Looks like another nice day. I went down to have blood drawn around 9 and then came home to have breakfast. Nothing much on my agenda otherwise so I suppose I'll occupy myself with genealogy searching. Did make a connection on WikiTree yesterday with a relative working on the brother of my great grandfather so I'm going back to that site today. It's amazing what you can find online if you sit and search long enough. Google, for example, is a lot more than just a simple search engine. I had to read their tips to find that out. You can access old newspapers and genealogy data, as well.
I suspect that being online is affecting my shoulder to a degree as I've had a lot more pain and general aches this week. Even though I've done everything I can think of to make my typing area comfortable. Last night I discovered after two hours of tossing and moaning that sleeping in bed was not going to happen. I transferred to the recliner and thankfully, slept through the night. Damn nuisance but all the more reason to get this surgery done and over with.
Been trying to pay a couple bills online this morning but the bank website is acting up so I'll wait until this afternoon. Fixed a pan of spaghetti last night so at least I don't have to cook for the next two nights. I'm finding ole Marie Callender is becoming a frequent dinner guest lately. Especially when you can buy them at Walmart for $2.
I finished watching Band of Brothers last night. Man, was it ever good! I cried when they disovered the death camps. Really good acting and directing in that series. I'd encourage you to search it out.
I posted a bunch of PT pictures on Pinterest yesterday. Think I'll add more too as that was kind of fun.
Here's one I got from Mary while she was at Great Wolf Lodge. I love this one of Jenni and Jake.
Well, not much else again today. I'll post pictures of the kids once I get some.
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Monday, June 30, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Just loafing
I'm having kind of a nice day. Mainly because I'm just doing stuff I wanna' do --and most of it is while sitting on my butt. I sorta got my files cleaned up yesterday. Threw out a ton of junk and then remembered I have another couple of notebooks that need to be sorted, as well. All in good time.
One of the things I found was old questionnaires I sent out in 1981 and 1986 for our class reunions. Rather than toss them, I kept out a couple dozen to mail on so people could have a good laugh (and some fun mail) Although I suppose that's all on how you look at it. Mine did cause a chuckle or two.
My pets included Dee Dee Dinah, our Welsh corgi, two to six cats, and three birds. My hobbies were writing letters, analyzing handwriting, playing bingo, knitting, playing piano, and reading. My kids were 16, 14, 9, and 8. My most memorable experience was losing weight and gaining it all back again.
Got a picture from Mary's phone a few minutes ago taken in her car. They're on their way to Great Wolf Lodge (not Wild Waves like I said yesterday). Jake is sleeping in this picture but he's going to have a super fun weekend when he wakes up.
He's got a teething cracker in his hand (saving it for later I guess) and Mary says he's taking less formula as he prefers food instead.
Got a good joke in my email yesterday from Linda Farina in TN.....
One of the things I found was old questionnaires I sent out in 1981 and 1986 for our class reunions. Rather than toss them, I kept out a couple dozen to mail on so people could have a good laugh (and some fun mail) Although I suppose that's all on how you look at it. Mine did cause a chuckle or two.
My pets included Dee Dee Dinah, our Welsh corgi, two to six cats, and three birds. My hobbies were writing letters, analyzing handwriting, playing bingo, knitting, playing piano, and reading. My kids were 16, 14, 9, and 8. My most memorable experience was losing weight and gaining it all back again.
Got a picture from Mary's phone a few minutes ago taken in her car. They're on their way to Great Wolf Lodge (not Wild Waves like I said yesterday). Jake is sleeping in this picture but he's going to have a super fun weekend when he wakes up.
He's got a teething cracker in his hand (saving it for later I guess) and Mary says he's taking less formula as he prefers food instead.
Got a good joke in my email yesterday from Linda Farina in TN.....
The Christian Way
A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when
a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him. The first said that
he usually played alone, but agreed to the twosome.
They were even after the first few holes. The second guy
said, "We're about evenly matched, how about playing for five bucks a
hole?" The first guy said that he wasn't much for betting, but agreed to
the terms.
The second guy won the remaining sixteen holes with ease.
