My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, August 12, 2013

What a way to leave my 60's!

I was determined to get at least one little thing accomplished today.  This will be a short post as writing on my lap is too uncomfortable.  Too much to write to explain everything that's happened but hopefully, I'll be able to recall some of the events later.

As if dealing with this banged up knee isn't bad enough, now my right shoulder/arm is KILLING ME!  I suspect from using my arms on the walker to help me navigate a few steps from time to time.
I went to the orthopedic surgeon this morning for more x-rays. Wanted to die right then and there.  Then she aspirated more fluid from my knee as it was swelling again.  It's wrapped and I'm taking pain pill and antibiotic.

Friday I go see her again and then head off to the hospital for a surgery to clean out the wound.  The
knee fluid showed bacteria growth and it has to be dealt with so I can begin healing. Slow process. Arthritis is always going to be there. I've accepted that. I just want to be able to live in my house without a caregiver.

Has made me very aware of the understanding and patience and help you need to extend those whose body has caused them to cripple up.  Has made me aware of several things really.  And yes, I seem to cry a lot.  Pain and frustration will do that.  I am soooooo thankful for my daughters and granddaughters.  And thank you to my brother, Les, who got me a good walker.

For now my daily routine is sit in my recliner with leg elevated, take pills, use walker to get to commode (next to my recliner until I go to bed when it's next to my bed).  Gross, I know, but you do what you have to do.  Lost all modesty of relieving myself and being naked in front of others.  Poor Catie gagged a couple times but we laughed it off and she said we're gonna make up a poopy song to sing for when she has to wipe my butt.  ha ha   We  discuss poop a whole lot now.

We make fun of everything and everybody. Jenni keeps me laughing.  When we were in the ER the first time, a doctor asked how I fell.  Jenni told him it was the Deer's fault.  After he heard the story, he said, "I think you're right. It was the Deer."  (I was out moving bird seed to keep it away from the deer at night when I tripped on the rockery and caused a minor earthquake on our street.

I've  been so wiped out, I couldn't get online, didn't watch tv much, couldn't read, had no appetite,and
had lots of weird thoughts about wondering if "this is it."  Always the drama queen but I have to be realistic too.  One good fall can alter your lifestyle forever.

I don't see how some people survive car wrecks and crime attacks and such.  All I did was fall down and if I didn't have these kids coming to my aid, I'd be in the nursing home.  I never take their help for granted.

And this will be the extent of blogging today.  Thank you for the cards and Facebook shout outs. I appreciate it.  And thank you to Linda Pedersen for helping me get my Town Kid books in to Don's Pharmacy.  I'm too weary to market them at other places right now but I've got time.

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