My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring cleaning

Lookin' halfway decent out my front window this morning. Gonna have to keep the tv off, though.  Nothing looking good there. I think our country went around a corner way back in 1963 when JFK was shot.  From that day on, the under belly scum got the attention they wanted and it's only gotten worse.  When the Oklahoma daycare center was bombed in 1995, I sent money to the Red Cross.  The coverage of those poor kids being killed had an effect.  And the Twin Towers, of course, will forever be remembered.  Evil is the word that most often comes to mind.

I don't travel much these days and since my last airplane trip, I'm not all that enthused about flying anywhere.  Having to take off your shoes and have your bag searched is one thing, but when you're frisked in a special room because your hand lotion set off an alarm, it's time for this gramma to tell the security people to take a flying leap and get their act together.

We've always had evil but there is definitely more evil today than when I was a kid.  I think everybody can agree with that.  You can also bet that Boston is just another story in terror bombings.  Wackos are alive and among us and they thrive like a virus gone wild when there's a chance for them to get the world-wide attention they crave.  We're not special, though. Bombings are going on all around the globe and people are being killed daily. We're just not used to experiencing it living in a place where the worst things we have to contend with are acts of mother nature, disease, auto accidents, threats by unstable world leaders in distant lands, and murder by deranged citizens.  Sadly, we're going to hear more and more stories like we're hearing on the news this week.

Well, Maddie just dropped off her softball equipment so time to answer the door.

Both kids are in track this spring and Maddie goes to daily softball practice after her track runs. She had a game last night and didn't get home until 8:30.  And no, I don't go to the games.  I prefer the comfort of my recliner.  I do take her to practice, though, so I'm not a complete waste as a gramma.  Ha!

Yesterday, I spent the morning getting my genealogy files in order.  I needed to be able to find the various files I was working on and once I got going, I realized the job was more complicated than I thought.  I had so much "repeat material" in different files that it took a while to delete and refile everything.  The photos are another story.  I'll work on them today.

I went outside to get started on cleaning up the deck. Here's what I got done...

I went slow and sat down for everything I could sit down to work on.  I only put in a little over two hours so I was surprised that I was as worn out as I was.  I mean...really  worn out!  I didn't feel that I was lifting too many heavy pots or moving at a fast pace but by the time I pushed my wheelbarrow full of weeds over to the vacant lot across the street, I was dragging like a woman of 99.  It zapped any energy I had right out of me 

I rested for an hour and then went back outside to finish the last 30 minutes of work I wanted to do.  I know I'm no spring chicken but it's discouraging to get tired this fast.  I don't like it!  I set up my reclining lawn chair and soaked up the sun for 20 minutes.  All that did was make me more tired.

Hmmm... the Today show is doing a piece about all the violence that has occurred in April over the last few years.  Interesting.  April is significant to me too.  Five years ago this month, Mary and Andy got married.  Nineteen years ago this month, Jenni and Wayne got married.  My son-in-law turns 59 this month and several friends turn 70! -- Virginia Tomlinson, Sharon Sofie, John O'Brien, and my neighbor, Yvonne. (who is moving to Olympia in a few days)  Boo hoo hoo!  Also, happy birthday to cousins Dale and Denny this month.  By the way, if you want to play around with a fun website, go to  It's a fun place that will tell you all about your birthday and even predict when you were conceived.

I've seen three good commercials this week. Think I'll head over to YouTube and see if I can find them.  Okay. I found them all.... ENJOY!

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