Well, Blogger help sure isn't worth a hill of beans. Like talking to the wind....
Guess I'll play around with this some more and see if I can't figure it out myself
okay....Maybe? I figured it out...maybe.....
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Thursday, August 30, 2012
A video kind of day
Sunrise, Sunset...swiftly flow the days....I've always been fond of this song.
I got up a little late this morning. 8 a.m. It's already noon and I haven't accomplished a heck of a lot. Well, I guess I've accomplished enough.....made a batch of fudge to take this weekend, started packing (my list continues to grow), ran the dishwasher, and did some computer work. The only thing I really want to get going on is sewing the large quilt pieces together and (maybe) find some material for the border and back.
Depends on my energy level. I think the pills I'm taking are making me drowsy and tired. I definitely feel blurry (or something). Can't see that they're making any difference in the foot/ankle/leg problems either. But I won't go there. You've heard enough on that subject.
Linda Farina sent me a video on separating eggs and I found another one on YouTube in English so thought I would post it here in case you haven't seen it yet.
I watched a pretty good movie on Netflix last night. I discovered that I could find tons of available movies on the Netflix website that I could put in my queue for streaming through my television later. I was getting frustrated that the movies I was zipping through on the tv set didn't have much variety. Especially for older viewers.
I called Neflix and she told me if I logged on to instantwatcher.com, clicked on the red bar (for Netflix) and then clicked ALL under headings, I would find thousands of movies. Would be nice if they'd put that information where you could find it.
Anyhow, I watched this flick called 'Lovely, Still' starring Martin Landau and Ellen Burstyn. Also Adam Scott from Parks and Recreation. It was kind of slow moving at first but I was doing some cross stitch so I sat there and hoped it would improve. It did. I had no clue about the twist ending. Made me cry. Martin, who is 84 right now (he was 80 in this movie) was outstanding. Really good. And Ellen, of course, is always good. I loved her in 'Same time next year' with Alan Alda.
I made an appt with a dermatologist for next week. She's right in my neighborhood so I decided to use her instead of driving to Sequim. I hadn't been in for six years! I suppose I'm overdue for having someone gaze closely at my large area of skin to be checked for moles. Need to get it over with, though. I'm sure it won't be the first time she's seen a fat body, and it won't be the last.
Some of my yard solar lights weren't working so I sat down at the kitchen table to open them up and put in new batteries. I was grossed out at the spider nests inside but I didn't see any spiders so I got out my tweezers and brush and started to clean. The last light had a spider. I screamed, and jumped up and then ran to get something to kill the bugger.
My camera doesn't take night pictures because I can't figure out how, but they were all working good when I checked after dark. They change colors from red to green to blue when it's dark. I love looking at them.
I got up a little late this morning. 8 a.m. It's already noon and I haven't accomplished a heck of a lot. Well, I guess I've accomplished enough.....made a batch of fudge to take this weekend, started packing (my list continues to grow), ran the dishwasher, and did some computer work. The only thing I really want to get going on is sewing the large quilt pieces together and (maybe) find some material for the border and back.
Depends on my energy level. I think the pills I'm taking are making me drowsy and tired. I definitely feel blurry (or something). Can't see that they're making any difference in the foot/ankle/leg problems either. But I won't go there. You've heard enough on that subject.
Linda Farina sent me a video on separating eggs and I found another one on YouTube in English so thought I would post it here in case you haven't seen it yet.
I watched a pretty good movie on Netflix last night. I discovered that I could find tons of available movies on the Netflix website that I could put in my queue for streaming through my television later. I was getting frustrated that the movies I was zipping through on the tv set didn't have much variety. Especially for older viewers.
I called Neflix and she told me if I logged on to instantwatcher.com, clicked on the red bar (for Netflix) and then clicked ALL under headings, I would find thousands of movies. Would be nice if they'd put that information where you could find it.
Anyhow, I watched this flick called 'Lovely, Still' starring Martin Landau and Ellen Burstyn. Also Adam Scott from Parks and Recreation. It was kind of slow moving at first but I was doing some cross stitch so I sat there and hoped it would improve. It did. I had no clue about the twist ending. Made me cry. Martin, who is 84 right now (he was 80 in this movie) was outstanding. Really good. And Ellen, of course, is always good. I loved her in 'Same time next year' with Alan Alda.
I made an appt with a dermatologist for next week. She's right in my neighborhood so I decided to use her instead of driving to Sequim. I hadn't been in for six years! I suppose I'm overdue for having someone gaze closely at my large area of skin to be checked for moles. Need to get it over with, though. I'm sure it won't be the first time she's seen a fat body, and it won't be the last.
Some of my yard solar lights weren't working so I sat down at the kitchen table to open them up and put in new batteries. I was grossed out at the spider nests inside but I didn't see any spiders so I got out my tweezers and brush and started to clean. The last light had a spider. I screamed, and jumped up and then ran to get something to kill the bugger.
My camera doesn't take night pictures because I can't figure out how, but they were all working good when I checked after dark. They change colors from red to green to blue when it's dark. I love looking at them.
Some news stories that show up these days just make me sad. Unfortunately, these situations are becoming more and more common. I just don't get it. That teacher who didn't stop the bullying of that kid under a desk (and participated in it to a degree)....how does that not call for stronger reprimand than being transferred to another school? Perhaps there were circumstances not reported. Maybe this kid was a problem child, forever disrupting and requiring extra attention. I'm betting he was because too many kids these days are "acting up" and getting away with it. But that's another story.
Then there was that dad who killed his daughter and wife and then went to the police station to turn himself in. They played up his financial problems and how he "snapped." Hey! We all have financial problems or other things going wrong with our life. We don't kill family members over it.
Lock up the good for nothing ASS! And throw away the key. Don't let him out just because he's a model prisoner and on his meds or got Jesus. He does NOT deserve our sympathy!!!!!
I got my Skype account back up and going so I can video talk with my new sister. I'm excited about this but I'm definitely not happy with how I look on screen. The camera on my laptop is obviously defective as it shows a tired old woman with really bad hair, large glasses, double chin....well you get the picture. Not a pretty sight. Scary even.
I got a kick out of Sammy watching the kids play on the street the other day so grabbed my camera to video tape him. If he could only be trusted to not run off, I'd love to let him out to play with the kidsbut he's a DON'T LISTEN DOG
Okay...more blah blah stuff to discuss...let me think... I see people coming with empty boxes so I guess one of the gals next door is moving out. Maybe her FB page will tell more. I'm such a Nosey Nelly. Oh well, at least I know I am.
Gotta check through my cookbook as I bought a can of Pillsbury rolls (the kind you hit against the counter to open) and I assume I bought it to make pizza crust. I don't remember. Don't usually buy those so that must be the reason. Sure hope I can locate that recipe but if not, I can always search online. I love computers.
I think my sister is going to start a blog on the Leader soon. One discussing the various jobs she's held over the years. And my brother has his own blog going (of sorts) as well. I follow the comments on the Leader website to see what opinion he's putting forth on various subjects. We don't always agree on topics of interest, but that's okay. He can't help it. hee hee
Guess I'll go back to my blog now and see if the videos are still screwing up. I've blah blah blahed enough for one day.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Computer settings drive me crazy
When I moved away from Gupster Road, I decided to quit writing on Gupster Granny blog and start a new one. Unfortunately, I didn't understand all the mechanics of starting a fresh blog and now I tolerate (impatiently) the frustration of having to log in and out again if I get an email I want to read.
My Gmail account is set up so that an incoming email flag pops up in the right corner bottom of my screen. It tells me who wrote the email and the first sentence they wrote. If it's something I want to read right away, I have to log off in the middle of my blog writing, sign out, and then sign in to my Gmail. When I want to go back to my blog, I reverse the steps.
If I had put this blog (and the alumni blog) under the same email address as Gupster, I wouldn't be dealing with this. Too late now to switch it and they won't let me delete Gupster for some reason. Can't delete 'Be True to your school' on the Leader website either. Anyhow..... just another aggravation of the computer world.
