Well, here we are. Thanksgiving is over with. My holiday was especially relaxing this year. I didn't have to do a look of food prep, traveling, or clean up. Thank you Jen!
It's been raining steadily and is supposed to continue until the cold temperature return. I have to make a run to Safeway and Walgreens but am putting off going outside. Thought I would at least blog first. I was home from Jenni's by 3 and immediately got into my sweats for a relaxing day in the recliner. Watched some football and switched over to Amazon Prime for a few episodes of The Good Wife. I ended up taking an hour and a half nap when I first got home and that allowed me to stay up until 11.
I just finished stuffing Christmas cards but need to include a few more pictures in some of them. I got the back bedroom cleaned out pretty well so I can sit back there at the card table and finish putting ribbons and doodads on my gifts that I wrapped previously. Once the rains (and cold temps) pass, Hunter will come over and help me hang a few outside lights. I usually put a string on the two little trees in the back yard as I love looking out at them in the dark. We'll also put a few going down the handrail on the ramp in front.
Here's my picture presentation for today. Some I got off Mary's post on Facebook of her Hawaii trip.
Daddy and Jacob enjoying the Hawaii sun
Jacob enjoying a beach stick
Mary in love
There's a bug down there somewhere
Jenni made this for Hunter--biscuits with 7-up and sour cream. Yummy!
I loved these cranberries she made up too!
The turkey was cooked this way
Maddie had this on her bedroom wall. A friend of hers or Jen's made it from book pages
The kitchen crew
Hunter setting the table
Wayne waiting for orders
Oh boy! This looks good!
Group pictures using the tripod
The Doughertys
Wayne at work
I set my plate down for Sammy so he could lick up the gravy. Jenni doesn't really like for me to do it but I told her: "this way you don't have to wash my plate". She said in return: "No, this way your plate to take home with leftovers is all ready to load up." Yep! We all laughed!
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Friday, November 28, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Busy today...
In my younger days, the day before Thanksgiving would be busy busy busy. Baking pies, fixing turkey and all the side dishes, and often hosting company. Thankfully, holidays are a whole lot easier to cope with now. At least as far as meal prep goes. There's always that "family thing" you have to figure out and come to terms with. Ha!
I've got several "to-dos" on my list today but I can spread them out over days if I want to. And I probably will. I baked the pie I'm taking tomorrow but I cheated a bit and threw a Marie Callendar berry pie in. They're as good as anything I could make (plus I don't have any berries right now). Later this weekend I may bake a pumpkin pie. The only thing besides the pie I have to take is oyster dressing. Wayne, Hunter, and I are the only ones who like it but that suits me fine 'cause I only had to buy one jar -- and that jar wasn't cheap!
Jenni is trying two new ways to cook tomorrow. She's got special mashed potatoes already prepared and in the fridge in her crockpot detached bowl so she won't have to mess with potato prep at all. Since they're going to a second dinner later in the afternoon, we opted to not have green bean casserole as she's taking that to the second dinner. Fine with me. I usually end up stuffing myself on stuffing anyhow. Her turkey is going to be spatchcocked. Sounds porno but looks like an interesting way to make things easier.
After dinner I plan on coming home and rearranging my back bedroom. It's being used as a storage space right now but it's so messy, I haven't got any work area. I'm also going to straighten up the computer room/office bedroom so it's handier for sewing. I may keep the laptop out here in the kitchen for now as I'm on it all the time. When I need to print, I carry the laptop into the sewing room to hook it up to the printer.
My old computer is in the closet and I plan on hooking it up this weekend so I can use my old scanner. My newer printer/scanner is okay but it doesn't allow me to play around and improve the images like my older one. I think it also gives me a better image.
I also have some more genealogy notes to sort and hopefully, add to --using free websites instead of ancestry.com. I may sign up for archives.com for a month as it's only $8 and I'm hoping it might have more to offer in areas that ancestry is falling down.
Even though it's been put on Facebook, here's a picture of my oldest and youngest grandchildren.
Mary sent me this photo of one of their breakfasts because she knows I love Spam and all my kids think it's gross! Had to laugh, though, when she said Jake loved it. Such a good boy.
Sue and I spent the afternoon together yesterday and browsed a couple antique stores before heading up to the library to look at books in the gift shop. I took a few pictures of autumn leaves that hadn't left the trees yet. This library is a block from the duplex where Ruth, Sharon, and I lived in 1961.
I found a 1957 Port Townsend phone book in one of the stores we went in. They had a ton of things to look at. Unfortunately, however, they were lacking on customer service. I know the problem merchants everywhere have with theft but there has to be some way for a store owner to deal with it and not offend those folks who have no intention of stealing.
I was appalled by the ONE woman working the counter who would leave buying customers (often with money in line) to go tell an incoming customer to leave their bag behind her counter. I also observed her walking around watching people. Jenni told me that she went in there once and this same woman followed her around and told her her bag was unzipped. (Jenni seldom zips her handbag)
One guy had his merchandise already bagged and had to stand there while she left before telling him what he owed. When I wanted to look in a locked cabinet near the front desk, she got on the phone first and took her sweet time coming over with a key. She targeted every single person although now that I think about it, they were all women. Some just had small plastic bags they'd been given from previous shopping. And the clerk would shout across the store for them to leave their bags with her.
