I have a dentist appointment at noon today. Been a couple years since I sat in that dreaded chair so I'm prepared to accept the fact money is going to be leaving my savings account. The library is a block away so I plan on going there first. I have this three-page, single spaced list of "books I want to read" and every now and again, I pull it out to look it over. Today I read the reviews of some of them on Amazon and then checked the library website to see if they're available. Most were although a couple of them are in Sequim so I'll have to request a transfer. I'll do that another time.
Those I may check out this morning include: Let Me Finish, American Prince:Tony Curtis, North Toward Home, A Good House, Gifts of the Crow, and A Prayer for Owen Meany. I seem to go through phases where I want stacks of books surrounding me. Even if I don't read them (and I often don't) I still like the comfort of having them around. Last night I went to my book shelves and pulled out half a dozen to sit by my recliner. Started reading a paperback 'cause TV was rotten but it put me to sleep before I got too far along.
I watched a few Showtime movies over the weekend. Roadie about a guy who travels with a rock band for several years, gets fired, and how he goes back home to live with his mother. It was pretty good. Another was Saved about a teenage girl who goes to a Christian School, gets pregnant, and ends up getting everyone to be kinder to gays. It was a typical teenage movie but I sat there doing crossstitch and watched it through. Several of the actors were in other shows I've watched on Netflix and Showtime.
Yesterday morning I spent a couple hours in the sewing room. Didn't get any sewing done but I did manage to clean out one large plastic bin of material scraps. Several I tossed out but I took my time and pressed and cut a few stacks of various sized squares to use in quilts.
Jenni, Wayne, and the twins got back from the ocean yesterday. Had a pretty good vacation despite the stormy weather they had part of the time.
This morning I was outside taking pictures of various subjects viewed from my porch. A homeless guy strolled down the street slowly so I took a couple of him as he stopped to pick blackberries on the vacant lot across the street.
I can't say for sure that he was homeless but he did kind of have "that look." He also was walking slow like he'd just got up, and the fact it was as early as it was and he was coming from the direction of a wooded area, I figured he was probably homeless. Made me kind of sad, in a way, and I was tempted to offer him some food. But then....if he wasn't homeless, he'd probably be offended.
The construction area up the street a few feet hasn't been worked on yet although the city trucks have stopped and some kind of meter has been installed. Also see a stack of lumber along with the sani-can.
The rest of these photos were just observations from my front steps.
My painted rocks got a nice cleaning with the rain we had this weekend. And of course, I always like to take a few pictures of the hummingbirds. I had about four of them whipping around but I wasn't able to get them in flight.
One lone bee actually took one of the birds on and the bird flew off.
This ole slug was on my ramp. Ugh!
I threw my leftover popcorn in the backyard this morning and the crows ate it immediately.
I don't understand why the deer think they need to come into my yard and nibble on what tiny bit of green I have growing. Especially when the lot across the street is full of stuff they could be pigging out on!
And Happy 67th birthday to my step-sister, Shannon Timbers over in Sumner. Shown here with her son, Seth, grandson, and husband, Ed.
My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Monday, August 31, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Last Saturday of August
I kind of thought my day would be full of "not much" but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. It was an early rising again (6:30ish) and I was glad to get up because my dreams were unsettling. There's been a toddler in them lately and it's not hard to figure out who that is. Last night I almost jumped out of a window with him in my arms and then caught myself -- chastising me for not being more careful. I placed him on the floor and then I proceeded to jump out the window to the people below. My jump was quite slow motion and I landed on the ground like a smooth plane setting down. Seemed to be something I had done lots of times and it wasn't any big deal.
I don't know what else was going on in dreamland but it must have been something to do with my living arrangements because I no sooner got dressed and I was on a rearranging kick. Switched the loveseat and recliner, put the memory foam back on my bed, moved the a/c unit to my closet, moved the table it had been on to the kitchen and put potted plants and knickknacks on it. Then I shook out the bathroom rugs, swept the floor, vacuumed the house, and sat down to surf the net and have breakfast.
Had the Sequim radio station on (91.5 fm KSQM) and am loving it more everyday. I often have it on when I go to bed and even when I wake up to pee, it's still on and I keep it on. I don't usually keep the radio on when I sleep but I've started to with this station. I listen to it on my tv with my Roku device, and while I can get it on my radio in my bedroom, if I try to listen in a different part of the house, it won't come in.
