This morning I'll listen to the last tape on this audio book I've gotten into and will start sewing a few squares together. I highly recommend Irving Doig's book "Dancing at the Rascal Fair." It's about two guys who travel from Scotland in the early 1900's and settle in Montana to raise sheep. Really great story.
I cleaned the two gallon jars that hold my beta fish (one red, one blue) and as soon as the library opens in an hour, I'll head up there to pick up another book that I had put on request, and they emailed me was ready.
Have taken to wearing a hat everytime I go out now, and not because of the weather. Why I get it in my head that I can save myself $20 by cutting my own hair I'll never know. I always end up looking like hell. Or maybe it's my face. Nahhhh.. Anyhow, I could do something with it if I took the time to use the curling iron but frankly, I've got other fish to fry and I don't really care if my hair looks crappy. Well, that's a lie but you know......
Every year I laugh out loud everytime the Target commercial comes on. I don't know why but this lady is great...
I sure am feeling better since that hideous "procedure" is done and over with. I have three medical appts in December and hopefully, I'll be done visiting doctors offices for a few months.
About time to write another Leader blog and I thought of a terrific subject last night. I'll try to get going on it today or tomorrow. I'm starting to get interested in the presidential race now that the republicans are fighting among themselves so fiercely. I haven't decided on anybody in particular but do know who I absolutely don't want (most of them). As of today, I like Newt Gingrich.
And Dancing with the Stars....I want Ricci Lake (mainly because I LOVE Derek Hough.) And yes, I know exactly how I sound. I'm such a silly old lady sometimes. Off to the kitchen now. I've got a couple bananas turning and begging me to bake them up into cookies.
The wind's died down now but the rains continue. An hour ago it looked like rain and snow mixed. Never a comforting scene for me as I know even a light dusting will sequester me to the house and Betsy to the garage. But I'll deal with it. My Thanksgiving dinner ingredients are bought and waiting for prep next week. I even splurged and bought two jars of oysters to make dressing.
Saw three photos on Facebook that I liked today. One from the Sequim Gazette showing the main street of Sequim last winter, and two from the Leader showing Port Townsend Bay and North Beach during wind storms.
I think all three are really great. Look like calendar pictures, don't you think?
I had a really nice day yesterday. I worked on cutting out a few more quilt pieces for another pattern I want to try, worked on addressing my Christmas postcards, and rearranged the living room so I could set up a new jigsaw puzzle. I got all the pieces onto paper plates ready for anyone who wants to to sit down and start working on it. I also placed a Christmas order from one of the catalogs I got (probably the only mail order I'll do this year) and I made a trip to Safeway and the bread shop.
This morning I'll listen to the last tape on this audio book I've gotten into and will start sewing a few squares together. I highly recommend Irving Doig's book "Dancing at the Rascal Fair." It's about two guys who travel from Scotland in the early 1900's and settle in Montana to raise sheep. Really great story.
I cleaned the two gallon jars that hold my beta fish (one red, one blue) and as soon as the library opens in an hour, I'll head up there to pick up another book that I had put on request, and they emailed me was ready.
Have taken to wearing a hat everytime I go out now, and not because of the weather. Why I get it in my head that I can save myself $20 by cutting my own hair I'll never know. I always end up looking like hell. Or maybe it's my face. Nahhhh.. Anyhow, I could do something with it if I took the time to use the curling iron but frankly, I've got other fish to fry and I don't really care if my hair looks crappy. Well, that's a lie but you know......
Every year I laugh out loud everytime the Target commercial comes on. I don't know why but this lady is great...
I sure am feeling better since that hideous "procedure" is done and over with. I have three medical appts in December and hopefully, I'll be done visiting doctors offices for a few months.
About time to write another Leader blog and I thought of a terrific subject last night. I'll try to get going on it today or tomorrow. I'm starting to get interested in the presidential race now that the republicans are fighting among themselves so fiercely. I haven't decided on anybody in particular but do know who I absolutely don't want (most of them). As of today, I like Newt Gingrich.
And Dancing with the Stars....I want Ricci Lake (mainly because I LOVE Derek Hough.) And yes, I know exactly how I sound. I'm such a silly old lady sometimes. Off to the kitchen now. I've got a couple bananas turning and begging me to bake them up into cookies.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Draining Day
So sappy happy that my little procedure is done and over with. Extremely glad I did it because it was hanging over my head like a dark cloud. The "prep" last night (the hardest part to deal with) wasn't actually as bad as I remembered the one of 2001. I did discover that I can run if I have to--and I did have to. Twice I didn't run fast enough--but we won't go there!
Jenni picked me up at 7:30 this morning but I had to sit for 45 minutes in registration (I think everybody in that room was annoyed with that fact) but once I was in my room, things went quickly. Nice nurses, nice doctor, nice drugs. Jenni was in my room waiting for me afterwards and said the doctor came in and discussed the whole thing with me (and her) and said all looked well. He told her I wouldn't remember the conversation and she was right. Even though we talked back and forth (Jenni said I made the comment that I was really concentrating hard to remember)--I don't remember a thing.
When we got out to her car, she realized she'd left her lights on and we had a dead battery. Wayne wasn 't too terribly far off so he came with jumper cables and she continued with the drive home. I don't remember that either. I came in and crawled in bed about 10ish and slept hard without waking up until 1 p.m. Had a gassy tummy for a few hours and an ongoing headache but I'm sure things will get better with time.
I was surprised my blood pressure was so high on the operating table. Began at 160/108. It was only about 130/72 a few days ago. They told me that was normal (even though I didn't actually feel that stressed; I suppose I was)
I quit eating about 8 pm on Sunday night and didn't eat again until 2 pm Tuesday. I didn't really feel hunger but I did daydream in bed last night about what I was going to fix for lunch today. And the scale said I lost 4 pounds so I guess that verifys what we've all known--I'm full of shi....!
Well, it's almost 7 pm and Jenni and Maddie should arrive shortly. Maddie had campfire girls at 5:30 so Jenni had to stay at work to pick her up rather than drive clear across town. Hunter is feeling a little under the weather, I think. Probably catching a cold from the sound of him.
I'm going to continue sewing tomorrow and work on my Christmas postcards. Here's my four spools that I made into a wall hanging.
Gotta get out my VHS tapes for recording tonight. Sons of Anarchy is on for 90 minutes but not until 10 pm. Too late for me. Also want to see a Gospel music show on the country station.