Obviously,a second or third employee was needed to walk the store as the place was large with lots of little cubbyholes of different vendors. I'm sure shoplifting is a huge issue in stores like this but it could be handled so much pleasanter.
I remember one particular store in PT that had owners like that. This merchant had signs everywhere declaring that she'd prosecute, that shoplifting was unlawful, "you break it, you buy it" etc. They also had their employees follow you around. I quit giving her my business and I'm sure a lot of other folks did too. Sadly, the previous owners were well liked and the store flourished.
It's a different world we live in now --in all areas of our society. Just look at those stupid people looting in Missouri. This morning I saw a news story about how home alarms can be easily overridden by thieves and how people need to contact their protection company to see what they're going to do about it. The media doesn't help any because they were more than eager to explain exactly how the systems can be overridden. Stupid media!
Getting back to my old phone book...besides our house being listed along with my uncles, there was a Mrs. AR Blankenship at 632 Water Street. I've been trying to figure out who that could have been. I remember a Blankenship name being in the news because some woman had been murdered or was missing. I can't remember the name now but seems like it started with an A. I'm probably wrong. I had a couple of people ask me if she was related (she wasn't). Now it's driving me nuts to remember her name.
My grandson, Hunter, is getting to be quite the wheeler-dealer. He's made a lot of money on Ebay selling car parts (some he found while hiking with his dad in the woods) He's also bought old coins.
His dad gave him their old light blue Bronco (forget the year) to sell on Craigs List and they told Maddie they would match money (however much Hunter got) to her when it was time for her to get a car.
Well, Hunter sold that Bronco. The guy offered about $1400 or $1500 I think. Hunter said "how about $50 more?" Once that deal was completed, he bought this old pick up from a guy here in PA.
It doesn't run (the engine is out) but Hunter offered this other guy he knows $50 to haul it over to their garage. The guy offered to take it out in labor trade instead. (Hunter is a good worker) So.... the truck and the engine will be brought to Hunter's garage for his latest project. Amazing to me 'cause he's only 14!
I went by this morning after dropping the kids at high school to see what it looked like. Kind of gray and overcast at 9 a.m. but at least I got an idea.
Okay. Time to get busy chopping celery and onions. Hope your Thanksgiving is Happy.
I've got several "to-dos" on my list today but I can spread them out over days if I want to. And I probably will. I baked the pie I'm taking tomorrow but I cheated a bit and threw a Marie Callendar berry pie in. They're as good as anything I could make (plus I don't have any berries right now). Later this weekend I may bake a pumpkin pie. The only thing besides the pie I have to take is oyster dressing. Wayne, Hunter, and I are the only ones who like it but that suits me fine 'cause I only had to buy one jar -- and that jar wasn't cheap!
Jenni is trying two new ways to cook tomorrow. She's got special mashed potatoes already prepared and in the fridge in her crockpot detached bowl so she won't have to mess with potato prep at all. Since they're going to a second dinner later in the afternoon, we opted to not have green bean casserole as she's taking that to the second dinner. Fine with me. I usually end up stuffing myself on stuffing anyhow. Her turkey is going to be spatchcocked. Sounds porno but looks like an interesting way to make things easier.
After dinner I plan on coming home and rearranging my back bedroom. It's being used as a storage space right now but it's so messy, I haven't got any work area. I'm also going to straighten up the computer room/office bedroom so it's handier for sewing. I may keep the laptop out here in the kitchen for now as I'm on it all the time. When I need to print, I carry the laptop into the sewing room to hook it up to the printer.
My old computer is in the closet and I plan on hooking it up this weekend so I can use my old scanner. My newer printer/scanner is okay but it doesn't allow me to play around and improve the images like my older one. I think it also gives me a better image.
I also have some more genealogy notes to sort and hopefully, add to --using free websites instead of ancestry.com. I may sign up for archives.com for a month as it's only $8 and I'm hoping it might have more to offer in areas that ancestry is falling down.
Even though it's been put on Facebook, here's a picture of my oldest and youngest grandchildren.
Mary sent me this photo of one of their breakfasts because she knows I love Spam and all my kids think it's gross! Had to laugh, though, when she said Jake loved it. Such a good boy.
Sue and I spent the afternoon together yesterday and browsed a couple antique stores before heading up to the library to look at books in the gift shop. I took a few pictures of autumn leaves that hadn't left the trees yet. This library is a block from the duplex where Ruth, Sharon, and I lived in 1961.
I found a 1957 Port Townsend phone book in one of the stores we went in. They had a ton of things to look at. Unfortunately, however, they were lacking on customer service. I know the problem merchants everywhere have with theft but there has to be some way for a store owner to deal with it and not offend those folks who have no intention of stealing.
