My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, March 30, 2012

Last Friday of March

Sun is shining and the sky is blue but.... it's been raining off and on and weatherman predicts more wet stuff all week. I think I'll make a library run this morning and see if I can't get some time in on the microfilm.  I started again on my family history project and decided I needed to research my mother's adoptive family more.  Figure there's gotta be a few things in the old Leaders since they were early settlers. (Blanchards & Nisbets)

Cousin Cindy in Gig Harbor sent me a copy of letters her dad and uncle wrote to their mother (my Aunt Velna) in 1942.  Cindy's mom died recently and the letters were in her stash of saved things. Fascinating to see and read them. Bob and Claude would have been 15 and 12. Velna was 37 and living in Spokane while she went to barber school. Bob & Claude were living with my aunt and uncle, George and Lorraine. Bob mentions picking two gallons of blackberries and selling one jar for a dollar. He also mentioned that grandpa had to work from 8 to 4. He would have been a mill worker then but he retired in 1948 at that age of 70.  I wish more people kept old letters. I think they're a goldmine.

Here's a picture of Velna, Marlyn, and Bob.  Most likely taken in late 40's or early 50's on Clay St, PT.

I don't know how I could forget to write this two days ago but....Maddie and Hunter both got straight A's.  Way to go!

Got an email from my cousin in San Diego yesterday. Gail Sutherland.  We've never met but keep hoping  to eventually. She's traveling to Astoria in May with a friend and plans a road trip into Washington.  I'm hoping we'll be able to meet somewhere as we've been writing for several years. She's the daughter of Jim Nisbet, my mother's oldest brother.

Bought my Mega ticket yesterday. Spent $2 and now I'm dreaming of what I'll do. I was able to walk right up to the counter at Grandview Grocery. No lines like you're seeing on tv news.

Here's a picture Anna Padia posted on Facebook yesterday. From the Kitsap Tours website  think. Wonderful photo of PT.  Wonder how I could get a print of it.

I don't have any weekend plans. Will probably work on my family history project. Might set up a new jigsaw puzzle too as Hunter asked me when we're starting a new one. Monday I'm riding with Mary Norton into Port Hadlock.  CZ retirement luncheon committee meeting at Ginger and Paul Jacobsen's.

Well, time to go take my vitamins and from the looks of my hands---find some hand lotion.  My poor skin is so dry and chapped.

1 comment:

  1. The minute I read the letters from Dad and Claude I knew a copy had to be in your hands. I just wish we knew of them before Please Mr. Postman went to print.