Apparently our condo on the ocean shore has WIFI so Mary said I could bring my laptop if I wanted to. I'm thinking I won't, however. This beach vacation will be a time to visit with the grandkids, two daughters and two sons-in-law. Whether they like it or not! I did make a library run today and picked up four magazines to bring along---Writer's Digest and Psychology Today.
I also picked up four books -- All creatures great and small (which I've read) but this book I'm reading about selling nonfiction books suggests reading his. So I'm going to do just that. Yvonne had an interesting book on her coffee table that I decided to check out once she returned it to the library. Three men in a boat by Jerome K. Jerome. My two "browsing around" books that I picked up were "Dark Star, The Roy Orbison Story" and "First Lady" by Michael Malone. (murder mystery).
Two books arrived in the mail from half.com. "The way I see it" by Patty Davis (Ronald Reagon's daughter) and one I lent to Jenni -- "Confessions of a prairie bitch". We're both fans of Little House on the Prairie and this book was written by "Nellie." I'm still waiting on a book written by Mary of Little House. I'm thinking of ordering "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. Ebay has a listing for this book under "Trade Cloth" but I don't know what that means. The library has 45 requests for it so I decided not to go that route.
I watched parts of the convention last night. Won't watch Ryan's speech tonight, though. Just not interested. I like Chris Christie. At least his speeches don't put you to sleep. We've become a world of criticizing everybody over everything. He was criticized for speaking over 15 minutes before he said Romney's name. Silly critics! We all knew who he was there to speak for. Grow up you idiots! I kind of enjoyed the "people watching" we got to do as the camera scanned the crowd. That was actually the best part for me.
Later on in the evening, my channel surfing had me stopping at PBS for a historical piece on Will Rogers. He was a much bigger personality than I originally thought. Sat with presidents, kings, etc. and was often urged to run for president. Mickey Rooney commented a couple of times. They showed a picture of Mickey at about age 10 with Will. Very intereresting. The next show was on Mark Twain. That was pretty good too. Told of him going bankrupt at one point in his life.
One of the saddest stories I heard yesterday was that young bride who was posing in the river with her wedding dress and drowned as the currents came in and took her away. The photographer was beside himself because he wasn't able to save her. What a hell of a way to die! Right after being married. I guess it's become the latest fad now....to pose in unusual settings in your dress because it's something you only wear once.
I spent the afternoon sewing and pressing little quilt squares together. I'll have the 12th large square done today so I can start sewing them together for the twin size quilt I plan to make. It will probably need a border and I'm wondering if I can use the large squares I have set aside to make borders going around. Might be a little too busy,though.
This is why downsizing is hard for me.... I noticed I was out of thread on almost all my bobbins so I set about winding them with thread from these older "little wood" spools I had in a large bag I got at a yard sale. They didn't hold a lot of thread so they became empty quickly.
If I could just toss them in the trash I'd be okay but noooooooo.....they're special. They have to go with the other spools in the garage that I can't throw away.
I know there has to be somebody out there who could use spools for a project or for kids to play with or something......
I got two interesting emails this week. One from Linda Farina with video attached of Steve Frayne.
I went to YouTube to look him up and there are several of him doing magic tricks. Fascinating. Go there yourself and watch them. Would love to know how he does it.
The other email was about bee stings. I hope I remember this. When you're stung, tape a penny to the sting spot and overnight the pain and swelling is gone.
Yesterday afternoon there were about 8 to 10 kids riding up and down in front of my window on trikes, bikes, scooters, and motorized scooters. The activity was pure hell for poor Sammy as he sat at the open window and watched and heard the fun going on. If only he could be trusted to not run off, I'd love to let him play in the front but alas.....he's a bad bad boy when he's off leash.
When I picked the kids up at Discovery Bay Monday, I took them over to their house and Sammy was very happy to see them. At one point, he managed to get out the front door as we were bringing stuff in. I figured he'd just run to my open car door and hop in thinking he was going to my place but he had other ideas. As I looked up, he was like a streak of greased lightning disappearing around the neighbor's house across the street.
Hunter was mad because he had to go retrieve him and then I was mad because I didn't appreciate the tone of voice he used asking me why I let him loose. Once that dog is out the door and free, he does not hear any commands from those who love him. He's got places to go and dogs to sniff.
Time to get busy around here. I brought in four solar garden lights that haven't been working as I check them in the early morning hours when I'm up walking through the house trying to shake out yet another foot/ankle cramp. I'm hoping new batteries will do the trick.
I also need to Google blogs about downsizing. There's a ton of stuff out there to read. It's no wonder I'm addicted to my laptop.
I've been talking to myself a lot lately. In the house and in the car. I suppose I should be concerned but I'm not. At least I'm listening to someone who interests me and doesn't interrupt. And talking to yourself in the car can be a positive thing. It's easy to get distracted when driving and talking out loud to say stuff like "okay...clear to the left....clear to the right..." is safe driving in my opinion.
Okay. Enough rambling for a while. The laundry needs folding, the quilt squares need sewing, and I need lunch.
My Gmail account is set up so that an incoming email flag pops up in the right corner bottom of my screen. It tells me who wrote the email and the first sentence they wrote. If it's something I want to read right away, I have to log off in the middle of my blog writing, sign out, and then sign in to my Gmail. When I want to go back to my blog, I reverse the steps.
If I had put this blog (and the alumni blog) under the same email address as Gupster, I wouldn't be dealing with this. Too late now to switch it and they won't let me delete Gupster for some reason. Can't delete 'Be True to your school' on the Leader website either. Anyhow..... just another aggravation of the computer world.
Apparently our condo on the ocean shore has WIFI so Mary said I could bring my laptop if I wanted to. I'm thinking I won't, however. This beach vacation will be a time to visit with the grandkids, two daughters and two sons-in-law. Whether they like it or not! I did make a library run today and picked up four magazines to bring along---Writer's Digest and Psychology Today.
I also picked up four books -- All creatures great and small (which I've read) but this book I'm reading about selling nonfiction books suggests reading his. So I'm going to do just that. Yvonne had an interesting book on her coffee table that I decided to check out once she returned it to the library. Three men in a boat by Jerome K. Jerome. My two "browsing around" books that I picked up were "Dark Star, The Roy Orbison Story" and "First Lady" by Michael Malone. (murder mystery).
Two books arrived in the mail from half.com. "The way I see it" by Patty Davis (Ronald Reagon's daughter) and one I lent to Jenni -- "Confessions of a prairie bitch". We're both fans of Little House on the Prairie and this book was written by "Nellie." I'm still waiting on a book written by Mary of Little House. I'm thinking of ordering "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. Ebay has a listing for this book under "Trade Cloth" but I don't know what that means. The library has 45 requests for it so I decided not to go that route.
I watched parts of the convention last night. Won't watch Ryan's speech tonight, though. Just not interested. I like Chris Christie. At least his speeches don't put you to sleep. We've become a world of criticizing everybody over everything. He was criticized for speaking over 15 minutes before he said Romney's name. Silly critics! We all knew who he was there to speak for. Grow up you idiots! I kind of enjoyed the "people watching" we got to do as the camera scanned the crowd. That was actually the best part for me.
Later on in the evening, my channel surfing had me stopping at PBS for a historical piece on Will Rogers. He was a much bigger personality than I originally thought. Sat with presidents, kings, etc. and was often urged to run for president. Mickey Rooney commented a couple of times. They showed a picture of Mickey at about age 10 with Will. Very intereresting. The next show was on Mark Twain. That was pretty good too. Told of him going bankrupt at one point in his life.
One of the saddest stories I heard yesterday was that young bride who was posing in the river with her wedding dress and drowned as the currents came in and took her away. The photographer was beside himself because he wasn't able to save her. What a hell of a way to die! Right after being married. I guess it's become the latest fad now....to pose in unusual settings in your dress because it's something you only wear once.