I was appalled by the ONE woman working the counter who would leave buying customers (often with money in line) to go tell an incoming customer to leave their bag behind her counter. I also observed her walking around watching people. Jenni told me that she went in there once and this same woman followed her around and told her her bag was unzipped. (Jenni seldom zips her handbag)
One guy had his merchandise already bagged and had to stand there while she left before telling him what he owed. When I wanted to look in a locked cabinet near the front desk, she got on the phone first and took her sweet time coming over with a key. She targeted every single person although now that I think about it, they were all women. Some just had small plastic bags they'd been given from previous shopping. And the clerk would shout across the store for them to leave their bags with her.
Obviously,a second or third employee was needed to walk the store as the place was large with lots of little cubbyholes of different vendors. I'm sure shoplifting is a huge issue in stores like this but it could be handled so much pleasanter.
I remember one particular store in PT that had owners like that. This merchant had signs everywhere declaring that she'd prosecute, that shoplifting was unlawful, "you break it, you buy it" etc. They also had their employees follow you around. I quit giving her my business and I'm sure a lot of other folks did too. Sadly, the previous owners were well liked and the store flourished.
It's a different world we live in now --in all areas of our society. Just look at those stupid people looting in Missouri. This morning I saw a news story about how home alarms can be easily overridden by thieves and how people need to contact their protection company to see what they're going to do about it. The media doesn't help any because they were more than eager to explain exactly how the systems can be overridden. Stupid media!
Getting back to my old phone book...besides our house being listed along with my uncles, there was a Mrs. AR Blankenship at 632 Water Street. I've been trying to figure out who that could have been. I remember a Blankenship name being in the news because some woman had been murdered or was missing. I can't remember the name now but seems like it started with an A. I'm probably wrong. I had a couple of people ask me if she was related (she wasn't). Now it's driving me nuts to remember her name.
My grandson, Hunter, is getting to be quite the wheeler-dealer. He's made a lot of money on Ebay selling car parts (some he found while hiking with his dad in the woods) He's also bought old coins.
His dad gave him their old light blue Bronco (forget the year) to sell on Craigs List and they told Maddie they would match money (however much Hunter got) to her when it was time for her to get a car.
Well, Hunter sold that Bronco. The guy offered about $1400 or $1500 I think. Hunter said "how about $50 more?" Once that deal was completed, he bought this old pick up from a guy here in PA.
It doesn't run (the engine is out) but Hunter offered this other guy he knows $50 to haul it over to their garage. The guy offered to take it out in labor trade instead. (Hunter is a good worker) So.... the truck and the engine will be brought to Hunter's garage for his latest project. Amazing to me 'cause he's only 14!
I went by this morning after dropping the kids at high school to see what it looked like. Kind of gray and overcast at 9 a.m. but at least I got an idea.
Another thing I bought at the antique store (probably overpaid but, oh well....) was this little scatter pin of a couple in a tree swing. One of my favorite pictures of my Dad and Marcella was one I took of them at Chetzemoka Park. Somehow (I'm still thinking on it) I hope to frame that picture and insert the pin next to it in a corner. Might have to be a shadow box type frame but I'll figure it out. I hope.
Okay. Time to get busy chopping celery and onions. Hope your Thanksgiving is Happy.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Week of Thanksgiving
Another odd dream last night. Gracia Feick and I were out golfing and having various adventures along the way.
Morning is going along okay. Made a Safeway run and managed to get in and out quickly as few shoppers were there. Stopped to visit Kathy & Ed (Wayne's dad) and see their new dog, Maggie.
Very sweet dog. I wish I had one like her. I told Kathy I can babysit if they have to go somewhere.
I cleaned out my kitchen cabinets a few days ago and had a dozen jelly jars with lids and rings so I gave them to Kathy as a thank you for the frozen berries she's given me from her freezer in the past.
Got an email from Mary in Hawaii. Poor Jake came down with a fever and wouldn't sleep unless Mary held him. Sure hope it passes quickly. Kids that age can get sick and be well again in the flash of an eye. Here he is when they first arrived.
I managed to get a few Christmas cards addressed yesterday and wrote a letter to go along with them. What with my blog, email, and Facebook, it seemed kind of silly to write a letter but then not everybody goes on FB and heaven knows, few read my stupid blog. ha ha
I called the Sequim surgeon to make an appt for my left shoulder and I'll go in January 2nd. Sure hope I don't have to have surgery but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
I don't have anything specific that needs to be tended to today so I just might pull out my sewing machine. Or not. I am still tempted to keep on looking for genealogy clues. My notes are in pretty good order but you never know when you're gonna find another tidbit. My sub. to ancestry.com expires day after tomorrow.
Talked to my oldest daughter this morning and she's feel down in the dumps 'cause she turns 50 this weekend. I'm taking her to lunch tomorrow and remind her that 50 is a whole lot neater than 70!
