My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Rains are Back

Lookin' wet this morning but I'm fine with that. At least it gives me an excuse to stay inside and work on genealogy without having the guilt of not working in my yard. I'm way too delicate to do yardwork in the rain.  Ha!  I'm watching three deer across the street. They've been frequenting other neighborhoods these past weeks but are back to the vacant lot across from me again.  Good sleeping place, I suppose, with all the overgrown scotchbroom and high grass.
I hope they stay on that side of the road. I put a pot of pansies on my steps and it's the first thing I check out in the morning -- to see if they've come by for a midnight snack.

I taped three hours of shows last night and watched some of the previous shows I had taped a few nights ago. Three hours of 'Dancing with the Stars' (over two nights) lets me see and hear everything I want to in about 45 minutes.  I bypass all the commercials and a lot of the show-off antics of the judges and certain dancers. I don't mind the stars who are poor dancers but I do mind the stars who get criticized for their poor dancing and then get an attitude.  If they'd laugh it off, they'd go a lot further. They eliminated one such guy this week and I was glad to see the last of him. What an ego! I also can't stand the stars who are pretty good dancers and act like they're doing us a favor to watch them.  You'd be surprised at the language I use during this show.  Well, maybe you wouldn't.  But it's what I do for amusement.

I stuck my Red Box movie of 'Lincoln' in the DVD player and gave it an hour and a half before giving up on it.  Talk about an overblown movie!  Bored me to tears!  And I like political stories too.

I slept better last night and feel a whole lot better this morning. Happy that my itchy hand has ceased, as well.  Interesting dreams last night.  So odd the people that show up and have an acting role. Last night it was Karen Hinton, Bob Hinton, some guy named John Morris?, and lots of others too.  I won't bore you with the details but it was definitely busy.

I pulled out my box of paints and brushes and set up a corner for rock painting this weekend.  I keep thinking I need to get my sewing machine put to use, as well, but I'll hold off on that for a while longer.  I have a tendency, sometimes, to get too many projects going at once.

And with that, I'm off to pour a second cup of coffee and begin the chore of sorting photos.  Good fun.

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