I spent the afternoon sewing and pressing little quilt squares together. I'll have the 12th large square done today so I can start sewing them together for the twin size quilt I plan to make. It will probably need a border and I'm wondering if I can use the large squares I have set aside to make borders going around. Might be a little too busy,though.
This is why downsizing is hard for me.... I noticed I was out of thread on almost all my bobbins so I set about winding them with thread from these older "little wood" spools I had in a large bag I got at a yard sale. They didn't hold a lot of thread so they became empty quickly.
If I could just toss them in the trash I'd be okay but noooooooo.....they're special. They have to go with the other spools in the garage that I can't throw away.
I know there has to be somebody out there who could use spools for a project or for kids to play with or something......
I got two interesting emails this week. One from Linda Farina with video attached of Steve Frayne.
I went to YouTube to look him up and there are several of him doing magic tricks. Fascinating. Go there yourself and watch them. Would love to know how he does it.
The other email was about bee stings. I hope I remember this. When you're stung, tape a penny to the sting spot and overnight the pain and swelling is gone.
Yesterday afternoon there were about 8 to 10 kids riding up and down in front of my window on trikes, bikes, scooters, and motorized scooters. The activity was pure hell for poor Sammy as he sat at the open window and watched and heard the fun going on. If only he could be trusted to not run off, I'd love to let him play in the front but alas.....he's a bad bad boy when he's off leash.
When I picked the kids up at Discovery Bay Monday, I took them over to their house and Sammy was very happy to see them. At one point, he managed to get out the front door as we were bringing stuff in. I figured he'd just run to my open car door and hop in thinking he was going to my place but he had other ideas. As I looked up, he was like a streak of greased lightning disappearing around the neighbor's house across the street.
Hunter was mad because he had to go retrieve him and then I was mad because I didn't appreciate the tone of voice he used asking me why I let him loose. Once that dog is out the door and free, he does not hear any commands from those who love him. He's got places to go and dogs to sniff.
Time to get busy around here. I brought in four solar garden lights that haven't been working as I check them in the early morning hours when I'm up walking through the house trying to shake out yet another foot/ankle cramp. I'm hoping new batteries will do the trick.
I also need to Google blogs about downsizing. There's a ton of stuff out there to read. It's no wonder I'm addicted to my laptop.
I've been talking to myself a lot lately. In the house and in the car. I suppose I should be concerned but I'm not. At least I'm listening to someone who interests me and doesn't interrupt. And talking to yourself in the car can be a positive thing. It's easy to get distracted when driving and talking out loud to say stuff like "okay...clear to the left....clear to the right..." is safe driving in my opinion.
Okay. Enough rambling for a while. The laundry needs folding, the quilt squares need sewing, and I need lunch.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Quiet Tuesday at home
I ran to Safeway and picked up a few items and filled up on gas while I was there too. I'd been putting it off but if we're going to the ocean this Friday, I'm gonna need some juice to get us there. I was aware today (not sure why) that I seldom, if ever, see anybody I know when I'm out and about running errands. I guess I'm feeling a little isolated. Normally, I don't think about such things but for whatever reason, I'm having little pangs of lonliness now and then. Nothing like...Oh boo hoo, woe is me...just thinking I probably should put more effort into interacting with people. It'll pass, I suppose. I think I'm kind of a loner by choice a lot of the time.
Saw some pictures on Facebook that a mom had posted of the kids at camp so I thought I'd use them for my blog since my own picture-taking lately has been pretty dull.
Hunter and Maddie are both "going out" now. I said: "You mean going steady?"
NO! That's gross. We don't use that expression; we're just "going out." ha ha ha ha ha
I put a little gas in the gas can while I was downtown. The dandelions have taken over and I suppose it won't kill me to go out there and push the mower up and down a few times.
I've got a jigsaw set up in the kitchen (Wizard of Oz) and am in the middle of sewing little quilt squares together. I put the a/c unit away and plan to store all the fans in the garage this week. Summer is probably on the way out and I'm fine with autumn taking its place. I always did like fall. I think spring is my favorite season; then fall; then summer; then winter.
I've been playing with the idea of moving to the Seattle side of the water next year or the year after.
Depends on several things--one of them being if I can manage to downsize. I can't believe how much I've accumulated in four years. Yesterday I managed to take down 12 or 13 frames I had on the walls. Stuff that I could just as easily keep in a photo album. Now I've got several good frames laying on the floor awaiting my next plan for them. I can't just give them to Goodwill or Serenity House as some of them are expensive and very nice looking frames that deserve (at the very least) to go to a friend or family member who needs a frame or to a garage sale.
As I wander from room to room eyeing my possessions with a critical eye, I'm overwhelmed at the task ahead of me. I don't think I can do it. There's too much. I suppose this is how those hoarders on tv feel. I've always felt little sympathy for them when I see how they're living, but I suppose my abundance of "stuff" almost puts me in the same category. Sort of anyhow.
I know if I follow through on this move, I'll probably be in a one or two bedroom apartment. Maybe one of those complexes for seniors where your rent is determined by your income. If ever I needed to win the lotto, now's the time. And how many people utter those words over the years? Ha! I know I'm looking at more than one garage sale to try and unload my possessions. Just the thought of that task wearies me. I've passed the point where I could manage to put on a sale by myself. Doubt I can even prepare for one alone. I need an event planner.
At first I was excited about having a new neighborhood but now I'm debating if this is the best thing for me. I really do love this house and I've become comfortable with the town and the traffic. I'd have to bite the bullet "on that side" and drive in a whole different world. A world I'm not especially fond of driving in. A lot to think about either way.
I am going to continue downsizing here and there. Think I'll start with my clothes and shoes, and then look over the kitchen cupboards and drawers for excess glassware, plastic ware, and silverware.
Problem is, not everyone will find my treasures "have to have items." It's been making me a little crazy.
One exciting thing that happened this week was the discovery of two new siblings. I knew they were out there so I followed what clues I had to see if I could find them. I had kind of put the search on the back burner but did send out a couple of feelers on Facebook. My message was finally discovered and my half sister, Marian, emailed.
I knew I had four half sisters in Penn and I knew my mother had put one boy and one girl up for adoption back in the 60's. A couple of the sisters asked me to use my computer skills to see if I could find them. They gave me a name of who they "thought" had adopted them so I followed that clue and found an obit. One thing led to another and I posted a private message on Facebook to a few Marians hoping I'd get a hit.
We're in the process of getting to know each other via our emails. Maybe someday we'll even get to meet in person. She's educated, has a professional job, lives in N.Carolina, and writes a really good email. She's the youngest of my siblings and looks very much like another sister in Pennsylvania.
Well, I'd best get busy around here. Think I'll do the mowing so it's off my list. Have a nice last week of August.
Saw some pictures on Facebook that a mom had posted of the kids at camp so I thought I'd use them for my blog since my own picture-taking lately has been pretty dull.
Hunter and Maddie are both "going out" now. I said: "You mean going steady?"
NO! That's gross. We don't use that expression; we're just "going out." ha ha ha ha ha
I put a little gas in the gas can while I was downtown. The dandelions have taken over and I suppose it won't kill me to go out there and push the mower up and down a few times.
I've got a jigsaw set up in the kitchen (Wizard of Oz) and am in the middle of sewing little quilt squares together. I put the a/c unit away and plan to store all the fans in the garage this week. Summer is probably on the way out and I'm fine with autumn taking its place. I always did like fall. I think spring is my favorite season; then fall; then summer; then winter.
I've been playing with the idea of moving to the Seattle side of the water next year or the year after.
Depends on several things--one of them being if I can manage to downsize. I can't believe how much I've accumulated in four years. Yesterday I managed to take down 12 or 13 frames I had on the walls. Stuff that I could just as easily keep in a photo album. Now I've got several good frames laying on the floor awaiting my next plan for them. I can't just give them to Goodwill or Serenity House as some of them are expensive and very nice looking frames that deserve (at the very least) to go to a friend or family member who needs a frame or to a garage sale.