Jenni picked me up at 7:30 this morning but I had to sit for 45 minutes in registration (I think everybody in that room was annoyed with that fact) but once I was in my room, things went quickly. Nice nurses, nice doctor, nice drugs. Jenni was in my room waiting for me afterwards and said the doctor came in and discussed the whole thing with me (and her) and said all looked well. He told her I wouldn't remember the conversation and she was right. Even though we talked back and forth (Jenni said I made the comment that I was really concentrating hard to remember)--I don't remember a thing.
When we got out to her car, she realized she'd left her lights on and we had a dead battery. Wayne wasn 't too terribly far off so he came with jumper cables and she continued with the drive home. I don't remember that either. I came in and crawled in bed about 10ish and slept hard without waking up until 1 p.m. Had a gassy tummy for a few hours and an ongoing headache but I'm sure things will get better with time.
I was surprised my blood pressure was so high on the operating table. Began at 160/108. It was only about 130/72 a few days ago. They told me that was normal (even though I didn't actually feel that stressed; I suppose I was)
I quit eating about 8 pm on Sunday night and didn't eat again until 2 pm Tuesday. I didn't really feel hunger but I did daydream in bed last night about what I was going to fix for lunch today. And the scale said I lost 4 pounds so I guess that verifys what we've all known--I'm full of shi....!
Well, it's almost 7 pm and Jenni and Maddie should arrive shortly. Maddie had campfire girls at 5:30 so Jenni had to stay at work to pick her up rather than drive clear across town. Hunter is feeling a little under the weather, I think. Probably catching a cold from the sound of him.
I'm going to continue sewing tomorrow and work on my Christmas postcards. Here's my four spools that I made into a wall hanging.
Gotta get out my VHS tapes for recording tonight. Sons of Anarchy is on for 90 minutes but not until 10 pm. Too late for me. Also want to see a Gospel music show on the country station.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Dieting Today
I'm on a diet today. A forced diet. More than likely, that means all I'm going to think about is FOOD! Oh well, I'm doing something I've wanted to get off my list for several months--a colonoscopy tomorrow morning. My body needs a day of fasting anyhow. Perhaps it will motivate me to get my act together and proceed with sensible eating once the fast is done. Famous last words. I know and you know I'm probably never going to be a healthy eater.
I took a couple of the pills required about an hour ago. The directions tell me to start drinking the "clean-out juice" at 6 p.m. I think I may start at 4, however. Seems like I vaguely recall the Physician's Asst. saying I could begin anytime in the afternoon. Can't say that I'm looking forward to the bathroom schedule I'm going to be on all night long or the little "procedure" tomorrow morning. I think knowing my sleep is going to be interrupted distresses me more. I really don't like losing sleep. It makes me terribly cranky. But you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. Heaven knows I'm not the first to have to go through this and I won't be the last.
I spent yesterday listening to an audio book while working on a sewing project. I'll continue along those lines today. Think I'll start addressing my Christmas postcards too. I made address labels and bought a roll of stamps so I should get that job done early. I've got most of my gifts bought (or made) so I might start wrapping the week after Thanksgiving.
The news continues to either outrage me or bore me to tears. Am really tired of hearing about Gabby Giffords rehabilitation. Yes, it was horrible she was shot and people were killed but people are shot and killed every day in this country and many have years going through rehab to try and get their lives back on track. The fact she was in politics shouldn't dictate we need to follow her recovery more closely than others.
And that whole Kardashian wedding story. I can't understand why we're still having to follow that family like their every move or misstep is something we are eager to hear about. Years ago I would turn down the volume EVERY single time the song "Cherish" by The Association was aired on our office radio station KIXI. And they seemed to play it daily without fail. I still turn it off whenever I hear it. I can't say why I hate that song; I just do.
If I'm sitting in my recliner with remote in hand and surfing around for something to watch, there are a number of people that I will zap away as quickly as my thumbs can work the channel button. These include shows or stories featuring Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen, The Jersey Shore bunch, The Kardashians, the judges on Dancing with the Stars, Paula Abdul, Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, The ladies of The View, Jerry Springer, Dave Letterman, Ty Pennington, and sadly, our President. Okay. I'm repeating myself. I know that.
And here's a little rock and roll history (stuff that does interest me)
I remember seeing The Rock and Roll Trio on Ted Mack's Amateur Hour show. I loved them and intended to send in a postcard to vote for them and dad said: "What do you want to vote for them for? They're just copying Elvis Presley."
He convinced me not to vote. Funny how I still remember that. I was so easily persuaded. Here's how they looked when they first started out.
Seems lame today. And here's how Johnny looked in the mid 60's...
I've always like rockabilly music, even as a young kid. I remember my brother, Les, asking me a few years ago if I could find him this song by Rocky Burnette as he really liked his music. Come to find out, Rocky is the son of Johnny Burnette who appeared on Ted Mack when he was about 22.
Here's Rocky in the 80's
Well, time to move myself to another room and not think about lunch. Sigh.....
I took a couple of the pills required about an hour ago. The directions tell me to start drinking the "clean-out juice" at 6 p.m. I think I may start at 4, however. Seems like I vaguely recall the Physician's Asst. saying I could begin anytime in the afternoon. Can't say that I'm looking forward to the bathroom schedule I'm going to be on all night long or the little "procedure" tomorrow morning. I think knowing my sleep is going to be interrupted distresses me more. I really don't like losing sleep. It makes me terribly cranky. But you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. Heaven knows I'm not the first to have to go through this and I won't be the last.
I spent yesterday listening to an audio book while working on a sewing project. I'll continue along those lines today. Think I'll start addressing my Christmas postcards too. I made address labels and bought a roll of stamps so I should get that job done early. I've got most of my gifts bought (or made) so I might start wrapping the week after Thanksgiving.
The news continues to either outrage me or bore me to tears. Am really tired of hearing about Gabby Giffords rehabilitation. Yes, it was horrible she was shot and people were killed but people are shot and killed every day in this country and many have years going through rehab to try and get their lives back on track. The fact she was in politics shouldn't dictate we need to follow her recovery more closely than others.
And that whole Kardashian wedding story. I can't understand why we're still having to follow that family like their every move or misstep is something we are eager to hear about. Years ago I would turn down the volume EVERY single time the song "Cherish" by The Association was aired on our office radio station KIXI. And they seemed to play it daily without fail. I still turn it off whenever I hear it. I can't say why I hate that song; I just do.
If I'm sitting in my recliner with remote in hand and surfing around for something to watch, there are a number of people that I will zap away as quickly as my thumbs can work the channel button. These include shows or stories featuring Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen, The Jersey Shore bunch, The Kardashians, the judges on Dancing with the Stars, Paula Abdul, Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, The ladies of The View, Jerry Springer, Dave Letterman, Ty Pennington, and sadly, our President. Okay. I'm repeating myself. I know that.
