My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Our trip to Seattle

I was gone from the house for close to 11 hours yesterday.  Needless to say, I slept like a log last night.  Not at all thrilled with traveling to the city.  At least not yesterday. Too many aggravations.
We left P.A. in plenty of time and got to the Clearwater Casino with enough time to play the slots for a few minutes as we waited for the 11 a.m. shuttle bus to take us to the terminal.  Since I always have to be on time or early, I was standing out there for about 15 minutes. The driver came out and walked over to the bus and started it up. There are three lanes going in a circle in front of the casino and I wasn't sure if he was going to circle around and come closer to the door so I just waited.  He never did open the door for passengers yet I know he saw me standing there.

Anyhow, the bugger took off!  Another casino guy came out and I asked him what was going on. He called the driver immediately but he chose to not turn around.  We were pissed!  Ran to my car and took off and parked (very crowded lot) and then the parking meter machine was defective and wouldn't accept our credit cards.  Moved to another space further away and by the time we got to the ferry, we were about 2 minutes late.  Did I say we were pissed?

We sat there for an hour and when the shuttle bus arrived to pick up the passengers coming in, I went over and told the driver off.  He finally said sorry but I knew he wasn't.  I said yeah...oh well!

Thankfully, Ann had a couple of errands to run so she didn't have to sit there for an hour waiting on us. She got us up to Swedish and Jenni took off for her appt while we parked and went to find the cafeteria.  Found out later, Ann forgot her cell phone in the hospital waiting room and had to drive back to get it. She was halfway home when she realized she was missing it.   Felt so bad for her. That downtown traffic with all the construction is a mess!

As I drove from the ferry terminal back to the casino (had to cash in a slot ticket I had) we became stuck in what I guess is the usual afternoon commute.  Two lane highway. Ten miles an hour (or less) for ten miles.  Crawled along. Did I say we were pissed?  Was actually glad to have to stop at the casino to get off the highway.  We stayed maybe 20 minutes (didn't win) and proceeded back on the highway.  Traffic was thinner but the rains came down in buckets so had to go along carefully.

Jenni needed to stop at Walmart to put her prescriptions in so I thought I would step inside the door and order a Subway sandwich for supper.  One guy working. One guy ahead of me taking his sweet time figuring out what he wanted. Was ordering for more than one I think. Anyhow, by the time Jenni arrived back I hadn't even been waited on yet so I said the hell with it and went out to the car.

Watched a special about the Dust Bowl years and went to bed.  Today I've been busy with odds and ends.  Had two pair of grass cutters and a limb cutter that were all rusty. I've got to take better care of my tools.
I used steel wool and sandpaper on all three but they'll never look new again.  I also put two new spray faucets on my two garden hoses but I think I need washers as they managed to get me fairly wet as I gave the beans a quick squirt.

I set out fresh nectar for the hummingbirds, and took in three pair of pants (no I'm not losing weight). I just see myself larger than life sometimes and buy clothes that are too big for me. That's the problem with catalog shopping.  I vacuumed out the car, loaded the dishwasher, shopped at Haggens for the ingredients I needed to make fried rice tonight, and even got on the phone to make a couple of doctor appts.  Been putting it off for weeks to get my right knee checked out and I decided to bite the bullet.

Course I got put on hold for ten minutes and when it appeared no one was coming back, I hung up and tried again.  Figured it was just the kind of week I'm having. So tomorrow I drive into
Sequim to see a P.A. whose last day is this Friday.  Wonder why I'm bothering but I need to get an opinion before I see an orthopedic surgeon.

Forgot to take pictures while I was in Seattle (too stressed I think) but I did take one of a plant outside the casino door as I waited for the wayward bus driver. Not sure what it is but I thought it looked interesting

I'm too tired to bother with it today but tomorrow I'm going to make up some breakfast sausage burritos to keep in the freezer for a quick breakfast now and then. Jenni had ordered one at McDonalds and it looked pretty darn good.  One nice thing that happened yesterday was I came home to this large box sitting on my porch.

My Mother's Day present from Mary and Andy arrived and it was just what I wanted. (and needed)
I know it wasn't cheap either 'cause I was pricing them. Anyhow, I've had such a problem with garbage smell that I was thrilled to get this.  She said they bought themselves one too.

Tomorrow will be more relaxing.  Well, at least until I have to drive into Sequim and let this young cute guy look at my big fat leg.  I've never  met him but I know he'll be cute and he'll be young. They all are these days.

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