My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Walkin' the Streets of PT

Busy day yesterday. Started off by taking my very filthy car through a car wash in Sequim. Thankfully, the day was sunny and bright although it's raining now.  Still, I'll take this weather anytime over that white stuff they're dealing with back east.  So glad I don't live there.  I picked up John O'Brien, whose trailer is parked in the RV park directly behind Green Acres where I lived for a few years before moving up here to P.A.

We stopped at my brother's place to drop off a book I needed to return and to lend him the first season of Homeland.  Excellent show, by the way. I wish I could afford the second season. From there we went to Highway Twenty Roadhouse for lunch. Joining us was Jud Gammage, Liz & Craig, Ruth K, Linda P, and Herb E.
Our next stop was the old neighborhood where I grew up. I'd met the new owner online and she had invited me to come by and take pictures. So interesting to see how nature is trying to reclaim grandpa's old land.
 you can't even see the barn but there is a roof there on top. This was taken in the back.Below is a picture of grandpa in about the same spot when his chicken yard was fenced here.

                              The old barn is still hanging in there

                            the county uses this old barn for storage these days
 Deb and me on her deck with the lagoon in the background
 This is how grandpa's old house looks now. Must admit, it's nicer.

                                        this is about 1966
                                                                 this is about 1958
                                        This is probably the 1930's. Either dad or my uncle Jim. I can't tell.

 This shows a patch of poison hemlock growing in the bushes nearby

My uncle Jim's house can barely be seen through the trees and brush now. In the old days, a trail ran from their back yard to our backyard and we could easily keep an eye on each other.

this is the side of the house today. That first large window was my bedroom.
this photo with me on Grandpa's lap (and the Hopkins' kids) shows the side of the house in the early 40's.
The house itself has really changed over the years.

More pictures taken during our "walk about"....
 the old tree outside the barn. I'm sure it's of no interest to anyone except me.  Ha!
 view of the courthouse. There was a time you could see both of my aunt's houses from here
                                 Deb & John standing outside her place
 John visiting with Eric and his wife (and Emma the dog) as he works on a rock wall around the house where John lived in the 60's.
 two shots I took of the courthouse and post office in the same view

 standing on Washington St. bluff watching the activity below

John and Bob Dylan inside the old First National Bank on Taylor Street. It sells music now.

1 comment:

  1. Great picts Joyce! Good to see you and John again..lunch was very nice