As I wander from room to room eyeing my possessions with a critical eye, I'm overwhelmed at the task ahead of me. I don't think I can do it. There's too much. I suppose this is how those hoarders on tv feel. I've always felt little sympathy for them when I see how they're living, but I suppose my abundance of "stuff" almost puts me in the same category. Sort of anyhow.
I know if I follow through on this move, I'll probably be in a one or two bedroom apartment. Maybe one of those complexes for seniors where your rent is determined by your income. If ever I needed to win the lotto, now's the time. And how many people utter those words over the years? Ha! I know I'm looking at more than one garage sale to try and unload my possessions. Just the thought of that task wearies me. I've passed the point where I could manage to put on a sale by myself. Doubt I can even prepare for one alone. I need an event planner.
At first I was excited about having a new neighborhood but now I'm debating if this is the best thing for me. I really do love this house and I've become comfortable with the town and the traffic. I'd have to bite the bullet "on that side" and drive in a whole different world. A world I'm not especially fond of driving in. A lot to think about either way.
I am going to continue downsizing here and there. Think I'll start with my clothes and shoes, and then look over the kitchen cupboards and drawers for excess glassware, plastic ware, and silverware.
Problem is, not everyone will find my treasures "have to have items." It's been making me a little crazy.
One exciting thing that happened this week was the discovery of two new siblings. I knew they were out there so I followed what clues I had to see if I could find them. I had kind of put the search on the back burner but did send out a couple of feelers on Facebook. My message was finally discovered and my half sister, Marian, emailed.
I knew I had four half sisters in Penn and I knew my mother had put one boy and one girl up for adoption back in the 60's. A couple of the sisters asked me to use my computer skills to see if I could find them. They gave me a name of who they "thought" had adopted them so I followed that clue and found an obit. One thing led to another and I posted a private message on Facebook to a few Marians hoping I'd get a hit.
We're in the process of getting to know each other via our emails. Maybe someday we'll even get to meet in person. She's educated, has a professional job, lives in N.Carolina, and writes a really good email. She's the youngest of my siblings and looks very much like another sister in Pennsylvania.
Well, I'd best get busy around here. Think I'll do the mowing so it's off my list. Have a nice last week of August.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Just goofing off today
I haven't accomplished a heck of a lot today...but I don't really care. I did rearrange the frontroom (again). That task always perks me up a bit. I also made fresh hummingbird nectar and moved the feeders around to this window so I can watch them.
Since I seldom have people eating at my counter, I decided the plants could sit over there for a while.
My bedroom (which hasn't been my favorite place to hang out lately because of the foot and leg cramps that continue to make their appearance when I'm trying to have fun dreams) is just a storage area for fans....in case the temps rise again and I find the place too warm.
I went out in the backyard to water flowers and wondered again just how those dang dandelions can grow so quickly. Here's a view of how they look to bugs.
I accidently stepped on the little zip drive that I had plugged into my old computer. I pulled it out and stuck it into my laptop and all the data is still there but I didn't want to mess with a zipdrive that was so exposed so I drove over to Walmart with Yvonne.
I picked up a few items to take to the ocean next weekend and we stopped by a hobby store to buy a kite since nobody else seemed to have any. They had quite a few. One problem I've had with my second white car is that I often lose it when I return to large parking lots. More than once I've approached a car with my clicking key and it wouldn't open for me. I decided to tie a purple ribbon on the top to see if that helps.
Well, that's it for now. Tomorrow I'll post on Town Kid. I'm waiting on a couple more stories to come in. Then I'll get back to work on my autobiography and my sewing project. The People magazine arrived today so I guess I'll sit down and look at all the pretty people, even though they do get kind of tiresome. You can only look at so many boobs and skinny legs before you start to feel a tad inferior. Okay...a whole lot inferior. I've taken to wearing a hat a lot of the time that I'm out and about because my hair always looks dreadful. I really should stop trying to cut it myself. But on the other hand, it never looks particularly great after I pay $20 to some kid who can't cut hair either.
Since I seldom have people eating at my counter, I decided the plants could sit over there for a while.
My bedroom (which hasn't been my favorite place to hang out lately because of the foot and leg cramps that continue to make their appearance when I'm trying to have fun dreams) is just a storage area for fans....in case the temps rise again and I find the place too warm.
I went out in the backyard to water flowers and wondered again just how those dang dandelions can grow so quickly. Here's a view of how they look to bugs.
I accidently stepped on the little zip drive that I had plugged into my old computer. I pulled it out and stuck it into my laptop and all the data is still there but I didn't want to mess with a zipdrive that was so exposed so I drove over to Walmart with Yvonne.
I picked up a few items to take to the ocean next weekend and we stopped by a hobby store to buy a kite since nobody else seemed to have any. They had quite a few. One problem I've had with my second white car is that I often lose it when I return to large parking lots. More than once I've approached a car with my clicking key and it wouldn't open for me. I decided to tie a purple ribbon on the top to see if that helps.
Well, that's it for now. Tomorrow I'll post on Town Kid. I'm waiting on a couple more stories to come in. Then I'll get back to work on my autobiography and my sewing project. The People magazine arrived today so I guess I'll sit down and look at all the pretty people, even though they do get kind of tiresome. You can only look at so many boobs and skinny legs before you start to feel a tad inferior. Okay...a whole lot inferior. I've taken to wearing a hat a lot of the time that I'm out and about because my hair always looks dreadful. I really should stop trying to cut it myself. But on the other hand, it never looks particularly great after I pay $20 to some kid who can't cut hair either.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The Twins head to Lake Cushman
I drove four 12-year-olds to Silverdale Mall this afternoon. I would have preferred listening to 880 KIXI for a relaxing atmosphere but I think I kind of knew that was unlikely to happen. We finally got on the road around 2:15 and it didn't take long for my bladder to let me know she wasn't thrilled with the bouncing along in the car.
I had to stop at a state park a few miles on the other side of Hood Canal Bridge, but nobody had to go except me. As I drove in, Hunter told me I was probably going to need a pass to get in the state park. I already knew I was going to fight any ranger that tried to keep me from peeing. We didn't see anyone and got back on the road quickly.
I go to the mall so seldom that the few times I have to drive over there, I manage to work myself into a little anxiety. Silly, I suppose, but it's easy to get used to driving in your own comfort zone areas so that heading into traffic is unsettling. I managed, though. We were a little early as Mary was caught in Federal Way traffic so I went over to Macy's to pick up some Estee perfume a Sequim friend wanted. We also browsed Barnes & Noble a little. The book I wanted was $25 and I wasn't willing to pay that as I'm pretty sure I can get it a little cheaper online. I did pick up a couple of crossword puzzle books, though.
Baskin Robbins was just outside the book store and my suggestion to buy ice cream was eagerly accepted. My God! Four cones was $10! I didn't get one but I did tell the kids as we were walking away and they were all licking away that "in my day....I could have gotten four cones for a buck!"
I guess that is a statement of just how old I am.
The perfume my friend wanted me to pick up was close to $50. Hunter was flabbergasted that anyone would pay that much for perfume. (So was I)
I drove over to Target as I had a list of some items I wanted. They didn't have bird seed or kites and I couldn't find toilet paper or waxed paper so I bought a few items not on my list and decided the hell with them. I'll have to give my money to Walmart or Swains when I get back to the Peninsula.
The ride home was peaceful. I put an audio book in the CD player but it wasn't grabbing my interest so I tuned in KIXI instead. Was uncomfortable driving west once I got to the point where the sun was in my eyes but oh well....at least the car was quiet.
I decided leftovers at home could wait until tomorrow night and I drove through Jack in the Box for a sourdough jack with curly fries. Drove into my garage HAPPY HAPPY to be home. Changed into my jammies, put stuff away, and now I think I'll head to the recliner to see how long I can last before the yawning starts.
