My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Yard Work

I knew I needed to get outside and do a little cleaning up around the place so I finally got myself moving after a short nap in the recliner.  I loaded up my wheelbarrow with various "things" I've had situated around the yard.  My knickknacks.  Clutter I should say.  Didn't realize just how much I had until I saw the wheelbarrow being pushed into the garage.

Hunter helped me move all the icky pots from the deck to the side of the house. He says as soon as he figures out how to constuct them, he'll try making me a planting box that goes all along the deck so I can toss the stupid looking pots that really do need to go to the dump.

 He's also going to power wash the deck but I told him that can wait until spring.
I kept my pigs just because they amuse me but we did move the bird bath.  I also had him stick a few of my bird seed hanging posts over by the trees so I can drape them with Christmas lights next month.

I also kept my three birds on a wire and moved the pot to the front.

I made a quick library run this morning as I wanted to get some new audio books.  The ones I had just weren't cutting it for me.  While in the gift shop, I overheard the clerk and another guy discussing a subject I felt I could have joined in on if I was so inclined.  She said:  When I was in my 60s, I did all kinds of activities and nothing seemed to hold me back but once I hit 70, I found I was unable to do a lot of things I used to.  I couldn't understand it.  Everything started to hurt and fall apart.

That comforted me somehow.

When I was taking Hunter home, we noticed this woman sitting in the narrow road that winds  up towards the fairgrounds. Her car was pulled over as far as she could get it and she was sitting there  reading.  We thought it was a weird place as it's kind of dark in there but there was a kid riding his bike on the nearby trails (with lots of hills) so I figured it was a grandma accommodating her grandson.  We have a tendency to do that sometimes.

Finished the first season of Game of Thrones but will hold off buying season 2 for a while. Christmas is coming and my checking account needs to get built up a bit so I can buy a few gifts.  Sure wish my Match 4 numbers would hit this week.  That would solve all my cash flow issues.

Been browsing on Facebook to look at pictures and saw these that caught my eye...
 Band on Taylor Street in front of the Rose Theatre.  Not sure of the date.
 I've seen some of these pictures on FB before of PT scenes. They're fabulous!
 Not sure who the guy on the left is but that's Anita & Phil Raymond on the right.
Dana in the Rhody Run a couple years back. Jan Boutilier and Dr. Scheyer too. Can't recall the other guys name.

Mary sent me this one today of Jake at play.

And this shows my second spool square. For some reason, it's a tiny bit larger than the first one.

Tomorrow is Veterans Day so the kids are out of school, Jenni is off work, no mail delivery, and banks are closed.  I'm gonna spend the day sewing, most likely, and surfing around online.  This is my life now.

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