Yesterday I made up a batch of homemade egg noodles. Mainly because I had leftover egg yolks after making divinity and I hate throwing out perfectly good yolks. Making noodles is such an easy thing anyhow---and they're delicious in turkey vegetable soup. After I got the dough rolled out, Jenni called and said she was running late and would I mind picking up the twins at the dentist office so she could scoot on to work. Maddie was done with her cleaning so we sat in the car to wait a few minutes for Hunter. He wasn't all that pleased when he came out.
Seems the cleaner had poked his gum a little too hard. That was all it took for him to be disgusted with the whole affair--and her! He mentioned how she made small talk and asked him if his folks had filled his stocking yet. He mumbled no and then thought to himself....Why is she asking a kid a question like that? What if I still believed in Santa? What if she asks a younger kid that question? She could ruin everything. Hee Hee...Hunter makes me smile.
While serving them lunch a little later, I stuck in a DVD of "Lost TV Shows" sure that they would enjoy the Lassie episode with Jeff & Porky building a treehouse.
"I watched this in 1954 when I was your age; I know you're gonna love it."
After a bit, Hunter says: "So you were born in 1943 and now you're 68?"
"That's a long time ago."
Hunter is big on numbers and match. Always has been.
He did watch the show with interest but Maddie didn't find it that entertaining. She played games on her Ipod instead. Later, I stuck in a movie I borrowed from my brother...."All Creatures Great and Small". Hunter came into the room and noticed the vet had his arm halfway up the horse's butt.
He watched wide-eyed and said:
"What's this rated anyhow? Looks like porn."
I tried to explain it was just plain old farm life but he wasn't impressed.
"I hope I never have to see a thing like that again!" hee hee
Mary Norton stopped in and we exchanged Xmas gifts. She had just returned from Mexico so was busy using the days before Xmas to get her shopping done. That's cutting it a little close but she'll manage. She told me that at one of the stops they made, everyone sat in a circle and
shared stories about their country depending on what the question was.Stuff like health care in and how you celebrate Xmas. I didn't realize that they don't celebrate Xmas the same way we do. No gift giving and decorations,etc. If they have a nativity scene, little gifts are brought to baby Jesus, not to each other. I thought it was interesting that the country to the north of us celebrates the way we do but the country to the south doesn't.
I've changed the way I gamble these days. Don't go to the casino much at all as I found the payouts were pretty much non-exisistent or too small to be of any significance. Now I'm playing the state lotto games. I fill out cards to pick my numbers for the Power ball, the mega, the lotto, the daily game, Hit Five, and Match 4. I play a dollar (except the Match 4 with is a $2 game). I buy 4 days worth of Hit Five and once that ticket is done, I'll take all the tickets in to see if I've won. Last week I won enough to buy my next weeks' tickets and this morning I hit $40. That was on the Daily Game. I always play 943 but I buy a straight box ticket instead of just a straight so if the numbers come up in any order at all, I win. Had they come up as 943, I would have won $250. I think they came up as 934 last night. Anyhow, this straight box ticket gives you more of a chance to win. I've done good with 943. I used to play it straight only and that pays $500. I've won that top prize twice--maybe even three times.
One of my new favorite things to buy at Costco is frozen berries. They have a Kirkland brand 4-lb. sack of blueberries,blackberries, and raspberries that are WONDERFUL! I take out a small handful in the morning (from the freezer) and let them thaw in a bowl. Very tasty and healthy treat. Surprised it took me so long to discover this.
Today I'm going to mix up a green bean casserole to serve with the Subway sandwich tray I'm picking up at 3. Two of my kids and all of my grandkids will be here for a quick supper and gift opening. And pictures, of course. Gotta take my pictures. I've been getting some really nice photos in Xmas cards this year. I love getting cards. I think I'l make a bigger effort next year to get mine out. Here's the photos I've received so far...
My house lit up early this morning before it got light
My little Xmas tree in the window here in the computer room
Jen,Carley,Carter,Eric Ericksen from Bremerton
Dawson & Olivia (great grandchildren of my cousin Denny)
Don & Sue Pedersen & Cujo from MN
Emily,Jared, and Conner, cousins in Gig Harbor
Jocelyn getting her degree in Seattle

Laurel & Michael Baldwin in Vancouver, WA
Roy & Linda Brooks from Enumclaw while in Alaska
Sterling & Karston, cousins in Albany, OR (grand children of my cousin Denny)
Well, I've got some paperwork to take care of this morning so think I'll get to that and then start in on the quilt pieces.