Sure hope I have a better night than I did last night. Was up from 3:30 a.m. until 4 just walking around the house working out another dangblasted cramp in my lower foot. I was desperate. I drank a little pickle juice, ate some mustard, drank vinegar water, put tumeric in a glass of water and drank that and then went back to bed with a heating pad. Today I bought some gatorade as I'd read that it can help leg cramps.
I had the kids pose for pictures while we were waiting for Mary but she drove up as soon as I got them around this nearby tree. Hunter had rubbed up against the bark and his arm broke out. Anybody know what kind of tree this is he's allergic to?
Mary and Andy meet up with a large group of their friends every summer for a weekend at Lake Cushman. Hopefully, they'll take a group picture like they did last year so I can post it on my blog.
Here's the kids transferring their gear from my car to Mary's.
Malcolm, Hunter, Jaydee, Maddie in the Target parking lot at the Mall
I had to stop at a state park a few miles on the other side of Hood Canal Bridge, but nobody had to go except me. As I drove in, Hunter told me I was probably going to need a pass to get in the state park. I already knew I was going to fight any ranger that tried to keep me from peeing. We didn't see anyone and got back on the road quickly.
I go to the mall so seldom that the few times I have to drive over there, I manage to work myself into a little anxiety. Silly, I suppose, but it's easy to get used to driving in your own comfort zone areas so that heading into traffic is unsettling. I managed, though. We were a little early as Mary was caught in Federal Way traffic so I went over to Macy's to pick up some Estee perfume a Sequim friend wanted. We also browsed Barnes & Noble a little. The book I wanted was $25 and I wasn't willing to pay that as I'm pretty sure I can get it a little cheaper online. I did pick up a couple of crossword puzzle books, though.
Baskin Robbins was just outside the book store and my suggestion to buy ice cream was eagerly accepted. My God! Four cones was $10! I didn't get one but I did tell the kids as we were walking away and they were all licking away that "in my day....I could have gotten four cones for a buck!"
I guess that is a statement of just how old I am.
The perfume my friend wanted me to pick up was close to $50. Hunter was flabbergasted that anyone would pay that much for perfume. (So was I)
I drove over to Target as I had a list of some items I wanted. They didn't have bird seed or kites and I couldn't find toilet paper or waxed paper so I bought a few items not on my list and decided the hell with them. I'll have to give my money to Walmart or Swains when I get back to the Peninsula.
The ride home was peaceful. I put an audio book in the CD player but it wasn't grabbing my interest so I tuned in KIXI instead. Was uncomfortable driving west once I got to the point where the sun was in my eyes but oh well....at least the car was quiet.
I decided leftovers at home could wait until tomorrow night and I drove through Jack in the Box for a sourdough jack with curly fries. Drove into my garage HAPPY HAPPY to be home. Changed into my jammies, put stuff away, and now I think I'll head to the recliner to see how long I can last before the yawning starts.
Sure hope I have a better night than I did last night. Was up from 3:30 a.m. until 4 just walking around the house working out another dangblasted cramp in my lower foot. I was desperate. I drank a little pickle juice, ate some mustard, drank vinegar water, put tumeric in a glass of water and drank that and then went back to bed with a heating pad. Today I bought some gatorade as I'd read that it can help leg cramps.
I had the kids pose for pictures while we were waiting for Mary but she drove up as soon as I got them around this nearby tree. Hunter had rubbed up against the bark and his arm broke out. Anybody know what kind of tree this is he's allergic to?
Mary and Andy meet up with a large group of their friends every summer for a weekend at Lake Cushman. Hopefully, they'll take a group picture like they did last year so I can post it on my blog.
Here's the kids transferring their gear from my car to Mary's.
Malcolm, Hunter, Jaydee, Maddie in the Target parking lot at the Mall
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Old diaries
I started in again this morning on my autobiography. I'm working on it using my old computer as I have the Word program on that machine and not on my laptop. I'm finding it much easier to move around in Word than the Office.Org I downloaded to my laptop. I go back and edit everytime I sit down to write but I need to keep going and worry about editing later. That job alone will take up a lot of time but that's the fun part of writing for me.
So far I have about 36 pages and 20,000 words and I haven't moved to Port Townsend yet. I decided to include a few diary notations as it helped jog my memory on several events that I'd forgotten altogether. I only wish I had written better entries. They're all quick sentences (written in shorthand) that I recorded at the end of my day.
On Dec. 15, 1972, I was pregnant with Jenni and we'd decided on the names Dana Lynn for a girl (after my brother) and Andrew James for a boy (cause I always liked the name Andy). My brother thought naming a kid Dana was not a good idea because people never could seem to say the name correctly. (DayNA, DanAH etc.) I should have ignored him but we switched to Jennifer. She seldom goes by that name, though; uses Jenni pretty exclusively. If I call her at work and ask for Jennifer, they think I have the wrong number We ended up getting an Andy in the family, after all, when Mary got married.
There was no rhyme or reason to some of the entries I made. I obviously didn't put a lot of thought into what I was writing. It was late night and I probably had a book I wanted to read. I found stuff like this:
12-10-71 I did ironing for the neighbor. Took me all day but I made $6.
12-26-72 I'm having false labor pains. Harry Truman died.
6-23-72 John had four teeth pulled and was sick all night
6-26-72 I think I coughed up blood this morning. Hope it's not cancer.
7-21-72 I've got an abscess tooth.
7-24-72 I got a root canal today
7-25-72 Joey knocked out his front tooth when he fell down
3-16-73 We decided to move to P.T. I wonder if Mary is allergic to sauerkraut.
Yep! My diaries were a real literary work of genius!
Looks like the wind has calmed down a bit outside. I suppose I'd better get on my bike before I talk myself out of it again. After seeing pictures of how I look pedaling, I realize I need to pedal all the more!
Here's an interesting video I got from Rose Johnson yesterday....
So far I have about 36 pages and 20,000 words and I haven't moved to Port Townsend yet. I decided to include a few diary notations as it helped jog my memory on several events that I'd forgotten altogether. I only wish I had written better entries. They're all quick sentences (written in shorthand) that I recorded at the end of my day.
On Dec. 15, 1972, I was pregnant with Jenni and we'd decided on the names Dana Lynn for a girl (after my brother) and Andrew James for a boy (cause I always liked the name Andy). My brother thought naming a kid Dana was not a good idea because people never could seem to say the name correctly. (DayNA, DanAH etc.) I should have ignored him but we switched to Jennifer. She seldom goes by that name, though; uses Jenni pretty exclusively. If I call her at work and ask for Jennifer, they think I have the wrong number We ended up getting an Andy in the family, after all, when Mary got married.
There was no rhyme or reason to some of the entries I made. I obviously didn't put a lot of thought into what I was writing. It was late night and I probably had a book I wanted to read. I found stuff like this:
12-10-71 I did ironing for the neighbor. Took me all day but I made $6.
12-26-72 I'm having false labor pains. Harry Truman died.
6-23-72 John had four teeth pulled and was sick all night
6-26-72 I think I coughed up blood this morning. Hope it's not cancer.
7-21-72 I've got an abscess tooth.
7-24-72 I got a root canal today
7-25-72 Joey knocked out his front tooth when he fell down
3-16-73 We decided to move to P.T. I wonder if Mary is allergic to sauerkraut.
Yep! My diaries were a real literary work of genius!
Looks like the wind has calmed down a bit outside. I suppose I'd better get on my bike before I talk myself out of it again. After seeing pictures of how I look pedaling, I realize I need to pedal all the more!
Here's an interesting video I got from Rose Johnson yesterday....
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Watching an old flick
I thought it would be fun to watch a horror movie with the kids so I hunted around on my Roku channels to see if the old Sissy Spacek movie "Carrie" was available. Unfortunately, the only place I could find it was Amazon so I streamed it in for $3.