And here's a little rock and roll history (stuff that does interest me)
Johnny Burnett(e) and his older brother Dorsey had very humble beginnings growing up in the identical public housing project in Memphis , TN that Elvis Presley had lived. Together they ultimately formed a group called The Rock and Roll Trio with a friend named Paul Burlison that met with some moderate success even winning a few times on Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour, but life on the road ended the life of this trio. Johnny and Dorsey began writing songs, and they even traveled to Los Angeles with the express intent of trying to sell a few to the current vocal rage at the time, Ricky Nelson. They succeeded in selling Ricky on "It's Late", "Waitin' in School", and a few others, but they both wanted to sing again on their own. Johnny finally got a recording contract with Liberty Records, and under the guidance of record producer Snuff Garrett, "You're Sixteen" was born. The tune peaked at #18 in November of 1960, but this would be Johnny's only Top 10 hit in a career shortened by a tragic boating accident which ended his life in 1964.
I remember seeing The Rock and Roll Trio on Ted Mack's Amateur Hour show. I loved them and intended to send in a postcard to vote for them and dad said: "What do you want to vote for them for? They're just copying Elvis Presley."
He convinced me not to vote. Funny how I still remember that. I was so easily persuaded. Here's how they looked when they first started out.
Seems lame today. And here's how Johnny looked in the mid 60's...
I've always like rockabilly music, even as a young kid. I remember my brother, Les, asking me a few years ago if I could find him this song by Rocky Burnette as he really liked his music. Come to find out, Rocky is the son of Johnny Burnette who appeared on Ted Mack when he was about 22.
Here's Rocky in the 80's
Well, time to move myself to another room and not think about lunch. Sigh.....
Saturday, November 12, 2011
That Darn Wind!
I think I kind of knew when I was building my bird feed area with pots surrounding it that the poles just weren't gonna stay up being braced with rocks. One good storm and I'd be out there "fixing stuff." And that was the case this morning. I saw half a dozen crows helping themselves to the suet I had hung on the back gate. Since it wasn't raining or blowing, I put on a pot of coffee and went outside to repair the damage.
I tried and tried to get those stakes into the ground along the fence but it was no go. Just too hard and too many rocks. So.....I moved them back by the little fruit trees Wayne and Hunter had helped me plant a few months back.
I slept until almost 8 this morning. I needed it too as I haven't been getting enough rest the last couple of nights or so. My 'pneumonia shot arm' is finally healing. Still hurts but not near as much as it did the last two days. I'm rethinking if I really need to get a tetanus booster. My body hurts enough as it is without bringing in outside help.
I often have The Waltons playing on tv while I'm busy sewing or working in the kitchen. I could watch their reruns forever. Same with Little House on the Prairie. I never get tired of them. Yesterday's episode was one of my favorites. John's 25th high school reunion. I usually remember all the lines of all the shows, for the most part, but yesterday I heard a name mentioned I hadn't caught before. One of the organizers of the reunion was fretting to John Walton that he needed to help her plan the event because some people were coming from as far away as Manchester, TN. That made my ears perk up as I thought of Mel and Linda Farina.
Later that night I watched two movies I'd taped and set aside for viewing later. First one was Love Story from 1970. Was interesting to see some of the actors in their younger days--like John Marley who was the guy who owned the prize horse in Godfather and found the head in his bed. And Tommy Lee Jones who was a dorm roommate of Ryan O'Neal. Tommy Lee (who is another favorite) was 24 in this movie. His birthday, by the way, is Sept. 15, 1946.
The second movie was Jon Voight and Jane Fonda in a 1978 flick called 'Coming Home.' Jon Voight is so cute. I've loved him since he played Joe Buck in Midnight Cowboy. I enjoyed the movie a lot. Partly, I guess, because the story line took place in a time period I lived through.
Well, I just checked my mega ticket and while I didn't win big, I did hit $10 so I guess I'll go cash it in and buy another ticket for the week. Maybe I'll invest in a super ball ticket this time. Gonna have to win bigger pots if I expect to get all my family and friends out of debt. Ha!
Gotta check my cookbook for ingredients too. I'm kinda in the mood for enchilladas tonight. My weekend activities are gonna be about the same---sewing and reading and writing. Gotta live it up the next couple of days 'cause Monday and Tuesday are not likely to be anything worth reporting on. Ugh.....I'll be mighty happy when it's Tuesday noon or thereabouts.
And while I didn't like a lot of the CMA award show, it did have some pretty good parts too. Here's one....Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland with Matt Nathanson
I tried and tried to get those stakes into the ground along the fence but it was no go. Just too hard and too many rocks. So.....I moved them back by the little fruit trees Wayne and Hunter had helped me plant a few months back.
I slept until almost 8 this morning. I needed it too as I haven't been getting enough rest the last couple of nights or so. My 'pneumonia shot arm' is finally healing. Still hurts but not near as much as it did the last two days. I'm rethinking if I really need to get a tetanus booster. My body hurts enough as it is without bringing in outside help.
I often have The Waltons playing on tv while I'm busy sewing or working in the kitchen. I could watch their reruns forever. Same with Little House on the Prairie. I never get tired of them. Yesterday's episode was one of my favorites. John's 25th high school reunion. I usually remember all the lines of all the shows, for the most part, but yesterday I heard a name mentioned I hadn't caught before. One of the organizers of the reunion was fretting to John Walton that he needed to help her plan the event because some people were coming from as far away as Manchester, TN. That made my ears perk up as I thought of Mel and Linda Farina.
Later that night I watched two movies I'd taped and set aside for viewing later. First one was Love Story from 1970. Was interesting to see some of the actors in their younger days--like John Marley who was the guy who owned the prize horse in Godfather and found the head in his bed. And Tommy Lee Jones who was a dorm roommate of Ryan O'Neal. Tommy Lee (who is another favorite) was 24 in this movie. His birthday, by the way, is Sept. 15, 1946.
The second movie was Jon Voight and Jane Fonda in a 1978 flick called 'Coming Home.' Jon Voight is so cute. I've loved him since he played Joe Buck in Midnight Cowboy. I enjoyed the movie a lot. Partly, I guess, because the story line took place in a time period I lived through.
Well, I just checked my mega ticket and while I didn't win big, I did hit $10 so I guess I'll go cash it in and buy another ticket for the week. Maybe I'll invest in a super ball ticket this time. Gonna have to win bigger pots if I expect to get all my family and friends out of debt. Ha!
Gotta check my cookbook for ingredients too. I'm kinda in the mood for enchilladas tonight. My weekend activities are gonna be about the same---sewing and reading and writing. Gotta live it up the next couple of days 'cause Monday and Tuesday are not likely to be anything worth reporting on. Ugh.....I'll be mighty happy when it's Tuesday noon or thereabouts.
