My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dealing with Gadgets

One thing I've noticed about my new Smart Phone is that I'm not the boss in this relationship. At least not yet!  There's so much to learn. More than once I've heard someone talking to me, picked it up, tried to make the volume louder so I could hear what was being said, and then turned it off in disgust!
I'm thinking perhaps I need to always hit the off button at the top when I've completed a call or any other thing I've done on it. The phantom call this morning, I think, was Jenni's bank telling me there was no such extension as 222 or something.....

I spent a good deal of time this morning trying to transfer pictures from the phone to my computer. Finally remembered I had to send them to Picasa. Went looking for my Picasa album and discovered I may have two or three of them. None of the phone pictures were there. I'm suspecting they just didn't make it. Period.

Last night as I sat in my recliner, I thought I'd experiment with taking pictures.  I was trying to get the quilts up on the wall (may have managed one) but mostly I got my lap.  And there's nothing quite so scary as picking up your phone to look at the settings and realize you've got the camera setting staring at your face--at a most unbecoming angle.  Especially after you've finished a round of bike riding and your hair looks extra awful, your complexion is beet red and ruddy and your chin is ENORMOUS! Sigh..... I think my phone is making fun of me.

I did a little work on the quilt yesterday and really got into the audio tape of 'The Good Earth.' I remember reading it years ago, maybe in the 60's or 70's.  I knew there was a movie version so I hunted on Amazon and video streamed it in last night for $2.99.  No where close to being as good as the book although it did get an oscar for best actress and best cinematography.  It was also nominated for best director and best movie (1937). They probably should have used more Chinese but I guess in the 30's they did things a little different.

Reader's Digest came yesterday and the cover story was '50 things your surgeon won't tell you'.  My, but that was a depressing read.  Made me pray I never need surgery.  There were so many things they suggested you ask your surgeon and so many topics to research ahead of time, I don't see how anyone could remember them all.  Or have the nerve to even ask the surgeon in the first place!  Which is part of the problem.  One thing they suggested was to ask hospital personnel that work on the floors who they think is the best surgeon.  Like that's gonna be an easy task.  I was completely disgusted with the whole thing. You can't trust anyone these days and that's just sad!

Hunter helped me clean out a corner of the garage yesterday. I wanted to go through this large box of sports equipment and toys that have been gathering dust as they've gotten older.  We filled one box for the thrift shop and gave another small box of the better stuff to a couple of little boys two houses down.  While there, the mom took Hunter's phone number so she could use him for babysitting now and then.  Maddie too.  It's nice that Gramma is next door as they start this new part of their life.

Well, the sprinkler is running in the front yard and it's just about time to move it to another section for 20-30 minutes more. Gotta run to Safeway and buy salad fixings as I'm out of everything except a few carrots and the tomatoes I grew on the back deck.  I got in 30 minutes of bike riding early and will spend the rest of the day on that quilt...and maybe on my Wizard of Oz jigsaw puzzle too.

Was pleased to see I had over 300 hits on my new blog on the Leader website. Need to get more people to comment, though.  Perhaps with time.  Have a fun Saturday. Mine will be quiet but next Saturday will be fun as I go to Port Townsend to visit cousins.  Hoping the weather cooperates as we're thinking Subway sandwiches on the beach would be a fun lunch.

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