My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday early

I peeked out the windows a couple times during the night hoping I wouldn't see snow.  So far, so good, but the weatherman seems to delight in talking about how it's coming tonight.  It'll probably be gone by Christmas (when I have to be on the roads) but I did have a short car trip planned for tomorrow morning  so I'm hoping the white stuff misses  us altogether.  My short trip is only a mile or two downtown (for physical therapy) but the appointment is at 8:30 a.m. and I long ago convinced myself that I don't need to be behind the wheel when it's snowy or icy. I'll just have to play the waiting game and see what develops.  Certainly won't break my heart to miss the appt but I kind of did want to drive into Port Townsend on Saturday.  Again....the roads have to be completely clear or this weenie baby stays home!

Busy busy night in the dream world last night.  I had three holes in my right hand and there was stuff stuck in there like post-it notes.  I kept pulling them out and the wound was starting to heal over but it was decided I still needed surgery.  The hospital was in Reno or Vegas I think. I was strolling around casinos and knew I had to find an exit so I could make my appt. on time.  I went out one door and saw the roof of what looked like the Port Angeles hospital so I started to make my way in that direction but a lady said, "no, that's the library; the hospital is on the other side of the building."

The rest of the dream amounted to obstacles I met along the way as I tried to make my appt on time.  Met a ton of people and once I got in the hospital, I was lost in a maze of doors trying to find the lobby. Kept going through rooms with really old men laying in bed.  It  went on and on but I won't bore you with the details.  Always interesting, though, how I can run in my dreams and am very agile in everything I'm doing.  (not hard to analyze that)  Ha!

My blog website is sponsored by Google and I think they've set up something where you have more problems posting if you choose Explorer instead of Chrome.  I noticed it a while back when I couldn't post pictures. Now I see I keep getting an error message unless I use Chrome.  Jenni noticed the same problem with trying to play certain games on Pogo.  I don't mind Chrome at all except I can't really understand the settings sometimes and I'm more comfortable with Explorer.

Not too much on my to-do list today outside of doing my exercises.  I plan to do them this morning and later in the afternoon since I missed doing them yesterday.  I'm still babying that damn incision scar on my knee.  it's mostly healed except for one spot and it continues to act up.  It scabs over but gets quite black looking and when I try to release some of the blood underneath, I have a heck of a mess which requires bandaging it again.  I put on a regular bandaid yesterday and then when I tried to remove it (carefully) the scab that had started came off and I had to begin again using bandages that don't stick with cloth tape to keep it on.  Such a nuisance.  I wonder if it's refusing to heal because it's right on the spot where I have to bend the knee doing exercises.

I'm reading four books right now, and they're all holding my interest.  At least so far.  I don't know why I can't stick with one book at a time but it's been a habit for years.  I can remember when I used to read a book  from cover to cover and frequently.  Now, I'm lucky if I get through one, even though I visit the library often and have books  all over the house.  Right now, I'm into one on the first ladies, and bios of
Sissy Spacek, Mickey Rooney, and Katherine Hepburn.

Okay. I've put it off long enough.  Time to get the morning exercises done so I can concentrate on fun stuff.  Sold two more books because of the ad in the alumni newsletter so I need to get them in the mail too.  One thing I like about selling on ebay is that I can print my own label.  You can't do that for media mail, otherwise.  Which I think I've already complained about.

Here's a story I saw on the Today Show this morning....

And I almost forgot....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LINDA WILSON FARINA!  Here she is just a few years ago in the kids parade.

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