My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, June 27, 2014

Last Friday of June

Have got my Pandora music channel playing on TV.  I chose the Chuck Berry station this morning so I'm getting all kinds of tunes from his era.  Rock this Town by the Stray Cats and Midnight Shift by Buddy Holly. Don't recall hearing that one before and it's pretty good.  What I tune in is usually based on what activity I'm involved in or the mood I'm in.  If I'm doing quiet study, it's gotta be Percy Faith, Roger Williams or Frank Sinatra type of songs.  Feeling peppy usually means old time rock and roll and I've got several others to choose from -- Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, Paul Anka, Norah Jones, Alicia Keys, CCR, Neil Diamond, Bruno Mars, Bob Dylan.....  I pretty much have Pandora on all day long.

Watched Amazon Prime for a while last night. Another episode of Band of Brothers, then Justified, and finished with OZ.   Some of those crime shows  are a tad too much to take at times.  Breaking Bad, Dexter, House of Cards, and Scandal continue to head my favorites list.

Forced myself out of the house yesterday and went for a 15-minute walk. Big whoopie do, I know. Gonna have to see if I can't pick up the pace a bit.  I also rode my exercise bike for about 20 minutes while watching soccer.  Course now my knees are sore so I guess the only remedy is to get on the damn thing again and show these joints who's in charge.  Ha!

The coast guard couple who own the house next door and were transferred to Alaska and now rent it out to another coast guard couple, stopped in to say hi yesterday while they were in the neighborhood. I think they're on their way to their new assignment in CA. Anyhow, we're Facebook friends so I've been following the progression growth of her two kids.  Never fails to amaze how quickly they grow.  She noticed my jar of beach glass by the door and told me there was a beach in Alaska that they frequented often as it was full of glass...big pieces too.  Just everywhere for the picking.  Would love to see it.

Weather can't seem to make up its mind today.  I woke up around 5 hearing the rain pouring down. Later when I made a trip to the post office, it was heating up fast.  Now the gray clouds are rolling in again.  Doesn't matter. I'm just thankful we don't get the extreme weather of several other spots in the US.

Jenni, Wayne, and the kids and Mary,Andy, Catie and Jake are all going to Wild Waves this weekend.  At least I think Catie is going. Anyhow, Sammy is going to spend a couple days at gramma's house.  I don't have anything planned for the 4th of July.  Unless you call laying low a plan.  I think being on the computer a lot yesterday aggravated my shoulder 'cause it's a little more sore than usual. I'm going to send my Sequim surgeon an email and tell him I want to see the orthopedic surgeon in Bellevue.  It's closer to Mary's house than Swedish is.  I'm completely lost when it comes to figuring out where the various towns  are in relation to one another over there.  All I know is that I went to Overlake in 1973 when Jenni was born 'cause it was close to Kirkland.

Noticed the bush in front of my window out front it getting kinda tall.  I'm going to have to look it up and see what kind of bush/tree it is.  It has pretty blue flowers on it and the bees and birds all like it. There's two more near the mailbox and I see a tall one in the alley at a neighbor's place.

Elvis is on now. 'Ain't that lovin' you baby' from 1958.  Don't recall hearing that one before either. Well, guess I'll hope on the genealogy bandwagon and see if I can dig up some dirt on the relatives.

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