My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Shopping, Movies, Dreams

I had to return a Red Box movie (only costs $1.20 and I like that!) and I noticed Lincoln was available so I brought that home for tonight. Watched Life of Pi yesterday and enjoyed it very much.  I seem to go in spurts renting movies. There's quite a few out now that I wouldn't mind seeing and I'm reminded how much cheaper it is to wait until Red Box offers them.  Even matinee prices seem to be going up every year and I never buy soda or popcorn.  Not on my budget.

I taped an hour show on the Discovery channel a few nights back. Naked Castaway. I knew right away I was going to be entertained. The opening credits read:  If you are offended by pictures of the naked buttocks, please avert your eyes."  ha ha ha ha    Yeah, they had me right away with that one! I can hardly wait for the next episode.  This guy (who is taping himself) is staying on a deserted island off Australia (I think) and he has no tools, no clothes, no food or drink, and intends to stay two or three months if he can survive.  Fascinating show.

I've been working steadily on putting my genealogy notes and photos in folders so I can find things when I want them.  I'm making good headway but it took me a while to figure out the easiest way to transfer.  I had so many duplicate files.  All this family tree work has me busy in dreamland too.  Sometimes I wake up very tired just because I've been so busy at one party or reunion or job after another.  Seeing lots of interesting people, though.

I've got to make time to go across town to the Morman library to see if they have files that might help me, or at least point me in the direction I need to go.

I plugged in my crock pot up this morning so the house smells pretty good. I cooked a pot roast and had it for two or three meals and decided to take the last of it and cook it down with sweet and sour sauce till it's stringy like pulled pork.  Gonna fix a sandwich for supper and call it good.

I've got something going on with my skin today.  Especially my left hand. Nothing there that I can see but it's been itching since last night.  Just plain ole dry skin, I guess. My hands (like the rest of me) are sure looking old these days.  Kind of swollen over the knuckles.  Well, not kind of...really puffy.  My tongue continues to bother me too. I think I'll give it another couple weeks and then make a doctor appt.  I have my doubts it can be diagnosed but you never know.  It's not terribly uncomfortable all the time but it's been going on for weeks and it's just enough to keep me agitated.
Dentist didn 't see anything suspicious so at least that was comforting.

I have to get a crown on Monday.  Once he takes off the crown that is there now and removes the decay, he'll decide if there's enough tooth left to put another crown on.  If not, a root canal might be called for first.  OR...... and I'm seriously considering this.....I just might opt to have the damn thing extracted.  I'd only have two teeth on the bottom left but I think I could manage with that.  A root canal and a crown are both very expensive and when you don't have dental insurance, it can wipe out your savings.  I have reservations about spending a lot of money on my teeth at my age.  I'm thinking on it.

I got an email this morning telling me about this product called raspberry ketone supplement that my friend says has helped her lose weight and has given her energy.  A Dr. Oz video was attached with it. I did stop at the health food store this morning to check it out. Didn't take me long to decide against it. $26 for a tiny bottle.  Dr Oz often has nifty ideas to share but you need deep pockets too.

I looked over my humidifier this morning and it suggested changing the filter once a month. I've never changed it so I went to half a dozen stores trying to find a filter. Finally came home and went on    They have it for $4.44 and will send me a message when it's in so I can pick it up at the store with no shipping charges.  Wish I had thought of that sooner. I did consider going all the way over to Walmart but didn't want to go that far and then find it wasn't there.  Course as much time as I spent going from store to store only defeated my purpose.

I stopped at Joanne's to buy a skein of yarn and noticed a big crane moving equipment into the vacant store next door. Rite-Aid people told me they heard it was Big Lots.  I hope so.   I did buy a flower pot at 50% off at Rite Aid.   Came home and put my Christmas cactus in it.  So cute.
Yvonne and I went thru Frugals for a burger today and sat on the bluff to watch the ships. She said:
"Remember that guy who is buying my house with his son and how I told you you should welcome them to the neighborhood once I'm gone?"
I said: "Yeah. Do you still think I should visit?"
She said: "No. I'm datin' him!"
"Well, you're movin' to Olympia this weekend. Maybe I'll just steal him away."  hee hee
We laughed but I knew she was serious. She likes the guy, and he's apparently very attentive.  I always joked about how my next boyfriend was going to have to show up on my doorstep 'cause I was too tired and too lazy to go looking these days.  It seemed to work for her.  He plans to visit her and vice versa.  Still makes me chuckle.
Well, I think I'll go take a nap in my chair. I didn't sleep all that well last night and I've been yawning all day long.  Hopefully, that means I'll sleep like a log tonight.

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