My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What did the bee name his kid?


(that was a riddle on my popsycle stick last night)

Got up early again. It's really a shame when you wake up all night long and look at the clock hoping it's close enough to morning to go ahead and crawl out of bed.  This ongoing foot/leg issue is aggravated sometimes by activity but almost always by being in bed trying to sleep.  Doesn't seem to be letting up so I can only assume I've reached that place I need to be at where I don't chicken out of getting an MRI. Maybe I'll try sleeping in my recliner tonight to see if it gives me a better nights' sleep.

I moved my flower pots off the porch and into a circle on the lawn so I could set a sprinkler in the middle of them so they'd get more water.  I was trying to water everyday but I'm sure I wasn't spending as much time using the hose as I should have.  My poor lawn sure looks like it's anxious for fall to get here.
I have been running the sprinkler at least a half hour every morning in the front yard and it's definitely looking greener than it was.
I may try to get a little sewing done this afternoon. I made a small quilt piece intending to border it with plain red,white,and blue material but I didn't like the shade of blues I had onhand so I made a trip across town to Joanne Fabrics to buy half a yard. Haven't really decided what I'm doing with the thing when I'm done. Mainly it was just busy work and I always need practice on quilting.

Made a stop at Safeway to stock up on a few items and fill the car up with gas..YET AGAIN! 
Yvonne called wanting me to ride with her to Sequim this afternoon so I guess I'll do that. Always fun to be a passenger so you can look over the scenery.

I opened up a Twitter account a couple nights ago. Not sure why except all I ever hear on TV anymore is Twitter this and Twitter that. I decided to see exactly what in the hell Twitter is.  Looks a little bit like Facebook but I haven't set up my page yet. You have to name your favorites and such, and I'm too weary to like anybody. Ha!

I need to invest in a high bird feeder stake. I've got one and the hummingbirds visit it but they pretty much leave the lower ones alone.  They're driving me crazy as I hop up to get a picture everytime I see them and they immediately take off. I know they're doing that just to be mean.  The lower hummingbird feeders are attracting bees, and I don't feel like taking their picture.  Just now, six or seven big old crows landed at the bird bath to get a drink. I quietly picked up my camera and tried to get a picture but they too, were acting like snots and took off!

I picked up Hunter at Cross Country yesterday afternoon and he told me the route him and his dad took the day before as they ran around on trails and nearby streets.  I was surprised although I guess I shouldn't be because I know Wayne loves to go hiking.  I think it's cool that they do stuff like that together.  Maddie and Wayne went to a father/daughter dance Saturday night. I'll post the picture once I get a look at it.

I posted on my "other" Leader blog this morning. (What do you say?) Question was 'What did you get into the most trouble for when you were young?'  Give it a look see and comment...if you dare.

I don't know if I'll go to this movie or not as sitting in theatres has become an issue with me these past years but I just might. I'm a whole lot more interested in history than I used to be and this movie looks pretty good.

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