My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Another interesting dream

Well, it was interesting to me at any rate.  I retired over 11 years ago yet the paper mill office continues to show up in my nighttime dreamscapes every now and again.  And they're always about the same theme.  I'm usually making several trips back and forth to my car taking home all my "stuff" as my job is ending. After 24 years, I had a ton of "stuff" to drag home.  I'm also struggling to find a place to sit and do my job and I'm having a tough time calculating a bill of lading heading on a form.

It  isn't hard for me to analyze those events.  While I was ready and eager to retire and relocate in Port Angeles, it was still challenging to realize my lifestyle was changing and that my job was disappearing. Several jobs changed during that period of time and several jobs disappeared altogether.  New management, computer technology, the economy, etc.   Sometimes I miss the social end of that job, and the (now outdated) office procedures I went through on a daily basis. So many people have passed on. Pretty soon I'll be one of them.

I've  turned on my Pandora  Music channel and turned off the morning news shows.  Already I'm feeling better.  It's gray and gloomy looking outside my office window but it is January, after all.  The dryer is running, the dishwasher is loaded, and my day awaits me.  I don't have any errands to run so it's going to be household chores and hobbies.

My jigsaw is coming right along and so far, it's been pretty easy.  I like that.  My picture boxes are open and ready for me to start sorting and scanning, and my exercise bike is calling my name.  As usual, my shoulders are causing me distress. I've got my fingers crossed that the doctor can figure out exactly what is going on.  I'm sure it's related to the fall I took in July and I'm hoping the solution is attainable without surgery.  I really don't want to see the hospital again any time soon.

I'm kind of prepared to be told it's just something I'm going to have to live with.  Like my front tooth that the dentist said is "just one of those things."  I can adjust my lifestyle with the tooth being a nuisance but the shoulders are interfering with just about all physical movements I want to take. Even sitting in my recliner and reaching sideways to turn off a lamp reminds me that I'm broken.

Thank you to Joy Bland for working on my old photograph.  You can't fix copies as well as negatives so I was glad she could do anything at all.  This is the only photo I have of my folks when they were still married.  I think it's 1948 taken in the brown house on 22nd Street.
I think I'm going to change the curtains in this room.  I've tried several but haven't landed on exactly what I want.  I prefer having the blinds pulled up as it lets in more light but raising and lowering them each day and night wears out the cord.  I've never liked having windows exposed in the black of night as I always feel like someone is watching me.  Perhaps because I know darn well if I was going by a house with an open lit room, I'd look inside.  I do the same thing walking down a hospital corridor.  Always was a lookie loo. yard just filled up with a dozen birds hopping around.  Robins.  And one is watching me closely through the window.  I wonder what brought this on.  Worms I suppose.  Ha ha  I don't remember exactly when I became a birdwatcher but I'm pretty sure it was after I retired and had more interest in nature.

Okay. I've put off that exercise bike long enough.  Time to remind my body who's in charge around here!

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