My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Spring Cleaning...again
I don't know why I can never judge how long a job is going to take me. I was thinking two hours tops, but it ended up being four! The twins came over to help me sweep it out a bit. First thing Maddie did when she arrived was change my radio station. She has her priorities.
I didn't think I would find that much to discard but I did. Have a "dump pile" set aside for Wayne to pick up once he decides to go and I took a car full over to Goodwill. I stopped at this other second hand store on the way but they must be thinking about phasing their stuff out as they were only taking furniture and it was lookin' kind of bare in there.
I passed two native American women on the sidewalk as they were leaving the store and when I came back out, I stopped to talk to them as they were parked right in front of me. Told them I was going to Goodwill to unload but they were welcome to look my stuff over first if they wanted to. They took a few things and we chatted. They knew Joe Kenney so I told them to tell him Joyce says hey!
The twins found a few things of interest as I was sorting through the various boxes. I came across this old beat up cloth-like box with a lid that I used to store buttons in. The buttons are in glass jars now but I've had the box so long, I hate to throw it out. May have picked it up at Value Village back in the 60's or 70's. Or maybe my Aunt Velna gave it to me. When you open the lid (which is attached) there is a kids' message written in pencil and another kids' crayon scribbling marking it out.
I told the kids it was their mother's writing but she informed me when she arrived that it was Mary. She said she didn't know how to spell "Joseph" until she was almost 12 and she remembers I was mad at her for her. Said that I told her "it's just JOE!" ha ha Funny the things kids remember.
Anyhow, the box makes me laugh everytime I open it. Mary wrote: "I hate the crybaby. It is who cries so much and it is Joseph."
I don't know why my back is hurting as bad as it is because I tried again to take things slow and easy and I sat down to rest. I guess I'm just going to have to accept the fact once and for all that my strength and endurance is not what it used to be. My tooth is trying to get in the act too. Guess it's a good thing I've got a dentist appt Monday morning. Been thinking seriously about whether or not to go the expensive route or have it pulled. I'm leaning towards extraction.
Well, 'Lord of the Flies' is on so either I can head for the recliner to watch it or I can work on genealogy files. I think I'll choose the movie. My back is making up my mind for me.
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