I mowed the front lawn yesterday. It was mostly tall dandelions. Little grass. I have decided to start watering out there to see if I can't bring back a little green color instead of the yellow/brown. I run the sprinkler for 30 minutes and then pull it to another part of the lawn for another half hour. I vacuumed out my car yesterday but then decided I wasn't in the mood to wash it. Drove downtown to a carwash where you go through the mops and brushes. Much easier although I've only done that once before and I was a little apprehensive about getting my tires on the pull-through gliders. I'm still trying to get comfortable with how the car handles and my parking is sometimes a little off the mark.
After that, I went across town to Bargain Warehouse to see about buying a new recliner. My old one was screwed up and wouldn't recline back to the sleeping position. I look forward to naps in that chair and I was upset I couldn't sleep sitting up that well. Besides, it's almost my birthday and I needed a good present. I gave Jenni and Wayne my old one.
I saw my son-in-law's beach pictures on Facebook this morning and had to share some. Other peoples' pictures always appeal to me more than mine. My granddaughter, Catie, took some great shots as well. I'll have to go back and find them. Here's Andy's.....
Andy's bird kite really looked neat
the trail to our back deck
I soaked some beans overnight and plan to make up a big pot of bean soup with ham hocks. Yesterday I made this salmon loaf (from a can) and it sure was good. I may use leftovers for sandwiches. I was having a hard time getting it thick enough to form a loaf but once I added a few oatmeal flakes, a piece of bread crust cut up, a tablespoon of flour, onion, celery, garlic, and an egg, it all came together. I also cooked up a sweet potato and had mashed potatoes. Yum!
Well, my stove timer is going off so guess I'll go move the sprinkler to another spot.
Here's some of Catie's photos:
the sand castle at sunset
Sammy, Hunter, & Jenni off for a stroll on the beach
Mary brought several games to the beach and one of them was this box of cards with questions on it. Simple subjects yet they made you think. (TableTopics) I'm playing with the idea of using them for my Leader blog. Right now I only post every couple of weeks but with this game, I could write everyday. I've already got my subject in mind for today, though. Thinking of writing about family vacations.
Happy birthday yesterday to Carol Rustad Musial in Bremerton and George Orth in Port Townsend.
Tomorrow is the birthday of two aunts--both gone now but not forgotten.
Elva Arey, one of my dad's two older sisters

Lorraine Blankenship, wife of my dad's brother, George
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