And while I didn't like a lot of the CMA award show, it did have some pretty good parts too. Here's one....Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland with Matt Nathanson
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veterans Day
It's raining--it's pouring--the old man is snoring. He bumped his head when he went to bed and he couldn't get up in the morning.
I looked this up on Wikipedia just for the heck of it. They wrote these lines:
a children's book of the same name, written by Kin Eagle and illustrated by Rob Gilbert, expands on this rhyme to show what happens to the old man in all sorts of weather.
The rhyme is featured in the song "It's Raining," in the 1962 debut album by Peter, Paul, and Mary. Other rhymes in the song include "Ladybug," "Starlight, Starbright," and "Won't Be My Father's Jack."
"No More Tears (Enough is Enough)", a duet between Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer, is based around this song.
Jose Feliciano sang this as part of his release, "(Listen to the Falling) Rain".
At any rate, it's coming down hard right now. Good day to stay inside. Am sooooo glad my trip to the mall was yesterday in the sunshine and not today. I left the house around noon to go pick up the twins before stopping to pick up Mary Norton in Sequim. Filled up at Safeway and made a quick stop at the bank so the kids could say goodbye to their mom. Our trip was uneventful until we got a few miles from the bridge and discovered it was open. Grrrrr! Hate it when that happens!
We continued on our way and parked near Penneys to do a little browsing. I don't think I'm that much into malls anymore. The prices seemed inflated and the walking was too much for my aging feet. I've never been what you'd call a graceful walker but nowadays I seem to lumber along. I see other people my age walking this way too--slow and a bit bent over and needing to sit down and rest. Sigh.....
Catie was supposed to meet us at Target around 4:30 but traffic was snarled something fierce on her side of the water and she couldn't make any headway at all. I was stewing about having to sit for an hour or more and then drive home in the dark but I managed fine. Mary guided me to a Denny's Restaurant that was a little closer for Catie than Silverdale Mall and she drove up about 5:40. She'd already been on the road for three hours and had two hours left to get home.
Poor baby. She decided to take the Bainbridge Ferry back as she was too tired to drive around.
I got home about 7:30 p.m. and was tired to the bone. My right arm from the pneumonia shot was still throbbing so I ended up going to bed early and tossing and turning in pain all night. I went in to the doctor this morning to "have a chat" about colonoscopy prep and then I headed out to Walmart to pick up the presciptions. Thankfully, the pharmacy clerk told me I didn't actually need to spend money on those prescriptions as I could buy the exact same thing across the counter. So I did. Monday I take a couple pills, refrain from eating, mix this one bottle in a bottle of Gaterade and drink it off and on all day. Then I'm suppose to wash it down with another bottle of Gaterade. Then when I'm ready for bed, the fun begins and I get to lose a nights sleep visiting the toilet every hour. I can hardly wait. Am even more excited about the procedure on Tuesday morning. On the plus side, at least it will be OFF MY LIST so I can quit stressing about it.
I did watch the Country Music Awards show that I had taped the night before. As usual, most of it was boring. Everybody pretty much sounds alike and few sound like country. I fast forwarded through most only pausing for a bit on Vince Gill and Rascal Flatts.
My purchases at the mall didn't amount to much. I bought myself a paperback book and a crossword puzzle book at Barnes & Noble. Also picked up a book for Hunter for Christmas and another book for Hunter and Maddie to read now. When we stopped at the bank to see Jenni, she told us she'd been to her parent/teacher conference (the kids have the same teacher this year) and both got staight A's.
I bought a pair of sweatpants at Target but didn't buy much of anything else. I thought the prices were too high in a lot of areas. The pants, for example, sell for $1.50 less at Walmart and they're the exact same pants.
While waiting for Catie to arrive, we went into Dairy Queen for ice cream. Somehow or another the subject of songs came up and we all laughed when Maddie was singing a song by
Creedence Clearwater: (bad moon rising)
Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise
Maddie thought the last line was "There's a bathroom on the right."
I posted a short piece on my Leader blog yesterday--If I was rich. Today I think I'll lay low and try to cope with this sore arm. I'm not allowed to take any aspirin or ibroprofen because of the upcoming colonoscopy. Apparently Tylenol is okay but seems like Tylenol often doesn't work for me.
I've got pants to hem, quilt squares to sew, Xmas postcards to address, and books to read. That ought to keep me busy. Am also going to take a nap. I haven't slept well the last couple nights and I'm wore out.
Here's a really cool picture I got in an email from George Cadero the other day. I love New York!
I looked this up on Wikipedia just for the heck of it. They wrote these lines:
a children's book of the same name, written by Kin Eagle and illustrated by Rob Gilbert, expands on this rhyme to show what happens to the old man in all sorts of weather.
The rhyme is featured in the song "It's Raining," in the 1962 debut album by Peter, Paul, and Mary. Other rhymes in the song include "Ladybug," "Starlight, Starbright," and "Won't Be My Father's Jack."
"No More Tears (Enough is Enough)", a duet between Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer, is based around this song.
Jose Feliciano sang this as part of his release, "(Listen to the Falling) Rain".
At any rate, it's coming down hard right now. Good day to stay inside. Am sooooo glad my trip to the mall was yesterday in the sunshine and not today. I left the house around noon to go pick up the twins before stopping to pick up Mary Norton in Sequim. Filled up at Safeway and made a quick stop at the bank so the kids could say goodbye to their mom. Our trip was uneventful until we got a few miles from the bridge and discovered it was open. Grrrrr! Hate it when that happens!
We continued on our way and parked near Penneys to do a little browsing. I don't think I'm that much into malls anymore. The prices seemed inflated and the walking was too much for my aging feet. I've never been what you'd call a graceful walker but nowadays I seem to lumber along. I see other people my age walking this way too--slow and a bit bent over and needing to sit down and rest. Sigh.....
Catie was supposed to meet us at Target around 4:30 but traffic was snarled something fierce on her side of the water and she couldn't make any headway at all. I was stewing about having to sit for an hour or more and then drive home in the dark but I managed fine. Mary guided me to a Denny's Restaurant that was a little closer for Catie than Silverdale Mall and she drove up about 5:40. She'd already been on the road for three hours and had two hours left to get home.
Poor baby. She decided to take the Bainbridge Ferry back as she was too tired to drive around.
