My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, February 13, 2012

Into Sequim

Went to the opthamologist today. She said my glasses need a new prescription and my eye problems are related to the fact I could use an eyelid tuck and lift. Or something like that.  I've always had downward slanted eyes but they've gotten even more slanted with age and my tears aren't going where they're supposed to go which is contributing to the dry eye and allergy discomfort of pain and itchiness and watering. 

I "think" medicare and AARP will pay for this, especially since it's not considered cosmetic.  I suppose I'll get it done in a few weeks.  She did give me a couple of tiny samples for eye drops (which I'll use) but I didn't get the presciption filled as it was $133!  I don't have drug insurance and refuse to pay that. She also said not to get new glasses until my operation is over with as your vision changes.  Damn! It's always something.  Sure hope I get a tax refund this year...but I'm not holding my breath.  Oh well, you can't take it with you, as they say.

I picked up Charlotte who will be 87 this week and we went to Ihop for breakfast.  I ordered off the senior menu although it didn't seem that much cheaper than the regular lineup.  Also disgusted me that coffee didn't come with the meal.  They wanted $2.19 a cup!  Guess who just had water.  If restaurant owners want more business, they need to bend a little.  I don't expect free food but it certainly wouldn't kill them to offer coffee to those ordering off the menu.  Especially when the cheapest item is $7.  Yes, I know I sound cheap but I'm really not.  When you live on a fixed income, you have to think twice about what you're laying your money down for.

Charlotte's neighbor (who used to be my neighbor as well) gave me this Wally Exum sketch of the Presbyterian Church in PT.  It's even framed and I was happy to get it. Belonged to yet another neighbor who is now in a nursing home in Sequim.  I made a couple more stops after breakfast and then drove to Jenni's to pick up the dog. 

I've been tired all afternoon for some reason. My eyes are uncomfortable too but I suppose that could be the drops they put in when I got there.  Think I'll hit the sack early tonight and start my day tomorrow all fresh and perky.

I watched a quilting disc that my sister gave me and it made me want to pull out all my sewing equipment again.  I'm in that stage where I want to start new projects but I can't quite figure out what.  I found a sack of frames for cross stitch so I pulled out my pattern books for that.  Then I was given a really cool needlepoint picture so I thought...maybe I'll try my hand at that.  But I've got two projects undone by my chair now. One crochet and one knitting so I need to get them done first.

Maybe I'll concentrate on my writing tomorrow.  Like dieting, you just have to DO IT!

I ordered a couple of movies to be streamed in over the tv using my amazon account. Wanted to see Woody Allen's movie "Midnight in Paris" since it was nominated. It put me to sleep. Totally boring and the lead star, Owen Wilson, acted all the way through exactly like Woody Allen.  Talked and moved just like him.  What a waste of money.

Last night I watched Moneyball with Brad Pitt.  That was much better.  I'm going to watch Tree of Life this week so I will have seen half a dozen of the movies up for an Oscar at the end of February. Really wish I had gone to see Hugo but I'll wait for the video on The Artist and War Horse.  Of the ones I've seen so far, I think The Help was the best movie.

Well, Wheel of Fortune is coming on so guess I'll get on my pajamas and settle in for the night.

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