My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ahhh...It's still Summer

I've got a quilt waiting for me on the kitchen table that I put together before I left for the ocean.  I'm at the hard part of sewing the three layers together and finishing the hems. My goal for today is to get that done and out of my hair.  I think I'm going to tie this one because it's faster.
When the dermatologist burned (or iced?) a spot on my finger yesterday, she didn't mention that it would puff up and blister.  How alarming to see it later in the day. I called the office and the receptionist instructed me to not pop it if I can possibly keep from doing so because then it could get infected.  Going to be difficult since it's on my pointing finger.  Would have been nice to have had this information while I was in there.
I didn't get too much done yesterday.  Trimmed a bush outside my window, made a large batch of bean soup, and posted on my Leader blog.

Today I'm quilting and listening to The Good Earth on tape.  Maybe I'll set up my tape player and see about getting those cassettes of Andy's made into CDs.  I wonder if each tape needs one CD.  I never can figure out stuff like that.  Maybe I'll run over to Walmart and buy some disks.  I could use a stylus for my smart phone too as I can't find the one I had.  I think I have half a dozen other items on my shopping list, as well.

Nothing on my calendar until Sept. 15th.  I'm picking up cousins at Fat Smitty's in Discovery Bay and take them into PT so we can ride around and see the sights.  May go to lunch with other cousins too--Lee & Elaine Arey.

Here's a short video I shot at Moclips....  (It's like most of my videos....cornbally)

Here's another video I found on YouTube of the house we stayed in.

Sure is looking nice outside.  I'd better add "ride my bike" to my to-do list.   Playing with the idea of heading across town to Walmart too.

I edited my Leader blog this morning. Took out the part about adding a "question" every day. Figured that might be too much. Perhaps I'll post the questions here instead. Well, coffee is done so I'm off.

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