My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Forks in the Road

Another page from Fred Gwynne's book....

Drove into Sequim and picked up Mary Norton for our lunch date with the girls at the casino.
Had I walked away from the machines when I should have, I would have had $55 profit but nooooooo...I had to continue.  I still came home with $22 more than I left with so that will have to do. I'm going back next Monday for my sister's birthday.  She'll be 66.  Pictured above is me, Mary Norton, Linda Pedersen, Joanne Gilles, and Ruth Kvinsland.

Carol Plaster came in with her friend, Nick D'Andrea, so I had Mary take our picture.
A few minutes earlier I had taken a photo of the bingo room (they discontinued bingo) and then I took one of Mary playing a machine.

I knew we were on camera and that security would have something to do reprimanding me for taking pictures.  Sure enough.  As Carol and I (and the rest of the gang) were standing around all talking at once, a guard came by and asked Mary if "we were going to be taking anymore photos" and then he repeated their no cameras policy.  I don't think anyone else even knew he was talking to her but I was listening with one ear and trying not to laugh.  Mary had already forgotten the two pictures I'd taken in the other room and she thought he was referring to her taking one of me and Carol.  hee hee

Mary and I only gambled 20 minutes and then I dropped her off and continued on home. Picked up the twins and the dog and drove over to Airport Nursery to buy a big sack of dirt.  Hunter was going to help me transplant my crocosomia (the red flowers shown here). I've got some in pots and some in

in the front yard but I want to put them all in this little area at the bottom of the lawn where the deer can't get to them.  We worked for about 20 minutes and it got too hot so we called it quits. I put the flowers in a bucket of water and will try to work out there in early morning before the sun breaks through.

While at the Airport Nursery, I took this picture of some cute little ducks by the front door.

I just made some really tasty chocolate cake cookies (one sheet only as I used half the box).  To use the whole box, try this:
Remove about 1/4 c. dry cake mix and put aside. Mix the rest of the cake mix with 2 eggs and 1/3 C. oil. Stir well and put on ungreased sheet. Bake 7 minutes at 350.  (I ended up cooking mine for about 10 minutes as I thought they needed more time)  Very easy recipe and the kids like them too.
If the dough is too thick for you to drop onto a cookie sheet, stir in a little oil until you get the consistency you like. 

I found this recipe online and you can add other stuff to it too depending on what flavor cake mix you use. (google cake mix cookies)

Well, off to the kitchen to sew a few quilt squares together. Gonna work on my next Town Kid blog tomorrow. Thought of a fun subject to write on.

Broke down and made a doctor appt yesterday. Will go in next week and see if I can't get some solution to these terrible foot and leg cramps that have been plaguing me DAILY.  I should say nightly. Had a couple early this morning at 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. in each foot. Real buggers too! Am determined to up my water intake for the next few days and see if it improves. I thought I was drinking enough but perhaps not. Also going to take two calcium tablets a day and drink vinegar water each morning.  Gees!  The things we go through to try and feel better.

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