My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Not quite there yet

Been a rough day or so.  Seems I have another UTI so back on antibiotics. (which make me nauseous)  Also seem to have a low red blood count (anemia I think) so have to get a shot on Tuesday when I see my doctor.  I'm very tired and listless and feel lightheaded off and on. Low blood pressure I assume.  Getting real weary of this whole mess!  If I could just get my insides on track, I could give more attention to physical therapy on my knee.

On the bright side, I did take a shower on my own today, got dressed, peeled a potato and grated it up for hash browns with an egg.  Very shaky by the time I sat down to eat, though.  Upper right shoulder gives me grief all the time....even in bed...yet I can move my arm freely otherwise.  The antibiotic directions said you could have tendinitis issues.  Great!

Appetite continues to be down but I have lost at least 15 pounds.  The directions for post-op surgery are daunting at times.  Pills to take, compression stockings to wear, physical therapy but all I can do is a day at a time.  Odd how a fall (even if it was a hard fall) could screw up my body to this extent.  The knee I can understand but the rest of this nonsense is getting on my nerves!

Sue and Jenni take turns staying with me at night. I probably could manage okay but it's comforting having someone in the house.  I have a terrible habit of imagining the worst.  And the nightmares....oh Lordy, they're over the top!

I am walking better with the walker but I'm no where close to using a cane.  After the surgery p/t I suppose.  My tongue flares up with an uncomfortable feeling but that might be another side effect of drugs.  My four front teeth also feel weird.  Like they've been moved  bit and the normal feeling of touching your tooth is off.

Well, this is kind of a downer blog post today but at least I'm sitting at the table and getting online for a few minutes.  Am hoping once my anemia is fixed and I'm off antibiotics, my head will clear and I can focus on the world around me. It's like I'm in a cloud a lot of the time.  whine...whine....

Maybe better tomorrow.

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