My neighborhood growing up

19th Street, Port Townsend
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Bought Books Today
Went to the doctor so she could earn her money by listening to me whine yet again that my body hurts. Poor lady. No real answers to what ails me but then I didn't really expect any. People on Google had the same problem so at least I'm not alone. Just needed a little reassurance that sometimes the body is just plain gonna hurt.
She was nice enough to look my finger over that the dermatologist MADE WORSE by icing it with her special gun. Doctor said it looked like it was healing but if it started to get sore or oozy to come back to her on Saturday for an antibiotic.
After leaving there, I stopped at Serenity House to browse. Picked up a couple of good sheets to use as quilt pieces or quilt backing. One was bright red and the other was black and white stripes. Can't beat the price for 100% cotton if you hit the thrift stores. Much cheaper than the fabric shop. I was looking for a small tarp to throw over my fans when I store them in the garage during winter, but I may end up buying an old blanket instead.
My day started off on the wrong foot as I woke up with those dang toe/foot/leg cramps. And this after taking 6 pills before going to bed. I guess they're not the magic potion I was hoping they would be. Still, they did seem to work most of the time.
I taped 'The Voice' the other night and watched it last night. I think it's coming off my watch list. Too much emphasis on the judges being cute and I don't like it when a person gets up to sing and no chairs turn around and then she has to cry on national television. And yes, I know that's the chance she chose to take hoping to be a star, but I still don't like it! What if that was your child or grandchild? Just plain ole mean tv in my opinion.
I'm gonna watch Sons of Anarchy tonight. At least with that show, I know they're all mean.
Had the Katic Couric show on just now but had to turn it off as Heidi Klum was making me ill with her cutesy voice. And she didn't have anything interesting to say anyhow. Kind of like me and my blogs. Ha ha
I drove downtown, searched for a parking place, and ended up using a parking lot instead. Walked two blocks down the street to the book store as I wanted a copy of the Rolling Stone Magazine with Bob Dylan on the cover. They didn't have it yet, and that was just another annoyance for me to deal with. I browsed as long as I was in there. Big mistake. Spent $46. I'm such a damn fool sometimes.
I got a book called "Images of America --Vanishing Portland." Cool pictures. There's a Jefferson County book out like this too. I have it already.
I also bought a book that is on eBay with several bids on several copies and is on the library wait list with 45 people requesting it. (Wild by Cheryl Strayed) I went ahead and got it and will regift it to someone later when I need a present. Which reminds little brother, Dana, will be 62 this Saturday, and my cousin, Ann in Tacoma will be 79.
When I was trying to empty my material bins earlier this summer by cutting out quilt squares of different sizes, I managed to use up two of the sizes (well almost use up) and now I've got two more sizes to sew together.
One set is 3-1/2" and the other is 4". Something tells me I'm going to be sewing quilts into the winter time. I do intend to get back to genealogy, though. Only problem is, there's only so many hours in a day for my various projects. Besides family tree data and sewing, I've got two diaries to transcribe and my autobiography to get back to work on. It's been on the back burner for a while as I got distracted.
Well, let's see ....what else....oh yeah, I posted on my Leader blog today. Town Kid --subject is "9/11 stirs memories." Friday I may post on the 'What do you say' blog with another question. That's been a fun one for me because I don't have to put any thinking into the responses are fun to read.
And the video for today.....
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