Here are a dozen photos of some of the bags my sister has been working on. She's hoping to generate a little extra income and is selling them at a very reasonable price. They're double stitched and sturdy. I use mine for grocery shopping.
I'm sending out a message to several folks in my email address book about these bags. Drop me a quick line if you think you'd be interested and I'll let my sister know. She doesn't have Internet. ( cedarrose61 at )
The backpack larger bags are $10 but the grocery bags with handles are only $5. She'll deliver if you live in the Port Townsend area. Otherwise, add $2 for shipping. And thank you for taking the time to look them over. They're really well-made. (You can click on picture to enlarge)
I like the Eggs one.
Thanks Joyce for posting Janie's bags. She does really good workmanship. I have a wonderful tote she made with a Lighthouse on it. B