As they were walking off number eighteen, the second guy
was busy counting his $80.00. He confessed that he was the pro at a neighboring
course and liked to pick on suckers. The first fellow revealed that he was the
Parish Priest.
The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return
the money. The Priest said,
"You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet
with you. You keep your winnings."
The pro said, "Is there anything I can do to make it
up to you?"
The Priest said, "Well, you could come to Mass on
Sunday and make a donation......
And, if you want to bring your mother and father along,
I'll marry them."
I posted a couple of mill pictures on Facebook today. Heard they're going to tear down the mill cafeteria. A lot of memories in that old building. It the small structure shown here between the bag plant and the office.
Pulled out all my notes on Charlie Blankenship again so I think I'll make another stab at trying to find him. Probably going to have to subscribe to ancestry.com again but for now, I'll use the free places. I may have to head across town to the Morman Library too. I know they've probably got stuff I could use.
And that's it for today. When you don't leave the house, the blogs can be pretty ho=hum.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Last Friday of June
Have got my Pandora music channel playing on TV. I chose the Chuck Berry station this morning so I'm getting all kinds of tunes from his era. Rock this Town by the Stray Cats and Midnight Shift by Buddy Holly. Don't recall hearing that one before and it's pretty good. What I tune in is usually based on what activity I'm involved in or the mood I'm in. If I'm doing quiet study, it's gotta be Percy Faith, Roger Williams or Frank Sinatra type of songs. Feeling peppy usually means old time rock and roll and I've got several others to choose from -- Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, Paul Anka, Norah Jones, Alicia Keys, CCR, Neil Diamond, Bruno Mars, Bob Dylan..... I pretty much have Pandora on all day long.
Watched Amazon Prime for a while last night. Another episode of Band of Brothers, then Justified, and finished with OZ. Some of those crime shows are a tad too much to take at times. Breaking Bad, Dexter, House of Cards, and Scandal continue to head my favorites list.
Forced myself out of the house yesterday and went for a 15-minute walk. Big whoopie do, I know. Gonna have to see if I can't pick up the pace a bit. I also rode my exercise bike for about 20 minutes while watching soccer. Course now my knees are sore so I guess the only remedy is to get on the damn thing again and show these joints who's in charge. Ha!
The coast guard couple who own the house next door and were transferred to Alaska and now rent it out to another coast guard couple, stopped in to say hi yesterday while they were in the neighborhood. I think they're on their way to their new assignment in CA. Anyhow, we're Facebook friends so I've been following the progression growth of her two kids. Never fails to amaze how quickly they grow. She noticed my jar of beach glass by the door and told me there was a beach in Alaska that they frequented often as it was full of glass...big pieces too. Just everywhere for the picking. Would love to see it.
Weather can't seem to make up its mind today. I woke up around 5 hearing the rain pouring down. Later when I made a trip to the post office, it was heating up fast. Now the gray clouds are rolling in again. Doesn't matter. I'm just thankful we don't get the extreme weather of several other spots in the US.
Jenni, Wayne, and the kids and Mary,Andy, Catie and Jake are all going to Wild Waves this weekend. At least I think Catie is going. Anyhow, Sammy is going to spend a couple days at gramma's house. I don't have anything planned for the 4th of July. Unless you call laying low a plan. I think being on the computer a lot yesterday aggravated my shoulder 'cause it's a little more sore than usual. I'm going to send my Sequim surgeon an email and tell him I want to see the orthopedic surgeon in Bellevue. It's closer to Mary's house than Swedish is. I'm completely lost when it comes to figuring out where the various towns are in relation to one another over there. All I know is that I went to Overlake in 1973 when Jenni was born 'cause it was close to Kirkland.
Noticed the bush in front of my window out front it getting kinda tall. I'm going to have to look it up and see what kind of bush/tree it is. It has pretty blue flowers on it and the bees and birds all like it. There's two more near the mailbox and I see a tall one in the alley at a neighbor's place.
Elvis is on now. 'Ain't that lovin' you baby' from 1958. Don't recall hearing that one before either. Well, guess I'll hope on the genealogy bandwagon and see if I can dig up some dirt on the relatives.
