My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chores first this time

I slept in until 9 a.m. this morning. That's late for me.  I had gotten up at 2 a.m.? to take a sinus pill because I had another splitting headache.  It was a "drowsy pill" and they always knock me out.  Lovin' it too!  I obviously needed the sleep.  Sometimes I can't sleep in because the leg cramps will start but they've left again so I'm happily visiting dreamland.  Amazing how much better my outlook on life is when I'm not dealing with fatigue or leg issues. Dare I say it....happy.

I sung in the shower and even giggled at the naked lady I saw in the mirror as I emerged.  Usually she gets a sneer and a few cuss words but I went easy on her today.

I fixed a hot breakfast, boiled a bunch of tea bags to make a pitcher of iced tea,  and fixed up some of my bird feeders in the back yard that had toppled to the ground because of the wet soil from the rain we've had.

Then I rearranged the living room (just a tiny bit 'cause it's what I do) and moved another table into the computer room to put my laptop on when I go in there to print or use my scanner.  Also put away my last jigsaw puzzle (which was really a fun one) but I got in a hurry and dropped about a hundred pieces on the floor that I then had to scoop up.
I talked to my cousin this morning. Bonnie Zeliff, in Pomeroy,  is also working on family genealogy.  Really helps when you can share info on people researching the same line. Yesterday I found the tombstones of my great great grandfather, Zadock, and my great grandmother, Jane Downs Blankenship. She was the mother of my grandpa, Lew Gene.

One of Jane's sons (Charlie Blankenship) continues to elude me but if he's out there, I'll find him eventually. I'm thinking Charlie must have been his middle name which is why I'm having such a difficult time.  You really have to hone your investigative techniques to look for elusive people. Zadock (another son of Jane) was recorded as Zed and Zeedick in a couple of places so I'm slowed down on finding him as well. Not as bad as ole Charlie,though.

My main area of interest is Grandpa's siblings and his parents siblings.  Women had babies almost every year back in those days and while some didn't survive, many did. Then if the wife died, the husband remarried and started producing more with the second wife.  Without TV and radio and a lot of other entertainment outlets we have today, I imagine going to bed early was the only fun they had.

Well, I need to run down to the corner grocery and buy some more stamps.  Damn post office!  Every time you turn around, they're upping postage again.  Think I'll buy a couple extra mega tickets too. I've got a couple things on my "want list" that I can't justify buying until I have some extra dough.
Like the second season of Homeland!

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