Am into Season 3 of The Good Wife and totally hooked now. I surfed regular channels a bit last night but not for long. The American Music Awards was the same ole crap -- everybody wearing skin tight clothes (and few of them in some cases) and trying their darndest to shake their butt better than anyone else. Boring, folks! What happened to the days when singers just entertained us with a song?
Well, guess I'll heat up some soup for lunch. I love Mary's photo explanation on Facebook....
Oh! A Bug!
Morning is going along okay. Made a Safeway run and managed to get in and out quickly as few shoppers were there. Stopped to visit Kathy & Ed (Wayne's dad) and see their new dog, Maggie.
Very sweet dog. I wish I had one like her. I told Kathy I can babysit if they have to go somewhere.
I cleaned out my kitchen cabinets a few days ago and had a dozen jelly jars with lids and rings so I gave them to Kathy as a thank you for the frozen berries she's given me from her freezer in the past.
Got an email from Mary in Hawaii. Poor Jake came down with a fever and wouldn't sleep unless Mary held him. Sure hope it passes quickly. Kids that age can get sick and be well again in the flash of an eye. Here he is when they first arrived.
I managed to get a few Christmas cards addressed yesterday and wrote a letter to go along with them. What with my blog, email, and Facebook, it seemed kind of silly to write a letter but then not everybody goes on FB and heaven knows, few read my stupid blog. ha ha
I called the Sequim surgeon to make an appt for my left shoulder and I'll go in January 2nd. Sure hope I don't have to have surgery but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
I don't have anything specific that needs to be tended to today so I just might pull out my sewing machine. Or not. I am still tempted to keep on looking for genealogy clues. My notes are in pretty good order but you never know when you're gonna find another tidbit. My sub. to ancestry.com expires day after tomorrow.
Talked to my oldest daughter this morning and she's feel down in the dumps 'cause she turns 50 this weekend. I'm taking her to lunch tomorrow and remind her that 50 is a whole lot neater than 70!
Am into Season 3 of The Good Wife and totally hooked now. I surfed regular channels a bit last night but not for long. The American Music Awards was the same ole crap -- everybody wearing skin tight clothes (and few of them in some cases) and trying their darndest to shake their butt better than anyone else. Boring, folks! What happened to the days when singers just entertained us with a song?
Well, guess I'll heat up some soup for lunch. I love Mary's photo explanation on Facebook....
Oh! A Bug!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Friday rain
I was tired all day yesterday and ended up sleeping in until 8:30 this morning. First thing I decided to do was try out the latest shower cleaner I bought. It's called Kaboom. It sprays on blue, turns white, and then it's supposed to magically remove all soap scum. I'm back to the drawing board and will try other methods. It worked okay on the door but then I'd already worked on that door quite a bit with other products. Once I stepped back and really looked at the whole shower stall itself, I realized it was in dire need of scrubbing. Plus -- the Kaboom leaves an after odor like strong disinfectant. I've had the window open all morning and it's still noticeable in there.
I just can't do it with my shoulders right now and was hoping some magic cleaner would appear. I'm going to investigate vinegar, ammonia, bleach, and other things I've heard about. Sooner or later, that shower is going to shine. I've lived here six years so I guess not giving it a real hard scrub is the source of all my dismay. I might end up paying Hunter to do the job as he's really good at stuff like that. It definitely needs someone who can get down on their knees and work steadily.
Cancelled my ancestry subscription but can still access it through Nov. 26. I worked on my mother's files a little bit more last night. Decided I wanted to check out the doctor who delivered her. His name was Claude C. Leaverton and he lived in Tacoma. His wife was named Brasfield and on further investigation, I found she was a relative of the former sheriff in Jeff. Co. He's on ancestry too so I dropped him a note. He'll probably think I'm a wacko but that's okay. We all know how I am. Ha!
Jenni was starving at work so I took her a sandwich and then drove out to this secondhand store near the Elwha Casino that I knew had old hot wheel cars. They were closed (second time I've gone there and they weren't open). Decided since I had driven that far, I might as well go three more miles and visit the casino. There's a really nice hiking/walking/biking trail on this road I took by accident. It still got me to the casino. I went in with a $20 bill, played for over a half hour or more and then walked out with $26.
Came home and found one of the Christmas presents I ordered online was delivered and sitting on the doorstep. After seeing a TV news story about people following UPS and FedX drivers and then stealing what they leave, I was glad I got home when I did. I don't think we have that much thievery as seen on tv but I do know that "element" is everywhere. And this particular gift was kind of expensive.
Got a neat YouTube video in an email today so think I'll go find it and share ....
Rain has returned and sounds like it's sticking around for the entire week. I'll occupy myself inside.
Here's my latest morning picture of THE MAN...
While researching where my mother's family worked in the 1920's, I came across these pictures in a little booklet about the Chehalis Fir Door Company and how it relocated in McCleary, WA. This first picture was taken on a Sunday and various employees and their family gathered for the shoot. 40 acres of land was cleared to build the new plant that made veneer door. My g.grandparents and grandmother all worked there for a time.
I sure wish I knew if any were in these photos.
