My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, May 25, 2012

Ahhh...Allergy season

Woke up sneezing.  The rest of the day was spent blowing my nose, squirting spray up my nose, taking pills, standing over a pan of steaming water, and generally trying to not feel sorry for myself.  Between the headaches that came and went, the ringing of the ears, the drippy nose, the ear aches, the slight sore throat, and the general feeling of fatigue, I've had better days. 

Really wanted to get outside and try weedeating or mowing but that was only asking for trouble and I knew it.  Wayne and Hunter may come over tomorrow and Wayne says his weedeater is much better and more powerful than my dinky one anyhow.

I usually don't feel bad two days in a row so I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. I'm plugging in the vaporizer tonight and running the air cleaner as well. Not sure, really, if either of them will help but I suppose it can't hurt.  It's days like this when all I see out my window is bright yellow scotch broom that I really detest that colorful but annoying bush.

I did spend a couple hours cleaning out and sorting through one of my material bins. That probably wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done  since stored material is just one big dust fluff ball. I kind of wanted to hit this birthday party in Sequim tomorrow afternoon but I guess I'll have to wait and see how the sinus cavities are feeling.  I did pull out my netty pot but I wasn't able to use it.  I even used distilled water and warmed it up a little.  I don't know why the netty pot isn't working for me.  When I first bought it a few years ago, I used it with absolutely no difficulties at all.  The last year or so, however, I get a horrendous headache immediately if I try to pour water in my sinus cavity.  I don't know if it's related to my tinnitis or what.  Can't seem to find an answer online about it either.

I did make a bit of progress on my family history project today.  Had to call my ex husband a couple of times for certain details I couldn't remember.  Amazes me that he can remember!  For example...
when he got back from overseas in Dec. 1964, he took a plane to Idaho and then to Sand Point where my brother-in-law at the time (Bill Forcier) picked him up and brought him over to Port Townsend so he could meet his new daughter.

And then there was the sequence of events of when he was discharged and we were leaving San Diego to go live in San Pablo.  I had forgotten that his sister, Frances, rode with us from San Bernadino through the desert to the bay area. 

Now that I'm getting more of  a feel for how I want to put this history project down on paper, the words are flowing a little easier.  I'm still following Bob Greene's book but I'm off on my own little side trips too.  Am trying to draw info from various things I've kept over the years and put them all in one document.  Yesterday I recorded stories of time events from meeting my husband when I was 20 through the events of a bridal shower, our wedding, and moving to San Diego.  I also decided to record all my wedding and shower gifts that were listed in my wedding book.  They kind of made me laugh.  So typically 1960's.  Gifts included:  lots of towels, his and hers pillow cases, hand mixers, measuring cups--and my favorite---two decks of cards from Mary McMinn.  hee hee

Here's two pictures I took on the way over to Jenni's house tonight. And another of Maddie and me testing out my camera settings.

Well, time to get into the jammies.

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