My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, March 7, 2013

1st week of March

It isn't lost on me that "things happen" to me in March.  I went to work at the mill in March of '79, my marriage broke up the first week of March in '82, I quit smoking in March of '92, and while there's something else, I can't remember now what it is.  Which leads me to my latest March event.

The day started out okay. Two girls showed up at the door wanting to shampoo a carpet (for free) and they caught me at the right time as I've had a couple of spots that needed work.  These two left and then two others arrived to do the work.  The guy left (to come back later to convince me to buy) while the girl (April I think) stayed to demonstrate.

I'd had these demos before so I knew what to expect and having owned a Kirby before, I know they're a pretty good machine.  Way too high for my budget, though.  The picture above with the black patches shows what she got out of my mattress and memory foam topper.  Always a delight to be reminded that you sleep with mites.

The guy who came back to give me the senior discount had a little ADD going on I suspect. Kept wanting to High Five me and probably told me half a dozen times I was "awesome!"  Not a good way to begin with me as I cringe everytime I hear it on tv anymore. (which is all the time)

After they left (and I was tickled that he didn't lay on the pressure and drag the plea out) I decided to run over to the library as I had another book in.  I left there and was really hungry so I thought I'd drive downtown to Domino's and pick up a small pizza. I'd never tried their pizzas before  (usually buy from Papa Murphy or Albertsons.)

And that's when my day got REALLY INTERESTING!!!!!!!

I pulled out of the parking lot to head on home and halfway there, I got confused.  Uh oh.... I knew IMMEDIATELY that something was amiss.  I remember thinking...."Well, Joyce, you're always talkin' about that stroke you know you're bound to have someday, I think you're gettin' it now!"  I couldn't figure out where the hell I was going!

I did know that if I called Jenni at work, I'd probably just get her voice mail so I called Mary as she always picks up unless she's in a meeting.  Luckily, she wasn't in a meeting. I can't actually recall what I said to her but she knew I was confused and she guided me on home. I was close. I think I pulled into Yvonne's driveway because I said something about her 'for sale' sign in the yard.

Anyhow, Mary called Jenni and told her to get over to Mom's as she's losing it.  I don't know that she said those words but both her and Jenni have made remarks like "we always knew we were going to have to put you in a home, we just didn't think it would be this quick."  ha ha

I have a tendency to use humor when I'm especially stressed and this day was turning into  a hell of a stress for me.  I called my doctor (again I don't quite remember doing that) and I think I said something along the lines of "something is going on with me; I may be having a stroke."  So much for paying attention to the message you get when you call the clinic.......the first thing they tell you is to hang up and call 911 if you're having a medical emergency.  It didn't even occur to me to call 911.

Jenni walks in the door and finishes talking to the nurse and she must have called 911 on her way because pretty soon all these cute guys are walking in.  Oh swell! I thought. Now they're all going to  pull up my shirt and see my fat rolls of blubber as they attach me to their gadgets.  I figured I couldn't be that bad if I was still concerned about my fat gut, and I was also concerned that my pizza was getting cold.  And yes, I know exactly how I sound!  Nuts!

I told Jenni to get my camera as this would make good blog material. They all laughed, not realizing I was serious.  But Jenni knew I was serious and she accommodated me.

Yeah, leave it to me to always be looking for a good photo opportunity.  I'm sure they thought I was a nut case.  And I'm sure they were probably correct. Who posts pictures of their aid call?

Jenni took me off to the doctor (I didn't want to go to the hospital) and after an exam, she felt I wasn't have a TIA like I thought (transient ischemic attack) but a GIA. (Global Ischemic Amnesia) Still sounds dreadfully ominous so I Googled it as soon as I got home.  Doctor didn't think I should be driving to PT on Saturday especially after she asked me why I wanted to go there and I couldn't remember. (a funeral)

I was a little anxious that a mini stroke might occur a few hours or days afterwards but the doctor said that was unlikely and I wasn't showing symptoms of that. Jenni was nice enough to spend the night anyhow, just to put my mind at ease.  She ran over to Walmart and picked up a prescription for a couple tranquilizers that I'll take a half hour before my MRI today.  Hate the thought of going in that damn tube again but it is necessary to check out the head and carotid arteries so I'm doing it!

I have an anxiety disorder to start with so this kind of upheavel doesn't set well with me.  I was sad that I was being inconvenienced by a health problem but I was thankful I had medical coverage and a daughter nearby.  I thought I would cry later but I guess I wasn't going down that road. Mostly I was irritated that my computer surfing was interrupted.

The stress wore me out and I slept like a log. Got up at 6 to see Jenni home and now I'm sitting around in my pajamas waiting for the hospital to call and tell me what time my MRI is scheduled.
Saturday is a couple days off yet so I still may drive in if I feel fine.  Have another trip planned for March 18th, though, so perhaps I'll hold off and just go that day.  All a waiting game.

Which is what life is all about, if you stop and think about it.  I must admit I do spend a fair amount of time thinking about my death and wondering how  and when it will occur.  I think that's a natural experience as you age and begin to read more and more obits of people you know.  I've always been fearful that a stroke or some such disability would burden my daughters but no sense wasting energy on that as some things are just plain out of your control and you have to go with the flow, so to speak. Not that I think I'm on death's door but who knows...I could be. Everybody's on death's door really. Oh, that's just morbid. I'll change the subject.

Let's see...what else?'s looking gray and overcast. As usual, I'm thankful I don't live back east where all the nasty winter stuff occurs.  I'm tired and need a nap but once I take that tranquilizer, I'll probably nap all afternoon.  Oh...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONALD!

You'll have to admit...this is one of my more interesting posts. Much juicier than photos of birds. Ha!

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