I just can't do it with my shoulders right now and was hoping some magic cleaner would appear. I'm going to investigate vinegar, ammonia, bleach, and other things I've heard about. Sooner or later, that shower is going to shine. I've lived here six years so I guess not giving it a real hard scrub is the source of all my dismay. I might end up paying Hunter to do the job as he's really good at stuff like that. It definitely needs someone who can get down on their knees and work steadily.
Cancelled my ancestry subscription but can still access it through Nov. 26. I worked on my mother's files a little bit more last night. Decided I wanted to check out the doctor who delivered her. His name was Claude C. Leaverton and he lived in Tacoma. His wife was named Brasfield and on further investigation, I found she was a relative of the former sheriff in Jeff. Co. He's on ancestry too so I dropped him a note. He'll probably think I'm a wacko but that's okay. We all know how I am. Ha!
Jenni was starving at work so I took her a sandwich and then drove out to this secondhand store near the Elwha Casino that I knew had old hot wheel cars. They were closed (second time I've gone there and they weren't open). Decided since I had driven that far, I might as well go three more miles and visit the casino. There's a really nice hiking/walking/biking trail on this road I took by accident. It still got me to the casino. I went in with a $20 bill, played for over a half hour or more and then walked out with $26.
Came home and found one of the Christmas presents I ordered online was delivered and sitting on the doorstep. After seeing a TV news story about people following UPS and FedX drivers and then stealing what they leave, I was glad I got home when I did. I don't think we have that much thievery as seen on tv but I do know that "element" is everywhere. And this particular gift was kind of expensive.
Got a neat YouTube video in an email today so think I'll go find it and share ....
Rain has returned and sounds like it's sticking around for the entire week. I'll occupy myself inside.
Here's my latest morning picture of THE MAN...
While researching where my mother's family worked in the 1920's, I came across these pictures in a little booklet about the Chehalis Fir Door Company and how it relocated in McCleary, WA. This first picture was taken on a Sunday and various employees and their family gathered for the shoot. 40 acres of land was cleared to build the new plant that made veneer door. My g.grandparents and grandmother all worked there for a time.
I sure wish I knew if any were in these photos.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Oh.....Happy Day....
Just left the physical therapist's office and I don't have to go back! Woo Hooooo! Well, at least not for a while. I will have to consult with a doctor about my left shoulder but I'm putting that off until January. And my hope is, it won't be as intense a surgery as the right one was. Maybe I won't even have to go under the knife at all. Probably unlikely but I can hope. They gave me a water bottle as a goodbye gift.
I stopped at Swain's to get a few more pint jars to make more snow globes. They're in the process of remodeling and enlarging for Christmas and it seems like they've got a third more space what with the narrowing of aisles and the opening up of the back of the store. Tons of merchandise too.
I also stopped at Safeway to try another product for cleaning soap scum off my shower doors. I bought the liquid Bar Keepers Helper after reading about it online. I was under the impression that a simple application would remove the scum but noooooooo......it was a long and laborious chore. I even had to go retrieve a shower stool to sit down because my back hurt so much bending over. Then I stripped and got in the shower to use the hose to rinse everything off. I was disappointed in the final result. It's become an "issue" with me now so I picked up a can of Kaboom this afternoon and will try it out tomorrow. Basically, I want to NOT HAVE TO scrub and scrub. I want it to come off easy. We'll see....
News has been disgusting as usual. Why oh why do they give Manson and his STUPID pea brain fiancee air time? Not news you media folks who think we care. Interesting to see ole Bill Cosby in the hot seat. I don't have any sympathy for him at all. I've always thought he was full of himself. Now we'll have to listen to a blow by blow recap of the entire affair for weeks!
My favorite thing to watch right now is a video of Jacob walking. It's only a minute but it's completely entertaining and I watch it at least three times a day. He's going to Hawaii this Sunday with his folks and cousin Catie. Wish I was going too. I was invited but I need to be healthier and I'm not quite there yet.
I drove through downtown on my way to physical therapy and I may do some shopping locally this year. Was interesting to see the window displays and the large tree being decorated --and sad to see how many empty shops there were.
I'm going to begin addressing Christmas card envelopes tomorrow now that I've got my stamps all paid for. I mailed off one Christmas gift to my half sister in NC but I think that will probably be the extent of my mailed packages. I do need to get into PT at some point. Think I'll try the week before Christmas or Christmas week itself. Depends on the weather and how my body feels.
I've just about finished organizing my various genealogy folders with notes on each family. Course I'll never be really done as there's always more to find. I checked out a few Family Tree Magazines at the library and one of them had a terrific article on good websites for each state. I still have a lot of questions on several old family members.
Well, sitting here by the heat vent I've noticed a heck of a lot of dust that needs to be vacuumed so I guess I'll go pull out the machine and see about sucking it up. My priorities have sure changed over the years.
A guy called me up from PT and ordered five of my books. What a nice surprise. He knew my Uncle George and Aunt Lorraine from the rock club they belonged to and he thought very highly of them. We had a nice conversation about how country music just isn't as good as it was back in our day.