I'd forgotten that the opening scene was teenage girls in the shower during their PE class. They both started to giggle because the movie was rated R and body parts were showed. I thought to myself:
"Oh, let's get through this nonsense and get to the gory parts." I'm such a bad Gramma.
Hunter lost interest almost immediately and went back to the computer. Maddie stayed to watch and it was interesting to hear her comments...
Why do those boys have wide pant legs?
Those are bellbottoms. That was the style. I even had a pair.
Oh. This movie is really old, isn't it?
Yeah, it came out about 39 years ago. Your mom was about three.
The girls sure had curly hair.
Yeah, that was the style too. I even wore curlers to bed every night in the 60's.
You did?
Yeah, you had to do it to be cute and I really wanted to be cute.
Do you think I should wear my hair straight or curly for the school pictures we're having taken tomorrow.
Definitely curly. I like you in curly hair. Why do you have to have your picture taken before school even starts?
They want them for the yearbook.
I looked up some of the facts on IMDB about Carrie. (It's something I always do these days). This film got a ton of nominations and awards. Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie were both nominated for Oscars in the best actress and best supporting actress categories. Beatrice Straight and Faye Dunaway (both in Network) beat them out, though.
Also read that Amy Irving (who was one of the teenagers in the movie) was married to Steven Spielberg for about four years from '85 to '89 and when they divorced, she was awarded $100 million.
Good Grief!
Also read about John Travolta (another teen in the movie):
Travolta's first California-filmed television role was as a fall victim in, Emergency! (in September 1972, but his first significant movie role was as Billy Nolan, a bully who was goaded into playing a prank on Sissy Spacek's character in the horror film, Carrie (1976).[Around the same time, he landed his star-making role as Vinnie Barbarino in the TV sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter (1975–1979), in which his sister, Ellen, also occasionally appeared (as Arnold Horshack's mother).
Well, I never did get any sewing done today. Maybe I'll get started now.
I'd forgotten that the opening scene was teenage girls in the shower during their PE class. They both started to giggle because the movie was rated R and body parts were showed. I thought to myself:
"Oh, let's get through this nonsense and get to the gory parts." I'm such a bad Gramma.
Hunter lost interest almost immediately and went back to the computer. Maddie stayed to watch and it was interesting to hear her comments...
Why do those boys have wide pant legs?
Those are bellbottoms. That was the style. I even had a pair.
Oh. This movie is really old, isn't it?
Yeah, it came out about 39 years ago. Your mom was about three.
The girls sure had curly hair.
Yeah, that was the style too. I even wore curlers to bed every night in the 60's.
You did?
Yeah, you had to do it to be cute and I really wanted to be cute.
Do you think I should wear my hair straight or curly for the school pictures we're having taken tomorrow.
Definitely curly. I like you in curly hair. Why do you have to have your picture taken before school even starts?
They want them for the yearbook.
I looked up some of the facts on IMDB about Carrie. (It's something I always do these days). This film got a ton of nominations and awards. Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie were both nominated for Oscars in the best actress and best supporting actress categories. Beatrice Straight and Faye Dunaway (both in Network) beat them out, though.
Also read that Amy Irving (who was one of the teenagers in the movie) was married to Steven Spielberg for about four years from '85 to '89 and when they divorced, she was awarded $100 million.
Good Grief!
Also read about John Travolta (another teen in the movie):
Travolta's first California-filmed television role was as a fall victim in, Emergency! (in September 1972, but his first significant movie role was as Billy Nolan, a bully who was goaded into playing a prank on Sissy Spacek's character in the horror film, Carrie (1976).[Around the same time, he landed his star-making role as Vinnie Barbarino in the TV sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter (1975–1979), in which his sister, Ellen, also occasionally appeared (as Arnold Horshack's mother).
Well, I never did get any sewing done today. Maybe I'll get started now.
Ridin' with my favorite grandson
Hunter loves his motorized scooter and I love having company when I pedal up and down the street. We rode three blocks down to Yvonne's house, parked our cars, and walked into the woods next to her place. I'd been wanting to see what the trail was like in there. We didn't go too far, though. Kind of hard maneuvering over the stumps and such. I guess it comes out on another street.
Got a really cute card from Linda Brooks today. I think I'm going to try and make cards with material on the front. Linda's always been especially good in arts and sewing so mine probably won't come out looking as professional as this but I'm gonna' give it a whirl anyhow.
Maddie showed me a picture of her boyfriend that she met at camp. He lives in Wenatchee but she says she likes having a boyfriend far away so she's "not distracted and can concentrate on things that are important here at home. Plus there's none of the drama of 'who said what about who,etc." ... Oh to be in junior high again...
Well, off to the living room. I added some channels to my Roku and Hunter wanted to try out Epix so he could watch The Terminator. They have a 14-day free trial so I assume Epix is a pay channel. I can't figure out how to access it, though, so I'm guessing it's one of those channels that isn't available
when I'm just on wavecable.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Errands here and there
Seems like I was on the go most of the day. It's 4:40 p.m. now and whatever else needs to get done is just going to have to wait because my energy level is at zero. Sure am thankful I had Hunter here today as he was a huge help.
I went to the library at 9 to drop off some books in the slot, then drove over to the chiropractor for an adjustment. Then it was off to Walgreens to pick up reprints and I stopped by the neighborhood store to buy lotto tickets.
Hunter called wanting me to take him to the fairgrounds to pick up his exhibit and ribbon money. He also wanted to haul his motorized scooter over here so we did that and then stopped at the Airport Nursery so I could invest in a few plants and flowers that I'd read deer won't eat. Doesn't look like much but with Hunter's help, I got a few things in the area just outside my computer window.
Yvonne called wanting help with posting something on Ebay so she came over and Hunter helped us through the steps. Then she took us to lunch at Taco Time. We came back home and Hunter dug up some flower bulbs Yvonne wanted of mine so then we went back to her place and Hunter dug a hole and helped us get them in the ground.
Then Hunter and I went back to the library but the two books I wanted weren't available. I should have known to check online first. I'll look on half.com to see if I can find them. I did pick up a book by Nora Roberts that Sharon Hoare had told me about. Actually, she said Nora was her favorite author and suggested I read one of her books.
After the library, Hunter and I stopped at Albertsons to get various foods I'd read will help leg cramps. Sweet potatoes, bananas, low sodium V8 juice and Yvonne gave me tumeric. One way or another, I'm going to try everything I hear about.
I unloaded the dishwasher, washed up a sink of dishes, swept and mopped the kitchen, mailed off three letters with pictures, and watered all the flowers and trees around the house. I guess if I type it all out, it does sound like I've got an excuse to be tired.
Tomorrow will be easier. I'll work on my next Leader blog (a really good one) and do some writing on my autobiography. Will also sew a bit while listening to a book on tape. I picked up 'The Good Earth' by Pearl Buck. I read it decades ago. Last night I was in the mood for a movie so I streamed in "Hunger Games" with Amazon. Boy, what a sad movie. Tonight I've got a few things taped so I'll kick back with my cross stitch and see if I can stay awake long enough to watch them.
I noticed the neighbor next door just got a new chocolate lab puppy. I'll have to see if Sammy and him can play together. Outside, of course. I sure am looking forward to my Labor Day weekend vacation. I just love going to the ocean. And here's hoping I find Japanese junk. Ha ha
I think I'm done with Fred Gwynne pictures. Maybe one more.... Santa Claws
And here's a video with a guy whose voice I really like. I have a lot of his music.
I went to the library at 9 to drop off some books in the slot, then drove over to the chiropractor for an adjustment. Then it was off to Walgreens to pick up reprints and I stopped by the neighborhood store to buy lotto tickets.
Hunter called wanting me to take him to the fairgrounds to pick up his exhibit and ribbon money. He also wanted to haul his motorized scooter over here so we did that and then stopped at the Airport Nursery so I could invest in a few plants and flowers that I'd read deer won't eat. Doesn't look like much but with Hunter's help, I got a few things in the area just outside my computer window.
