My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, August 1, 2013

This is what it's like to be bedridden

First of all, I'm on drugs so writing in bed on my laptop  is difficult. I might not go to the bother of fixing caps or sentence structure or spelling.  I'm also probably going to be "all over the place" as I skip from subject to subject. Just getting this paragraph written required a lot of back spacing and repair. More than I want to mess with. I'm not sitting as upright as I'd like but at least I'm mostly upright.

I've got a tray to my left with my cell phone, my smart phone, my remote, my pills, my glasses, a bell for calling Jen, a small mirror,and a piece of paper with a pencil so I can write down the pill taking time. For some reason,  I can't get them straight.  To the right of me is my coffee, my water, my lamp, a bedside toilet, and an ice chest on the floor holding my ice packs.  The scariest thing is making my way to the pot and back to bed.  Every morning when I get up and still can't walk, I'm discouraged.  I'm suspecting physical therapy would never be my strong suit. 

Sometimes I need the air cleaner on to cover the noise outside (helicopters and dogs). Other times I need the fan on to cool down the room  I seldom use a blanket or even a sheet at night.  I alternate  between wearing a knee brace and using ice packs.  I have to force myself to eat (not a bad thing) but I'd love getting on the scale to see how much I've lost.  Just as well, I can't get in there,though. If it's not a high number,I'll just be sad all over again. One thing at a time.

It is amusing have my granddaughter here during the day.  Yesterday I decided it was time after three days to change my underpants and to take a sink path (with a plastic dishpan that she fixed up for me).  When she came back into the room 'cause I needed to wash my hoo hoo and I wasn't about to put her through that, she carefully picked the dirty underpants up by her fingertips and said "Eweeew... you have big grandma pants."  I retorted..."well, what did you expect?  That I'd be wearing thongs?!

I didn't mean they were BIG; I just think you should wear boy boxers. They're more comfortable.  When I told Jenni about this conversation, she laughed and said: "That's okay. She told Grandma Kathy you hadn't changed underpants in three days!  (the things we find to laugh at)

I had a very interesting dream last night. I know it's the drugs giving me halluciations.  This dream went on and on.  I'd wake up and then start in on it again.  I couldn't help but wonder if last nights' dream wasn't a message to me about why this has happened.  Too much to discuss now but maybe another day.  My lip is healing (I  think) but it might leave a scar. I don't even care. Got a bruise on my stomach now and my chin and it kinda hurts to touch my nose and gums. My lower left leg is sore but the main discomfort is the left knee,both in front, on the sides and in the back. Takes all I've got to throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand up and then sit down again.

I think Jenni and Maddie are both hoping my first  bowel movement happens on the other persons' shift.  I don't actually think Maddie could carry out the task of emptying the bucket into the toilet. Jen says she might call Sue to do it.  (that's a joke)  Jenni keeps insisting I really should try and take a shower.  I keep insisting it isn't happening until I can walk with a walker.

My books are supposed to arrive today or tomorrow.  I'm so anxious to see them and at the same time, I have my doubts I'll be able to attend the county fair on the 9th. I had planned  to take a bunch into Don's Pharmacy that day . If not I'll have to cancel my class picnic on the 11th as well. We'll see.
Well, this is a disgusting picture but I didn't let that stop me from putting it on Facebook...
Gonna sign off now and take another nap.  Sigh.....

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning, Joyce Baby! We've all been right where you are so everyone is really feeling awful that you are down ... but not out for the count! Hang in there. Believe it or not you have begun the healing process. Rome wasn't built in a day. In fact it took God 6 days. Healing hugs are coming your way!