Turkey day is growing closer but I don't need to do a lot of cooking this year. I am baking a pumpkin pie and making some oyster dressing but that will probably be it. Maybe.... I'll make up a batch of yeast rolls,
50 years ago this week I was waddling around my dad's house on Kuhn Street two weeks overdue with child #1. Man, that was a quick 50 years!
Here's a picture of my dad and brother Les in the background taken in 1965 at the San Diego Zoo. Sue was about 5 or 6 months old and I was thrilled that my dad drove all the way from Port Townsend to visit us.
I stopped at Swain's to get a few more pint jars to make more snow globes. They're in the process of remodeling and enlarging for Christmas and it seems like they've got a third more space what with the narrowing of aisles and the opening up of the back of the store. Tons of merchandise too.
I also stopped at Safeway to try another product for cleaning soap scum off my shower doors. I bought the liquid Bar Keepers Helper after reading about it online. I was under the impression that a simple application would remove the scum but noooooooo......it was a long and laborious chore. I even had to go retrieve a shower stool to sit down because my back hurt so much bending over. Then I stripped and got in the shower to use the hose to rinse everything off. I was disappointed in the final result. It's become an "issue" with me now so I picked up a can of Kaboom this afternoon and will try it out tomorrow. Basically, I want to NOT HAVE TO scrub and scrub. I want it to come off easy. We'll see....
News has been disgusting as usual. Why oh why do they give Manson and his STUPID pea brain fiancee air time? Not news you media folks who think we care. Interesting to see ole Bill Cosby in the hot seat. I don't have any sympathy for him at all. I've always thought he was full of himself. Now we'll have to listen to a blow by blow recap of the entire affair for weeks!
My favorite thing to watch right now is a video of Jacob walking. It's only a minute but it's completely entertaining and I watch it at least three times a day. He's going to Hawaii this Sunday with his folks and cousin Catie. Wish I was going too. I was invited but I need to be healthier and I'm not quite there yet.
I drove through downtown on my way to physical therapy and I may do some shopping locally this year. Was interesting to see the window displays and the large tree being decorated --and sad to see how many empty shops there were.
I'm going to begin addressing Christmas card envelopes tomorrow now that I've got my stamps all paid for. I mailed off one Christmas gift to my half sister in NC but I think that will probably be the extent of my mailed packages. I do need to get into PT at some point. Think I'll try the week before Christmas or Christmas week itself. Depends on the weather and how my body feels.
I've just about finished organizing my various genealogy folders with notes on each family. Course I'll never be really done as there's always more to find. I checked out a few Family Tree Magazines at the library and one of them had a terrific article on good websites for each state. I still have a lot of questions on several old family members.
Well, sitting here by the heat vent I've noticed a heck of a lot of dust that needs to be vacuumed so I guess I'll go pull out the machine and see about sucking it up. My priorities have sure changed over the years.
A guy called me up from PT and ordered five of my books. What a nice surprise. He knew my Uncle George and Aunt Lorraine from the rock club they belonged to and he thought very highly of them. We had a nice conversation about how country music just isn't as good as it was back in our day.
Turkey day is growing closer but I don't need to do a lot of cooking this year. I am baking a pumpkin pie and making some oyster dressing but that will probably be it. Maybe.... I'll make up a batch of yeast rolls,
50 years ago this week I was waddling around my dad's house on Kuhn Street two weeks overdue with child #1. Man, that was a quick 50 years!
Here's a picture of my dad and brother Les in the background taken in 1965 at the San Diego Zoo. Sue was about 5 or 6 months old and I was thrilled that my dad drove all the way from Port Townsend to visit us.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Just working thru my chores
I saw this Christmas craft project on Pinterest that I wanted to try out. Anything I settle on has to be fairly simple but it seems no matter how simple things start out, it ends up costing you money one way or another. Such is life. The pictures I saw online were much cuter than mine but then I always feel that way. I couldn't find the vintage cars I wanted to use but I may search again if I decide to make any more. I also couldn't find the smaller Christmas trees I wanted. This town has limited shopping options.
After I finished my jars, I found a similar picture with better directions but I'll know better next time.
I noticed my shower door still looks scummy even though I tried different things I found on the Internet. This morning I found a website where this woman taped off her door into four sections and tried all the theories she found online. (vinegar, dish soap, etc.) She discovered that using liquid Bar Keepers Friend was the best and easiest. I'm buying some.
Read my Reader's Digest last night (Thank you Linda P for the Xmas present). One thing I tore out to try and remember: Mix 1 tsp. Dawn dishwashing liquid, 1 tablespoon rubbing alcohol, and 1/2 gallon warm water. Pour the mixture over walkways to keep them for freezing again right away.
The joke that made me cackle out loud:
A child psychologist had twin boys--one was an optimist; the other, a pessimist. Just to see what would happen, on Christmas Day he loaded the pessimist's room with toys and games. In the optimist's room, he dumped a pile of horse droppings. That night, the father found the pessimist surrounded by his gifts, crying. "What's wrong?" the father asked.