Yvonne called wanting help with posting something on Ebay so she came over and Hunter helped us through the steps. Then she took us to lunch at Taco Time. We came back home and Hunter dug up some flower bulbs Yvonne wanted of mine so then we went back to her place and Hunter dug a hole and helped us get them in the ground.
Then Hunter and I went back to the library but the two books I wanted weren't available. I should have known to check online first. I'll look on half.com to see if I can find them. I did pick up a book by Nora Roberts that Sharon Hoare had told me about. Actually, she said Nora was her favorite author and suggested I read one of her books.
After the library, Hunter and I stopped at Albertsons to get various foods I'd read will help leg cramps. Sweet potatoes, bananas, low sodium V8 juice and Yvonne gave me tumeric. One way or another, I'm going to try everything I hear about.
I unloaded the dishwasher, washed up a sink of dishes, swept and mopped the kitchen, mailed off three letters with pictures, and watered all the flowers and trees around the house. I guess if I type it all out, it does sound like I've got an excuse to be tired.
Tomorrow will be easier. I'll work on my next Leader blog (a really good one) and do some writing on my autobiography. Will also sew a bit while listening to a book on tape. I picked up 'The Good Earth' by Pearl Buck. I read it decades ago. Last night I was in the mood for a movie so I streamed in "Hunger Games" with Amazon. Boy, what a sad movie. Tonight I've got a few things taped so I'll kick back with my cross stitch and see if I can stay awake long enough to watch them.
I noticed the neighbor next door just got a new chocolate lab puppy. I'll have to see if Sammy and him can play together. Outside, of course. I sure am looking forward to my Labor Day weekend vacation. I just love going to the ocean. And here's hoping I find Japanese junk. Ha ha
I think I'm done with Fred Gwynne pictures. Maybe one more.... Santa Claws
And here's a video with a guy whose voice I really like. I have a lot of his music.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
My day in Sequim
Oh, what a fun day I had. I left the house around 11 to meet Lew Morello and Sharon Hoare at Hwy 101 Diner for lunch. I stopped at Home Depot first to pick up a filter for my refrigerator. I suspected I wasn't going to be happy with the price and I was right. $48 for that damn thing! What a ripoff!
Lunch was delicious. I was going to order a Louie Louie but settled instead for a small deluxe burger. I've always liked their food. From there I drove over to Green Acres to pick up friends from my old neighborhood and take them for a spin around Sequim in my new car. They were all in a snit about the new manager and it made me sooooooo happy I don't live there anymore. The other manager died and this new one is a first class bully. Big Time! Calls up old ladies screaming at them to get their cars moved, and stuff like that.
One guy called the mobile park owners in Seattle and threatened to get the attorney general involved if they didn't get this manager in line as he's breaking all kinds of rules in his quest to be tsar of Green Acres. At one point, half a dozen people all put for sale signs up in their windows at the same time to send a message. I took a picture of my old place and noticed the euclyptus tree died.
this is Vivian's place next door to my old trailer. She's got a green thumb.
this is Buddy, the Welsh Corgi I used to take for walks
this is Gupster Road where you turn into Green Acres halfway down the street on the right
Here's some of my old pals - Vivian in green, Rose in the back, and Charlotte in the front
We drove downtown and went into Ross' to look around. Rose found a cool foot stool for her RV and I think Vivian found some clothes. Charlotte wanted a Estee perfume but they didn't have it so I'll look for it when I go to the mall on Thursday.
From here we drove across town to a place near Carrie Blake Park where they were having outdoor concerts.
We didn't feel like walking over to sit on the grass so I took a short video and we left to drive thru John Wayne Marina.
They actually sounded a whole lot better than this video shows. I didn't particularly care for the song but they were playing other things too.
From there we went down the old highway to head back home. I got into a round-about (which I
know perfectly well how to maneuver in) but somehow or another I didn't realize I was already in the circle and I thought the woman on my right had the right of way. I stopped (a huge no no) and the car behind me laid on his horn. I speeded up again to get out of the way and I must have irritated the hell out of him because he honked again. I could just hear him "Stupid old women out for a joy ride!" ha ha
As we got back on Gupster, we noticed this plum tree sitting out in a field near this old abandoned house and barn that is about to fall down. It's been vacant for years. We decided to go home and get some bowls and come back and pick plums.
Here's a big pine tree that is sitting near our plum tree. I used to pass this all the time on my bike rides up and down Gupster Road
here's some of the little pine cones growing on it. A ton of them
here's some of the fruit I brought home. Yum!
After I drove the girls back home, I was making my way out of Green Acres park and a police car drove by slowly. Hmmmm....I wonder if someone reported a bunch of old ladies swiping fruit. Ha ha
I stopped at Walmart to pick up a prescription and then came on home. Tired. While posting my concert video, I noticed that YouTube finally got around to putting up my Happy Soles Video that I shot yesterday at the fair. Guess I'll post it now.
Lunch was delicious. I was going to order a Louie Louie but settled instead for a small deluxe burger. I've always liked their food. From there I drove over to Green Acres to pick up friends from my old neighborhood and take them for a spin around Sequim in my new car. They were all in a snit about the new manager and it made me sooooooo happy I don't live there anymore. The other manager died and this new one is a first class bully. Big Time! Calls up old ladies screaming at them to get their cars moved, and stuff like that.
One guy called the mobile park owners in Seattle and threatened to get the attorney general involved if they didn't get this manager in line as he's breaking all kinds of rules in his quest to be tsar of Green Acres. At one point, half a dozen people all put for sale signs up in their windows at the same time to send a message. I took a picture of my old place and noticed the euclyptus tree died.
this is Vivian's place next door to my old trailer. She's got a green thumb.
this is Buddy, the Welsh Corgi I used to take for walks
this is Gupster Road where you turn into Green Acres halfway down the street on the right
Here's some of my old pals - Vivian in green, Rose in the back, and Charlotte in the front
We drove downtown and went into Ross' to look around. Rose found a cool foot stool for her RV and I think Vivian found some clothes. Charlotte wanted a Estee perfume but they didn't have it so I'll look for it when I go to the mall on Thursday.
From here we drove across town to a place near Carrie Blake Park where they were having outdoor concerts.
We didn't feel like walking over to sit on the grass so I took a short video and we left to drive thru John Wayne Marina.
They actually sounded a whole lot better than this video shows. I didn't particularly care for the song but they were playing other things too.
From there we went down the old highway to head back home. I got into a round-about (which I
know perfectly well how to maneuver in) but somehow or another I didn't realize I was already in the circle and I thought the woman on my right had the right of way. I stopped (a huge no no) and the car behind me laid on his horn. I speeded up again to get out of the way and I must have irritated the hell out of him because he honked again. I could just hear him "Stupid old women out for a joy ride!" ha ha
As we got back on Gupster, we noticed this plum tree sitting out in a field near this old abandoned house and barn that is about to fall down. It's been vacant for years. We decided to go home and get some bowls and come back and pick plums.
Here's a big pine tree that is sitting near our plum tree. I used to pass this all the time on my bike rides up and down Gupster Road
here's some of the little pine cones growing on it. A ton of them
here's some of the fruit I brought home. Yum!
After I drove the girls back home, I was making my way out of Green Acres park and a police car drove by slowly. Hmmmm....I wonder if someone reported a bunch of old ladies swiping fruit. Ha ha
I stopped at Walmart to pick up a prescription and then came on home. Tired. While posting my concert video, I noticed that YouTube finally got around to putting up my Happy Soles Video that I shot yesterday at the fair. Guess I'll post it now.
Sunday morning
Just killing a little time before I head into Sequim to meet up with Lewie for lunch. Had to turn on my air filter last night to cover the noises of the night. Last fair season, the teenage girl next door (who wasn't living there as the house was vacant while her mom lived with her boyfriend) decided to have a late night party.
