My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, July 24, 2015

Keeping Busy

I had a strange night of sleeping last night.  I slept but yet, I didn't sleep as well as I would have liked. Kept waking up every hour or two and that always allows me to ponder the dream I'm in the middle of.  Heaven only knows what goes on up there when I don't wake up until morning.  At any rate, it was kind of a fun dream (mostly).  Seemed to be doing a lot of laughing and getting into situations like Lucy and Ethel used to.  Some guy I was with (I think he was just a friend but I didn't recognize him) was especially entertaining.  We were in an elevator in a building and it was raining on us.  That was only one of several events that took place as we traveled together.  Weird.

I think my old dog, Buster, showed up too. And babies are appearing frequently. Probably because of the newest member of our family.

I was thinking this morning that my cough seems to be going away but alas, it was just a quiet interlude.  Been having a lot of those --- thinking I'm well and then getting it back. I probably should use that inhaler more than I do.

Anyhow, the lack of a good nights' sleep has made me kind of drowsy and listless today. Took two short recliner naps but didn't want to spend too much time in the chair 'cause I want to sleep tonight.  Just another side effect of growing older, I suppose.

I did manage to get two more quilt squares cut and sewn. I have a ton of material to play with and I'm using purples first.
Since I'm not really that good at making quilts, I'm playing with the idea of making small wall quilts for gifts this Christmas.  I'll start with 4 squares and see how it comes out.  I've got this terrific quilt book called 'Marsha McCloskey's Block Party' and it has 120 patterns in it, each demonstrated with color photos and step-by-step directions.

I still have to go slow when I'm choosing color schemes, cutting with the rotary cutter, and then matching up the various templates to make each pattern.  The more complicated ones slow me down as I have no confidence in keeping things straight.  I did make myself one quilt using some of the patterns and while they're no where close to being "right on", they're good enough for my enjoyment.

I finished watching the 2002 edition of The Forsyte Saga on Netflix last night.  Soooo good!  I found the 1967 edition on Amazon Prime so I sent for it today.  Can't wait to see it.

Not too much planned for the weekend. My oldest daughter is coming over tomorrow to help me weed out front and clean out the garage a bit. Sunday will be relaxing in front of the tv to watch golf.
Keep thinking I need to clean up my genealogy notes too.  That hobby will go on forever, I suspect. Always more stuff to work on.

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