Bob Watkins, Ken McMillan, Bud Ammeter
Anne & Roger DickersonJoan Knutson, Anne, Ruth Kvinsland
Bill Treloar, Jim Pedersen, Mary Treloar
Vernie & Tim Slattery, Dr. McCarron, Fran Watson
Tom Dickerson -- Dave & Kris Logue in background
Gael Stuart, Sheila Oar, Vi Choate
Helene Bishop
Jay Henselen & wife
Joanne Meister & Bill Bell
Joanne at her typewriter at the clinic
Lonnie Kvinsland
Dr. McCarron and his wife, Noreen
Phil Rich, Vi Choate, Bev Rich
Nancy Rowe, Drs. Dickerson & Al Griffith
Dr. Ross
Ken & Judy Bryant, Helene Bishop
Sheila Oar and Margaret Anderson
Great pictures!!! So many doctors I knew through the phone, but never had faces to put with the voices! Great to see Gael Stuart....what a true gentleman. And Vi Choate's hair....amazing.