I got home about 7:30 p.m. and was tired to the bone. My right arm from the pneumonia shot was still throbbing so I ended up going to bed early and tossing and turning in pain all night. I went in to the doctor this morning to "have a chat" about colonoscopy prep and then I headed out to Walmart to pick up the presciptions. Thankfully, the pharmacy clerk told me I didn't actually need to spend money on those prescriptions as I could buy the exact same thing across the counter. So I did. Monday I take a couple pills, refrain from eating, mix this one bottle in a bottle of Gaterade and drink it off and on all day. Then I'm suppose to wash it down with another bottle of Gaterade. Then when I'm ready for bed, the fun begins and I get to lose a nights sleep visiting the toilet every hour. I can hardly wait. Am even more excited about the procedure on Tuesday morning. On the plus side, at least it will be OFF MY LIST so I can quit stressing about it.
I did watch the Country Music Awards show that I had taped the night before. As usual, most of it was boring. Everybody pretty much sounds alike and few sound like country. I fast forwarded through most only pausing for a bit on Vince Gill and Rascal Flatts.
My purchases at the mall didn't amount to much. I bought myself a paperback book and a crossword puzzle book at Barnes & Noble. Also picked up a book for Hunter for Christmas and another book for Hunter and Maddie to read now. When we stopped at the bank to see Jenni, she told us she'd been to her parent/teacher conference (the kids have the same teacher this year) and both got staight A's.
I bought a pair of sweatpants at Target but didn't buy much of anything else. I thought the prices were too high in a lot of areas. The pants, for example, sell for $1.50 less at Walmart and they're the exact same pants.
While waiting for Catie to arrive, we went into Dairy Queen for ice cream. Somehow or another the subject of songs came up and we all laughed when Maddie was singing a song by
Creedence Clearwater: (bad moon rising)
Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise
Maddie thought the last line was "There's a bathroom on the right."
I posted a short piece on my Leader blog yesterday--If I was rich. Today I think I'll lay low and try to cope with this sore arm. I'm not allowed to take any aspirin or ibroprofen because of the upcoming colonoscopy. Apparently Tylenol is okay but seems like Tylenol often doesn't work for me.
I've got pants to hem, quilt squares to sew, Xmas postcards to address, and books to read. That ought to keep me busy. Am also going to take a nap. I haven't slept well the last couple nights and I'm wore out.
Here's a really cool picture I got in an email from George Cadero the other day. I love New York!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Medical Appointments
I really hate going to the doctor. Am not fond of the dentist chair either. This morning I feel like I've been through the wringer. I got my pap smear over with; it's been four years since the last one and if it comes out okay, I'll probably wait five years for the next one. Was a busy morning for me. Come to find out I had a yeast infection (I thought it was just a rash) so I'll be filling a prescription for that in a couple of days.
I've been trying to talk myself into having a colonoscopy for several months now. I know I'll feel better once I've got that task off my "to-do" list. So....I bit the bullet and made an appt. Apparently, a lot of other people put it off too because I could get in right away. Hmmmm... Meanwhile I'm told I have to have a "conference appt" with a physician's assistant FIRST. That annoyed me because it cost $75 (on the spot) and neither of my insurances cover it. I figure it's just a 10 or 15-minute chat to give me a prescription for losing a night's sleep while I "clean myself out for several hours." I really resent having to pay $75 to have a prescription filled. I almost cancelled the whole thing just because of that but what are you gonna do? You gotta ante up to get in the game, I guess. Still doesn't sit well, however.
My Christmas present to myself this year is to have all these dang medical appts behind me. I'm getting lab work next month and a mammogram and a bone density test, and a tetanus shot.Today I got my flu shot and a pneumonia shot. The physician's assistant I saw this morning suggested I revisit the podiatrist as well because I may need to get expensive inserts for my shoes since my foot pain is not improving. Sigh..... does it ever end? Yeah! When they stick your dead body in the ground! Or in my case---hand my ashes over to the kids.
On the other hand, I know very well that this test is necessary. As I was driving home, I noticed I had missed a call from Yvonne, my friend down the street. I called her back and discovered she's been in a nursing home in Seattle awaiting chemo for the colon cancer they just discovered. Made my problems look like piddly poo! She's been through hell this year. Was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent radiation and surgery to clear that up. Had foot surgery because some nerve was screwed up (she's still trying to recover from that). After coming home from the foot surgery, she kept throwing up so the doctor put her in the Port Angeles hospital for a week when they discovered she had a stroke.He then referred her back to Swedish in Seattle and they did more tests and found colon cancer.
And here I am complaining because I have to have a colonoscopy. Could be my guardian angel is pushing me in the right direction, even though I'm fighting it tooth and nail a lot of the time.
Well, on to other matters. I drove over and picked up Sammy (I was an hour later than he was used to) so he was carrying on something terrible and eager to get out the door. He made a bee-line toward the car before I could get the leash on but luckily, he came back to me so I could hook him up. Then I dropped the leash and he took off again. He cries and whines all the way to my house (I don't think he likes to ride in the car) and once I pulled in the garage, he was happy happy.
He used to whine quietly at the back door when he wanted in from outside but I guess he thinks he's king of the castle now because he barks loudly to tell me to slide that door open. And even though I encourage him to use his dog bed for naps, more often than not, I'll find him curled up on the couch. Oh well...
I took the kids to the library yesterday afternoon as I wanted to pick up two that Kris Logue suggested. Maddie was standing nearby waiting for me and Hunter whispered: "Maddie! Come here! I want to show you something." I ignored them for the most part and on the way home,Hunter told me about finding this book called "Periods." He was looking it over when a librarian came by to ask him if he needed help finding anything. I wish I could have seen his stricken face as he mumbled...."Oh, yeah, books on drawing."
"Oh you're so hot", she tells him. "They're right here close." (he knew where they were, of course, as he's checked drawing books out before) Made me laugh as I remember when I was about his age and discovered this book at the library that had naked pictures of men in Africa, and how fascinated I was to stand there quietly flipping through the pages. ha ha ha ha ha
Everytime I open the junk mail of my hotmail account, I'm amazed at the repeat people who send me a message week after week after week. Today's list included these folks: Gorgina Rio, Mr. Zuma Hazan, Duga Nwa, Chan chal Rana, Zaina Duncan, Vivan Doe, Mrs. Carolyn Brandon. And the messages. Please. Do they really think we're that stupid?!
I noticed Wheel of Fortune is giving away a whole lot of prizes right now. I've had an ID number with them from the beginning but now I'm going to watch even closer to make sure I don't miss my chance to get rich.
This morning I was having a dream about this black bear that was loose in my neighborhood. It went on and on and the area switched from this house to my Kirkland house. Anyhow, the first email I opened after sitting down this morning was one from Les Walden showing these pictures of a black bear loose in a neighborhood. How very odd.