"I have a ton of game manuals to read...I need batteries..and my toys will all eventually get broken!" sobbed the pessimist.
Passing the optimist's room, the father found him dancing for joy around the pile of manure. "Why are you so happy? he asked.
The optimist shouted: "There's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"
I've got a little over a week left on my ancestry subscription so I'd best get back to hunting. I spent all day online yesterday looking for additional information on my g. grandmother on my mom's side.
Ava was born a Peterson, married and divorced a Stevens, and then married a Peters. I thought that was interesting, just in itself. Her second husband (according to his 1917 WWI draft registration card) worked for General Explosion Co, in Carl Junction MO. He was a gelation packer.
About a year after Ava died, he remarried a woman in Aberdeen and eventually retired from a lumber company in Aberdeen, moved to Yellowstone County in Montana and died there.
And here's two cute things I saw on Facebook yesterday...
After I finished my jars, I found a similar picture with better directions but I'll know better next time.
I noticed my shower door still looks scummy even though I tried different things I found on the Internet. This morning I found a website where this woman taped off her door into four sections and tried all the theories she found online. (vinegar, dish soap, etc.) She discovered that using liquid Bar Keepers Friend was the best and easiest. I'm buying some.
Read my Reader's Digest last night (Thank you Linda P for the Xmas present). One thing I tore out to try and remember: Mix 1 tsp. Dawn dishwashing liquid, 1 tablespoon rubbing alcohol, and 1/2 gallon warm water. Pour the mixture over walkways to keep them for freezing again right away.
The joke that made me cackle out loud:
A child psychologist had twin boys--one was an optimist; the other, a pessimist. Just to see what would happen, on Christmas Day he loaded the pessimist's room with toys and games. In the optimist's room, he dumped a pile of horse droppings. That night, the father found the pessimist surrounded by his gifts, crying. "What's wrong?" the father asked.
"I have a ton of game manuals to read...I need batteries..and my toys will all eventually get broken!" sobbed the pessimist.
Passing the optimist's room, the father found him dancing for joy around the pile of manure. "Why are you so happy? he asked.
The optimist shouted: "There's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"
I've got a little over a week left on my ancestry subscription so I'd best get back to hunting. I spent all day online yesterday looking for additional information on my g. grandmother on my mom's side.
Ava was born a Peterson, married and divorced a Stevens, and then married a Peters. I thought that was interesting, just in itself. Her second husband (according to his 1917 WWI draft registration card) worked for General Explosion Co, in Carl Junction MO. He was a gelation packer.
About a year after Ava died, he remarried a woman in Aberdeen and eventually retired from a lumber company in Aberdeen, moved to Yellowstone County in Montana and died there.
And here's two cute things I saw on Facebook yesterday...
Friday, November 14, 2014
Friday night
My Friday nights have changed a lot over the years. I think I'll write about that sometime. Not tonight, though; I have other things to yak about.
I may post this on Facebook too. Been cleaning out a few corners here and there and came across three album/books that I'd like to give away. Here's photos of them closed and open.
The red one is kind of a large journal type book with pages you can glue stuff in as well as write. The pink one has plastic pages and is oversized. The white one (my Life book) is like scrapbook paper. Has quite a few pages. They're all very nice and it seems a shame they're not being used by someone who likes that kind of thing. Or who could use them to gift to someone else.
Saw this picture on Paula McDonald's page on Facebook. Cracked me up. Visit "bored panda" on Facebook to see more. This one is two brothers who reenacted old family pictures for their folks' anniversary. They're hilarious!
I saw this on Jean Camfield's Facebook page and thought it was worthy enough to retype and share. I'm going to do this.....
I may post this on Facebook too. Been cleaning out a few corners here and there and came across three album/books that I'd like to give away. Here's photos of them closed and open.
The red one is kind of a large journal type book with pages you can glue stuff in as well as write. The pink one has plastic pages and is oversized. The white one (my Life book) is like scrapbook paper. Has quite a few pages. They're all very nice and it seems a shame they're not being used by someone who likes that kind of thing. Or who could use them to gift to someone else.
Saw this picture on Paula McDonald's page on Facebook. Cracked me up. Visit "bored panda" on Facebook to see more. This one is two brothers who reenacted old family pictures for their folks' anniversary. They're hilarious!
I saw this on Jean Camfield's Facebook page and thought it was worthy enough to retype and share. I'm going to do this.....
Items the Food Bank seldom gets but always needs:
Seasoned salt, cayenne pepper, chili powder, cumin,
cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, oregano, basil 2.
Feminine Products.
toilet paper, tooth paste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, etc.
Food stamps often don’t cover these.
Canned meats and jerky.
Crackers and
Baby toiletries.
Diapers, baby wipes, baby formula, baby shampoo, baby
soap, baby food, bottles, etc
Soup packets.
From a former homeless person: “Socks mean the world to
you. They keep you warm, make you feel like you have something new, and just
comfort you.”
