My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Relaxing Sunday

I planned to get up early as I like to catch the CBS Morning News show but I was just too dang tired this a.m.  Partly because a good-for-nothing neighbor in the alley allowed his dog to bark from 10 to past 12.  I even got in my car at one point to drive the alley and see which house was to blame.  I should have known it would be the pig house.  Actually, I can't tell for sure which house is to blame. One has a nice lawn kept cut but has several junk cars parked behind their house in the alley; the other has tall grassy lawn and (I think) one junk car and a mattress.  I don't understand how people can be so tacky when they have such close neighbors.
                       that mattress has been out there a long time. I'd bet money rats live under it.
                               the windows are even broke out of this piece of crap
                                           Just take it to the dump if it doesn't work!

Had to get after the neighbors on one side of me yesterday after the boys playing ball hit my large
living room window.  I went out on the deck but they had made a quick exit into the house.  I decided I'd better have words with the dad.  Thankfully, he's a nice guy and even made the boys come over and apologize.  I had four of their balls in my yard by this time. I think they need to move that trampoline/basketball hoop to the other  side of yard which borders an empty lot.

The neighbors on the other side of me are moving at the end of the month. Coast guard family being sent to California.  I never did really get to know them but then again, they're a young couple with kids and have their own circle of friends. Why should they get to know the ole fat lady next door?  ha ha

I was determined to get a backing prepared for my quilt so I spent a little time going through my material bin to see what I had that was big enough.  Finally found an old curtain (I think) but I needed to sew on a couple of strips to make it big enough.  Wasn't about to go invest in more material when I can use up my scraps.  Even if the end result looks like an Oakie made it.

Sue dropped in and gave me a hand at cleaning and weeding around my three trees in the backyard. Needed someone who could get down on the ground and really tug on the grass and weeds.

I managed to get the quilt back at the point where I could set it aside until tomorrow when I tackle putting it together with batting. I hate that part the most.  My quilts invariably look pretty pathetic but I keep on trying.

I sat down to watch golf and that was relaxing. Then I set my VCR to record The Tonys tonight so I can watch Bill O'Reilly's show about the original Lone Ranger.  Then I'll probably tune in Louie on Amazon Prime.

I brought in the fans from the garage and have them set up around the house. It doesn't usually get as hot up here as it does on the Seattle side but we do have those days once in a while where I need to hook up the regular a/c unit to a window.  I need someone to help me lift it onto a table when I decide to use it, though, as you need to empty the water pan and I've discovered it's much easier to access the pan if the unit is up off the floor.

There must be a couple of teenage boys next door as I've got two girls in my driveway acting especially "cutesy" like they're performing. Oh to be young again. Course I never acted like that!  Ha!

The hummingbirds have been buzzing on a daily basis out front. Going through the nectar more quickly too. I think there are four now. Here's one I took a few minutes ago.
And here's Jake playing at his cousin Catie's pool. Her apartment is near Mary and Andy.
Got my car washed yesterday by the Varsity Girls. Maddie is in the green shirt.    

                               And here's two of Jake playing in his backyard.

Maddie started bussing tables at Traylor's Restaurant yesterday.  Jenni worked there for several years.
Here she is  with two of Jenni's coworkers.

Tomorrow is quilt sewing and the usual genealogy research and sorting project.  Think I'm gonna bite the bullet and make a dentist appt too. I'm wayyyyyy over due.

Well, the buzzer just went off so I'd better take the piece of salmon out of the oven and have supper. Fixed a tossed salad to go along with it even though I didn't have any tomatoes (which I think all salads need) Still, I think it will be tasty -- lettuce, shredded carrot, slice of red onion, swiss cheese chunks, green beans cut up, hard boiled egg, and chopped celery.  Yummmm!

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