My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Party in Renton today

 Hundreds of walk-ons on the ferry going to the Sounders game this morning.  At one point as we were waiting to board and there was only one short bench near the wait area we were in, I decided I needed to sit down. There was just enough room for my butt between these two young good looking studs.  I settled in and told the one on my left:

"Sorry....this is the day you have to sit by an old fat lady."

He looks at me and grins, and says: "Well, at least you don't stink!."  ....  tee hee

Catie picked us up and we crawled through a ton of traffic to get to Renton. Sure don't miss living on that side of the water.

The menu was wonderful.  Grilled vegetables, tossed salad, cole slaw, baked beans (my favorite), pulled pork mini sandwiches with a special sauce, chips with salsa and guacamole dip, grilled figs and cheese wrapped in bacon, grilled shrimp on skewer sticks, garlic bread, a special fruit torte dessert, fancy cupcakes, and apple pie. Maddie made up the fruit torte.

The kids' cousin, Keith Sawka, showed up for a while too. It was so nice to see him again.

Here's a shot of six of the guys and then the group shot I made everybody pose for. Would have been a lot better picture had I just taken it and stayed out of it altogether.

I didn't get home until 9:15. Sooooo tired.  But Sammy was in the backyard and happy to see me. I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow I'll hang out around the house, and then call to see if I have jury duty. I hope not. I'm not in the mood right now.

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