I heard them mention the annual Clallam Co Historical Society's garage sale being held and I ran right down there. I try to go every year. Only runs on the weekend. Started last weekend but I didn't know about it. Next weekend, everything is half off and the weekend after that, you can bag stuff for a dollar a sack. It's one of the best organized sales ever. They have guys directing parking outside and members sitting and working in every department inside. (an old two story school)
I made a beeline for the sewing department where a lady supplied me with a plastic bag and when it was full, she took the bag to checkout to hold for me with my name on it so I could start a second bag and not have to hold everything. I spent $9.50 on material as I was looking for stuff to back quilts and quilt wall hangings. the prices everywhere were really good!
I also picked up a real nice journal with lined pages, and a neat stuffed bird that sings,
Bill & Kathleen Blankenship w/baby Jennifer Lynn
Lee & Elaine Arey with Michelle (I think)
Bill Forcier (Janie's 1st husband), Bill & Art Blankenship, (son and father)
Bill Arey, Grant Walker, John Blankenship
Dorothy Hollender Arey, Bill sitting on ground, Lyall with hands in pockets
Janie & Bill with Edwina and Eddie
me & John with Sue and Mary. Dorothy on the right
George Blankenship (hidden), Lee Arey, Bonnie & Grant Walker
Lorraine Blankenship, Elaine Arey, Bill, Janie, & George in back
Marlyn Walker and Marlee (maybe Cindy?) not sure
I don't know what else was going on in dreamland but it must have been something to do with my living arrangements because I no sooner got dressed and I was on a rearranging kick. Switched the loveseat and recliner, put the memory foam back on my bed, moved the a/c unit to my closet, moved the table it had been on to the kitchen and put potted plants and knickknacks on it. Then I shook out the bathroom rugs, swept the floor, vacuumed the house, and sat down to surf the net and have breakfast.
Had the Sequim radio station on (91.5 fm KSQM) and am loving it more everyday. I often have it on when I go to bed and even when I wake up to pee, it's still on and I keep it on. I don't usually keep the radio on when I sleep but I've started to with this station. I listen to it on my tv with my Roku device, and while I can get it on my radio in my bedroom, if I try to listen in a different part of the house, it won't come in.
I heard them mention the annual Clallam Co Historical Society's garage sale being held and I ran right down there. I try to go every year. Only runs on the weekend. Started last weekend but I didn't know about it. Next weekend, everything is half off and the weekend after that, you can bag stuff for a dollar a sack. It's one of the best organized sales ever. They have guys directing parking outside and members sitting and working in every department inside. (an old two story school)
I made a beeline for the sewing department where a lady supplied me with a plastic bag and when it was full, she took the bag to checkout to hold for me with my name on it so I could start a second bag and not have to hold everything. I spent $9.50 on material as I was looking for stuff to back quilts and quilt wall hangings. the prices everywhere were really good!
I also picked up a real nice journal with lined pages, and a neat stuffed bird that sings,
I think I'm going to rearrange my sewing room a little bit as I found a small ironing board I can put by my sewing machine and not have to keep getting up to the large board.
The mailman brought a free present from the electric company. My second present from them. The first was various yard hose nozzles, sprinkler timers, light bulbs, etc. This time I got a really nice
electric strip.
It cost $5.95 to mail the thing and I'm puzzled where they came up with the money for this perk when they declined giving reduced electric rates to those with low income. (like me) They said they were out of money and couldn't accommodate those hoping for the rate reduction.
The yard sale at the school house made me think I might want to join the historical society. I overheard more interesting conversations as I browsed around. They had everything arranged separately. Tools, outdoor stuff, books, puzzles, movies, clothes, jewelry, sewing, dishes, cooking, Christmas, pictures, appliances...you name it...they had it.
I've been checking Jenni's mail the last few days to retrieve any ebay packages that Hunter had arriving. Today I asked the mailman if Owen Street was his delivery area too and he said: Oh, you mean your grandson, Hunter? ha ha He was nice enough to give me Hunter's latest box so I didn't have to drive over there today. They're coming home tomorrow. I suppose the weather wasn't always the greatest but when you go to the ocean, the weather doesn't really matter. I wouldn't mind taking a fall drive over there sometime this year before winter sets in. Have to find someone to go with me...or better yet...drive me!