Watched Amazon Prime for a while last night. Another episode of Band of Brothers, then Justified, and finished with OZ. Some of those crime shows are a tad too much to take at times. Breaking Bad, Dexter, House of Cards, and Scandal continue to head my favorites list.
Forced myself out of the house yesterday and went for a 15-minute walk. Big whoopie do, I know. Gonna have to see if I can't pick up the pace a bit. I also rode my exercise bike for about 20 minutes while watching soccer. Course now my knees are sore so I guess the only remedy is to get on the damn thing again and show these joints who's in charge. Ha!
The coast guard couple who own the house next door and were transferred to Alaska and now rent it out to another coast guard couple, stopped in to say hi yesterday while they were in the neighborhood. I think they're on their way to their new assignment in CA. Anyhow, we're Facebook friends so I've been following the progression growth of her two kids. Never fails to amaze how quickly they grow. She noticed my jar of beach glass by the door and told me there was a beach in Alaska that they frequented often as it was full of glass...big pieces too. Just everywhere for the picking. Would love to see it.
Weather can't seem to make up its mind today. I woke up around 5 hearing the rain pouring down. Later when I made a trip to the post office, it was heating up fast. Now the gray clouds are rolling in again. Doesn't matter. I'm just thankful we don't get the extreme weather of several other spots in the US.
Jenni, Wayne, and the kids and Mary,Andy, Catie and Jake are all going to Wild Waves this weekend. At least I think Catie is going. Anyhow, Sammy is going to spend a couple days at gramma's house. I don't have anything planned for the 4th of July. Unless you call laying low a plan. I think being on the computer a lot yesterday aggravated my shoulder 'cause it's a little more sore than usual. I'm going to send my Sequim surgeon an email and tell him I want to see the orthopedic surgeon in Bellevue. It's closer to Mary's house than Swedish is. I'm completely lost when it comes to figuring out where the various towns are in relation to one another over there. All I know is that I went to Overlake in 1973 when Jenni was born 'cause it was close to Kirkland.
Noticed the bush in front of my window out front it getting kinda tall. I'm going to have to look it up and see what kind of bush/tree it is. It has pretty blue flowers on it and the bees and birds all like it. There's two more near the mailbox and I see a tall one in the alley at a neighbor's place.
Elvis is on now. 'Ain't that lovin' you baby' from 1958. Don't recall hearing that one before either. Well, guess I'll hope on the genealogy bandwagon and see if I can dig up some dirt on the relatives.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Time to get back into blogging.....
Took me a while to figure out my blog settings and passwords so I could access again. I was so confused when I was first starting to blog that I signed up using various email addresses and now I have a heck of a time trying to maneuver around. Gupster Granny keeps coming up when I want Side of the Road and blah blah blah....as you can see, I still have next to nothing to write about.
Today's been kind of a messing around type day for me. Can't quite get motivated to really buckle down to one project so I'm flitting around. Had files and photos on my hard drive to sort and genealogy notes to update and I think I'm gonna go back to my email address book and delete some of those that
were automatically put in my book without my say-so.
I did manage to put in about 20 minutes on my exercise bike and I went for a short walk down the alley and back. I've been super lazy about exercising -- like almost my entire life. No reason to change the pattern now. Although I spend enough time feeling guilty about it.
I've moved my computer to the kitchen and made a little mini office in here, turning the other office into a sewing room. I wanted a table I could sit at to type and still put my feet up. It's not ideal what I have set up right now but I'm continuing to try various bins, boxes, footstools, chairs, etc. until I get a good combination. Some days I spend a lot of time at my laptop and I'm finding I need to put my feet up or the ankles swell. Not sure what brought that on but it happened when I went to the alumni social hour a couple weeks back and I was in terrible pain and had to leave. Still pisses me off to think about it!
The shoulder problem I started having after my fall last July has finally been diagnosed as several bad tears in my ligaments. Going to require a Seattle surgeon as the Sequim guy feels it's more complicated than he feels comfortable with. I've known something was wrong but I certainly didn't think it would amount to any more than a simple little arthroscopic surgery in the local hospital. Guess nothing is simple when you fall down and you're not a spring chicken anymore.
