My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Remembering Dad

Some dates you always remember no matter what. January 3rd is one of those days for me. If my dad was living, he'd be eating birthday cake with 89 candles on it.  He died two years ago. Or at least it will be two years on April 30th.  I miss him.
And since he was a twin, I have to mention his brother, Jim. He died a year and 3 weeks earlier on March 11, 2008.  Here's one of my favorite pictures of them as teenagers--standing outside the bedroom which I shared with my sister growing up on Kuhn Street.
                                             Jim and John in the late 1930's.
Looks like your typical January day outside my window.  Gray and damp.  I ran a few errands early.  Had to stand in line at city hall (there's always a line) to submit my income paperwork to get reduced utility rates for seniors.  There are advantages to being poor....I mean "having a modest income."  ha ha ha

Stopped by the library to catch up on reading The Leader. Always interesting to people watch at the library.  Sitting nearby was a guy bundled up from head to toe and wrapped in an old blanket.  He was sleeping.  Next to him was another guy wearing tie on thongs with no socks. As I was leaving, I noticed another old guy (mighty sorry looking and walking slow) making his way to his sleep chair I suppose.  If you're out early on the downtown streets you can always see these homeless fellows.  Makes you appreciate the roof over your head and all the toys at your disposal as you keep warm.

Mail lady delivered a Christmas card and letter from Kris & Dave Logue.  Every year, Kris outdoes herself writing the best dang letter EVER!  What a talent.  And I'm mighty glad I'm on the mailing list too.

Well, I really need to get going on my projects now.  I bought some pretty material at Joanne's yesterday and plan to make a pillow case.  Maybe two.  I've been getting up early lately and will never understand why my body clock can't adjust itself to something more reasonable.  I suppose I could take a nap and try to jumpstart it back to a more reasonable cycle.  Last night I was in bed before 9 pm.  I can vaguely recall periods of time where I stayed up until close to midnight OFTEN! 

Forgot to mention yesterday that while browsing at the Dollar Tree, Jenni and I noticed these packages for sale near checkout.  Well, Jenni noticed and showed me.  I was mad at myself for not having my camera on me.  There were three kits available to buy---one was to help you predict your fertility cycle, one was a pregnancy test, and the last was to see if you had drugs in your system.  (like pot)  And all for a dollar a piece.  Amazing.

One of the funniest things I heard this week...

Jenni said she got up to pee during the night and found Wayne at the computer watching and listening to music on YouTube.  Wayne has always been a huge music lover and it tickles me that he's discovered the computer just recently.  It was 3 a.m.  hee hee
Here's a favorite of mine....

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