My Bellingham cousin posted some old family reunion pictures on facebook this week so I brightened that up a bit and decided to repost here. I think these were 1970.
Bill Forcier (hidden), Art Blankenship, Bob Walker, Lyall AreyBill & Kathleen Blankenship w/baby Jennifer Lynn
Lee & Elaine Arey with Michelle (I think)
Bill Forcier (Janie's 1st husband), Bill & Art Blankenship, (son and father)
Bill Arey, Grant Walker, John Blankenship
Dorothy Hollender Arey, Bill sitting on ground, Lyall with hands in pockets
Janie & Bill with Edwina and Eddie
me & John with Sue and Mary. Dorothy on the right
George Blankenship (hidden), Lee Arey, Bonnie & Grant Walker
Lorraine Blankenship, Elaine Arey, Bill, Janie, & George in back
Marlyn Walker and Marlee (maybe Cindy?) not sure
Sheldon Blankenship and other kids
Yesterday I spent a couple hours in the sewing room. Managed to finish a wall hanging with 4 quilt squares, and a couple of other squares, which I added to my stack. Haven't decided what I'm going to do with them yet but will probably make wall hangings or quilts. Have a lot of cross stitch designs I've completed too and I think I'l work them into a wall hanging.
Weather can't seem to figure out what it wants to do today. It's sunny and humid one minute, then the wind blows, the rain comes down sideways, and then it clears up again. I don't care. I'm all settled in for the day. Have golf on in here and will turn it on in the sewing room when I transfer to that side of the house.
Two medical appointments this week. Monday to the dentist (which I know full well is going to cost me an arm and a leg) and then Thursday, it's off to the optometrist. I figure my glasses may need changing as I can see tv better without glasses.
I wish I had a picture of our old brown house on 22nd Street in PT when we lived there in the 40's and early 50's. Here's one of a few years ago and how it looks today.
can't hardly even see it from the street. I do remember that shed in the backyard,though. It was a wood shed for us.
Here's a picture I found on Google maps of where my biological grandmother and her second husband may have lived in Aberdeen back in the 40's.
I know I'm repeating myself but this is my blog and I can repeat all I want. hee hee
Here's grandpa's house when I lived there and changes through the years....
By the way, if you ever want to look at PT houses, here's what you do:
go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us
Click on Departments at the top of the page
Click on Assessor on the left
Click on Parcel search
scroll down to street name
a long list of house numbers will appear. Look them over to find the one you want.
click on the red number and then scroll down to the blue box that says tax,a/v,sales, photos
Scroll to Property image
And here's a blast from the past for your listening entertainment
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Another Good Day
Got up at 6 a.m. and decided to go for a walk (using two walking sticks). I did okay but my hips were very happy to get home after 30 minutes. Kind of boring in my neighborhood so tomorrow I'm gonna drive downtown to the Waterfront Trail. They have benches you can sit on along the way and I've found that if I can sit down for even one minute, I'm good to go. Gonna wear my camera around my neck hoping I'll find at least a couple of good shots.
Also intend to wear my little Ipod as it's a lot more relaxing to walk with tunes. Been a while since I used my Ipod (it's an old one) but it's lightweight and easy to operate. My newer Ipod (which also hasn't been used much) is a little more difficult to use. I can't seem to get the tunes to play that I want--it has kind of a mind of it's own. Anyhow, I've got it charging in my computer and I'm looking forward to walking along the water.
I baked an apple pie this morning using ready made pie crusts. Never bought those before as my pie crust recipe is fairly easy and tastes really good. I was surprised at how simple using ready made is. I'll buy them again if I need a pie in a hurry but the texture and taste don't even come close to my own.
Maddie needed a pick up from the high school (cross country track practice) so we stopped at the library afterwards so I could pick up two more James Patterson novels. Also checked out two audio books as I plan on doing some sewing this week. I did get one quilt square cut out and will sew it tomorrow as well as a couple more.