Canned fruit other
than pineapple.
Food banks get a lot of pineapple donated. Their clients
love it when other kinds of fruit are available.
And remember! Food banks love cash donations
I got this in an email and I thought it was worthy enough to retype and share, as well:
The American Red
Cross President and CEO Marsha J. Evans' salary for the year was $651,957
plus expenses
It is called the March of Dimes because only a dime for every 1 dollar is given
to the needy.
The United Way
President Brian Gallagher receives a $375,000 base salary along with numerous
expense benefits.
Caryl M. Stern receives$1,200,000 per year (100kper month) plus all expenses
including a Rolls Royce. Less than 5 cents of your donated dollar goes to the
and owner Mark Curran profits $2.3 million a year.Goodwill is a very catchy
name for his business.You donate to his business and then he sells the items
for PROFIT. He pays nothing for his products and pays his workers minimum wage!
Instead, give it
The Salvation Army
Commissioner, Todd Bassett receives a small salary of only$13,000 per year(plus
housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. 96% of donated
dollars go to the cause.
The American
Legion National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go
to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Veterans of
Foreign Wars National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your
donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Disabled
American Veterans National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and
The Military Order
of Purple Hearts National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your
donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
The Vietnam
Veterans Association National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.Your
donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
Make a Wish:
For children's last wishes.100% goes to funding trips or special wishes for a
dying child.
St. Jude Research
Hospital 100% goes towards funding and helping Children with Cancer who
have no insurance and cannot afford to pay.
Ronald McDonald
Houses All monies go to running the houses for parents who have critically
ill Children in the hospital.100% goes to housing, and feeding the families.
Lions Club
International 100% of donations go to help the blind, buy hearing aids,
support medical missions around the world. Their latest undertaking: measles
vaccinations for $1.
Went shopping after my physical therapy appointment. Have a Xmas craft I want to make and I knew finding the right pieces would mean going from store to store. I found one item at Joanne's but was surprised to see it was $2. Should have been a quarter! I went to Walmart and found the same thing for 75 cents. I have noticed, though, that Walmart's prices aren't that great in every department.
Like their groceries. Or maybe groceries are just skyhigh everywhere.
Guess I'll cut this short as it's dinner time and you know how I hate to miss a meal. ha ha
Even if it is just crummy leftovers.
I put away my jigsaw puzzle and decided I needed to focus on other hobbies. Gonna stick with genealogy until my subscription runs out. Switched over to my mother's biological family to see if I could find more on the Petersons, Stevens, and Haskells.
And that's about it for now....
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Another chilly morning
I've got a few "computer things" to work on today. I need to get some of my genealogy notes in order; I need to file pictures away in various folders; I have two letters to write; I'm going to check out the music website, Spotify; I'm going to sign up for Instagram; I'm going to recheck my Twitter account and see if I can't figure out how it works exactly; I need to check out 'Linked In' that I signed up for and never went further; and I need to browse around on Pinterest. Might begin to sort through my Christmas cards too.
I drove over to the Morman Church Genealogy Library last night as I was told "the main lady" who knew the most worked from 6 to 9. I showed up at 5:50 and at 6:35 she still hadn't showed so I gave up (irked) and came home.
Ended up watching a little tv (Netflix and Amazon) and then hit the sack kinda early. I think this cold weather makes me weary. I know my skin doesn't like it. Temperature gauge read 28 when I got up. Took a hot shower, ate breakfast, worked my Yahoo crossword puzzle, washed dishes, and here I am. Yep! Nothing much to write about today. Guess I'll get on with my to-do list.
Here's a 1986 video with Del Shannon. I've always loved this song.
A further note...
I drove over to the Morman Church Genealogy Library last night as I was told "the main lady" who knew the most worked from 6 to 9. I showed up at 5:50 and at 6:35 she still hadn't showed so I gave up (irked) and came home.
Ended up watching a little tv (Netflix and Amazon) and then hit the sack kinda early. I think this cold weather makes me weary. I know my skin doesn't like it. Temperature gauge read 28 when I got up. Took a hot shower, ate breakfast, worked my Yahoo crossword puzzle, washed dishes, and here I am. Yep! Nothing much to write about today. Guess I'll get on with my to-do list.
Here's a 1986 video with Del Shannon. I've always loved this song.
A further note...
Suffering from depression, for which he was taking Prozac, Shannon committed suicide on February 8, 1990, killing himself with a .22-caliber rifle at his home in Santa Clarita, California. He was cremated, and his ashes were scattered. Following his death, the Traveling Wilburys honored him by recording a version of "Runaway". Lynne also co-produced Shannon's posthumous album, Rock On, released on Silvertone in 1991.
Shannon was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of FamIe in1999.
And while I didn't listen to The Doors when they were popular, I did catch this one on Pandora Music today and thought...my oh my....look what I missed.
And while I didn't listen to The Doors when they were popular, I did catch this one on Pandora Music today and thought...my oh my....look what I missed.
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