My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dieting Today

I'm on a diet today. A forced diet.  More than likely, that means all I'm going to think about is FOOD!  Oh well, I'm doing something I've wanted to get off my list for several months--a colonoscopy tomorrow morning.  My body needs a day of fasting anyhow. Perhaps it will motivate me to get my act together and proceed with sensible eating once the fast is done. Famous last words. I know and you know I'm probably never going to be a healthy eater.

I took a couple of the pills required about an hour ago. The directions tell me to start drinking the "clean-out juice" at 6 p.m.  I think I may start at 4, however.  Seems like I vaguely recall the Physician's Asst. saying I could  begin anytime in the afternoon. Can't say that I'm looking forward to the bathroom schedule I'm going to be on all night long or the little "procedure" tomorrow morning.  I think knowing my sleep is going to be interrupted distresses me more. I really don't like losing sleep. It makes me terribly cranky. But you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. Heaven knows I'm not the first to have to go through this and I won't be the last.

I spent yesterday listening to an audio book while working on a sewing project. I'll continue along those lines today.  Think I'll start addressing my Christmas postcards too.  I made address labels and bought a roll of stamps so I should get that job done early.  I've got most of my gifts bought (or made) so I might start wrapping the week after Thanksgiving.

The news continues to either outrage me or bore me to tears. Am really tired of hearing about Gabby Giffords rehabilitation. Yes, it was horrible she was shot and people were killed but people are shot and killed every day in this country and many have years going through rehab to try and get their lives back on track.  The fact she was in politics shouldn't dictate we need to follow her recovery more closely than others.

And that whole Kardashian wedding story.  I can't understand why we're still having to follow that family like their every move or misstep is something we are eager to hear about.  Years ago  I would turn down the volume EVERY single time the song "Cherish" by The Association was aired on our office radio station KIXI. And they seemed to play it daily without fail. I still turn it off whenever I hear it.  I can't say why I hate that song; I just do.
If I'm sitting in my recliner with remote in hand and surfing around for something to watch, there are a number of people that I will zap away as quickly as my thumbs can work the channel button. These include shows or stories featuring  Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen, The Jersey Shore bunch, The Kardashians, the judges on Dancing with the Stars, Paula Abdul, Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, The ladies of The View, Jerry Springer, Dave Letterman, Ty Pennington, and sadly, our President.  Okay. I'm repeating myself. I know that.

And here's a little rock and roll history (stuff that does interest me)

Johnny Burnett(e) and his older brother Dorsey had very humble beginnings growing up in the identical public housing project in Memphis, TN that Elvis Presley had lived. Together they ultimately formed a group called The Rock and Roll Trio with a friend named Paul Burlison that met with some moderate success even winning a few times on Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour, but life on the road ended the life of this trio. Johnny and Dorsey began writing songs, and they even traveled to Los Angeles with the express intent of trying to sell a few to the current vocal rage at the time, Ricky Nelson. They succeeded in selling Ricky on "It's Late", "Waitin' in School", and a few others, but they both wanted to sing again on their own. Johnny finally got a recording contract with Liberty Records, and under the guidance of record producer Snuff Garrett, "You're Sixteen" was born. The tune peaked at #18 in November of 1960, but this would be Johnny's only Top 10 hit in a career shortened by a tragic boating accident which ended his life in 1964.

I remember seeing The Rock and Roll Trio on Ted Mack's Amateur Hour show.  I loved them and intended to send in a postcard to vote for them and dad said:  "What do you want to vote for them for? They're just copying Elvis Presley." 
He convinced me not to vote. Funny how I still remember that.  I was so easily persuaded. Here's how they looked when they first started out.

Seems lame today. And here's how Johnny looked in the mid 60's...

I've always like rockabilly music, even as a young kid.  I remember my brother, Les, asking me a few years ago if I could find him this song by Rocky Burnette as he really liked his music. Come to find out, Rocky is the son of Johnny Burnette who appeared on Ted Mack when he was about 22.
Here's Rocky in the 80's

Well, time to move myself to another room and not think about lunch.  Sigh.....

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