My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Going to the next level

I've known for some time that if I want to make this blog more interesting and get more followers, I'm going to have to study up and learn new techniques. There's so much out there I hardly know where to start but I guess I'll do a little each day to walk in that direction.  Sometimes the language used requires me to read it over a second or a third time to figure out what it is they're talking about.

Course I'm going to have to change my topics too, I suppose.  You can only discuss what you watched on tv, are fixing for supper, what body part hurts, or the birds out your window so many times and then it gets boring. Not to me maybe but to others.  Ha!

Speaking of which.....I noticed two bruises on my body this morning. Both very colorful too.  One where the lab technician drew blood on Friday and the other where the doctor injected sterioids in my right shoulder bursa.  My skin took on several hues when I was in the hospital but I guess that's normal.

I dropped off to sleep thinking over in my mind how I wanted to get my photographs sorted and thinned down.  It's so hard for me to throw away a picture.  The easiest ones are those of me, and more often than not, I can't toss those in the trash soon enough!

I have more than one project in mind for these photos.  I want to do a write up on my family history and insert pictures as I go along.  I also want to write about all the places I've lived since I was born and show photos of the homes and neighborhoods and neighbors,etc.  Both before and after. Now that I think about it, I'd kind of like to do one on friends as well. many possibilities here. If I want to get even more of my photos onto a disk, I could also make a separate one about animals, birds, cars, toys, etc.  Oh dear, more to think about.  It's starting to hurt my brain.

I'm sitting here watching a family of quail pitter patter along the curb.  They've stopped to rest under a bush I have and i think they're eyeing my lawn for possible worms.  Ought to be a dandy supply since it rained so hard yesterday.  Wind blew like crazy too.

Well, I'd better climb on that exercise bike early on this morning or I'll allow myself to find an excuse to ignore it again.  Have got to get my act together.  I think I'll wait until 10 a.m. so I can watch football at the same time.  I enjoyed the Seahawks game yesterday and got quite a bit done on my jigsaw puzzle.  Can't do that this afternoon/evening, though, as the Golden Globes are on and I have to keep notes on who looks the best and who looks pathetic.  I usually have definite opinions on award show outcomes.  Even though I have seen next to none of the movies nominated, I do know which ones I intend to rent at RedBox once they're available.

The one movie I did go  see was Gravity and what a huge disappointment that was!  If it gets best movie, I may have to throw things at the television set.  I am pulling for Meryl Streep in the comedy category and Judi Dench in the dramatic.  Actors for comedy and drama, I want Bruce Dern and Matthew McConaughey. TV actors is a tough one as I like Kevin Spacey (House of Cards), James Spader (The Black List) and Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad).  Kerry Washington (Scandal) should win for actress.

Going to Silverdale tomorrow morning but I think that's all I have planned this week.  Looking forward to seeing Ruth.

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