My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Har de har har HAIR!

I wish I had better hair.  Unlike my daughters who have lots of hair and know how to make it look good, I've never had the knack. I can't even buy a wig that looks good after I get it home.  I made a little hat this week and thought I would use it to cover up my flyaway mess when I'm out and about. I already wear my Port Townsend baseball type hat but it makes me look just like Roseanne's gramma. Really. Still, it does say Port Townsend on it and it is red and I'm at that age where I'm kind of invisible to the public anyhow.  And no, I'm not having a pity party. Just stating the facts. You'll know when I'm on a pity party. Ha!

I took some pictures of me this morning with my various hair styles. I guess it's pretty obvious that I have to dig deep to entertain myself sometimes. Here's how I often look right out of bed...
Here's a view as I brush the birds nest down flat...
And we go with it forward.  (Donald Trump style)
And this is after I've tried curling it up ....
And this is my frustration when I realize, yet again, that hair styling isn't a talent I possess...
The hat looked a whole lot cuter sitting on the kitchen counter.  Perhaps it's my face.  ha ha
I got up early yesterday to ride with Jenni over to Kingston to pick up Hunter. Andy and Mary both had to work so he had to come home a little earlier than he would have otherwise. I think he was ready, though. I could tell he was happy to see his mom.

Jenni wanted to stop in Sequim to buy her Costco groceries and I was kind of happy they were closed as I knew she had a lot to pick up. We both went home and took a nap and she went back later and spent $300.  I was glad I was home working contentedly on my jigsaw puzzle.

I was so preoccupied with not oversleeping that morning as she intended to come by at 6:30 that I slept fitfully all night long.  I went to bed before 9 and was exhausted.  Yet at 3 a.m. I was tossing and turning. Hate it when that happens. I forced myself to stay up last night until 10 so I could get back on a normal sleeping pattern.  Since I slept in until 7:30 this morning, I think it worked.

I plan to make a quick library run this morning to get some books on tape but I think that will be the extent of my errands.  The neighbor decided he had to cut his grass yesterday. Obviously doesn't have enough to keep busy.  Maddening to listen to that racket this time of winter but he pushed the mower happily along with his earphones on.  I'm not sure if I'm jealous of his energy level or aggravated that his lawn continues to look better than mine.  Course everybody's lawn looks better than mine.

Here's a couple more pictures from that old email I got last week....

Tereska, a child in a residence for disturbed children, grew up in a concentration camp. She drew a picture of "home" on the blackboard, Poland, 1948

Alerted by the smell of a broken bottle of liquor, Federal Agents inspect a "lumber truck". Los Angeles, 1926

One of my OCD habits is to rearrange furniture.  I moved my laptop to the kitchen table to give me a better working area for my genealogy note taking. This whole corner has now become my play area  what with computer, crossword puzzles, and my big ole jigsaw puzzle in process.
It's interesting to me to realize just how often I went into the "old computer room" to get online or check on something.  When I saw the empty room, I knew I had to "fix it."  I moved my sewing machine in there so I can have it at the ready should I decide to work on something.
I am going to try and stick with genealogy for now, though.  I wrote about it a little bit on my Town Kid blog on the Leader.

Okay. 10 a.m. and the library is open so I'm off.....

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