My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, March 30, 2015

This is so me!

Saw this cartoon on Facebook this morning and thought it pretty well wrapped up my life right now.

I just finished my  morning surfs of websites I usually stop at, and did my Yahoo crossword puzzle.  For the first time in a long time, I was able to complete the puzzle without having to go to google for "crossword clues".

Some mornings I feel a little bit guilty about jumping back into genealogy research when I could be
weeding outside, going for a walk, sewing, reading, or any number of other worthwhile chores.  All in good time, I tell myself.  My view from this chair is the dirty flower pots on the deck that need to be scrubbed with a brush.  I'll get to them. And maybe even this week. But if I don't, who really cares?

A few more yellow tulips have opened up here and there.  Too bad I didn't put more effort into planting them all in one pot last winter.  As I recall, it was kind of chilly outside and I wanted to get the bulbs in the dirt quickly.  Noticed my trees are starting to bloom a little more each day now that spring has sprung.

I know they don't look like much yet but except for the 3rd and 4th one, I planted them all myself. I've only been here 7 years.  Maybe in another 7 years, they'll be more interesting to look at. I really love trees.  I wish the back yard had more of them.

The window guy is coming tomorrow to replace the bad glass in the living room.  Wonder how long it takes to do that.  I wouldn't think longer than an hour.

Watched 'Call the Midwife' last night. What a great show that is.  Been listening to the excitement over the basketball playoffs and am tempted to tune in the last few games to see if I can get interested.  I suppose if I can find golf interesting, I certainly should be able to activate some interest in basketball. Ha!

Well, that's about all I got this morning.  Time to move on over to --you know where--
Hope I can find something good today.  Found a college picture of a cousin at the U of Oregon yesterday.  And finally figured out the steps to be able to save a picture that seems unclickable.  I used the prtscr key and while I had to google the instructions, I did manage to learn how to open the paint program and Cntl V it onto a setting I could play with. Every little new thing I learn gives me hope I can keep going.

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