A couple nights ago I started Googling old addresses where I used to live in Portland and San Diego and San Pablo and Richmond. Man, was that ever fun! Especially the San Diego places. I love that you can zoom in on streets around the world.
Got a cute email from Bill Koepke in Hawaii about answers kids gave at school regarding beer.
I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mom gets.
'Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.'
'My Mom and Dad both like beer. My Mom gets funny when she drinks it and takes her top off at parties, but Dad doesn't think this is very funny.'
'My Mom and Dad talk funny when they drink beer and the more they drink the more they give kisses to each other, which is a good thing.'
'My Dad gets funny on beer. He is funny. He also wets his pants sometimes, so he shouldn't have too much.'
'My Dad loves beer. The more he drinks, the better he dances. One time he danced right into the pool.'
'I don't like beer very much. Every time Dad drinks it, he burns the sausages on the barbecue and they taste disgusting.'
'I give Dad's beer to the dog and he goes to sleep.'
'My Mom drinks beer and she says silly things and picks on my father.
Whenever she drinks beer she yells at Dad and tells him to go bury his bone down the street again, but that doesn't make any sense.'
Well, I guess I'll get busy around here. I've got quilt squares to sew and Christmas cards to address. Christmas postcards, that is. Will take me a while to prepare the backing for each picture but it will save me a bundle using postcard stamps instead of first class postage. I think I'll get out my directions on how to make a full sheet of address labels too. I've done it before but I always have to study on it some.
I've been trying to talk myself into having a colonoscopy for several months now. I know I'll feel better once I've got that task off my "to-do" list. So....I bit the bullet and made an appt. Apparently, a lot of other people put it off too because I could get in right away. Hmmmm... Meanwhile I'm told I have to have a "conference appt" with a physician's assistant FIRST. That annoyed me because it cost $75 (on the spot) and neither of my insurances cover it. I figure it's just a 10 or 15-minute chat to give me a prescription for losing a night's sleep while I "clean myself out for several hours." I really resent having to pay $75 to have a prescription filled. I almost cancelled the whole thing just because of that but what are you gonna do? You gotta ante up to get in the game, I guess. Still doesn't sit well, however.
My Christmas present to myself this year is to have all these dang medical appts behind me. I'm getting lab work next month and a mammogram and a bone density test, and a tetanus shot.Today I got my flu shot and a pneumonia shot. The physician's assistant I saw this morning suggested I revisit the podiatrist as well because I may need to get expensive inserts for my shoes since my foot pain is not improving. Sigh..... does it ever end? Yeah! When they stick your dead body in the ground! Or in my case---hand my ashes over to the kids.
On the other hand, I know very well that this test is necessary. As I was driving home, I noticed I had missed a call from Yvonne, my friend down the street. I called her back and discovered she's been in a nursing home in Seattle awaiting chemo for the colon cancer they just discovered. Made my problems look like piddly poo! She's been through hell this year. Was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent radiation and surgery to clear that up. Had foot surgery because some nerve was screwed up (she's still trying to recover from that). After coming home from the foot surgery, she kept throwing up so the doctor put her in the Port Angeles hospital for a week when they discovered she had a stroke.He then referred her back to Swedish in Seattle and they did more tests and found colon cancer.
And here I am complaining because I have to have a colonoscopy. Could be my guardian angel is pushing me in the right direction, even though I'm fighting it tooth and nail a lot of the time.
Well, on to other matters. I drove over and picked up Sammy (I was an hour later than he was used to) so he was carrying on something terrible and eager to get out the door. He made a bee-line toward the car before I could get the leash on but luckily, he came back to me so I could hook him up. Then I dropped the leash and he took off again. He cries and whines all the way to my house (I don't think he likes to ride in the car) and once I pulled in the garage, he was happy happy.
He used to whine quietly at the back door when he wanted in from outside but I guess he thinks he's king of the castle now because he barks loudly to tell me to slide that door open. And even though I encourage him to use his dog bed for naps, more often than not, I'll find him curled up on the couch. Oh well...
I took the kids to the library yesterday afternoon as I wanted to pick up two that Kris Logue suggested. Maddie was standing nearby waiting for me and Hunter whispered: "Maddie! Come here! I want to show you something." I ignored them for the most part and on the way home,Hunter told me about finding this book called "Periods." He was looking it over when a librarian came by to ask him if he needed help finding anything. I wish I could have seen his stricken face as he mumbled...."Oh, yeah, books on drawing."
"Oh you're so hot", she tells him. "They're right here close." (he knew where they were, of course, as he's checked drawing books out before) Made me laugh as I remember when I was about his age and discovered this book at the library that had naked pictures of men in Africa, and how fascinated I was to stand there quietly flipping through the pages. ha ha ha ha ha
Everytime I open the junk mail of my hotmail account, I'm amazed at the repeat people who send me a message week after week after week. Today's list included these folks: Gorgina Rio, Mr. Zuma Hazan, Duga Nwa, Chan chal Rana, Zaina Duncan, Vivan Doe, Mrs. Carolyn Brandon. And the messages. Please. Do they really think we're that stupid?!
I noticed Wheel of Fortune is giving away a whole lot of prizes right now. I've had an ID number with them from the beginning but now I'm going to watch even closer to make sure I don't miss my chance to get rich.
This morning I was having a dream about this black bear that was loose in my neighborhood. It went on and on and the area switched from this house to my Kirkland house. Anyhow, the first email I opened after sitting down this morning was one from Les Walden showing these pictures of a black bear loose in a neighborhood. How very odd.
A couple nights ago I started Googling old addresses where I used to live in Portland and San Diego and San Pablo and Richmond. Man, was that ever fun! Especially the San Diego places. I love that you can zoom in on streets around the world.
Got a cute email from Bill Koepke in Hawaii about answers kids gave at school regarding beer.
I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mom gets.
'Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.'
'My Mom and Dad both like beer. My Mom gets funny when she drinks it and takes her top off at parties, but Dad doesn't think this is very funny.'
'My Mom and Dad talk funny when they drink beer and the more they drink the more they give kisses to each other, which is a good thing.'
'My Dad gets funny on beer. He is funny. He also wets his pants sometimes, so he shouldn't have too much.'
'My Dad loves beer. The more he drinks, the better he dances. One time he danced right into the pool.'
'I don't like beer very much. Every time Dad drinks it, he burns the sausages on the barbecue and they taste disgusting.'
'I give Dad's beer to the dog and he goes to sleep.'
'My Mom drinks beer and she says silly things and picks on my father.
Whenever she drinks beer she yells at Dad and tells him to go bury his bone down the street again, but that doesn't make any sense.'
