My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Deers, birds, and a wedding

Sitting here having a second cup of coffee and trying to decide how to spend the day. Am leaning towards the computer.  I typed up a long list of websites I want to look over. Most of them having to do with writing. Lots of blogs out there, for one thing.  I'm thinking I might want to put a little more effort into figuring out a way to make money by writing. Not an easy road to walk but one that suits my energy level.  We'll see.  A lot of the time, I'm all talk and no action.

Wind is kicking up a bit outside my window. Probably not a good idea to venture out for a walk since my eyes are acting up again.  I seem to use eye drops a whole lot oftener than I ever did before.  Probably just another of those "age issues".  Optometrist called it 'dry eye'. If it continues to bother me, I suppose I should make an opthamologist appointment to see if there's anything else I can do besides drops.  It is a nuisance but until I get a diagnosis of something more serious, I'll just deal with it.

I noticed this morning that some of my prettiest flowers in the bed outside my window are missing.  And the little fence piece I had set up to hold them erect is down.  Guess I know who came visiting during the early morning hours. Damn deer!   Odd they didn't touch the pretty orange lillies right at eye level. Perhaps lillies aren't their cup of tea.

The neighbor cut his grass yesterday and that's the second cut since I've done mine.  My side is looking especially scruffy but I'll wait until Hunter returns from camp.  It's mostly yellow and brown anyhow mixed in with dandelions and white clover.  I've decided to put my energy into the strip of grass off my back porch where we're gonna plant good grass seed and have a few feet of pretty lawn. Called my daughter, Sue, this morning to see if she can get her little rototiller working.  A couple of walk-thrus with that baby would make my day.

Last night as I sat knitting in my recliner, I noticed a bird hanging upside down on a porch decoration I had displayed.
He was gone by the time I decided to go retrieve my camera but he stayed pecking at that rope cording for a good long time.  Perhaps he (or she) needed it for nesting material.  I've become a birdwatcher in my retirement years.  I don't go on bird watching expeditions with clubs or anything but I do find them entertaining.

I sent for two books on yesterday. Science fiction by George R.R. Martin. I don't usually read science fiction but his series seems to be a very popular one so I thought I'd try them out. There's a long wait at the library for all his books.

I'm still fuming about the damn cable company.  Yesterday I called in to ask why I had lost sound on several channels. This was an hour after I received their letter they were removing five channels and wanted me to buy a digital converter box.  Everytime you call, they go into "doctor office mode."  I can't just ask if there's a problem or report a problem. I have to verify my phone number, my name, and my address first.  Why is what I want to know?  Even when I gave my phone number, the girl continued on with...And please verify your address.  Then she wanted to know exactly what channels were affected.  I sat there with my remote going through them while I told 2, 3, 4, etc. etc.  

THEN...she informs me that Port Angeles is working on lines right now but they'll get the service fixed soon.  What?!  I asked her how long she knew that information and she said they started in around 1:30.  I then asked her why I had to go through all the rigamarole of verifying my name and telling her which channels exactly weren't working IF SHE ALREADY KNEW THERE WAS A PROBLEM!!!!!!

I was so disgusted with that cable company and their service, I pondered whether I wanted to switch to Dish Network.  I'm still pondering.  And to think they had the nerve to tell me my call was being monitored for quality customer service review.   Do I need television in my life?  Yeah, I do.  Do I have to use cable?  No, not necessarily--and they're close to losing my business!

I moved to Clallam County in May of 2002. Nine years later I finally get called for jury duty.  My two-week period is at the end of August and first of September.  I think I was only called twice all the time I lived in Jefferson County.  I was thrilled when I got chosen to serve but then the whole case turned out to be so totally boring, I could hardly keep my eyes open.  And then, they decided to settle out of court after making us sit through hours of blah, blah, blah.  If I get chosen this time, I hope it's something juicy.

I watched my Netflix movie last night, and was really looking forward to it as I'd heard it was super scary. (Insidious)  I should have known immediately that it was going to end STUPID!  It was basically a copy of Poltergeist.  Scary enough but more dumb than anything else.  I've always liked scary movies. I think the first movie that scared me (and left scars) was 'Them.'  Others that left me nervous were The Fly, The Birds, Psycho, Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist, Jaws, Open Water, Silence of the Lambs, and most of Stephen King's books--like The Shining.

                                                           Boy, he's got good looking teeth.

Well, guess I'd better get moving around here.  Happy Wedding Day tomorrow to Liz & Craig up in Alaska.  I'll share pictures of them later this summer. Here's one I have now...

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