Was in an "ordering on line" kind of mood today. I got my Amazon Prime and my Visa bill this week and both were very low indeed. Just the kind of incentive I needed to not feel guilty about ordering. I sent for a crossword puzzle book and a book called 'Dad is Fat'. Also, the paperback of the first series of Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. A Song of Ice and Fire.
Also saw the first season of Thrones on DVD on sale for 50% off so I stuck that in my shopping cart too. As I recall, I tried to read Martin's book before but couldn't stick with it. Typical for me as I get easily distracted and don't always put more effort into following the first few chapters. I've wanted to see Game of Thrones ever since it started getting rave reviews but I don't subscribe to HBO and the seasons weren't available to buy for a long time.
I've been watching Nurse Jackie on Showtime the last few weeks. I think I start Season 7 tonight and that's the final. Next I plan on watching 'The Affair'. Have a few others that look interesting too.
I sent in a 100-word story to Reader's Digest so now I'll have to keep an eye out to see if it gets published. I think they post most of the stories online but if they use it in the paper magazine, you get $100. Sometimes you have to wait months to find out but that's okay. I think I'll work on a Town Kid blog tomorrow. Haven't really picked a topic yet but something will come to mind. Am thinking I might write about grandparents.
Tomorrow marks the 44th birthday of my son. Still hard to believe my youngest kids are in their forties -- or that my first grandchild is halfway through her twenties. What's even harder to believe is that my age starts with a 7!
Well, I didn't get a nap today and I've been yawning off and on for a couple hours. Guess that means I won't be staying up too late. Time to head to the kitchen and heat up some leftovers for supper.
Here's some interesting pictures I got in an email today....
3 headed cobra
7000 trees in Argentina
flower garden in Belgium
Central Park in NY
most beautiful horse in the world
super cell storm cloud
window washers at children's hospital in US
Also intend to wear my little Ipod as it's a lot more relaxing to walk with tunes. Been a while since I used my Ipod (it's an old one) but it's lightweight and easy to operate. My newer Ipod (which also hasn't been used much) is a little more difficult to use. I can't seem to get the tunes to play that I want--it has kind of a mind of it's own. Anyhow, I've got it charging in my computer and I'm looking forward to walking along the water.
I baked an apple pie this morning using ready made pie crusts. Never bought those before as my pie crust recipe is fairly easy and tastes really good. I was surprised at how simple using ready made is. I'll buy them again if I need a pie in a hurry but the texture and taste don't even come close to my own.
Maddie needed a pick up from the high school (cross country track practice) so we stopped at the library afterwards so I could pick up two more James Patterson novels. Also checked out two audio books as I plan on doing some sewing this week. I did get one quilt square cut out and will sew it tomorrow as well as a couple more.
Was in an "ordering on line" kind of mood today. I got my Amazon Prime and my Visa bill this week and both were very low indeed. Just the kind of incentive I needed to not feel guilty about ordering. I sent for a crossword puzzle book and a book called 'Dad is Fat'. Also, the paperback of the first series of Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. A Song of Ice and Fire.
Also saw the first season of Thrones on DVD on sale for 50% off so I stuck that in my shopping cart too. As I recall, I tried to read Martin's book before but couldn't stick with it. Typical for me as I get easily distracted and don't always put more effort into following the first few chapters. I've wanted to see Game of Thrones ever since it started getting rave reviews but I don't subscribe to HBO and the seasons weren't available to buy for a long time.
I've been watching Nurse Jackie on Showtime the last few weeks. I think I start Season 7 tonight and that's the final. Next I plan on watching 'The Affair'. Have a few others that look interesting too.
I sent in a 100-word story to Reader's Digest so now I'll have to keep an eye out to see if it gets published. I think they post most of the stories online but if they use it in the paper magazine, you get $100. Sometimes you have to wait months to find out but that's okay. I think I'll work on a Town Kid blog tomorrow. Haven't really picked a topic yet but something will come to mind. Am thinking I might write about grandparents.
Tomorrow marks the 44th birthday of my son. Still hard to believe my youngest kids are in their forties -- or that my first grandchild is halfway through her twenties. What's even harder to believe is that my age starts with a 7!
Well, I didn't get a nap today and I've been yawning off and on for a couple hours. Guess that means I won't be staying up too late. Time to head to the kitchen and heat up some leftovers for supper.
Here's some interesting pictures I got in an email today....
