My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back online...a little bit

If I get nothing else accomplished today, I do plan on posting on my blog.  It's 9:15 a.m. and I'm walking very slowly and painfully, but am able to get from frontroom to bedroom to bathroom under my own steam. Still have to talk myself into every single step.

Once I figure out how to sleep more comfortably at night, I'm hoping my strength will return. Physical therapist came Friday and will return tomorrow with exercises I'm trying to do twice a day. Hope to get to the dentist this or next week to get an evaluation on what's going on with my teeth. At least four are loose or something?  Leaving me with terrible dry mouth during the night and I'm fairly certain the nerves are exposed since cold water hurts.  One thing at a time. I know I can't get knee replacement unless the dentist says there's no infection in the mouth.  My lower lip has a big sore on it too but I'm more focused on my left knee for now.

My goal is to get stronger, keep exercising the knee, continue to lose weight, and prepare myself for
knee replacement at the end of September.  I have to figure out how to find out if medicare and aarp will pay for me going to a nursing home rehab after the operation for a couple weeks. I need someone here 24/7 when I return from the hospital and as I continue physical therapy on the knee.  I've heard that's no walk in the park but these past three weeks have been pure hell painwise so how worse could it be?!
I've also heard that once you get through the after surgery therapy, you feel better and are glad you went through with it.  Anybody know where I can check on medicare coverage for nursing home care after an operation?  I've heard they pay for the surgery; just not positive about the after care. Would appreciate any info.

My appetite continues to be poor and I usually only eat just because I'm taking ibuprofen and know I need something in my stomach.  Have only lost 8 pounds or so but once I can get moving, I know that will get better.

Depression has been hard on me through this period.  I seem to cry at the drop of a hat.  Frustration and pain will do that, I suppose.  Always thought I was a little tougher but I guess not.  I may see about getting on anti-anxiety pills for a while to take the edge off.

I try not to think about the fall but sometimes my mind goes back to that night and I'm shocked at how quickly and HARD I fell, and how it altered my life just as quickly.  I will forever be aware of the possibility of falling.  It's been comforting to hear others stories of their falls or people they know falling and the consequences they dealt with.  You feel so alone.

Getting down the three steps to the car (for doc appts) was especially difficult and scary. I was so relieved with my son-in-law, Andy, and my brother, Les, built a ramp on Saturday.

Every day brings me a little closer to health but you definitely have to dig deep sometimes to keep your resolve strong.  I intend to be more aware of people who are laid up with injuries and to help all I can.  My girls have been my rock and sometimes I just cry with thankfulness for them.

Getting on the phone is still tiring and I'm surprised I'm sitting here as long as I have been to type.
Am hoping to get two books mailed today but it's slow going as I have to direct my "helpers" to find envelopes, addresses, return stamp, etc. and to take them to the post office. (thank you Bobby Comas and Marian Garrett) I'll try to get your books off today or tomorrow.

And thank you to Barb Shaw and Linda Pedersen for helping me get my books to the store counter for sale.  I just don't have the energy right now to give it my attention.

Well, off to the kitchen counter to see if I can't get my morning exercises done as long as I'm up and out of my recliner.  Thank you everyone for your facebook comments and well wishes. It really helped.

Also, if you call and don't get an answer, it's either because I'm just too tired or the phone is away from my side. Sometimes it rings and quits ringing before anyone can get to it.  I'm thankful I have my cell (always by my side for support) but they can be difficult little gadgets to operate at the same time.

And that will be it for today.

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