They woke me up as the "teenage boys" came through the back fence and made their way to the backdoor talking and laughing. I knew the place was vacant and I suspected it was the teenager but...when I looked at the house, all the lights were out. That made me wonder. So I called the cops.
They were there for a couple of hours interviewing the party people separately in different sections of the yard. I know because I watched and listened. I was already awake as I had to answer the door for the cop. Ha Ha
I felt a little guilty calling the cops as I remembered my glory days of late night parties and if the lights had been on, I would have let it go but that was their first mistake. I wasn't positive it was the daughter of the owner. Anyhow, she decided to throw another party last night. Her mom lives there now but not all the time. I wasn't sure if it was a slumber party or a drinkin' party but they woke me up at 1:30 when they went outside to smoke. I turned on the air filter, cussed a bit, and went back to sleep. I turned off the filter at 3:30 figuring they were asleep. Nope. At 4:30 they went outside to play on the swings, slide, and trampoline. Cussed some more and turned the air filter back on.
Just looked over the tv line-up for tonight and made my list of what I intend to tape. Survivorman programs on Discovery, Breaking Bad on AMC, and Exodus on Turner Classics. Last night I watched a show on Netflix about the Reagans. It was your basic soap opera type flick and not all that great. It did spark an interest, however, in wanting to read the books that Patty Davis and Maureen Reagan wrote. I think I'll check them out at the library.
Here's my Fred Gwynne picture for today.... Daddy has the best fishing tackle
They woke me up as the "teenage boys" came through the back fence and made their way to the backdoor talking and laughing. I knew the place was vacant and I suspected it was the teenager but...when I looked at the house, all the lights were out. That made me wonder. So I called the cops.
They were there for a couple of hours interviewing the party people separately in different sections of the yard. I know because I watched and listened. I was already awake as I had to answer the door for the cop. Ha Ha
I felt a little guilty calling the cops as I remembered my glory days of late night parties and if the lights had been on, I would have let it go but that was their first mistake. I wasn't positive it was the daughter of the owner. Anyhow, she decided to throw another party last night. Her mom lives there now but not all the time. I wasn't sure if it was a slumber party or a drinkin' party but they woke me up at 1:30 when they went outside to smoke. I turned on the air filter, cussed a bit, and went back to sleep. I turned off the filter at 3:30 figuring they were asleep. Nope. At 4:30 they went outside to play on the swings, slide, and trampoline. Cussed some more and turned the air filter back on.
Just looked over the tv line-up for tonight and made my list of what I intend to tape. Survivorman programs on Discovery, Breaking Bad on AMC, and Exodus on Turner Classics. Last night I watched a show on Netflix about the Reagans. It was your basic soap opera type flick and not all that great. It did spark an interest, however, in wanting to read the books that Patty Davis and Maureen Reagan wrote. I think I'll check them out at the library.
Here's my Fred Gwynne picture for today.... Daddy has the best fishing tackle
Here's a short video I came across while surfing. Made me laugh....Saturday, August 18, 2012
Went to the Fair
Sure was happy to see the high temperatures leave. It's been cloudy all day but still warm, and I don't care if it looks like rain. Yvonne and I went to the fair early and walked around for over two hours. Lots more to see than when we did the Jeff Co. fair last weekend. They had several entertainers listed but most were later in the afternoon and in the evenings. I'm more of a morning fair goer so I'll have to miss out. I did video a dance group called Happy Soles but for some reason, it won't finish uploading on YouTube. I've even tried twice and it's only a minute long.
I did shoot a 30-second video of roosters crowing and two people who "tried singing" but I didn't feel like waiting for them to load so I just did this 30-second calf mooing. Yeah...I know...boring...but it was interesting to me at the time.
They didn't have any baby pigs that I noticed but at least they had some pigs. Lots of chickens, goats, sheep,cows,etc. I liked walking through the dog barn too.
A ton of places to get food. We opted for sausage hotdogs but I was disappointed in it. The sausage was too tough and the whole thing (when ordered with onions) was way too messy to try and eat. Thought the food prices were a tad too high as well. $8 for a hot dog below.
Came home to find a package so that was a nice surprise. Ordered two blouses, a nightgown, and a hat because they had free shipping and free return. I also got 10% off my order by accepting one of their credit cards. Much to my delight, I was satisfied with all four items. Here's my hat....
I like it because it's not too warm but still warm enough and comes down far enough so I don't have to worry about the wind carrying it away. I think I kinda look like an English cop, though--if you don't look at the shirt, that is. I got three comments on my shirt while there.
Had a headache when I got up and now it's back again. Been bothering me for a few hours so I'm assuming it's sinus related. Damn nuisance having sinus headaches but at least I'm thankful I don't have them as frequently as I used to. I took a couple aspirin but something tells me I may have to try another product.
I got an interesting email from Linda Farina today. I think I've read this on water before but it's worth sharing anyhow. I need to put it on my fridge so I don't forget.
Heading into Sequm tomorrow to have lunch with Lewie at Highway Diner 101. Think I'll stop at Green Acres and visit some folks too. And take pictures. It 4 pm now. I was thinking of doing a little sewing but I talked myself out of it and I'm going to sit and read magazines instead.
I did shoot a 30-second video of roosters crowing and two people who "tried singing" but I didn't feel like waiting for them to load so I just did this 30-second calf mooing. Yeah...I know...boring...but it was interesting to me at the time.
They didn't have any baby pigs that I noticed but at least they had some pigs. Lots of chickens, goats, sheep,cows,etc. I liked walking through the dog barn too.
A ton of places to get food. We opted for sausage hotdogs but I was disappointed in it. The sausage was too tough and the whole thing (when ordered with onions) was way too messy to try and eat. Thought the food prices were a tad too high as well. $8 for a hot dog below.
Lots of carnival rides but somebody wasn't doing their homework. Saw two long lines of people trying to buy tickets while most of the rides sat idle waiting for riders. A real waste of time and opportunity for income there. I was tempted to go in the fun house and maybe ride the octopus or tilt-a-whirl but the lines were too long to give it further consideration.
We walked around and I took pictures here and there.
Came home to find a package so that was a nice surprise. Ordered two blouses, a nightgown, and a hat because they had free shipping and free return. I also got 10% off my order by accepting one of their credit cards. Much to my delight, I was satisfied with all four items. Here's my hat....
I like it because it's not too warm but still warm enough and comes down far enough so I don't have to worry about the wind carrying it away. I think I kinda look like an English cop, though--if you don't look at the shirt, that is. I got three comments on my shirt while there.
Had a headache when I got up and now it's back again. Been bothering me for a few hours so I'm assuming it's sinus related. Damn nuisance having sinus headaches but at least I'm thankful I don't have them as frequently as I used to. I took a couple aspirin but something tells me I may have to try another product.
I got an interesting email from Linda Farina today. I think I've read this on water before but it's worth sharing anyhow. I need to put it on my fridge so I don't forget.
Drinking water at a certain time
maximizes its effectiveness on the body
2 glasses of water after waking up -
helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a
meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath -
helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed -
avoids stroke or heart attack
I finished watching season 5 & 6 of Weeds last night. Season 7 (the final) isn't out yet but I sure am anxious to see it. Terrific show! I just may watch the disks again to hear the various comments they offer.
I cut and paste this link to my photo album on Facebook of all the pictures I took today. I'm not sure, however, if the link works. I'll have to sign off and then go click it myself to see what happens. If it doesn't work, and you're interested, you can see my album on my Facebook page. I assume anyone can look at my albums as they're public but I'm never sure how the various settings work.
Heading into Sequm tomorrow to have lunch with Lewie at Highway Diner 101. Think I'll stop at Green Acres and visit some folks too. And take pictures. It 4 pm now. I was thinking of doing a little sewing but I talked myself out of it and I'm going to sit and read magazines instead.
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