3 headed cobra
7000 trees in Argentina
flower garden in Belgium
Central Park in NY
most beautiful horse in the world
super cell storm cloud
window washers at children's hospital in US
Monday, August 24, 2015
Just hanging out
I was a whirlwind of activity yesterday. Every once in a while that will happen so I take advantage of the energy and wipe chores off my list one after another. Nothing major but the little stuff can add up. Sometimes this happens after I've been away from the house for a few days. I see the place with new eyes and want to clean and/or rearrange.
I refrained from rearranging and I never really did any deep cleaning but I did enough to make me feel like I'd accomplished something. Tried cleaning the soap scum (again) off the shower walls but the spray stuff I have on hand just doesn't cut it. I pulled out some white vinegar and while it would have probably worked, I did notice it was going to require a lot of scrubbing and getting down low to scrub isn't something I can manage for any length of time anymore. I gave it a good rinse and decided to "avert my eyes". Ha ha It was good enough.
I relined 3 kitchen drawers with some wall paper I found hidden away in a closet. That ended up being quite a chore but at least I could sit down for most of it. The lid drawer always seems to fill up much faster than any of the others so it got thinned down first. The utensil drawer also got a workover and it looks so much nicer now. Even vacuumed and wiped everything before setting down new paper.
I ran a quick mop over the kitchen floor but only because I changed the hummingbird feeders and I always seem to drip that sticky sugar water on the floor before I get outside. I drove downtown to run the car through a car wash, washed a quilt to hang outside, weeded and watered, and then sat down to write letters. Got three of them in them mailed off today and even placed an order for some things I saw in a catalog. I don't make a habit of catalog ordering but I saw a purse I wanted and a pair of pajamas so I called it in. Also ordered a doorbell that doesn't require wiring.
Hunter (who keeps track of my books that sell on Ebay) told me there was a problem with the last book I mailed off on Aug. 11. The buyer was still waiting and she only lived in Port Townsend. I emailed her that I was sticking a second book in the mail this morning as the post office must have lost it. This afternoon I get another email from her telling me the book finally arrived and that the postmark was Aug. 11, just like I said. The package was kind of beat up, though, so I may donate the second book to her. I've still got about a dozen left in the closet to sell -- not counting the few copies I have in three book stores. One in PT and two in PA.
When I arrived home on Saturday from my 10-day stay visiting Mary and Andy, I noticed the lot across the street is finally going to get cleared of scotch broom. At least two lots so far up the street a little ways are bulldozed and ready for house construction to begin. I've seen city trucks there this morning, plus there's a sani-can on the curb.
Some of my plants were in dire need of water but I "think" I managed to revive a couple. The rhubarb is dead for sure and one plant that Sue recently planted for me when she fixed up the front garden area. I've been watering and Hunter came by this morning to give my trees a better drink than what I was doing. I did notice I got some new gladiolas blooming.
Hunter weedeated around the house this morning. The grass isn't growing and everything everywhere looks brown and ugly. The dandelions, however, were thriving and some were 2 feet high! Made it hard to walk down the side of the house or even step off the steps to go water as the bees were so busy doing their thing.
The county fair winded up last night. I never did make it over there, even though it's only a couple blocks up the street. Just too tired. Didn't make it into Jefferson County Fair either but then I was in Renton during that time.
Had a great time visiting with Jake. He's a handful, that's for sure, but he made me laugh a lot.
I posted regularly on Facebook as everything he did was cute to me. Unfortunately, my camera battery went dead almost as soon as I got there so I had to make do with my cell phone. He's some shots of him helping his dad cut the lawn.
Mary was having problems with the daycare she was using so they've decided to go with a nanny-- at least for a year anyway. I think she found the one she wants and she'll start Sept. 4th. Meanwhile, Jake is with a teenager this week and may go to a church daycare until Sept. 4th.
My grandaughter, Catie, took me to Muckleshoot Casino one day to play bingo with Mary Gaboury.
None of us won but it was still fun.
I was going to bake an apple pie today but I'm not in the mood so maybe tomorrow. Gonna fix mushroom meatballs for supper and maybe kick back and watch some more episodes of Nurse Jackie on Showtime.
