My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Busy Thursday

Here's my Fred Gwynne page for the day...
Daddy hates the arms race

I called up the twins to see if they wanted to run errands with me. They did so I drove over to pick them up (along with the dog who came back to Gramma's house to stay in the back yard).  I stopped at the Airport Nursery first.  Wanted to buy mulch and Preen but both were higher in price than I thought they would be so I decided I'd buy them another day.  I asked the guy what vegetables I could plant in my garden this late in the summer but the ones he mentioned didn't appeal to me. I really only wanted peas, beans, and tomatoes.  I wonder if I could plant zuchinni and pumpkins.  I should google that.  I've got both my raised beds full of dirt and want to put something in there.

I did pick up three small lupine plants as a friend told me deer won't usually bother them. The guy at the nursery, however, says nothing is really safe if they're hungry enough.  I saw a pot with tomatoes already growing on it, and since it was only $6, I brought it home and put it on the back deck. I hope I can get out to the berry fields in Sequim this year. I really like to pick blueberries for the freezer.

While picking the kids up, I took a picture of Hunter's fair entry of a lego city.  It sure looks nice.

We ran by the library as Maddie had two books overdue. Ended up costing her close to $10 so hopefully that was a lesson she won't forget.  I reserved two seasons of Weeds while there. Both are out and one is already on reserve but I can wait. I just finished watching the first four seasons that Mary lent me.  Some of it was totally DISGUSTING! but I kept watching and now I'm hooked on it.

We went by the bank so Hunter could pour his dimes into their coin machine. He had close to $170. He turned that in and requested more rolls of dimes (and asked for those rolls that people had recently turned in). He then came home and went through all of them looking for ones that were all silver. (older than 1964) I think he found one -- and one Canadian and one Mexican coin.

From there we went to Safeway so I could stock up my pantry.  I was looking through my cookbooks and realized I had next to nothing in the way of ingredients to make anything.  No wonder dinner has been so boring and hard to come up with anything lately. Last night I had some odd shaped pasta that I boiled up.  I fried some salmon pieces with onion and carrot and then tossed it in the pasta with leftover tomato sauce in the fridge. I was basically just cooking by ear.  Ha Ha  Tasted okay. Have a bowl left for tonight's dinner too. Wish I had thought to buy some garlic bread to go along with it.

I did end up spending over $100.  I was in one of those moods where I just picked this, picked that, and continued on down the aisle like I was little Miss Made of Money.  Came home and fixed a Spam sandwich for lunch.  Yeah. I eat Spam. Always have. I love Spam.

Linda and Mel Farina came by to chat for a while.  I served them V8 juice and grape juce along with a couple chocolate chip cookies. I'm such a gourmet hostess. We'll hook up again on Saturday at the class picnic in Port Ludlow.

Got a call from Mary Draine in Sequim. She graduated a couple years ahead of me (John O'Brien's sister) so we visited for a bit. I intend to take her out for lunch next time I'm down Sequim way.

My sister called and said our Uncle Jim's house was on the market. Sure wish I had money to spend on real estate. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.  If for no other reason...the memories.  I can't wait till the inside pictures are posted on the realtor's website.  I do love computers.

Well, I just took a pan of brownies out of the oven so I guess I'd better eat dinner before I end up eating dessert first. 

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