Last night about 8 o'clock I decided to see if the twins wanted to have a garage sale today and tomorrow. They immediately started cleaning out their rooms in anticipation. I picked them up this morning and filled my trunk with their castoffs. For the next couple of hours we set things up in the garage and tried to decide on prices.
I didn't advertise but I hoped we'd pick up a few here and there by putting up signs around the neighborhood. It was after noon before we were ready for customers and I suspect we were a little late as we only had maybe 4 or 5 drop-ins. They were disappointed but maybe we'll do better tomorrow morning. Saturdays are usually a little better for selling stuff anyhow.
One guy that stopped in told me about this website you can post on free so I went there and signed up. It's kind of a recycle website for your area but they let you put free yard sale postings up as well. I didn't actually have a lot to sell but I thought I'd give it a try. I did have a lady take a porch cart on wheels and a tall wicker laundry basket with a lid. My prices are priced to sell. So are the kids' stuff. And we're giving free lemonade with any purchase. Also, homemade cookies for a nickel. One lady bought five.
I have a couple of 'Walkin' on Water' books left and several 'Please Mr. Postman' so if you know of anybody who'd like a copy, shoot me over an email. Water is $20, Postman is marked down to $5.

I think the tractor guy has cut all he's going to. Today him and his wife (at least I think it was him and his wife) were here using a chain saw on cleaning up a few areas around the power boxes. She was sweeping up the street debris. Maddie had a flat tire in her new bike so we went down to the bike store to get a new tube. Made two trips as Hunter thought it was a 26" wheel but it was actually 24". Anyhow, after he got the old tube out, he discovered it was scotch broom litter that punctured her tire. She was glad to get her wheels back.
I'm not sure why he does it but Sammy the dog has this habit of digging around in laundry baskets and pulling out dirty clothes onto the floor. My sister said he used to do it to her underwear. Perhaps that's what he was looking for in my basket this morning. Pervert hound!
Do you ever have days (or weeks) where your memory just won't function? It's always kind of a worry to me since we hear so much these days about dementia and Alzheimers. I seem to be having a "senior moment" a lot this week. Little stuff mainly but it's happening enough to make me wonder.
Like the kids telling me when I was making out garage sale signs that I needed to put W. 15th, not 15th. I looked at them and wondered if they were right. I wondered if I had been recording my address wrong all this time. I went to get my return address labels to see what they said. Yep! W. 15th right there. I have no clue why all of a sudden it just didn't register with me.
Earlier this morning I tore this room apart and went through the trash twice looking for a check this guy had sent me. I emailed him and he reminded me it was a $20 bill. Oh yeah. Now I remember.
And trying to call the right grandchild or my own child the right name is really a struggle. I can call Maddie three or four names before I get it right. And I'm always getting Hunter and Sammy confused too. And no matter how hard I concentrate when I'm told something I want to remember, it's like the info goes in one ear and directly out into space. We're talkin' seconds!
I won't be at all surprised if I end up with dementia. Course the good side of all this is....I won't know I've got it. ha ha
Well, it's 5:30 so I think I'll go see what I can whip up for a quick supper. I'm leaning towards breakfast. I took Yvonne to the airport at 3 so I'll be on house and cat duty the rest of the week.
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