Tomorrow will be back to the sewing room as I work on quilt squares and maybe complete a wall hanging.
Jake has certain music videos that he's especially fond of watching and dancing to. Katy Perry's "Roar", Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off", Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk", and Maroon 5's "Sugar."
I kind of like every one of them myself. YouTube is a great place to visit.
I refrained from rearranging and I never really did any deep cleaning but I did enough to make me feel like I'd accomplished something. Tried cleaning the soap scum (again) off the shower walls but the spray stuff I have on hand just doesn't cut it. I pulled out some white vinegar and while it would have probably worked, I did notice it was going to require a lot of scrubbing and getting down low to scrub isn't something I can manage for any length of time anymore. I gave it a good rinse and decided to "avert my eyes". Ha ha It was good enough.
I relined 3 kitchen drawers with some wall paper I found hidden away in a closet. That ended up being quite a chore but at least I could sit down for most of it. The lid drawer always seems to fill up much faster than any of the others so it got thinned down first. The utensil drawer also got a workover and it looks so much nicer now. Even vacuumed and wiped everything before setting down new paper.
I ran a quick mop over the kitchen floor but only because I changed the hummingbird feeders and I always seem to drip that sticky sugar water on the floor before I get outside. I drove downtown to run the car through a car wash, washed a quilt to hang outside, weeded and watered, and then sat down to write letters. Got three of them in them mailed off today and even placed an order for some things I saw in a catalog. I don't make a habit of catalog ordering but I saw a purse I wanted and a pair of pajamas so I called it in. Also ordered a doorbell that doesn't require wiring.
Hunter (who keeps track of my books that sell on Ebay) told me there was a problem with the last book I mailed off on Aug. 11. The buyer was still waiting and she only lived in Port Townsend. I emailed her that I was sticking a second book in the mail this morning as the post office must have lost it. This afternoon I get another email from her telling me the book finally arrived and that the postmark was Aug. 11, just like I said. The package was kind of beat up, though, so I may donate the second book to her. I've still got about a dozen left in the closet to sell -- not counting the few copies I have in three book stores. One in PT and two in PA.
When I arrived home on Saturday from my 10-day stay visiting Mary and Andy, I noticed the lot across the street is finally going to get cleared of scotch broom. At least two lots so far up the street a little ways are bulldozed and ready for house construction to begin. I've seen city trucks there this morning, plus there's a sani-can on the curb.
Some of my plants were in dire need of water but I "think" I managed to revive a couple. The rhubarb is dead for sure and one plant that Sue recently planted for me when she fixed up the front garden area. I've been watering and Hunter came by this morning to give my trees a better drink than what I was doing. I did notice I got some new gladiolas blooming.
Hunter weedeated around the house this morning. The grass isn't growing and everything everywhere looks brown and ugly. The dandelions, however, were thriving and some were 2 feet high! Made it hard to walk down the side of the house or even step off the steps to go water as the bees were so busy doing their thing.
The county fair winded up last night. I never did make it over there, even though it's only a couple blocks up the street. Just too tired. Didn't make it into Jefferson County Fair either but then I was in Renton during that time.
Had a great time visiting with Jake. He's a handful, that's for sure, but he made me laugh a lot.
I posted regularly on Facebook as everything he did was cute to me. Unfortunately, my camera battery went dead almost as soon as I got there so I had to make do with my cell phone. He's some shots of him helping his dad cut the lawn.
Mary was having problems with the daycare she was using so they've decided to go with a nanny-- at least for a year anyway. I think she found the one she wants and she'll start Sept. 4th. Meanwhile, Jake is with a teenager this week and may go to a church daycare until Sept. 4th.
My grandaughter, Catie, took me to Muckleshoot Casino one day to play bingo with Mary Gaboury.
None of us won but it was still fun.
I was going to bake an apple pie today but I'm not in the mood so maybe tomorrow. Gonna fix mushroom meatballs for supper and maybe kick back and watch some more episodes of Nurse Jackie on Showtime.
Tomorrow will be back to the sewing room as I work on quilt squares and maybe complete a wall hanging.
Jake has certain music videos that he's especially fond of watching and dancing to. Katy Perry's "Roar", Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off", Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk", and Maroon 5's "Sugar."
I kind of like every one of them myself. YouTube is a great place to visit.
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