Well, I guess I'll get busy around here. I've got quilt squares to sew and Christmas cards to address. Christmas postcards, that is. Will take me a while to prepare the backing for each picture but it will save me a bundle using postcard stamps instead of first class postage. I think I'll get out my directions on how to make a full sheet of address labels too. I've done it before but I always have to study on it some.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Yep! Nothin' much to talk about today if my subject line is groceries. Something tells me you're not all that interested in what I bought. But, this is my life, after all. I thought about waiting until the kids got home to go grocery shopping but I knew it would be more crowded then and Maddie never seems to be all that interested in the expedition and asks to stay home.
Hunter likes to ride shotgun with me, though. But then I'm often times an easy mark in the store. Ha Ha I ended up spending $133, which included three packages of meat. Once I got home, I divided the meat up into smaller packages and probably got at least a dozen meals out of the purchase. More than that really as three of the meat pkgs was stew meat and a pot of stew will last me at least three suppers.
I didn't actualy need half of what I bought but the kids will be excited when they get home and discover I bought all the stuff they like for after schoool snacks. Juice, chocolate milk, pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, and doughnut holes. Only saw one person I knew and that was at Walgreens on the way home. (Darla, the kids other gramma--actually they have FOUR grammas!)
School lets out at 2 pm on Tuesdays and today will be especially exciting for them as they don't go back until next Monday. (teacher conferences and Veterans Day).
I did a little better on my morning walk than I did yesterday. At least I didn't feel like I might have to call 911 before I reached my doorstep again. I know. I'm such a drama queen. I can't hardly stand to listen even to myself. The pure joy that Sammy shows me EVERY SINGLE DAY when I show up to retrieve him is worth the discomfort I suffer to walk over there and back. He either has short term memory loss or is sincerely happy I am there. I choose to believe the latter. Ha!
Well, maybe I'll write more later if anything worth noting develops. I may make a quick library run once the kids get home. I reserved two books that Kris Logue suggested.
And here's a really pretty rendition of Stand By Me.....
Hunter likes to ride shotgun with me, though. But then I'm often times an easy mark in the store. Ha Ha I ended up spending $133, which included three packages of meat. Once I got home, I divided the meat up into smaller packages and probably got at least a dozen meals out of the purchase. More than that really as three of the meat pkgs was stew meat and a pot of stew will last me at least three suppers.
I didn't actualy need half of what I bought but the kids will be excited when they get home and discover I bought all the stuff they like for after schoool snacks. Juice, chocolate milk, pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, and doughnut holes. Only saw one person I knew and that was at Walgreens on the way home. (Darla, the kids other gramma--actually they have FOUR grammas!)
School lets out at 2 pm on Tuesdays and today will be especially exciting for them as they don't go back until next Monday. (teacher conferences and Veterans Day).
I did a little better on my morning walk than I did yesterday. At least I didn't feel like I might have to call 911 before I reached my doorstep again. I know. I'm such a drama queen. I can't hardly stand to listen even to myself. The pure joy that Sammy shows me EVERY SINGLE DAY when I show up to retrieve him is worth the discomfort I suffer to walk over there and back. He either has short term memory loss or is sincerely happy I am there. I choose to believe the latter. Ha!
Well, maybe I'll write more later if anything worth noting develops. I may make a quick library run once the kids get home. I reserved two books that Kris Logue suggested.
And here's a really pretty rendition of Stand By Me.....
Monday, November 7, 2011
Daylight savings Time
Hunter just changed one of my clocks back that I forgot to reset. Now if I can just get my body clock set. It usually takes a few days. And I really HATE that it gets dark so dang early. This Thursday I'm taking the kids to Silverdale and Catie will pick them up at 4:30. Luckily, Mary Norton is riding along because I'm already uncomfortable thinking about the drive home. I can do night driving IF I HAVE TO but I really don't like it. And if it's raining, I have even more problems. I wonder if I can talk Mary into driving my car. We'll see. Perhaps it will be be halfway light by 5 pm. and mother nature will take pity on me and not dump rain until after I get home.
Driving isn't one of my favorite activities anymore. Hasn't been for a long time. I can arrange my life around the daylight hours to overcome the night vision problem but lately I've found my legs get terribly uncomfortable being in a car for an hour or more. I'm not having a good "leg week" right now. I'm never sure what causes me to be halfway crippled one week and stronger and healthier the next. I do know that one of my "failings" is that I worry too much. I know better and I try to get on a more positive line of thinking but alas, I'm doomsville Nellie most of the time.
I've been walking over to Jenni's five mornings a week to pick up Sammy, and even though it's only twenty minutes round trip, my body is still fighting me every single morning and I struggle to get back home. It's either sciatica or arthritis or both. Maybe a pinched nerve, maybe complications from diabetes. (this is what I do--go on the computer and research my pain until I've got myself convinced I'm in my last days.) I haven't actually been diagnosed with diabetes yet but I'm probably close to pre-diabetes when I think about the lousy eating habits I have.
I've got some medical appts set up for November and December to get a pap, mammogram, bone density, and lab work done. Once I go to the doctor to discuss the results of these various tests, I think I'll pursue trying to get to the bottom of these leg issues. When I think back on how long I've tolerated not being able to stand or walk for any length of time, I realize it's been several years.
You can compensate for a lot of discomfort when you're retired and can pick and choose your activities and where you go, but I'm getting to the point now where I'm depressed that I can't get out and do the things I want to. Even simple things like walks, shopping, driving, and working in the yard and garden. They say exercise outside is necessary for good mental health. I believe that.
I think I'm gonna have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. My list of things I'm out of is growing quickly. Hate it when I have to add bar soap, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels, waxed paper, tin foil and then start on stuff like juice, eggs, margarine, etc. I probably should make a Thanksgiving dinner list while I'm at it. Groan...this is not going to be a fun trip. Maybe I'll wait until the twins get home and make them go with me. At least it's a little easier having them retrieve items off the shelves and unload the cart.
I spent a couple of hours sewing this afternoon. Made three pot holders, three aprons, and one quilt square. The morning was spent cleaning up "lists." Phone numbers, address lists, password lists, and class address lists. Always amazes me how many changes are necessary once I decide to update.
Tomorrow I might rearrange and tidy up the spare bedroom. I wish I had a curtain rod on the window. Drapes always soften the look of a room. The only other project I have in the works right now is sewing quilt squares. I like being able to fall back on that activity. Since the pieces are already cut out, it means I can sit and sew while listening to an audio book.
About time I started thinking of another Leader blog subject too. Hmmmmm...
Maddie informed me tonight that she was praised by her teacher for knowing the meaning of a word in class today. She said she knew it because she read it on my blog. My work here is done.
