My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Movin' right along...

Funny how some mornings you can wake up feeling more energetic than usual.  Wonder why that is. Especially since I went to bed very very tired and achy. At any rate, I'm taking advantage of it. My self-cleaning oven is doing it's job so I'm staying out of the kitchen until it's done.  Even with the sliding glass door open, it's still strong smelling.

I did up the dishes, ran a load of laundry, mailed off a gift to Ruthie, picked up my Hit 5 ticket for the next ten days, rearranged the frontroom, and even wiped down my car.  What  a job! This is my second white car but the way this one is shaped, it seems to pick up and hold dirt like no car I've ever had before.  Filthy within minutes.

I wrote to an author that I like (J.A. Jance) and received a reply a few minutes ago.   Red Box sent me a promo code to use the next time I pick up a movie so I think I'll use it soon as it's only good for two weeks.  Always like free movies.  Also signed up for MGo  and am getting two free movies from them streaming in on the tv set.

I was kind of hopeful this morning when both shoulders weren't bothering me hardly at all.  By the time I finished wiping down the car and rearranging the living room, however, the soreness was back with a vengeance.  That irritates the hell out of me as my thinking is should improve with exercise, not worsen.  Now it pains me to even pick up a glass of V-8 juice sitting nearby.  Rats!

I watched an interesting documentary on Netflix a couple nights back -- about Tent City in Nashville. Later on I'll probably cut out two more quilt squares to work on.  I find if I cut and sew just two at a time, I'm more apt to stick with it.  I'm still having problems with perfection on anything with triangles but I'll get the hang of it eventually. My two yesterday are the ones on top.

Well, guess I'll go make up some banana  cookie dough, put away the laundry, climb on the exercise bike, fix lunch, and sit down to work a crossword puzzle and then my jigsaw.  Such a tough life I have right now.

And here's a song I love singing along to in my car 'cause I know all the words and I really sound good with Johnny.

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