I'll stay with Mary and Andy. She wants me to go to her physical therapist afterwards, as well, and I will but I'll probably transfer back to PA to finish up. Hate the thought of physical therapy. Hate the thought of another surgery. Still... I can't live my life with this much pain, not to mention the loss of strength and flexibility I've lost.
Here's the latest picture of Jacob. He's six months old already; eating from a spoon, going to swim lessons, and loving his new "walker car" that I bought him.
Always interesting to see how much things have changed since I was having babies. I used cloth diapers, had a diaper service at one point, and used Gerber baby food in jars. Equipment like strollers, walkers, cribs, toys, chairs -- all different. Mary blends all his food and freezes it in ice cube trays. Then they pop out what they want for a feeding and nuke it in the microwave. Even the baby bottles and how-to books are changed. Which is how it should be. All I had was a paperback by Dr. Spock. Mothers today would probably roll in the aisles to read that book now.
Been a while since I blogged on my Leader blog so guess I'll try to think of some subject. Coming up empty but I'm sure there's some topic I can chew on.
Am reading '61 Hours' by Lee Child. Think he's my favorite author right now. Am watching 'Band of Brothers' on my Amazon Prime and it's really good. Tried watching soccer but it was just not my cup of tea. Prefer watching golf.
And that's about it for now.
Today's been kind of a messing around type day for me. Can't quite get motivated to really buckle down to one project so I'm flitting around. Had files and photos on my hard drive to sort and genealogy notes to update and I think I'm gonna go back to my email address book and delete some of those that
were automatically put in my book without my say-so.
I did manage to put in about 20 minutes on my exercise bike and I went for a short walk down the alley and back. I've been super lazy about exercising -- like almost my entire life. No reason to change the pattern now. Although I spend enough time feeling guilty about it.
I've moved my computer to the kitchen and made a little mini office in here, turning the other office into a sewing room. I wanted a table I could sit at to type and still put my feet up. It's not ideal what I have set up right now but I'm continuing to try various bins, boxes, footstools, chairs, etc. until I get a good combination. Some days I spend a lot of time at my laptop and I'm finding I need to put my feet up or the ankles swell. Not sure what brought that on but it happened when I went to the alumni social hour a couple weeks back and I was in terrible pain and had to leave. Still pisses me off to think about it!
The shoulder problem I started having after my fall last July has finally been diagnosed as several bad tears in my ligaments. Going to require a Seattle surgeon as the Sequim guy feels it's more complicated than he feels comfortable with. I've known something was wrong but I certainly didn't think it would amount to any more than a simple little arthroscopic surgery in the local hospital. Guess nothing is simple when you fall down and you're not a spring chicken anymore.
I'll stay with Mary and Andy. She wants me to go to her physical therapist afterwards, as well, and I will but I'll probably transfer back to PA to finish up. Hate the thought of physical therapy. Hate the thought of another surgery. Still... I can't live my life with this much pain, not to mention the loss of strength and flexibility I've lost.
Here's the latest picture of Jacob. He's six months old already; eating from a spoon, going to swim lessons, and loving his new "walker car" that I bought him.
Always interesting to see how much things have changed since I was having babies. I used cloth diapers, had a diaper service at one point, and used Gerber baby food in jars. Equipment like strollers, walkers, cribs, toys, chairs -- all different. Mary blends all his food and freezes it in ice cube trays. Then they pop out what they want for a feeding and nuke it in the microwave. Even the baby bottles and how-to books are changed. Which is how it should be. All I had was a paperback by Dr. Spock. Mothers today would probably roll in the aisles to read that book now.
Been a while since I blogged on my Leader blog so guess I'll try to think of some subject. Coming up empty but I'm sure there's some topic I can chew on.
Am reading '61 Hours' by Lee Child. Think he's my favorite author right now. Am watching 'Band of Brothers' on my Amazon Prime and it's really good. Tried watching soccer but it was just not my cup of tea. Prefer watching golf.
And that's about it for now.
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