And here's Tom and Tina. I wish I had her voice and legs and his shoes under my bed.
Driving isn't one of my favorite activities anymore. Hasn't been for a long time. I can arrange my life around the daylight hours to overcome the night vision problem but lately I've found my legs get terribly uncomfortable being in a car for an hour or more. I'm not having a good "leg week" right now. I'm never sure what causes me to be halfway crippled one week and stronger and healthier the next. I do know that one of my "failings" is that I worry too much. I know better and I try to get on a more positive line of thinking but alas, I'm doomsville Nellie most of the time.
I've been walking over to Jenni's five mornings a week to pick up Sammy, and even though it's only twenty minutes round trip, my body is still fighting me every single morning and I struggle to get back home. It's either sciatica or arthritis or both. Maybe a pinched nerve, maybe complications from diabetes. (this is what I do--go on the computer and research my pain until I've got myself convinced I'm in my last days.) I haven't actually been diagnosed with diabetes yet but I'm probably close to pre-diabetes when I think about the lousy eating habits I have.
I've got some medical appts set up for November and December to get a pap, mammogram, bone density, and lab work done. Once I go to the doctor to discuss the results of these various tests, I think I'll pursue trying to get to the bottom of these leg issues. When I think back on how long I've tolerated not being able to stand or walk for any length of time, I realize it's been several years.
You can compensate for a lot of discomfort when you're retired and can pick and choose your activities and where you go, but I'm getting to the point now where I'm depressed that I can't get out and do the things I want to. Even simple things like walks, shopping, driving, and working in the yard and garden. They say exercise outside is necessary for good mental health. I believe that.
I think I'm gonna have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. My list of things I'm out of is growing quickly. Hate it when I have to add bar soap, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels, waxed paper, tin foil and then start on stuff like juice, eggs, margarine, etc. I probably should make a Thanksgiving dinner list while I'm at it. Groan...this is not going to be a fun trip. Maybe I'll wait until the twins get home and make them go with me. At least it's a little easier having them retrieve items off the shelves and unload the cart.
I spent a couple of hours sewing this afternoon. Made three pot holders, three aprons, and one quilt square. The morning was spent cleaning up "lists." Phone numbers, address lists, password lists, and class address lists. Always amazes me how many changes are necessary once I decide to update.
Tomorrow I might rearrange and tidy up the spare bedroom. I wish I had a curtain rod on the window. Drapes always soften the look of a room. The only other project I have in the works right now is sewing quilt squares. I like being able to fall back on that activity. Since the pieces are already cut out, it means I can sit and sew while listening to an audio book.
About time I started thinking of another Leader blog subject too. Hmmmmm...
Maddie informed me tonight that she was praised by her teacher for knowing the meaning of a word in class today. She said she knew it because she read it on my blog. My work here is done.
And here's Tom and Tina. I wish I had her voice and legs and his shoes under my bed.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday chores
I crawled into bed at around 10 last night. I was soooo tired. I thought for sure I'd sleep soundly and for hours but nope, sleepin' like a baby just isn't gonna happen for me anymore, I think. Unless I turn to drugs or booze. And that's not likely to happen. I do think about it from time to time, though. Have decided it's too much trouble and I need my money for other stuff.
I kept waking up from 1 a.m. on but willed myself to stay in bed until at least 7. As I tossed and turned I rearranged the bedroom in my head and once I was up and dressed I proceeded to clean and move everything. Definitely needed a vacuuming since I filled the dirt cup on the machine easily. I put my bed facing the opposite direction, moved the tv, put all the houseplants by window (they were in the living room), rearranged wall hangings, and washed and dusted everything down. Sure looks better.
I moved both my chest of drawers into my large walk-in closet, and moved the movie shelfcase to the living room. (and yeah....that's a Woody from Toy Story pillowcase on the bed and a walker under the bed. I'm a kid at one end and an old lady at the other!)
I sure do love those sliders you can put under heavy furniture to move it across the carpet easier. Saves a lot of time, not to mention muscles. In a couple of days, I'll tackle the extra bedroom as it's become the "catch-all room" and really needs some TLC.
While cleaning the master bathroom I noticed an old greeting card my sister had sent me in 1991. I've had it scotch taped to my bathroom mirrors since it arrived 20 years ago, and it was getting kind of shabby so I copied it on my scanner to make a fresh print.
I noticed a picture I had framed was kind of dark so I copied it as well and brightened it up with the scanner before sending it off to Walgreen's for a fresh 5x7 print. I always liked this photo that my sister-in-law, Lill, took several years ago of my brother, Dana, walking with dad on the Larry Scott Trail.
Well, that's about it for today. I've got a doctor appt on Wednesday (oh joy!) and am going to the Silverdale Mall on Thursday. Catie is meeting me at Target parking lot so she can pick up the twins and take them back to Mary and Andy's for the weekend. It's always a treat when they get to visit their aunt and uncle in Renton.
I kept waking up from 1 a.m. on but willed myself to stay in bed until at least 7. As I tossed and turned I rearranged the bedroom in my head and once I was up and dressed I proceeded to clean and move everything. Definitely needed a vacuuming since I filled the dirt cup on the machine easily. I put my bed facing the opposite direction, moved the tv, put all the houseplants by window (they were in the living room), rearranged wall hangings, and washed and dusted everything down. Sure looks better.
I moved both my chest of drawers into my large walk-in closet, and moved the movie shelfcase to the living room. (and yeah....that's a Woody from Toy Story pillowcase on the bed and a walker under the bed. I'm a kid at one end and an old lady at the other!)
I sure do love those sliders you can put under heavy furniture to move it across the carpet easier. Saves a lot of time, not to mention muscles. In a couple of days, I'll tackle the extra bedroom as it's become the "catch-all room" and really needs some TLC.
While cleaning the master bathroom I noticed an old greeting card my sister had sent me in 1991. I've had it scotch taped to my bathroom mirrors since it arrived 20 years ago, and it was getting kind of shabby so I copied it on my scanner to make a fresh print.
I noticed a picture I had framed was kind of dark so I copied it as well and brightened it up with the scanner before sending it off to Walgreen's for a fresh 5x7 print. I always liked this photo that my sister-in-law, Lill, took several years ago of my brother, Dana, walking with dad on the Larry Scott Trail.
Well, that's about it for today. I've got a doctor appt on Wednesday (oh joy!) and am going to the Silverdale Mall on Thursday. Catie is meeting me at Target parking lot so she can pick up the twins and take them back to Mary and Andy's for the weekend. It's always a treat when they get to visit their aunt and uncle in Renton.
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