My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Starting a new project

I woke up with  terrible low backache again. Some mornings are worse than others. Just getting up and moving usually sends quick relief but this one was bad enough that I decided to haul in the large memory foam mattress from the single bed in the other bedroom.  Every once in a while, I throw it on my mattress to see if I sleep better. After a while, I'm hauling it back to the other bedroom to try a firm mattress again.  I just can't judge  which is better. I love sleeping on the foam and love sitting on it to read in bed at night but sometimes....I wake up awfully stiff and sore and wonder if I need a firm mattress again.  I realize that most of this body achiness is plain old age and you have to suck it up but I'll never give my quest to feel perky.  ha ha ha ha ha

Looked at some of the comments received on my Leader blog for Question #2.  Most people are sincere while taking the time to write, and others you can tell are just commenting off their cuff or being ..well..maybe sarcastic.  That's fine. Makes it all the more entertaining to me. Every once in a while I comment on something I've seen on Facebook and then I'll sit there a minute to think it over and decide if I really want that on there.  I've deleted more than once realizing I'm commenting too quickly.

I've decided I'll probably post my questions every four days on my 'What Do You Say" blog which means I'll pull out a card tomorrow morning for post #3.  I do look forward to seeing the answers.

I started transcribing the first of two journals this morning (from shorthand). I'm only doing about a week at a time because it's tedious trying to transcribe my shorthand scribble. The first two days of this diary (July 5 & 6, 2005) talked about attending a memorial for my cousin Claude  in Bellingham; my brother and his wife, Lill, selling their house in Baker City, Oregon and planning to move to Port Townsend; and my sister planning to move here and manage Admiralty Apts.Then it got down to the boring stuff of who I got mail from, how I needed to think again about dieting, and what part of my body was causing me grief.  Sadly, I already know that most of my transcribing is going to be really annoying and tedious crap about my body woes.  To save myself time and energy, I need to decide if I'm going to record all those sentences or delete them and just record events. 

Heaven knows I would certainly come across looking a whole lot better if I didn't make reference to my health complaints.  Then again, everyone already pretty much knows that I discuss body woes; it's who I am. 

It's 9 a.m. and I'm going out to ride my bike for a half hour and then come back to transcribing, blogging, and working on my book. What a fun way to spend a summer day.  Looks like autumn starts on my birthday this year.    More later....

Back at it. The more  I transcribe, the more I think I'll omit body complants and "stupid boring stuff".
I wrote things like "scanned in pictures to send to people" and "Emailed Margee".  I'm omitting those type of entries...especially when I have no clue who Margee even is!  I will keep comments like:
"Took Irene Sofie to Big Lots".  ha ha  Yeah, my life is really on the fast track.

Here's an interesting video on animals:

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